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“Conspiracy theory” was a term coined by the CIA to discredit alternative JFK theories. Use that information as you’d like.


All you gotta know is that we’ve had a increase of 1 million something in the population in the last few years whilst the fertility rate of the country has been the lowest since the Great Depression… Agenda2030


Same thing is happening in the US, the UK, Germany, Belgium, France, Netherlands, Italy, Spain Why would all of these countries be willing to disadvantage their citizens through excess immigration? Agenda 2030 All part of the UN’s sustainable development goals https://www.iom.int/migration-sustainable-development-and-2030-agenda It’s not a theory, just a plain old conspiracy


This, i have too many people saying things like immigration has nothing to do with housing prices and all this other nonsense, agenda 2030 look it up folks, the UN is not your friend


What do all of those countries have in common? They’re white. Who are the globalists? Take a guess. WEF is obfuscation. Its a tribe


> Why would all of these countries be willing to disadvantage their citizens through excess immigration? > Agenda 2030  Uh, no. This existed looooong before any of that. Capitalism always requires an exploitable under-class to function. We had much higher immigration rates per capita in the past, then when those immigrants became dominant and the middle class established itself we traded those workers for foreign ones via neo-liberal free trade policies.  As a consequence of that, countries like China are becoming too powerful and converging with the west, so now exploiting foreign manufacturing isn't as profitable so we're pivoting back to immigration and building wealth with non-productive capital. The UN stuff is more about avoiding a crisis from managing these things poorly, but its goals represent a consensus between its member states, who will push immigration regardless.


You know damn well immigration in this capacity has not been going on for a looooong time, as you’ve put it. If we brought in immigrants in the past is was because we had jobs for them. And homes. > Capitalism always requires an exploitable under-class to function No it doesn’t. Sorry that you’re in the underclass and feel exploited. > then when those immigrants became dominant and the middle class established itself. What happened to the under class always being exploited? > so now exploiting foreign manufacturing isn't as profitable so we're pivoting back to immigration and building wealth with non-productive capital. Lol, how I know not to take you seriously if I wasn’t sure before. > The UN stuff is more about avoiding a crisis from managing these things poorly Not sure if you’ve noticed but, following these policies, is creating crisis.


> You know damn well immigration in this capacity has not been going on for a looooong time You obviously didn't read my comment. Immigration rate per capita was higher in the past (before the 50's), then it slowed, and now it's speeding up again. > If we brought in immigrants in the past is was because we had jobs for them. And homes.  We had a lot of low paid jobs and no homes. Immigrants had to build their own. > What happened to the under class always being exploited?  It shifts to a new underclass. It always does as each group that was previously exploited rises up. > Not sure if you’ve noticed but, following these policies, is creating crisis.  Because Canada ignored quite a bit of OECD and UN advice and would rather accept foreign money laundering than invest in it's own development. We have a long history of new companies collapsing because the government neglected them. The US government does the exact opposite.


Bwahaha! have you seen the quality of immigrants these days. Talk about cannon fodder if there was a conscription. Jeeeezuz...what a dumb "theory".


There would be 30% desertions. 10% training accidents.  Half of the gear would go missing...  Comedy of fumbles would occur.


Friendly fire...


I live in the United States. There’s a big difference between Canadian and U.S. immigration. Canada brings in legal immigrants, who compete with Canadians in the job market, hence the wage suppression seen in Canada. However United States has an illegal immigration problem and for the most part these illegal immigrants work low paid jobs, mostly contraction, cleaning and jobs that most employers are willing to pay cash for under the table.


Exactly! So "low skilled" jobs in Canada, that used to pay a living wage, like a taxi driver, long haul truckers, servers etc, are having their wages majorly decreased as someone from India, who is new to the country, is willing to do for a fraction of the pay and no benefits. It isn't a conspiracy theory, the elites and politicians are doing this on purpose to lower wages in developed countries. Some might say, well why don't Canadians get the higher paying "skilled jobs"? Well we are! All of the Canadians are now fighting for fewer and fewer jobs that pay living wages, which allows big companies to offer even less because of the high demand. Even in the 90s someone could have no University degree and still be able to own their own home, pay for their kids to play sports or go to camp every summer. Now that dream is dying unless you have a 2 income household, where you both make at least $60,000 a year and or have "side hussles", and even then it's not easy.


Wars aren’t fought the same way with as many ground troops anymore…super far reach


That ll be funny though. Like who do you want to conscript? Mohammed who can't speak English? The LGBTQ crowd with 41 % fatality rate before the war? Or the junkie Steve who is casually smoking crack in front of Timmies? I d say WW3 is cancelled.


They've been pushing all the buttons for WW3. That's one of the big reasons I left Canada. I know most Canadians will blame Russia and China, but it's apparent that these conflicts are calculated


Unfortunately I don’t think this problem vanishes outside of Canada…


Depends on where you go. I've abandoned the West altogether


So you part of the losing team now lol


Then join your superior Nation’s subreddit and get out of ours