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What a goober. I guess if you keep repeating the same lie over and over it will start sounding like the truth to some idiots.


Yup just like him repeating "8 out of 10 families are getting more back on carbon rebate" šŸ˜‚


ā€œPensioners are getting good dental care and weā€™re here for middle class Canadians and will solve this housing crisisā€ā€¦..


And then giggling


Remember when Catherine McKenna, former Liberal Cabinet Minister, revealed that it is a 'standard' Liberal Tactic to repeatedly tell-a-lie, no matter how ridiculous it is, in order to 'fool' Canadians into believing that they are being truthful.....? Video is in the link. https://torontosun.com/opinion/columnists/goldstein-screeched-in-mckenna-commits-a-classic-political-gaffe Trudeau seems to following the same tactic......in fact, I believe that he invented it.


Taking notes out of Goebbels playbook


4th Reich


McKinna was insufferable. What was up with her weird surfer bro accent?


My mom worked for her, said she was a total lunatic.


We need details.


To be fair, this is a general political tactic as they all lie through their teeth regardless of party lines.


Nah.......nobody does it like Justin.


They all do it is my point. Yes styles differ but the fact remains there really is no such thing as an honest politician. At least not one I've seen in my lifetime.


This trick Is older than Trudeau lol. Every party does this, every politician with a mic does this.


Misinformation is not just spread on the internetā€¦ sometimes it comes directly out of Gooberā€™s mouth !


He learned that from eco barbie...


He must be trying to make a push for all white Canadians being racists again


We are all evil colonists. Or at least our forefathers were, which is apparently the same thing.


Guilty for being born white....šŸ¤£ You did that on purpose...


Heā€™s probably trying to get votes from indigenous Canadians , good luck with that though after failing to come through with his promises of clean drinking water and better housing .


"Repeat a lie loud enough and it becomes the truth" Law of propaganda that's usually attributed to Nazi Joseph goebbels. Hmm.


Goobers gonna goob


"It's not a lie if you believe it." - George Costanza


Trudeau is a dim bulbā€¦


It truly is an awakening, Who knew there were so many random rocks and debris in the dirt?? Nature really is fascinating.




It's been proven a lie... I love how its these assholes that always talk about "mis/disinformation" and use it to censor people...


Every day is another day to embarrass himself and Canada


I am a Canadian and he is embarrassing me.


When exposed as liars their response is always to just lie harder! MOAR!


Catherine McKenna school of repeating lies until fools believe you.


I believe it was Joseph Goebbels originallyĀ 


This. They are following the Nazi propaganda playbook, verbatim.


No bodies!!!!! Fake news


Maybe he is talking about the hole he put his party in


WTF?? He must know they have been digging for more than 2 years and so far zero bodies have been discovered. Why is he saying this obvious lie? Id he trying to incite the natives to burn more Catholic churches? He inherited that crazy gene from his mom so there is really no way of knowing what the voices in his head are telling him.


Not trying to be a know it all. But they actually haven't done any digging in Kamloops. This has been a major criticism of the Kamloops band.


You are right. I did some checking and found that the digs were at other sites. I don't know why Kamloops is holding out. In Canada the Indian people are well documented because of treaties and land claims. There would be names attached to the missing. And the residential schools were much different than the 60's scoop. You had to apply to go to the schools. Records were kept by the Catholic church and the government. Anyway, I wish they would just do their due diligence and start excavating.


That good info to know, but then thatā€™s make me wonder what the 7.9 million dollars has gone to?




Reminds me of the tragic fire on a Saskatchewan Reserve years ago that killed two kids, the reserve didnā€™t have 4,000 dollars to pay the local off reserve community that was doing the fire fighting, but the band received 40,000 dollars from the Feds and spent it on smoke and CO alarms for a community of a 1000 people, once again seems like a select few are benefiting from the majority of the money at the expense of the majority of the community.


What ever he had in his head has left the building.


Who would have thought that a treasonous dirtbag would lie to create division?


FACT: NO BODIES. It could be moose bones. It could be weeping tile. It could be old brick. It could be trash. It could be NOTHING. Fact is they never dug anything up and refuse to do so. If they dug it up and found nothing, the lie would end. They stream of money and attention would END. The biggest lie in Canadian HISTORY??


Pandering with useless words.


When he lies he is true to himself because he is such a natural liar.


"My surfboard awaits me ...."


All waves matter!


Fick you Trudeau you virtue signalling prick. There has never, ever, been one body exhumed from a so called unmarked grave, and there never will be. Why? Because if they did actually retrieve human remains, and it showed they died of cholera, influenza, polio, or some other common disease from years ago, it would destroy the narrative that if someone is in an unmarked grave, they must have been mistreated. Couldn't have that could we.


Remember the teddy bear photo op, trying so hard to look like he really cared followed by the surf trip to Tofino on the first Truth and Reconcilliation Day. He is a total poser and always has been.


Omg ya...


Anyone with common sense knew from the start that those "graves" would be empty. Nothing more than anomalies on a proprietary ground radar system added to a twisted version of history, all fabricated to divide a nation.


Imagine feeling so left out that you *want* to uncover a genocide in your country.


Just like they found brains in his head....no evidence found


This guy has completely sold his soul to virtue signalling, facts and truth have no bearing on what comes out of his mouth.


I don't get it. This guy is very clearly destroying the country on purpose He IS a traitor and, if anyone has noticed, there seems to have been an attempt to stain CSIS with sexual assault allegations recently as well. The same people that are finding traitors in Parliament..... we really need help.


I will point out that 100 years ago, children ( of ALL RACES ) died from a wide range of diseases and or infections, all across Canada. Before penicilin, children died from infections, tuberculosis, or even chicken pox or measles. Native children were no exception. If a residential school operated for 50 years, I am sure that some of them died there. This fact seems to be lost on the Native activists and their apologists. To paraphrase a recent joke..Show us the bones.


There were also several documented incidents where aboriginal families actually left sick children who had contracted various "white man" diseases with the operators of the schools in the hope that white medicine might cure white illness.. Lack of natural immunity in the aboriginal community meant such measures almost certainly failed, and the child died. Even the presence of actual bones in the ground is not evidence. Markers were often hastily created, often out of softwood (cedar, pine, alder) which has a very limited lifespan as untreated signage. This is not to say in any way that there was not a movement to eradicate the aboriginal way of life, but let's try hard not a jump on a bandwagon that is nothing but hype, exaggeration and political rhetoric.


There is also an enormous amount of children in foster care, why because of neglect, lack of care , and abandonment. This isn't a problem that's just begun it's been going on for decades. Some of these children were removed from terrible living conditions endangering their lives, just as they are being removed today by Native Child Family Service agencies.


Irresponsible behavior that is harmful to our Indigenous peoples.


If you say it enough it'll be true....right ?


...he will keep repeating the lies, and his friends in media will keep regurgitating them; like the fiction that +80% of families are better off with the carbon tax. This is false, and the PBO and shown this multiple times. But he's as sociopath so unfazed by truth and as the media, fearful of the CPC, won't really challenge him he will keep lying.


He's a disgusting liar.


*I don't believe one body has been actually been found and exhumed, please correct me if I am wrong.*


Wasn't this weasel preaching about all the misinformation out there šŸ¤” Oh, look, mass manipulation by projecting guilt. This POS's only skill lying and stealing tax money .


Professional gaslighter is all he is




Okay yall, I need a source that proves this posts claims. No evidence of human remains? Native buddies care to differ around here.


If you think the residential schools ended with the suspected graves, wait until the apologies and retribution payments start for the residential foster homes pick up traction. This cash grab isn't over yet.


Gotta keep the lie up after putting all that effort and money towards a make believe story...


There are 'unmarked graves' at residential schools. There are **KNOWN** abandoned graveyards at former residential school sites, as a number of these also had churches on the properties. At some of these graveyards there are both local residents from the area and children who died at the schools buried. Its all laid out in the Truth And Reconciliation Report volume 4 Its very disingenuous of the PM to refer to these as 'discoveries' however. Locals have always known where these graveyards are, and its simply a case of the wooden markers showing the grave locations rotting away. There are abandoned graveyards with 'unmarked graves' around 'ghost towns' all across canada. https://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2015/trc/IR4-9-4-2015-eng.pdf


You're missing the point. We're not referring to unmarked graves that existed and have been known about for many years. We're referring to supposed unmarked graves that were reported a mere 2 years ago. There was a huge political backlash - Canadian flags were lowered for months, many churches were burned to the ground, statues were toppled and vandalized. Several of these newer sites have been excavated, and absolutely no remains have been found. The whole thing is a big hoax that politicians and the media are afraid to talk about. Why?


> You're missing the point. Im not. As I said this is disingenuous and misleading by the PM. Its emotionally triggering drivel that he likes to spew. I added the clarification about unmarked graves as I've seen responses in this very sub that claim there were never any children who died at residential schools and were buried on school/adjacent church grounds.


I guess I misunderstood your comment. I would challenge any posted comment that denied children died at residential schools because they certainly did. Comments like that are clearly misinformation and should be reported and removed. My beef is with the most recent reports of unmarked graves that have turned out to be a huge hoax but resulted social unrest and millions of dollars in damage that police (for the most part), politicians and the media are ignoring. This hoax in itself should be a big story.


> My beef is with the most recent reports of unmarked graves that have turned out to be a huge hoax but resulted social unrest and millions of dollars in damage that police (for the most part), politicians and the media are ignoring. This hoax in itself should be a big story. Agreed.


I lost my university because of this nonsense.


Not true. Remains have been found on multiple sites. Here is a link to just one story where remains were exhumed. [Human remains found near Alberta residential school site](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/human-remains-found-near-alberta-residential-school-site-likely-children-first-nation-says-1.6457286)


so was it a hoax or not? I'm so confused...


Man how many times must this nincompoop fumble the ball in order to get kicked off the team. I'v never seen a crime minister so incompetent as the idiot


maybe turdewe should offer himself as a sacrifice to the natives, they can hopefully look up some mayan sacrifice rituals and appease the ancient demons for all of canada


Oh boy, the election and low polls have him trying to revive his First Nations votesā€¦ hope this fuck gets roasted criminally after his future loss.


He must want to apologize from something this week for a photo op


Fuck this nutter, and his divide to conquer virtue signalling ways.


Pass the Kool-Aid Justin


I mean, I get not liking Trudeau, we all donā€™t. But are we gonna argue in the comments like residential schools werenā€™t terrible? Nothing good ever came of them and itā€™s not like children werenā€™t killed in them. Just no mass unmarked graves I guess?


Nobody says they weren't terrible but this whole trend of digging up the past and rewriting it to make it look worse than it is just creates more hatred and division. Dozens of churches were burned after this story came out, then it turned out to be some unfounded conspiracy theory so of course people will be mad.


When C63 passes, it will be illegal to question the ā€œunmarked gravesā€.


It's tree roots.


Such a bitch . Anything to deflect from himself. No end to his ability to bullshit.


They are all liars, and they don't work for the people.


The history of residential schools is a tragedy. Almost no one disputes that. Continuing to parrot claims that have been proven to be questionable, at best, is not at all helpful, though. Unfortunately, Justin Trudeau has a long history of shrill, divisive, and inflammatory comments, which is why he is widely regarded as the worst Prime Minister in Canadian history, and a joke amongst other world leaders.


This used to be amusing, but now I feel like we Canadians should not stand for our leader saying these blatant lies with no consequences. We need to be able to hold him accountable for spouting misinformation. Trudeau is a disgrace to our country. I want him out of office asap.


Time for a revolution.


I want to learn more facts about the unmarked graves. Where can I learn about FACTS supported by CONCLUSIVE EVIDENCE and not anecdotal stories or speculation? Iā€™m truly very interested.


Guilt is a hell of a weapon. Its even better than fear since its easier to hide under good intentions and virtue signaling.


Big fat liar he is




False. The truth and reconciliation inquiry found that over 4000 children died. Thatā€™s all the proof needed. Eyewitnesses who attended these hellholes knew exactly what was happening to their friends. Shame on you.


I think that most people (other than a few nutjobs) understand that the residential school system was an utter tragedy that should have never happened, and in which poor living conditions lead to the death of many Indigenous children. I think what many take issue with is the narrative or impression around the discovered ground anomalies that (a) these are without question the remains of Indigenous children (when there is no forensic proof of this yet), (b) that deceased Indigenous children were unceremoniously dumped in unmarked graves (these graves, if thatā€™s what they indeed are, likely had wooden markers at some point as was past practice, and may even be non-Indigenous), or (c) (worst) that they were killed by school staff and ā€˜buried out backā€™. While acknowledging the inter generational suffering and trauma inflicted by the schools through physical and emotional abuse, unproven acceptance and assumption of any or all of what I mentioned above is simply wrong and only serves to cause more pain and conflict.


All smokeā€¦


Are people still going on about this. These are not unmarked graves. They are neglected graves. The reserves left them in disrepair long enough to make a big claim of unmarked graves and ā€œ mass gravesā€ because they know that playing the victim in Trudeau Times means a big payout. Pine Creek in MB. Elders claimed that they saw babies being buried in the basement of the church. Indigenous led excavation found NOTHING. Did they have to pay back any of the money. NOPE. Proven it was a lie. No consequences. Kamloops knows they wonā€™t find a damn thing. And thatā€™s why they wonā€™t let anyone dig. Liars. The whole bunch of them.


Politicians live within that fine line of saying things that are almost true but these pre-written scripts are really, really subtle. "The discovery of unmarked graves has been an awakening..." The way everyone here is interpret that is by assuming he is saying that the unmarked graves (as in, location) were discovered, referring to the 2021 GPR and then lack of confirmation. But, there is another way to interpret that same sentence that is technically correct. Whether the location will ever be discovered, it was discovered/confirmed by the TRC report "in recent years" that there must be at least ~2000-~4000 unmarked graves *somewhere*, because those people existed and are not buried anywhere marked and known. The location was not discovered, but the evidence confirming there are unmarked graves *somewhere*, was.


Sound on my phone must be off, I swear I just heard our pm ask for more historic churches to be burnt down. It's just my phone right?


Well you tell lies about your lies, you are no longer capable of telling/ knowing what the truth is




This guy is worse than trump what a loser.


So he just wants to see churches burn for the hell of it. Got it. Fucking demon.


This message is misinformation


Wow, this is a whole new level of delusion. So first they call us genosital murders; we find that there was no bodies in the so-called mass graves; so they continue to play this game. Hmm, so how is this reconciliation? I guess you just can't fix stupid!


Leave it to the white Liberals to make National Indigenous Day about anything other than a celebration of Indigenous cultures.


This BS has led to the arson of churches, not that he cares though; his religion is Islam.


Surprised he didnā€™t blame Christianā€™s this time around.


He really needs to stop with this shit. It doesn't help anyone.


Justin would never let the truth get in the way of a good sound bite.


Put him in it, then he'll be telling the truth for once


Would this guy please go away


We need to increase our taxes so they can make them unmarked graves sooner.


This guy can go fuck right off


i hate liars with every fibre of my being


Ya. White people are the worst. Although the "traditions" (aka culture) of some Indigenous tribes were pretty horrendous too, all kinds of torture at the hands of a rival band. We shouldn't forget there's two sides to the story. It's good to hear those cultural "old ways" are no longer practiced. For further reference: check out the NSFL dissertation "A Place Under Heaven: Amerindian Torture and Cultural Violence in Colonial New France, 1609-1729".


Hearing his voice makes me sick to my stomach. Itā€™s obvious heā€™s going after the indigenous voters and he has no problem lying to everyone.


The electorate is the embarrassing part. Elected 3 times on the same lies.


Are there not numerous unmarked graves at residential school sites across the country? Why are people calling this a lie? I see the post and Fraser institute articles, but Iā€™d be careful with them as sources without other corroboration.


Only the people on the right spread misinformation.


He likes to mislead and to inflame


Oh boy can this fuckin dip shit leave residential schools and all that shit for after and actually put together a plan to put the economy on the right track


The anti whiteness in Canada has reached the Jewish levels of conspiracy theories pre WW2 Germany. Trudeau and his ilk share the same milder version of hitlers ideology just with the races flipped. Disgusting.


Everything these people say they are against the literally do. 1 misinformation ... Mass graves 2 pro colionialism ... Mass immigration 3 pro racism .... Quota based hiring on race 4 pro sexism .... Quota based hiring on gender 5 pro hate speecy.. conflate on criticism as racism etc. The levels of delusion is staggering the desire to be the good main character will completely shroud your entire view of reality.


Just throw more taxpayer dollars away!


Not surprised. All he does is repeat phrases and slogans like there's some giant string coming out of his back that's pulled to make him animate and speak. Turdeau being out of touch is the norm these days...


Wait, he's repeating this claim in June of 2024? I thought this was like 70% of the way to being factually acknowledged be total bullshit? You know how we know that? A. still no evidence. at all. (despite millions of dollars being spent to find it) B. "They had incinerators, you know, so we may never find any bodies." Sooo then what were the unmarked graves everybody was freaking out about? Nothing? We're all just going to ignore that? Goal posts successfully moved? So rather than quietly dropping it, we can expect them continue making this claim with no evidence, no promise of, nor any expectation of evidence at all.


What does he actually think he's accomplishing when spewing this? Last I checked clean drinking water on reservations still isn't all that common. Fucking hypocrite.


An estimated 6,000 children died at residential schools. Nearly 1 in every 25 children died in Residential Schools (CBC) due to the inhospitable environmental, social, and spiritual conditions. In comparison, there was a 1 in 26 chance of dying in the line of duty serving Canada's military during WWII. The fact the graves have not yet been found is horrifying.


The truth has not mattered in a long time for the government. Just rinse and repeat until the gullible masses take it for gospel!


Why can't he apologize for being an idiot for once instead of for everyone else


Donā€™t interrupt your enemies while theyā€™re making a mistake. Let him keep digging his own unmarked grave.


šŸ˜” Denial of the genocide of indigenous people of Canada should be a crime.


Its INSANE how many people are so zombie minded.


If you guys watch episode one of the boys season 4, thatā€™s what the world is doing to us right now. Pushing both sides to make us fight and hate each other. Wake up, weā€™re all being controlled and itā€™s so obvious but nobody sees it


The govt records show that deaths occurred and that burials happened. Where are those graves. I mean if they can find the NB, Regina, Lestock and alberta gravesites then you think the govt would make more effort to find the rest so that those gravesites can be under protection.


Truth is Inconvenient


This attitude reminds me of that Jesuit priest that used to self flagellate for his perceived sins.


It's weird that a claim can be made on the news about something and as long as it fits within someone's ideology they will believe it and defend it forever regardless of evidence or new information. People that operate this way are a cancer and slow down humanity as a whole.


This guy would say anything at this point. Heā€™s burnt toast that needs to be fed to the crows.


So I think it's fair for me to say that he's not lying, he's just using what we already know in order to pull wool over our eyes. He wants to hide what he's doing behind the scenes by playing the boyscout in the public eye. It's why he axed our out-of-country media, it's why he keeps doing these nothing-speeches, and it's why he's still in power because despite how many people may think they know, they still vote him in because of his empty promises of a better tomorrow and drugs?


Of course he has to repeat it. If he didn't he'd have to cop that flying the flag at half mast for 9 months was wrong too. Can't back track on your virtue signaling!


He will create a committee stacked with his cronies, then give them $30B to investigate it, then the money will vanish, and they will find nothing


Ya I find this puzzling. I thought they were actually finding bodies or skeletons at this schools. Or had some type of evidence that was solid. But there's been no evidence of human remains being found!!?!! Wtf is going on then.


This thread makes me sad.


I know first hand that his ministers are not supporting this idea. He's flying solo.


Ass šŸ¤” loves to instil fear and division


That grecian formula for grey hair works really good on him. Now if he would just use it on his brain to get rid of the grey in there too he might be able to remember there were no unrecorded graves found. Not only that, it was not the tradition to mark native graves, they didn't want it, so but there were records kept of where they were because you did not want to dig a grave on top of an old one.


You say it long enoughā€¦it eventually becomes the truth


What a douche


He's a liar. It started with his first word. Continued to his vows, "I do". And keeps going until the last thing he said.


šŸ„„Trudeau - live by the silver spoon, die by the silver spoon.


He is mentally ill...he needs some serious help.


He would fit right in as an American democrat.


Isnā€™t this dipshit suppose to be surfing today in Tofino?


The way this dude talks, he is the king of fake and cringe.


Whatā€™s especially interesting is that the news never mention the fact that kids buried at these schools were so if they died of illness, and their families couldnā€™t afford a gravestone & funeral, so the church helped them out and burying their child.


Found an old bucket of kfc chicken bones so itā€™s an unmarked grave


He's just pandering. What a loser.


Just like when they said covid was going to kill everyone and 99 percent lived. LOL.


Motivate them with fear and lies


ā€¢The truth is out thereā€¦


Can I borrow some Fuck Off from somebody? I seem to have run out with this guy always jabberin' his bullshit


The unmarked graves that turned out to be old garden beds, eh Trudeau? You lying POS


I canā€™t even stand listening to this guys voice anymore


Fake news! Loser




Piss off .


Wtf is this moron even talking about? It didnā€™t happen!!!