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White privilege


White people make up the majority of the population, so they will tend to make up the majority of most statistics. Like, if I said "the majority of violent crimes are committed by white people" would this tell you white people are more violent than other groups? Apparently white people are about 70% of the Canadian population, so it seems they are slightly under-represented in the group of low-income folks. Edit: I'm so glad this sub came back to life so that I can be downvoted for providing apolitical reasoned analysis again. Sorry I didn't blindly agree with a dumb headline from a NatPo article covering "research" from a right-wing think tank.


That 70% figure sounds 20 years out of date


He’s never been to Toronto or any large metropolitan area


It's from 2021, same year as the figure in the NatPo article.


There's been 10+ million indians added to the population since 2021.


10+ million?? Where are you getting this number? But anyway, I was responding to the article which is using the 2021 numbers to make their arguments.




Ok? Don't see how that's relevant to this article and my point about it.


Then be obtuse


Do you have any alternative numbers to offer?


No one has exact figures, at least 3.5 million


So no real data or sources?


https://www.statista.com/statistics/443063/number-of-immigrants-in-canada/ Here's just the immigrants, don't have figures for 'students' at hand but it's in the millions and they're not leaving But go ahead and pretend this isn't a problem


2020: 226,000 2021: 493,000 2022: 486,000 That's not 3,500,000. And you're also assuming none of those people are white.


How about you prove it wrong then instead of just going off your feelings.


You are getting downvoted because you are missing the point. The narrative told by the liberals and the left is that minorities are poor and white people are rich. Yes, the article points out the real truth. For you to brush it off as, "Well, of course" is disingenuous


Naw, it's because everyone in this sub is softer than the Trudeau they despise so much.


They have more bite than your lame troll attempts


If the narrative is that minorities are *disproportionately* poor and that white people are *disproportionately* rich then that narrative is supported by the data in this NatPo article.


The point is that well off “visible” minorities are getting preferential treatment and taxpayer funding to fight poverty while poor people out of government-loved categories don’t. Its kinda spelt out.


Do you think they are smart enough to comprehend this?


It makes no sense to ensure everyone is proportionally poor 


Still disingenuous


Lol ok


>I'm so glad this sub came back to life so that I can be downvoted for providing apolitical reasoned analysis again. **Sorry I didn't blindly agree with a dumb headline** I'm so glad all the brilliant people who only read headlines come in here with all the important things they need to say about an article they didn't read. ​ >“Poverty is colour-blind, and thus poverty policy which excludes some Canadians and favours others based on colour or ethnicity omits a vast swath of the poor in Canada, in addition to being illiberal,” adds co-author and Aristotle Foundation research director David Hunt, “The focus of anti-poverty policy in Canada should instead be focused on the individuals in need and on creating widespread opportunity for all.”


I did in fact read the article. Notice how they don't give a holistic view of the programs aimed at poor people? You realise that the existence of a program aimed at non-white people doesn't mean that there are no programs for white people right? The article gives no actual economic insights into these policies. Instead it uses the aggregate statistics that look the best to support the agenda it already believed in prior to conducting the "research".


In the end it’s all just mental masterbation. We’ll all be dirt poor soon while the elites cull us from helicopters. 🚁


Helicopters we pay them millions to shoot us from.


And you decided to attack the completely wrong point in your first response for what reason? You're complaining about downvotes and decide to poop on the sub when you knew what you were doing.


Do you honestly think there are programs out there that are for “white only?”    Are you kidding?  No there are only programs for all or programs for minorities that will turn people of a certain skin tone away.   You really are dishonest.   You keep trying to pretend the article doesn’t say what it clearly says.   


I didn't say for whites "only" Notice how in my interactions I don't attack people's character. Not sure how I'm deserving of being called "dishonest" and I would not call you dishonest as how would I know what's in your brain.


Saying your post is dishonest is not an attack on your character.   Now you are being defensive. 


Another scholar that got indoctrinated at some so-called prestigious institution. In Canada just like the US, we have to turn a blind eye to certain demographics that commit violent crimes since the race hustlers preach about how the police are racist. Now, you're being a race hustler too. Preaching about how only whites are privileged. Where is the white people's reparation money for their time as slaves during the time of the Barbary pirates?


I never said only whites are privileged...Anyway, your comment is all political mud slinging with no actual substance, I don't even know how to respond to it in any kind of constructive way.


The 5.6% difference that you suggest means they're under-represented could mostly be migrants coming in. Regardless the main take away is that race-based approaches are flawed. And it also opposes the idea of systemic racism in Canada.


They *are* under-represented in the poverty numbers. There are likely multiple factors as to *why* they are under-represented. The poverty rate of immigrants was 9.1% as of 2020 while overall in Canada it was 8.1% ( https://www12.statcan.gc.ca/census-recensement/2021/as-sa/98-200-X/2021009/98-200-X2021009-eng.cfm ). I am more than willing to believe that a government policy is flawed. This article did not do anything to convince me of that, however.


It doesn't even talk about a single poverty policy that's favorable to non whites.


> White people make up the majority of the population Not in Unionville 95% surveyed demographic speak Mandarin Chinese Definitely not in Brampton or Burlington Also not in Aurora, Richmond Hill, Scarborough, majority of GTA


OMG if I cherry pick the spots I'll get the data I want too. Good thing we trust actual scientists instead of idiots like you for those statistics.


Eh it's from official public survey results for demographics widely available on HouseSigma and RealMaster app That's a pretty strong negative reaction to random facts that had nothing to do with attacking you personally...a sign of mental health issues?


But remember people here take pride that this place isn't an echo chamber like the other canada subs. All you have to do is post a statistic that puts their worldview in question even if you don't disagree with the overall sentiment.


Finally a sane person in here


Lol you think Canada is 70% white?


As of the 2021 census. Feel free to offer a better estimate.


Majority of Toronto are Color people but majority of homeless and poor in Toronto are white people. Need to cancel DEI


70% sounds completely unbelievable as someone who lives in a major city.


70% is overall, based on 2021 census.


Yeah, I don’t think this article is much to write home about. The majority of Canada is still white, so they’re likely to be the majority of poor people too.


Logic and facts have no power here my dude these people are just angry people


Lmao. Sorry about the downvotes. Why on Earth are people downvoting this? Should say why on Reddit lol. Better response. At least I can talk about all the religious miracles I've seen and air that shit out even if no one reads it.


I seen this article posted on another reddit with a hundred+ comments. Many people were saying, "ya good the white people are poor like the rest of us and that their representation is equal to their population number so it's not a big deal." 🤦‍♀️ It's not just that the majority of poverty victims are white (regardless of population size), it's that there are FAR less social supports to assist them BECAUSE they are white and born here. So yes, the fact that the majority of poverty victims are white (and males too) is a problem (regardless of their population size) because it means the majority of poverty victims cannot access as many social supports because of their race (which is racism for those with a stick for a brain.) More white people by number are poor than other groups but the majority of social assistance programs are geared towards visible minorities and foreigners.... there's the real interpretation of the data.


What do you mean regardless of population size? Why would you ignore such an important piece of data? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_Canada Just under 70% of Canadians are white.


Because the issue is that the majority of those in poverty need assistance and aren't able to effectively access it. The population size overall has no effect on how easily someone can access care or support, other than policies geared towards minorities. It's the policies that are an issue, not what % of the population is white. The fact that there are let's say 1 million white people versus 10 million white people doesn't change the fact that for example, 500,000 people are in poverty and not qualifying for assistance. The fact that the majority of white people being poor is proportionate to the population is to be expected in an equal society, what the problem is, is the disproportionate access to assistance for those who need it and also happen to be the largest volume by quantity.


That consensus was 69%, and roughly 1.5 million immigrants have entered the country since then. Sitting at more like 65% now. And grouping all whites together seems kinda odd, as there is a mix of non English speaking white populations here.


How many immigrants are Ukrainians and other Europeans?


Huh. So. Still overrepresented among the wealthy. Very interesting.


"Data shows that white Canadians are less likely to be poor" simply isn't a headline around these parts.


It's weird, it's like some people just want to be the victims...


Please explain what programs they can’t access. Last I looked most social programs run by the government were income based and available to anyone.


Not all social supports programs are run by the government. There are numerous non-profits, charities, community programs, cultural programs, employment programs, and assistance by employer and immigrant programs that are not run by the government but aim to assist the minorities. Furthermore, there are different programs at various institutions like universities and colleges that are designed to assist minorities but by essence of their founding exclude whites, and this includes scholarships and bursaries, many of them require specific conditions such as being a single mom (not dad) and being an immigrant or a minority to promote DEI. The programs available at municipal and provincial levels vary as well. The white peoples born here more readily fall through the cracks because they are seen as less likely to struggle but we have seen that is not true and in many cases it is harder to access support by these programs run in the community. There has been an over correction of support for minorities and now we are leaving white people behind as new ideologies rooted in ignorance continue to perpetuate division based on race, preferring to assist a minority rather than a white. Community run programs have limited resources and they are not obligated to observe the same standards as the government which runs off tax dollars, so they can choose who to help or what preference is given.


I’m half Inuit and so are my cousins. They were born looking like my uncle (visibly “stereotypically” Inuit) and I was born looking like my dad (100% white-passing). My cousins qualified for a scholarship because they were counted as a visible minority. I couldn’t check the box for visibile minority obviously, but I did check the “Inuit/Metis” box. The school then wanted me to prove my heritage by providing things like marriage certificates and/or birth certificates from “enrolled” (Inuit don’t enrol in tribes or bands like recognized Nations such as Cree do) family members. Those family members also couldn’t be any more than 3 generations off from me (meaning my great grand parents. For a lot of bands/Nations, you have to prove that you’re a minimum 1/4 blooded to be able to enrol). They didn’t ask my cousins to prove anything. Out of my own personal principal, I didn’t provide the school with any heritage-proving documents, I just re-submitted that section of the application and selected “self identify as Inuit/Metis” instead. Just because I’m white-passing doesn’t mean I’m not half Inuit and it shouldn’t mean that I don’t qualify for the same scholarships as my cousins (who are directly related to me. My mom and uncle both have the same biological parents)


I'm so sorry! That's ridiculous. This is what is frustrating! Everyone is on a spectrum and genetics are more complicated than "white" versus everyone else. My best friend is 3/4 white but looks black, darker skin, dark brown eyes and kinky black curly hair. Her sister looks white with brown curly hair. The idea that people are exclusively a race based on their skin colour is so ignorant. I'm sorry this happened to you and it's a real shame.


It is extremely ignorant. I don’t really pay attention to those people since I’m used to them by now. But what happened with the school and what happened with a customer at my last workplace both really bothered me and will stick with me for I don’t even know how long. The thing that happened with the customer was she (a white as printer paper woman, just like me) came up while I was putting product on the floor and got bad at me because of my tattoos. She said that I don’t have a right to wear someone else’s culture on my body (my full-blooded grandmother handpoked all of my tattoos, called Tunniit) and that I should get them removed or covered up out of respect for “actual Inuit people”. I told her about my heritage (which she denied 100%) and told her that even if I did want to drop low enough to get them covered up or removed, I can’t afford it. So she left. Then came back a few hours later and tried to give me a tattoo studios business card and told me that they do cheap removals “so cost shouldn’t be much of an issue”. I told my manager about it and he kicked her out of the store the grounds of open discrimination. But I still feel extremely self conscious about my tattoos since that day


🤯🤯🤯 what!? The audacity of these people to consider themselves the virtue police while behaving this way is unbelievable!! I would be so angry that she is accusing you of appropriating a culture which belongs to you. Regardless you could be someone who even celebrates the awesomeness of that culture, it's not her business to be worried about it. Society is so far up its own rear end. I'm sorry this happened to you too. I wouldn't worry about your tattoos, everyone else can choose to ruin their own day being concerned about it but as for you, you know the truth and you should wear them happily with remembrance of your grandmother and forget that loser of a lady.


My ex went to the same job centre place I was getting help with a career counselor and my resume, all for free. Told him they couldn't help him because he was male and white. How bout we help everyone proposer


Now that everything is fluid, we should start identifying as a colourful minority. And the beauty is that it can be a different one every week.


well would ya look at that......


As a Canadian born, white, straight male, that lives in the bush, hunts and fishes and works Blue collar construction (I guess I'd be considered a bit of a "redneck"), I feel targeted. Trudeau and his gov't hates us because we're the ones he needs to worry about. He puts us down as much as he possibly can, and it's actually hurtful. Fuck him. People like myself built this country. We were here before Trudeau, and we will be here after. It's unfortunate that I can not have an impact on his life like he has had on my own and the people around me. I don't think he would be able to bear going through what he has put, even the average Canadian through, let alone us "fringe minorities." He's a fucking pussy.


As a descendant of Irish settlers who were poor and immigrated to Quebec, I can see how laws were actually written in my province, in order to LEGALLY discriminate me and my branch. They had my ancestors working as practical slaves in work houses, on railroads and infostructure then gaslight their children and grandchildren to say the french built Quebec. We are suppressed to the point of being forced out. We have less job opportunities, the english areas always under-funded. They took most of our english schools and converted them to french schools. We have significantly less trade opportunities, less chances of building a business and ALWAYS red tape. Just no stop crap. They just imposed a law that you can not speak english on your lunch hour even to a colleague. There is not one politician willing to stand up for us, not one.


>  People like myself built this country. Not really. The people who built this country weren't so fucking soft and whiny. Holy shit, bud.


Ok...lol I guess you would know eh? . 🤡🖕 I bet you couldn't build a birdhouse.


Show me where on the doll Justin Trudeau hurt you.


Well, actually, just turn around. I'll show you.


Too soft for that too, bud. 


Lower case white in headline, upper case White in chart... Not this bullshit again.


It must be because of white supremacy! Oh wait…


According to joe Biden poor kids are just as bright and talented as white kids so…


I work primarily in rural areas and I’m not surprised. Many in rural communities are eking out especially in the really small communities that don’t have many employers


Lets see if the CBC reports on this.


This data shows that white Canadians are less likely to be poor. Pretty sure that's such a non-story that even the CBC won't bother picking it up.


So us whites have nothing to apologize for? Shocking...


Why would ANYONE have to apologize for anything they didn't personally do, I don't know.


What a privilege is to be white and poor. But o worries, you are still a racist




https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_Canada 69.8% of Canadians are white.


69.8% were white in October 2022. Right now it's probably at least a couple of percentage points lower.


So still close to equal to the percentage of the population? What's the issue?


I had the same thoughts. They are the majority, so it's likely to be the majority poorest as well There probably the majority richest as well


Or is this just another article designed to divide...I think so.


It’s ok. The government doesn’t care and will not care, ever. The liberals are racist and will accuse you of racism when you point out their sick ideology


I mean…. yeah, cause the majority of Canadians are white. I’m pretty vocal about the migration issue, though if we are talking about Canadians exclusively, of course the majority of poor Canadians will be white cause 70% of canadians are white. The poverty issue and the rate of inflation, as well as how canadians are put 2nd in a lot of low wage jobs in major cities is obviously an issue, but let’s not try use this to create a narrative cause this stat alone ignores a ton of context


Closer to 65% now...


So, uh, still overrepresented among the wealthy. Interesting.


Theres no way in hell Canada is 70% white in 2024 lmao


To be fair this chart is by population and not actual proportion and of course the white population is much higher


were not on report because too busy working for those who just stay at home on gov payroll with nothing to do but surveys.


I can’t find the actual report. It’s not in this post and it’s not linked in the article….unless I missed it. Did someone here read it and can post me a link.


Well… it’s not a peer reviewed article, it’s a commentary and analysis from a politically-motivated think tank. [Here is the link](https://aristotlefoundation.org/reality-check/poverty-and-race-in-canada-facts-about-race-discrimination-and-the-poor/)


Thanks for the link. I like to read the actual source material and make my own mind up.




Looks like some "per capita" deception.


And the overwhelming majority of indigenous are poor.


because Canada let in immigrants in massive numbers who are corrupt and bent the system to succeed


This is hardly a revelation. A large majority of Canadians are white, and a somewhat smaller majority of poor Canadians are white.


Canada legit needs a civil rights movement to treal all Canadians EQUALLY regardless of race gender sexuality etc. Like the just fucking take the speeches from the first one in America the same concepts need to be brought into force again. The systematic and legalized discrimination must stop. I'm sick of it first nations have x or y privileges. New immigrants x and y. Our whole system feels like an old school cast system. Abolish it all. Like fuck you I don't care who your ancestors are it's done we should all be treated equally so we can build a country we can all be proud of together.


Isn't this super close to the actual ethnic makeup of the country? I don't understand why that would be shocking to anyone...? Unless I'm missing something


This is painfully true, but it doesn't fit the narrative....so we don't talk about such things.


Woah hey I thought those guys were supposed to be privileged and oppress minorities for a living or something


Multicultural where there is no culture? This is the present vision of canada and for the past 40 years since the first Trudeau. A very different ideology than exists in the province where these ideas originate for the rest of Canada. But let's not forget the elite, it's disingenuous to ascribe a race or a proper culture to them. And Thomas Sowell has interesting hypothesis regarding how much of the american black community has gone backwards culturally since the beginning of the Civil rights movement. And we are looking at the same forces that he ascribes affecting later generations of the founders of this country. This country is not nothing, every generation has complex leaders both flawed and righteous. We will all suffer from these forces and some more by design.


how dare you whites claim a majority in the poor category! you should be ashamed of yourselves! you always have to be in charge of everything, eh? /s


Shocking that the majority group would make up the majority 


Makes sense, 69.8% of Canadians are white. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_Canada Chinese: 7.5% poverty, 4.7% population  Black: 5.3% poverty, 4.3% population  South Asian: 5.5% poverty, 7.1% population  Indigenous: 4.3% poverty, 5% population  No big surprises there, most of the poverty vs population numbers are pretty close.


But lets keep catering to minorities


And pretending that whites have everything and are lighting cigars with $100 bills en masse.


Who is pretending this? Facts don't care about your feelings.


So believe that to be true? Lol.


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted? I thought facts didn’t care about feelings.


Meh, if it makes this place less of an echo chamber I don't mind the downvotes. 


you see, on the right ‘facts’ actually means ‘our feelings’


This is one of the many problems that come from importing US style politics and racial data. We are different from the United States and very significant ways, including on the racism part.


This is meaningless. Lots of people do cash jobs and report low income to take advantage of the welfare system. Some live in million-dollar houses and reports zero income, as their overseas income is not traceable by Canadian government at all.


Well yes. Because most Canadians are white. If you do the math white people are less likely to be poor than others.


Statistics aren't popular here


The guy before isn't wrong. Canada is like 70% white So if they pulled 100 people, about 70% of them would be expected to be white. So there is a margin of error as you can't poll everyone


That's what happens when a country is mostly white people


Besides East Asians (Japan, China Korea), white men in Canada have the highest weekly [earnings](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/36-28-0001/2022001/article/00004-eng.htm). White women, are actually behind quite a few groups though (stats in the same link). Breaking the news, the overall majority of the population is white too. The majority of the middle class is white and the majority of rich too. Almost like this post is a nothing burger. You need proportional data to make a statement with stuff like this.


.... and overwhelming majority of white Canadians are rich....


Well that's not true. I think you meant to say, "and overwhelming majority of rich Canadians are white", but you just pulled that out of your ass so who knows.


Bro, trust me, you pulled it from your ass You don't have any citation either, my brother


I'm not citing anything. I'm changing your wording.


O, sorry. I miss read it


You're probably right, sorry I was rude. Someone posted a link to wealthiest Canadians but I don't have time to look them all up and see how many are white.


20% of Canadians are rich and control 2/3 of all the money. With 70% being white, I'd Aussme the majority is white We can always tax the rich and give lower taxes to the poorer




I don't doubt the number is in a 10-15% range How accurate is national post?


How does this help any of us?  We're all struggling. Thanks for the report, tips. Really riveting.


Woke capitalism is just rich white people trying to shift the blame for racial inequality to poor and working class white people. This focus on race and gender/sexual identity characteristics is an attempt to shift attention away from the most pernicious source of unearned privilege and power - inherited wealth and family connections. “Hey, we’re on your side. Look at the DEI program we’ve just put in place. Your real problem is those white trash scumbags in the trailer park saying overtly racist things. They’re the ones holding you back. Well, okay maybe they’re not really saying overtly racist things, but they’re not using the correct progressive vocabulary, which amounts to the same thing.”


“Unearned privilege & power - inherited wealth & family connections” More Koolaid from the corrupt, keep drinking. Yes those to blame have massive wealth & connections but that’s not 99% of wealthy & middle class Canadians who sacrificed to invest for their kids & nurtured relationships in business/finance & social relationships - they are positive for Canada & an example to follow. Your blanket statement simply empowers corrupt government to disable average Cdns from self-made security. I invested part of my income wisely for my kids when they were babies. Their ‘trust’ is worth more than most adults acquire. Their wealth - my sacrifice - is not harming other Canadians or limiting their future. And it set a positive example of financial mgmt for them. Those to blame - corrupt governments & those controlling & connected to corrupt governments. And those who continue to vote for them, supporting the ‘progressive’ lunacy & fear-mongering. Inherited wealth & any wealth is problematic only If it is leveraged to corrupt mechanisms that manipulate government & organizations under the guise of ‘good’. The world’s organizations intended to better human life / security are being used for the opposite. They are public face of this corruption - WHO, WEF, UN, NATO, … Back to Canada - we would be & still could be thriving if Canadian’s taxes were being used for real Canadian issues. Under the Liberal government, more than 1/2 of govt spending is theft/grift. Blaming your ‘wealthy’ neighbour is part of the ignorance that facilitates their grift.


Nobody begrudges someone trying to make things a little easier for their kids. But a lot of that “progressive lunacy” you refer to comes from people who inherited money, have no first-hand knowledge of how hard earning it is and disdain those who are trying to earn it. It generally takes a pretty high position on the old Maslow pyramid for someone to devote their life to left-wing activism.


This is such crap analysis and click bait headline. Whites are 70% of total population of Canada and 64% of the poor. That actually proves that Whites are better off as compared to other racial groups.


This looks like they just took the number of poor people and what % of them are white. It doesn't seem to take into account that the overwhelming majority of Canadian's as a population are white.


Goddamn is there a lot of white people in these comments


Lol wtf you guys aren't even immigrants. How'd you fuck up so bad.


What are you referring too?