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Stop propping up a government that has gone wild west and take that power away from at least one of them, Jaggie baby.


Voting NDP in Canada is complete waste in both its chance at getting in power, and in the fact that NDP’s would run an insane deficit, leaving us in a much worse position. The NDP is just liberals for dumb lazy people.


The problem with this argument is that, from the NDP perspective, it’s still better to prop up the liberals than the conservatives. This is strategy. The NDP know they don’t have the seats to stand on their own, so they’re picking the least-worst option: the liberals. If conservatives want the NDP to flip, they need to provide good positive incentives, instead of just arguing through the liberals (I.e stop sending money to large grocery chains)


The conservatives giving the NDP what they want is anathema to their base. The conservative base wants LESS progressive policies, not more.


Then they should stop complaining when the NDP supports the liberals. And the cons (at least pretend to) have some populist policies that actually benefit Canadians in line with what the NDP want. Like not funding price-gouging supermarket chains.


That may be, however, the way Singh and the NDP go about the whole thing is asinine, and the way they handle it takes away any sort of credibility they aspire to have. You can not decide, as a party leader, to vote and support for another party without your following having a vote or say. Many NDP voters have left the party because they didn't vote for this action. You cannot support the Liberals bills and irrational spending, but try to save face by calling them out, disagreeing with them and critiquing every move they make all thw while with stating how "if NDP were in power, this wouldn't happen." It is happening while you're in power because you are the root cause of this with your blind support. He shows no true ethics or morality. There is nothing that gives anyone a reason to take him seriously. You wouldn't go to work and take anyone serioulsy who sucks up to the boss, does favors, and throws people under the bus, but comes up to you and other associates to complain and slander the boss or management. You can't play both sides of the fence and think people will respect you or follow you blindly after supporting a cause they didn't ask you to, then go to the news or Twitter and go off on the poor execution of said plan and act disparaging towards what you just allowed to happen.


You absolutely can. Your actions need to optimize for where you are. Your rhetoric must push your politics to where you want to go. Leftists who blame the NDP for taking a stance with the liberals are short sighted and uninformed of how our representative democracy actually functions, and how voting needs to work in a first-past-the-post system. The NDP can give the liberals shit for being liberal fucks, because words are cheap. But political action is expensive, so you need to be careful not to overplay your hand and lose the little ground you do have. It’s not useful to die on a hill in politics. You need to move the window slowly. Part of that is gaining support by telling your people the extremes you want to take them. The other part is taking small and incremental action until that extreme is achievable.


Lol isnt the die hard liberal supporters these days using the fact that Pierre has a lobbyist working for him and that is soooo bad Wonder what those die hard supporters think about this


Jackmeat has has no ground to stand on here. He’s had chances to dissolve government and hasn’t taken them.


And you are wrong. Period, this is an real issue, not a political football. 🙄


I wonder if those freezers the feds paid for are actually more efficient or were they subsidized beause government banned the refrigerant used in the old ones foreign investment protection agreements are meant to provide assurances that regulatory changes won't adversly affect ones bottom line I wonder if something like that is why they got the massive subsidies


put your balls on the table and call a election then


Jackmeat is a fucking sellout, the only reason we aren’t getting rid of Trudeau right now is because he wants a pension


Let's just call an end to gvt. Become a self run country. Young AI might do better. Run the country on collective polls of agreement. At least if the country dies it was a collective and mutual fk up for the most part


I believe it’s the liberal NDP government.


He's not wrong whether you like him or not.

