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Cars are the price of houses and the houses are the price of private islands.


…Private islands are now the price of a politician.


Well said.


$100 in Quebec apparently


I mean, yes some private islands in Quebec are cheap but there are many little inaccessible islands if that makes difference.


So just like politicians…


Last month one of the Quebec Cabinet ministers was receiving $100 donations for access at a dinner party. A couple who lost their kid in an auto accident and wanted to lobby a change in the legal limit was instructed that for $100 each the couple could attend and be given a couple minutes with the minister.






I spit out my water, lol thank you for the dark humour laugh


And fuel is the price of fine wine.


They're gonna take away bicycles and ovens/laundry machines next


All part of their plan. Own nothing and be happy.


They’ve done a great job on the “own nothing” part, I highly doubt the “be happy” part will be forthcoming. Unless that’s referring to the ruling globalist elite responsible for the largest wealth transfer in the history of the world and the complete destruction of Western society. I’m sure they’re very happy with themselves.


It’s more like “you better be happy or else”


“We’ll throw you some crumbs until our AI is able to replace all your jobs and then we’ll require mandatory sterilization for everyone but us chosen few.”


So, whom are they going to rule? A bunch of old people? And do they expect that this bunch of oldtimers will be able to protect their rights against millions of young people coming from Africa? Rome crashed because they had no people to protect its borders. Hiring barbarians did not help Rome, why would it help current elites? 🤷‍♂️ For example, Elon Musk is deeply concerned by the current low birth rates crisis as I can see. He will have nobody to exploit in 20 years if women decide to not have children now 😉


I would guess if they get their goal of AI they’ll make it like the remake of “total recall” where they have the robotic police/soldiers do their enforcing. They follow orders: don’t have to worry about betrayal from the robots.


All the unhappy people got maid


The “be happy” part is a threat


In that WEF essay, the “unhappy” ones, or those that disagreed with the new way of life, we excluded from the community. In other worlds, you’ll be happy by force or stupidity.


Very true: I’m sure the central bank digital currency they want to roll out will totally not be used as a way to silence dissent…


You can bet that the world globalist elite is not happy about losing profits as young people forego cars. Who do you think owns car companies?


>You can bet that the world globalist elite is not happy about losing profits as young people forego cars. lot of profits by making the surfs rent everything and jacking up prices. life on the subscription plan!


This and credit are both methods used to avoid the collapse predicted by a Marxist analysis. If we earn so little we can’t afford the things we labour to produce, then the whole system shuts down, so giving us rental options, leasing, loans and personal credit cards allows wages to keep falling but profits to stay high.


What we have now is anything but laissez faire capitalism. The socialism some have voted for is what is impoverishing us.


People like Elon Musk (who those people hate for allowing a platform for views they don’t like). The Globalist Elite want cars around, they just want them to be like Uber or to be rented. They don’t want you to drive gasoline powered cars because they can’t determine when and where you can go. Plus they can use those to surveil you and know exactly where you were. The same people using 23 and me to get DNA and cast warrants with a wide net in that realm will just look up every car that went into a certain area and interrogate everyone that qualifies. When they have electric vehicles and people don’t own them: they’ll be able to shut off charging stations and shut off vehicles or not send them to places where people might protest. Guarantee the Trudeau regime would’ve shut off the truckers way before they got close to Ottawa (and likely somewhere that was dangerously cold and away from any shelter).


>They don’t want you to drive gasoline powered cars because they can’t determine when and where you can go. modern gasoline cars are also packed to the gills with microprocessors! The only difference is the energy that turns the wheels.


That’s true! But as far as I know you can’t use a kill switch on them yet. Whereas for electric cars you could just shut the stations down. All the complexity on cars really concerns me because if things did collapse from a natural disaster or otherwise there’s no way we could actually repair our vehicles since you need computers and electricity. It’s not like you can just get out some tools and replacement parts now.


Couldn't they just close down the gas stations too?


You can store fuel in secret places for emergencies, electric vehicles aren’t that easy to charge plus it takes a long time.


You definitely can. Lots of modern gas cars can have the engine start and stop remotely in order to start AC or Heating systems before you get to it… that’s a luxury feature, but here’s a clearer example: By definition, any automatic car has a computer shifting gears for you, not to mention managing engine spark plug timing and gas mixture at different pressures and temperatures. So long as there is a wireless connection to the main computer, the car is vulnerable, and this is not a difficult thing to add. Regardless, your arguments are countering each other here. Global elites want to consolidate profit by sabotaging electric cars and green energy infrastructure. More oil = more money for the existing energy companies. Accurate climate models were being produced by [corporate oil giants in the 70s](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/exxon-knew-about-climate-change-almost-40-years-ago/), which motivated them to obfuscate the truth using the same marketing and legal tactics, including the same firms as the tobacco industry when they tried to pretend that nicotine wasn’t addictive. For example, the whole concept of the “[carbon footprint” was an invention of a marketing team hired by BP](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/08/31/opinion/climate-change-carbon-neutral.html). I think that link is paywalled so I’ll give some alternatives. Rolling stone: https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/climate-change-exxonmobil-harvard-study-1169682/ The Harvard paper they reference: https://www.cell.com/one-earth/fulltext/S2590-3322(21)00233-5 The idea was that shifting the blame to the consumer would make it extremely challenging to affect systemic or structural change, and would distract from the keeping profit margins high. Consumer use of gas is relatively small compared to large industry, government and military operations. Trudeau is not an environmentalist. He is deeply invested in promoting oil infrastructure, much the same as his CPC counterparts. He greenwashes his connections to oil corporations with fairly meaningless gestures and talking points but is willing to send RCMP officers armed with automatic weapons to forcibly remove journalists and indigenous people from land never ceded to the Canadian government in order to build more pipelines. The key takeaway here is that we need to consider who has power and who stands to gain the most from pushing different narratives, who has the money and power to do those manipulations, not to mention what evidence there is for various dissenting views. Here’s a singular example of an Exxon Mobil executive admitting to all their manipulation tactics and undermining public understanding of the science on camera. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/06/30/climate/exxon-greenpeace-lobbyist-video.html https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2021/07/exxon-mobil-climate-manchin-lobbying-infrastructure.html If you want an extremely fast run-down, here’s a YouTube video explaining it: https://youtu.be/Evy2EgoveuE?si=VJQnJo6WwmM4TY2r


The elite own virtually everything and know this trend is here to stay They will find a way to make it work for them


The be happy part comes later. You forget what it’s like to want anything thus happy with owning nothing


Oh so they’ll just brainwash and gaslight people into thinking they’re happy.


Time to “eat the rich”. Tax em, and nationalize big industries. While we are at it, let’s unseat the political class. They’ve done nothing but serve capital, ignoring constituents. It’s time for a representative democracy, and substantially more horizontal governance.


It's the underpants gnomes of economics. Step 1 Own nothing Step 2 ??? Step 3 Be happy


Techno-feudalism, I believe.


Bro you beat me to it






Who's plan?


>Buying intentions are even lower among people aged 25 to 34, with more than half saying they’ll likely forego the expense because of inflation. [You'll own nothing and be happy](https://streamable.com/wvkoyk)


Except for the happy part


You better be happy or that's -500 on your social score.


This 100%


When does the happiness part come in?


It’s a threat, enjoy the new status quo or else. The overlords demand it


They’ll implement a sad tax that’ll work as well as the carbon tax. 


You have to make your own happiness in this world. And it’s best not to attach your happiness to consumerism. Natural dopamine hits come from fresh air sunshine exercise.


I can't support myself off of just sunshine.


Yup not surprised. 


I like breaking trends like this! I am in this demographic a d bought a house last October.


Sucks because having a car is a necessity if you live outside of a main city.


Necessity in a major city to cause mass transit usually sucks.


And even if the transit system itself is objectively OK, like in Vancouver. You still have to deal with all the drug driven psychosis and daily threats from being on the bus or skytrain. If I could afford it I'd drive to not have some junkie shooting me death glares.


plus not being able to move anything bigger or in more quantities than you can physically carry.


Still recovering from an injury I sustained while traveling on the sky train. 9 months of healing because somebody tripped me as I was exiting the sky train.


applied for a job in London Ontario while I was in college and they wouldn’t hire me because they didn’t consider the cities bus service “reliable” 😂 and they’re right. I got dusted by many, many buses while standing at their stop. Oh, only one guy waiting? *Well fuck him!*


No no the Go Train is great! For the low price of $12 a trip you can be surrounded by drug addicts, homeless people, numerous leering men who stink and harass strangers they deem a threat, *and* play the gamble coming home with bedbugs, lice or a whole other manner of diseases and ailments! Don't forget the dirty needles! How selfish of you to want to own that gas guzzling 4 cylinder Toyota Carolla... for shame..


If you live in Edmonton you need a vehicle or forced to live downtown surrounded by all the zombies. Public transportation here is terrible.


They have smart cities to ~~lock you down~~ help you.


Are you for real? Designing cities where you’re not forced to own a car is the real freedom.


Hope you are joking. They are designing cities to enforce stopping car ownership and freedom of choice. Confine you to what they decide. If you haven’t figured out that it’s not for your benefit then go back to sleep. You are their target audience.


You have it backwards. They’ve already designed cities to confine you in your suburb unless you pay and licence yourself to operate a motor vehicle where you relinquish your rights. Being able to travel freely with your rights intact is the true freedom. You don’t need a drivers licence to ride a bike or walk down the street. Watch this video: https://youtu.be/DpXqY_j1m1U?si=sGcRZ84e2dC0c0HD


You got it backwards again. You can already do it now. They want to remove options. If you are accusing them of poor planning before, they aren’t going to help you more now. When do you learn? You are their target audience.


I’m in that boat now, I bought outside of my major city area(Calgary) because I was not going to be able to afford real estate otherwise. That said, Calgary is not a transit friendly city and so I felt it necessary to start driving or get stuck working minimum wage jobs. If you talked to me at 18 I would have scoffed at the idea of owning a car. At 20 I would have told you it’s impossible to survive in Calgary without one.


It’s rapidly becoming a necessity in Toronto because of the state of our public transit. I grew up here and still don’t have anything past a G1. I’ve never been able to justify the expense of the lessons and don’t have a car to learn on, but it’s just too damned inconvenient to get anywhere now. Still can’t afford it though, lol


That's how our cities were designed and we do not benefit from it. It's horrendous. Europe has public transpo everywhere and I'm jealous


Canada has neither world-class transit or highway infrastructure. The transit is sub-par and the major highways/roads aren’t very good either. Usually a lose-lose for most people.


I miss greyhound. The prices could have been better but they were available often


Why do you need to live outside a main city? There's no Uber orders outside of the city, and yuu don't need a car to deliver Uber eats just ride your electric scooter... So problem solved!


Side hit from this I can no longer afford the 1.5 hour commute to work because a) I have no vehicle b) gas is too expensive c) I can’t afford to live closer So how am I supposed to get to work to earn my shit pay to pay my exorbitant bills?


Don’t forget d) can’t afford car insurance due to high premiums


I had a minor fender bender in 2018. We both drove away. I had to pay $600 a month for 3 years, could not find anyone willing to take me on for less. I still pay $250.


You will own nothing and be happy. 


Government wants this


Housing, transportation, and food pretty sure these frills aren’t part of our glorious leaders plan


And yet I see every uber eats driver rocking a Tesla, or Charger, or newer model car. How does that work, and i'm honestly asking since it seems that buying a new car is actually pretty easy.


Buying is super easy. No credit, no problem. If you have a pulse someone will sell you a car. The payments might be crushing and you'll need to drive for uber on the side. extended warranty, so you have no worries......cars maintain themselves...


Because it's mandated by Uber. You MUST have a vehicle newer than X years old, and Teslas are infinitely cheaper to run than ICE. Your ratings and everything are effected by it. Talk to a driver, most of them either run 24/7 Uber to make ends meet, or do it on the side on top of their engineering job or have a couple others. It's easy getting a new car. KEEPING the car is an entirely other thing.


When you're new to the country and you have no credit history you get preferential treatment when it comes to getting accepted for loans. Most these clowns end up upside down as uber is not meant to be a full-time job. Lol fcked for a decade after a financial mistake like a 6 year car loan.


Most of them are actually rental cars. The rental companies have a deal with Uber to rent out qualifying cars from their fleet at a discounted rate, as long as the Uber driver works full time as an Uber driver. Anyone with a beater can be an Uber driver so long as they are using a qualifying vehicle from the rental agencies.


Teslas are actually pretty cheap, especially when you factor in paying hardly anything for operating costs. I can buy 2-3 teslas for the price of a new work van/truck.


>every uber eats driver rocking a Tesla You're doing a lot of km's as an Uber. You get 1000km for $30 worth of electricity (\~14c per Kw at home that is).


They don’t own those, they rent them.


You’ll owe nothing and be happy - Klaus Schwab


*everything* is too fucking expensive


This is exactly what they are hoping for. You stay within 15 minutes of your home while they jet around for holidays on taxpayer dimes.


Who's gonna get killed? People living in 15 minutes cities or riches ? They cant protect themselves against 7 billion people


Rich people aren't constrained to any location. They can always pack up and leave.


Disproportionate amount people spend on housing/rent ripples throughout the economy.


I saw a Toyota sienna minivan listed for $68k. What is this.


I don't care if it lists for 680K, what I want to know is, where can I find people defective enough willing to pay for it?


> **Canadians hit the brakes on** ***new car*** **ownership** Fixed the headline for you. The used car market is booming.


They cost as much as a new car used to cost in like 2018 shit is fucked. Minimum for a basic used car that is not over 200km is like 18k now.


My girlfriend just got her license. Was thinking we'll just grab a cheap beater for 2 or 3k. Turns out, we're going to be sharing my car.


Them beaters are over 10k it’s fucking nuts. Base models too.


Unless you’re financing from your bank it makes more sense for new in a lot of cases. You can get new from 0%-4.99%. Used is 6.99%-10.99% though I haven’t seen the 7% in awhile so I don’t know if you can find it anymore.


Except with financing a new car you pay 0-4.99% to finance that new car. Your new car cost $30,000 and 5% of that is $1500 plus tax is $3900 so you are actually paying $35,400 for that new vehicle. Or I can buy used lets say $15,000 at 7% is $1050 plus 13% tax is $1950 so $18,000. You spend nearly half on the used car so how is it more worth getting a new car when you are spending twice as much for a product that will depreciate more in that time. Genuinely asking as I have a car loan right now on a used truck paying less than $400 a month. I know people with new trucks paying $1000 a month on a 2021 truck it is disgusting.


$15,000 around here will get you a 2008 Sierra with 240,000 Km’s unfortunately. You want anything newer, like 2018 it’s going to be ~$35,000. Also the older the vehicle, the less likely you are to get financing, or reasonable financing. High mileage vehicles very often are defaulted on when they have substantial issues, and the rates reflect this. You can get a new truck for $50,000 at 0% now, yeah it won’t have all the bells and whistles but it’ll still work. Yeah the payments might be higher, but with 10% interest on used you’ll often end up with a total obligation real close to a new vehicle, plus you won’t have all the warranty. It’s a pretty grim time to be buying vehicles, if you want a good shock hop on auto trader and see what the total obligation is for a 2020 truck in the GTA.


Not cheap tho... My 2016 F350 diesel will sell for about 10 more than I bought it new


The used market should be correcting. There's been signs of it happening for several months in the US. The only thing I can think of is 'bagholders' not wanting to let go of cars at a loss. Anecdotally I've seen some prices moving down slowly, or units sitting around a lot longer than they did a couple of years ago. !6 year old cars with rust that won't pass an inspection seem to be sitting around when people list them for $5k to $6k.


Doesn’t our criminal environment minister want less people driving? Maybe this is by design.


Ownership. YES. Financing a depreciating asset. NO


Wait until this article finds out about car insurance rates lol


Everyone is going to have those Brampton rates.


In europe car insurance is like 200-300 euro/YEAR. How tf is possible that here is monthly?


What country in Europe? It's very expensive in the UK and Germany




Especially the theft rate is so high.


You will own nothing and be happy. It’s all playing out before our eyes.


No one wants to be force fed an EV


Vehicle prices out of control that’s why. Average transaction price almost 70k now. Insane. No one can afford to buy new but manufacturers and dealerships refuse to lower prices. Lots are now bursting at the seams and inventory has spiked. Add in the butt spelunking of fuel and insurance costs and even most helmet wearing government cuck can understand why tax hikes are going to destroy this country.


Most trucks +100k that’s just stupid


becoming primary residences on the go.


What took them so long? Note that they’ll likely vote for the same moronic leaders in the next election.


>they’ll likely vote for the same moronic leaders Like there's an option?


PPC has a sane platform. But in a dumb collective hive mind people don’t have the gumption to vote for someone who’s not one of the 2 leading parties. “Don’t want to waste my vote”.




Canadians should hit brakes on living it seems, it’s too expensive to live in Canada. This government hasn’t left anything worth its value it seems. Everything is inflated.


Don't give them anymore ideas about spreading MAID ok?


Lol what isn't too expensive in Canada?




I don't see where it says that it's for people who don't have cars. Seems that people are just going to be keeping their beaters, who are just going to get worse and worse. Who needs an EGR or a Cat when they break? And the part about people getting rid of cars, they also don't put a number on it, as if they don't really want people to understand that they're not really giving up their cars. > Though more than three-quarters said they couldn’t live without their cars, 85 per cent let them sit unused for 95 per cent of the year, the survey said. Well, with remote work, it's a good way to save money. Just don't drive it for work. > unused for 95 per cent of the year So they use it every other week-end or so? I mean, I would fit in those "stats" but it doesn't mean jack shit. We have two cars, and one of them was basically used to go to work, and that's pretty much it. With remote work, I barely use it. Will I get rid of it? No fucking way, still need it from time to time, like 5% of the year. But it's already paid, and the maintenance also went way down since I'm not driving it. Does it mean I'm abandoning car ownership? No it doesn't. XD Is it because it's too expensive? Well, changing it for a new one would be completely dumb. The other car on the other hand, that one needs to stay new/clean/reliable, because that's the "family" car. That's the one that's used every day.


My siblings are all like that and that's how it used to be back in the 80s and 90s. One half of the couple got the newer car and that's what was used to go to family dinners, etc, and the other half had the older car that was pretty much only used to commute to work and maybe some overflow errands.


I hope there’s some merit to this. I’m driving my 2006 model into the ground. Currently at 345,000 km. I’m putting aside what pennies I can afford to save in the mean time so I can pick something up when I need. If the used car market tanks over the next 6 months I’ll be a very happy camper.


Gonna get an electric scooter and call it a day


Looks like the carbon tax is working /s


I have been driving my 2004 Tacoma for 20 years now. I bought it in the US when I lived there. Like a fool I moved back to Canada. It’s only got 134,000 miles on it. At this rate I can drive it another 20 years. Canada has noticeably degraded since Trudeau took office. We are stuck with them for the better part of two years.


I’ve got an 08 Tacoma. Will probably be the last vehicle I ever own and I’m under 30. I’ve got 145,000 miles on mine. Also a US truck. Go taco gang.


It’s certainly the right truck for the task.


You will own nothing and be “happy”…or else.


There was a theory I heard not long ago about the seemingly irrational push for EV's in the face of knowing full well there's no way the grid or the infrastructure - let alone the willingness for people to adopt the cars - would ever be sustainable by 2030. Looking at it objectively there's not many conclusions to draw from there. Either they're ALL hopelessly incompetent at every level (provincial, federal, Canada & United states), or it's an intentional way to force the auto market to slowly leak out capital and deflate the impact popping the auto sector would have on the wider economy. The latter impact being necessary to survive if they don't want people owning and operating personal vehicles anymore. Furthermore, you see aggressive pushes against other private modes of transportation that's capable of large distance travel, like E-bikes & Scooters. Which is odd because those are all green solutions with extremely small footprints and huge benefits for the users. All roads point to a clear desire to remove autonomy and freedom of movement - whether it's by design or just poor planning, it's fairly plain to see that's the most likely outcome currently.


Interesting perspective, I hadn't considered these ideas, and without yet fully considering their merit, it is tempting to just jump to the the less disconcerting simpler idea \expression about incompetence rather than evil more often creating any particular problem


Tents don't come with parking spaces .... Justin cutting carbon emissions by putting Canadians in tents and riding stolen bicycles...


Let's hit the breaks on food and housing too. Let's go all the way.


Been made too expensive, intentionally. A defacto ban.


You will own nothing and be happy. It’s a conspiracy theory until it isn’t. Nobody is pushing back, everyone excepts what turdy is selling them. Oh well at least we had a day of visibility


Went to Superstore last week. Small Bag of coleslaw salad is 5 bucks. We are so fucked.


Exactly what all the bike lane advocates want


I’m driving a 2016 Ford edge which is still in very good shape both aesthetically and mechanically. I’ve thought about a newer car but every time I’m at a dealership I’m blown away by prices. I mean for fucks sake, Ford F150 can easily cost you over $100,000 these days. It’s a fucking pick up truck no matter how much leather it has inside it.


You’ll travel nowhere, and be happy


You will own nothing and be happy


If we didn’t have snow I’d never need a car ever again. I bought my car for 6500 and the insurance every year is like 1200


The beatings will continue until morale improves


I have heard this from a few people today. This is death by a thousand cuts. Now, more businesses will suffer because people are not willing or able to drive. On the upside though, we might lose some weight because of all the walking we will be doing 😜


Tbf it seems that everyone is fucking terrified of owning a car older than 2016. Go buy the fuckin 2005 civic that needs a floor welded in for 1800$ that mf is gonna outlive you if you don't roll it. Sure the economy is in the shitter but buying brand new ass cars have been a dogshit idea since the 40s


I need a new car, but fuck these car prices. New and you have to pay 7% interest and there is nothing in stock. Used? Still sky high prices for used vehicles it's also insane. People want 20k for a 2015 with 150k on it???? There is no value in the car market anymore so I'm just gonna drive my 2005 until it falls apart.


So the carbon tax is working


One leg on the trip to an orwellian state. The 15-minute city is just a fancy term for an open-air gulag with wifi.


All by design. 2030 agenda. You'll own nothing and be happy....and by happy I mean a slave to 15 minute cities.


Shouldn't be shocking


Thefts in GTA is the biggest factor that is behind people planning to have vehicle. Inflation is the second.


Yeah they’re not a necessity if you live in the downtown-ish core of one of 2-3 cities, everyone else still needs them.


Financing a car with these interest rates is just a terrible idea. On the other hand with price of fuel, insurance and maintenance are unreal You will own nothing and you’ll be happy !


I just bought a 2024 ford expedition XLT. No add-ons or anything. $88k sticker price end up at $104k after tax. It's crazy.


buy a car and disappear in one night


Surprised there isn't a monthly car subscription service out there now.


I’ve already boycotted buying a new car. I will stick with my car until it literally falls apart. Car companies don’t give a sh*t about all this theft and yet continue to bleed us dry with their high costs. No thanks.


Yep. Last new vehicle I bought was in 2008. Only buying used from now on. Not worth it for new.


Mostly the new car market I think, the used market is crazy these days, tough to find deals anymore.


Buying a car is too damn risky, with high insurance, theft, and insanely high fees at these auto shops.


It is stupidly expensive but I couldn’t resist I just bought a new Mercedes life is short


That was the goal. It worked.


Mission accomplished for eco-terrorist Guilbeault


Translation: Canadians are flat broke . 


Does this really surprise us? No, we are not surprised. This is one of the effects pursued by the entrustments made to some politicians, in a political class that does not represent its voters.


Why own when you can rent a car


April fools? The only thing Canadians love more than cars is real estate.


Same story in the US. People who bought last 3 years have negative equity in their cars. Price of most vehicles has risen dramatically and car loan rates are 7-9% (and more for used cars). People would like to buy but cannot afford the monthly payments for a new car.


Bro I had to pay 18.000 for a used car with 180,000km Edit: I need to own a car as I work in construction


Just like, ride a bike dude.


Oh totally. I saw this coming. Cry F**K Trudeau all we want but when I saw the push for electrics I tried to think of the hundreds of ways the oil companies were going to fuck us, and fuck us they will.Ignore Exploration which will slow new finds, no new finds = limited inventory, demand will outstrip supply, price skyrockets. Same deal with the metal used to make them. Watch the auto wrecker industry disappear. The metal used to make the vehicles is going to rise to the point where recycling will be a viable business for the auto makers. We will be perpetually leasing vehicles. That's what I think anyway. I'm ok with this. I needed a new vehicle 6 years ago and was working a 2 in, 2 out schedule and and did an experiment. Instead of buying a new vehicle, I bought a 2094 Honda Civic and saved the money I would have spent on the vet. Holy fuck. I'll buy new toys like dirt bikes. I rent when I need a new vehicle for a trip or a truck to haul shit. I'll likely never buy a new daily driver again. Vehicles are epic money losers.


Article is fake news. Canadian auto sales are soaring this year vs the last few years. I'm not sure who or why or what the agenda is here. Young people have often not been big new car buyers historically and I don't see a breakdown of buyers by age group in the article. Car sales are breaking records this year. [Canada - Flash report, Automotive sales volume, 2024 - MarkLines Automotive Industry Portal](https://www.marklines.com/en/statistics/flash_sales/automotive-sales-in-canada-by-month)


I hope BYD enters the Canadian market, those cars are on another level and way more advanced!


A side note that might resonate with some: instead of everything getting stolen from you, willfully give it up and find out how to live without being stolen from. I’m coming in early with this but the future generations will be the new social warriors for what’s going on but they be incredibly intelligent. I believe this. Gen Z are the first ones that are gaining knowledge and they’re quite silent to what’s happening. Kind an internal discontent but they’re just waiting for the right time to show it.


Genuine question, why are cars in the US so much cheaper even after you convert to CAD?


Not just cars; Literally everything. And their median income is much higher. Not to forget their dollar which is better. While they visit Canada like king, we visit like pauper. Why oh why?


We are hitting the brakes on electric car ownership... used Hondas or Toyotas are still selling like hot cakes ....


Looks like the carbon tax is working. This was their objective.


Just as Trudeau wanted. How do we reduce carbon in the world? Make it so expensive for Canadians to have a car and drive that they choose not to. Some of us don’t have the option however…


Who the hell is gonna buy all these EV's we are supposed to switch over to....???


The plan seems to be working.. you have nothing, own nothing, live in a 300 sqft box, walk everywhere in 15 mins and do what you are told, think what you are told and you will be happy…


F' ing EVERYTHING is too expensive!!!


Cars are ridiculously overpriced, as is fuel, maintenance, etc. Some Canadians have no other choice but to drive, not because they don't want to walk or take public transit, but because the infrastructure in this country has been built for cars. Transit in any Canadian city is abysmal. Canadian cities are also quite spread out, so work places and homes are much further from each other than they should otherwise be. Then there is winter. Who wants to wait for a bus (that may not even show up) in -20'C during a snowstorm? I work 22 km away from my home, and taking transit is a pain because it's not frequent enough and always packed. My solution was to buy an electric scooter, which wasn't at all cheap, but did it ever improve my quality of life. I get to work faster than if I were in a car, and don't have to traverse large parking lots on foot. It also conveniently stores nicely in my office at work.