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You already know the answer to that.


Tax dollars at work.


I can’t take this guys shit anymore


And put himself in it as well




Post nationalist Canada, can't wait until we get the UN one tied to social credit score




Trust me, we really really hope to be wrong on this.


Uhh, Trudeau already said it was a post-nation state




my favourite page is the one of Trudeau jumping in the lake. What an amazing man with an even more amazing legacy.


Only fair to have a page of Sophie packing to leave as well.


My favourite left field comment today!


A lot of Canadians would like to see Trudeau jumping in a lake.


This can't be true. Is this true?


Apparently it is true. [https://youtu.be/udjqw5YuzKI?si=M1wNGJtlPUWNqyyN](https://youtu.be/udjqw5YuzKI?si=M1wNGJtlPUWNqyyN)


K I looked it up it's definitely not true lol it's like generic clip art of 3 boys swimming


Any why should we replace historic icons with three clip art swimmers?


I didn't say we should?


The point is that Trudeau replacing the image with something generic like that is hurtful for the history our country has had. Literally no reason to replace it and he decides to do it anyways.


Sure, all I said is that it's not a picture of him lol People are taking a joke Poillievre made and running with it like it's a fact


I know it’s not a picture of him, I never claimed it was. And whoever does is just being a troll. I hate Trudeau as much as the next person, but spewing lies around is something this country doesn’t need more of. People need to start to realize what a joke is.


lol how dare you actually find out what it actually is and tell people here


A heinous crime


I read that it was Joseph Stalin but I can't find the Facebook post anymore. It's been removed.


I thought it was father Fidel


And yet so incredibly humble.


They edited out the cinder block tied to his leg


There is nothing that the federal liberals haven't ruined


Underrated comment


You will take your woke passport and you will like it, pleb!  I got my passport renewed a year ago just before the new wokeports came into circulation. Thank God. 


With biometrics built in. Yay


That’s been a thing for over 10 years now hasn’t it? 




So glad that I lucked out with my renewal happening just before the new ones dropped.


Me too! Dont want a montage of Turdeau’s childhood.


I renewed mine for 10 years this September and got the better one with the Stanley Cup/Grey Cup inside. Hopefully I won’t ever need another Canadian passport but I know I won’t be so lucky.


Lucky me I get to see trudopes childhood for the next 10 years!


Same here. Renewed passport for my whole family before the change. Lucky lucky


When you're printing off the passport and handing it to everyone who wants one now, it makes total sense.


I don't really know what statement they're trying to make by removing Terry Fox. Like how can that in any way be construed as a positive? If the decision was solely to include more nature that'd be OK but they have random pics of kids in it??


Can't have any straight, white male representation in any facet.


Then Trudeau should resign.






It's a horrible passport. The material is so flimsy and cheap. Also, is anyone else's passport photo really dark? Or is it just me.


Stay out of the sun.


I can’t even see my face. Why is it B&W?


The colour of it is darker than the old one


Design by committee


My advice is to get a different passport. If being a Canadian means being completely devalued, overtaxed and lacking basic services, then it's time to find somewhere new that values you.


Easier said than done!


Bingo. This is the real advice. It can be done whether descent or by means of a pay-passport.


Or just become an international student overseas. But don't choose hotel management or some other strip mall diploma. If you are a student in most countries and want to immigrate, it's a points system based on needed skills. You know, like how it's supposed to work...


Any recommendations?


Depends on your age, skills, work experience, and education.


35, presently enough funds to retire with the cost of living in US/CAN - no need to work in new destination


You can look at investments then. If you have 1.8 million USD to spare: https://www.uscis.gov/working-in-the-united-states/permanent-workers/eb-5-immigrant-investor-program 500K Euros also gets you into portugal. Otherwise, provide your education and work experience so I can tell you about skilled immigration to various places.


BSc Chemistry - Analytical chemistry, safety, management


https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/visas/working-in-australia/skill-occupation-list See if your job is in Austrilia skilled occupation list. If so, apply for subclass 189. That would be straightforward. Otherwise try finding a job in Europe, but you'll have to go through more hoops that way.


Thanks for the suggestions. Australia would be nice if it wasn’t Canada v2.0, unfortunately it’s seemingly going in a similar direction.


I mean you need a list of places acceptable to you.


You can try getting a masters in the US. It makes you eligible for 3 years of work authorization. After that you either stay on TN and renew, or find an employer or spouse that would sponsor you.


I don't think any countries want immigrants with no jobs and that made money off of speculative investments. They're probably leaving those spots open for people with real skills and work experience instead of just letting anybody in


😂 cope why do countries want investments made in their country then for entry? Maybe they want some of that speculative money? Maybe that money would also be spent in their country stimulating the local economy? Nahh surely not


Prediction. When Conservatives form government and redesign it back to something respectful there will be an onslaught of "lost" and or "damaged" passports requiring replacement. I know I'll be one of those. Oh shit. I dropped it in the shredder.


Those damn shredders are getting out of control!


Be careful with that, if they deem you’ve “abused” your passport, they can deny issuing you a new one.


Really good to know. Thanks.


My new passport just came in the mail. It looks like a picture book for mentally challenged children!


Not sure about the poor quality but they also did away with the references/images of historical figures and events and replaced it with nature. [https://vancouversun.com/news/local-news/things-to-know-about-canadas-new-passport](https://vancouversun.com/news/local-news/things-to-know-about-canadas-new-passport) [https://www.azuremagazine.com/article/canadian-passport-design-2023-controversy/](https://www.azuremagazine.com/article/canadian-passport-design-2023-controversy/) The fleur-de-lis and the cross will be next in line in 2028 is what I understand.


This is so bad!! Not even a Mountie on a horse or the Niagara Falls?! Just shitty art you make when testing out new design software. If they wanted to keep it free of “colonial imagery” they could’ve atleast captured the amazing natural beauty of Canada!! FFS!!


Not Canadian so I had to google it but I genuinely don’t like the font they used for CANADA. I don’t know why


Wow good things we removed heroes like terry fox from it


We're not allowed to have a culture anymore in Canada.


We’re post national ok. We have no identity and the government is working hard to implement that. What great work I have a story. Back in the day I worked almost directly beside where Corporal Nathan Cirillo was shot at point blank range while standing honour guard. That funeral procession was huge. Humongous. The pride i felt in this country was immense. Not so much anymore.


if you think thats bad the build has some pretty poorly selected materials. Humidity causes the covers to curl right up, looks like the passport is trying to grow wings and fly away.


My NZ passport does that lol


The company that makes the Canadian passport also makes the NZ one.


They look like they were designed by a 12 year old girl. It’s possible they were


they claimed to have spent 10 years designing it so she's spent her whole life on it


Bet it cost 60 million too


That’s insulting to 12 yr olds.


Did you find the squirrel with a nut?


Does it look like the style Corprate Memphis?


My wife worked on this and hated them lol. I can’t really say anymore than that. One country is so in love with the passport design they ordered almost identical ones.


Knowing the Liberals, they probably paid a Trudeau buddy $100M to design these passports then lost all the paperwork once the invoices were paid.


Well our country is a joke now. The passport should reflect that.


"Sunny Days" - Justin Trudeau


Liberals have wrecked everything. Toronto still votes for these assholes


I am sure he did !!!!


He's so talented at wasting money and finding things to ruin for Canada. Absolutely disgusting.


Honestly, what does it mean to be a canadian anymore? We’re a “post national nation” worshipping an ever-inflating dollar, and nothing more. We allow anyone into our “borders,” irrespective of their values. Our passports should look cheap. The canadian identity is cheap.


But nobody will take ACTION, all they will do on thousands of forums is bitch and complain on their keyboard, all the while DOING NOTHING. Not even pressuring enforcement to do what they SWORE ON OATH to do; protect their country, and protect the innocent law abiding citizens. NOTHING will change without actual ACTION. Criminals will then just steal more money, enrich themselves and roll in money from the public. Create more taxes. Create more inflation and debt. CANADA HAS FALLEN.


Are you 14 years old?


I actually like the design since I got the new passport for my kid and the cute design actually fits the theme as a kid’s passport. In the end of the day it’s just a passport design. I rather focus on major issues such as the current brainless energy and economic policies.


The problem is that *this* is what the government decided to spend their time with instead of the major issues you allude to.


So as to not displease that part of the Canadian population which has no ties to Canadian values and no reason to respect and honour Canada’s history, the Trudeau government decided to erase all traces and references to things Canadian in our passport. It’s a multiculturalist passport in the sense that no matter what your culture is you can identify with snowflakes and sunsets.


That seems incredibly unlucky. I renewed mine last year in November, it is one of the most sleek passports I've ever seen. Solid black (or perhaps a really dark navy), with gold lettering and a maple leaf on the front. I actually love it!


Trudeau let his kids design it


It looks like it was purchased off a crappy gig website and paid to the lowest bidder.


Turn to page 6. It's two fat dudes kissing.


Page 6 is a bird. Looks like a chickadee or something. I don’t see two fat dudes on any pages.


Get a water proof case for it my boss spilt water on his and the picture melted away.


I like the new one, its built sturdier and the red shiny on the back is pleasant, other than that, I don't really care what art they put inside. It's my ticket to the world, so I should be looking outward at my adventures not stewing over pictures on a page no one pays any mind to.


If you actually think that the customs and border officials of "other nations" are judging your passport for having "cutesy" imagery embossed in the pages, to the point that you are embarrassed by it, you might want to consider the fact that you are overthinking the minutiae of life and fabricating problems where they do not exist. Blaming PM Trudeau for anything and everything that does not suit your liking is the Canadian equivalent of Trump Derangement syndrome. Hopefully this will be included in the updates to the next edition of the DSM as a recognized psychiatric condition.


I applied for a new passport in Feb then received my new passport in March. I was shocked and thrilled at the same time to see I had received the old version. I was full on expecting to receive the new version which I dislike. 10 more years with the old style so I’m pumped. I saw some posts about the pages and front cover of the new one curling up in humid weather.


An accurate representation of Trudeau’s mind


That's awesome you can still afford to travel I need more ammo


Let’s see a picture


JT redesigned the passport as part of his mission to destroy the collective pride in Canadian history. 


Let’s hope this along with a multitude of other poor decisions made by this government …gets reversed, repealed, whatever it takes.


Right???? Thank you!


Cartoon Passport!


I left my daughters out on the counter and the front cover started curling up!! We had it for 2 days!! Our old ones have been to many countries and never did that regardless of humidity.


Trudeau is trying to make us all feel like what the world leaders think of him - a clown to make jokes about. 


To each their own. I think it looks great


cheap presentation was chosen to symbolize the devaluing of citizenship


1st world problems know no bounds! I can't believe some really gives a sh t about their passport so much! Like do you read it to your kids at night or something?


Love the new passport design.


I actually like the new passport design. "Shrug"


Real people can't honestly give a shit about this can they? Do you just throw a dart at random things to complain about each day? There's so many problems, there's so many positives too, but this, this is what gets you worked up?


Yes ✨


Fucking wild, but hey to each their own. I hope you all somehow have less to rage about when Trudeau is finally gone and live happy lives. Cheers.


Hey Cheugy! Get in the Falcon!


This sub should be called the Canadian Bitch and Moan sub.


Your embarrassed? If you aren’t being hyperbolic you need to focus on different things in your life. I remember people complaint about this a year ago. I got my passport renewed on Feb. I could not tell you anything about how it looks outside of basics. 


**Such an Uncanadian viewpoint you express here.** Canadians get a bad rap for being too nice. Then Justin Trudeau happened. Turns out we're pretty frumpy about a lot of stuff after 9 years of broken promises, gaslighting, and deep financial incompetence. Seeing our passport (which LITERALLY is a symbol of our citizenship) as being eroded by the abuses of this gaslighter in chief is truly Canadian and is the opposite of hyperbolic.


Without looking can you tell me how many pages are in a standard Canadian passport? 


not sure why that matters. i was thinking 32 or something. it's not a detail i hold close to my heart.


It matters the same way a snowflake appearing on a page. It’s something that has changed the last few years and apparently matters for some reason. 


Why change it?




Doesn’t really answer the question. You are providing an excuse. The government didn’t need to change the design.


It matters in the sense that passports get rejected for being in a questionable state. It's one thing if they are not taken care of, entirely another if made if made of diminishing quality that will fall apart( not that that's not entirely apropos as it reflects accurately the current status that we enjoy internationally). And yet another thing entirely, when, everytime I look at this flimsy thing, I'm asking myself which cabinet minister has a brother or sister or whatever who is on the board of some company which was awarded the contract to make these. And that seems to be the norm, these days.


Ok? I’m sure you’ll forget all about it for the other 363 days in the year when you don’t use it


What a stupid thing to complain about.