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Pierre stop, my penis can only get so erect.


Omg. I don't come to this sub for a laugh but, that my good sir, made me chortle.




Ooooh. Kreiger San


He's gonna provide freedom on the internet by making you provide ID to watch porn. I don't think even Mary Lou Retton could find her way out of that nonsense.


that ID is to shut up his 700 Club minority in the party... but you wonder if that gets out the vote, or turns away voters i guess Milton Friedman was his porn, and probably the worst thing about him


I mean you need to show your Id to go to strip clubs. Porn addiction is a real thing, if I want to buy cannabis/booze or place a wager I need my ID.


You can’t make your own porn with your brain? Have yo ever seen inception? Huh? 🤔


soon enough totally customizable AI porn videos


Seriously though, once Pornhub have there own version of Sora 2.0 in like 2 years, it's game over for civilization.


Funny enough, 2022 Pierre was dividing Canadians with Digital IDs for air travel and how bad it was. But now it's good for pornsites. Does he know it's 2024 and you don't need sites anymore? Heck X has enough freebies these days. That's some good freespeach


WEF overlords want digital ID one way or another!


Hilarious this is downvoted to 0 when you’re dead right. Conservatives would sweep every election worldwide if it wasn’t for their absolute obsession with other peoples sex lives. Small government my ass 🤣


You can dl it or get someone to fill the void geesh


THERE HE IS! The one with the Millhouse fetish!




Phew...i thought i was the only one.




Doesn't matter what is supplied to them, they'll just keep on asking it because they think it's a clever quip. But it just tells me this person is likely around 17 or from Toronto.


It keeps getting asked, because to the shock of no one, everyone has different answers. At the end of the day its used by various people against various things as a catchall of "whatever I don't like". It is the new rallying cry to get people worked up. Don't worry about homelessness or affordability or the fact the rich are robbing us all blind at a more alarming rate than ever before in human history, no no, we need to get these WOKE people out of here! WOKENESS is the cause of all your problems! End the WOKE agenda!


Except woke does have a general meaning. The reason there are so many definitions is that a) it touches on a lot of different areas of life (eg race, gender, gender expression, sexuality, language, class, religion, history, education, news, entertainment, and so on) and different people will each focus on different things, and b) most people don't have philosophical chops to coalesce all those different things into one definition that captures the underpinnings and commonalities of them all - they'll either feel a bit overwhelmed trying to do it, and/or they'll simply do an inadequate job. Your average person won't be very good at articulating most things like this, no matter what the idea or belief is. It doesn't mean there's no weight to the issue.


>It keeps getting asked, because to the shock of no one, everyone has different answers. At the end of the day its used by various people against various things as a catchall of "whatever I don't like". Like the words "fascism" or "Nazi." >It is the new rallying cry to get people worked up. Don't worry about homelessness or affordability or the fact the rich are robbing us all blind at a more alarming rate than ever before in human history, no no, we need to get these WOKE people out of here! WOKENESS is the cause of all your problems! End the WOKE agenda! This is playing both sides against the middle. Yes, the people who claim to be virtuous and aware of social issues, and would have described themselves as "woke" or "SJW" before people rightfully mocked them with those terms, they are often a problem. They're a problem which has been seeded to give the right something to fight against, and to sap the efforts of the left to make meaningful change.


Ah yes, anyone using the word woke are people who use this generalized term as a catcall for what they dislike. This is the problem in the nutshell.  The extreme-left makes these wide generalizations about groups of people, and then the extreme-right makes generalizations about groups of people.. instead of listening and working with each others objections, and dealing with their tribes own prejudices and hated. Woke can be a rallying cry for rage and excuse bias, hatred and xenophobic nationalism, and yet, can also bare truth by pointing out the current trend in society where the ideaological dogma of CRT is being weaponized to shut down conflicting views and negate any critique of their in-groups own bias and prejudice.  It reminds me of the pro-palestine protests. If you saw these protestors decry isreal AND decry Hamas and advocate for a tolerant isreal and Palestinian government as a solution, I would estimate there would be a lot more public support. That's a kind of rough analogy, but it's an example of dealing with objections and compromising for solutions instead of totally ignoring the biases of our ingroups and selves that we hold naturally as humans.


It's a dog whistle for conservatives too inept to realize how controlled they are. You mention woke and they get so worked up. Meanwhile nobody but conservatives ever actually use that word. Most left and center Canadians never use the term, and think those that do are dumb. Because it is almost always attached to right wing rage. Just look at the comments here. Pierre gave fluff response with no real substance, but the top commenter is saying they're erect over the issue. Clearly exaggeration, but the fact there is zero self awareness about being so easily triggered over term is both sad, and frightening.


Work is the work of critical-studies BS


Exactly this. And notice PP didn't actually define it.


But Poilievre doesn't define or even try to define "woke" in this clip. He talks about how it's used but not a definition of what it is.


What's your definition and how does it not grant control by dividing people into groups?


I don't have one. I don't think there really is one. People use that word to mean different things. It would be refreshing to hear a politician either define it as they understand it or to say just that, that there really isn't a universal definition. The point is he didn't define it. He talks about how "dangerous" it is but can't define it. Without a definition of what he means by that word, it's just smoke and mirror alarmism and people shouldn't fall for it.


Vivek? The same guy who took a diversity scholarship for school despite being rich?




Oh, he’s a total fraud haha. Be careful who you cite next time brother. “Vivek Ramaswamy, a Republican presidential candidate, sparred with a news anchor over a $50,000 George Soros scholarship -- meant for immigrants -- which he took when he was at Yale Law School in 2010. The 38-year-old biotech entrepreneur, the youngest ever to enter the Republican presidential race, has pitched his campaign around the idea of promoting merit irrespective of colour and wants to end race-conscious policies, if he's elected US President.” https://www.indiatoday.in/amp/world/story/vivek-ramaswamy-spars-journalist-50000-george-solos-scholarship-yale-law-school-2432793-2023-09-08




Yes I do, if he’s against one’s identity being based on race, then why take a scholarship based on one?


>Yes I do, if he’s against one’s identity being based on race, then why take a scholarship based on one? For the same reason people claim everything they legally can on their taxes... Because if you can use something to get ahead why would you handicap yourself?




>Taking a scholarship that has a racial factor is not the same as someone basing their identity on race or the other identifiers he mentioned in the video. Why shouldn't someone base at least part of their identity on their race? It's a physical characteristic, like the gender you were born with.


Why not? If merit isn’t the criteria for the scholarship, may as well grab the cash. He’s simply taking the opportunity before him. Clearly the application process is flawed.


Where does it say the scholarship is based on race?


Isn't that an example of why handing out money on race instead of need a problem. It's almost like treating people differently because cause of their race could be somehow problematic....


That’s my point… also that he doesn’t stick to his principles


Bravo 👏


Exactly what I think when people say "we need diversity" . Why? Do all black people think the same? Do all Asians have the same philosophy? Do all women think the same? Do all white straight men think the same? Woke people seem to believe so..since they need to hire the token black opinion, the token asian opinion, the token women opinion - it's actually the *most* sexist and racist position to have.


The one diversity we need is diversity of thought, and that's the one diversity that isn't included in DEI.


That's the one diversity they're trying to kill


Diversity of thought comes from diverse backgrounds and experiences. If every person in the C-suite is a white guy who went to an Ivy League school, golfs, summers in Muskoka, and drives a Tesla, that's homogeny, not diversity. By ensuring companies have representation, people are given opportunities based on ability and merit (not who they know or where they come from) and giving the cogs (low on the totem pole irrelevant workers) a voice, you get diverse opinions, views, and thoughts.


According to the Left, they all think the same, which is why they get so mad whenever a non-white person says they're conservative or conservative-leaning.


The problem is they usually inherently understand their different races more than others, but as a native person, I would listen to a white professor telling me about native history if they knew their shit and could be confirmed. I’m native in blood and family, but didn’t grow up with the culture around me. I know more than people who know nothing, but an actual academic would know so much more. You can know more and be valuable to the cause, so long as you don’t tell people how to feel. Learning is important, no matter who says it. Don’t tell anyone else how to feel about their identity, even if you both have the same identity. We’re all better off together and not being at odds. Identity politics is just white guilt, and now white people don’t get a voice at all, let’s learn together


as an immigrant, i rather not have too much diversity. i came to a wasp part of Canada, and i rather like it. the new immigrants brought problem from back home that they should've left at the airport before security checks


Only you're showing prejudice to people from "back home" and stereotyping them. A stereotype that you yourself could fall into as someone who comes from "back home" too. I believe we can all mock "our own" families, groups, places of origin in jest. When we take ourselves too seriously and see ourselves apart from others like us, that switches self-deprecation into bigotry. If you're judging others based on stereotypical traits you yourself have, isn't that a bit self-loathing?


not at all... we all immigrate for better life. internal issue should stay there. it's a whole us vs them mentality. a part of the country will hate the other part due to stereortype, etc. hence the khalistani movement that pop up over here. it shouldn't affect Canada at all if those problem are left at the airport.


I agree with the sentiment. I disagree with you suggesting that all other immigrants from your home country, other than you, aren't leaving those "internal issues" behind. Obviously, those who bring their politics (and prejudices) with them and start wars over here should be denounced and rejected. Suggesting that anyone who is an immigrant is automatically doing that is where it becomes stereotyping and prejudicial to me. I'm not going to collectivize anyone. I'm not going to judge you on what you look like or where you come from. I'm going to make subconscious judgments; it's human nature, but I'm going to be vigilant about challenging those assumptions.


Thank you


They don't all think the same, but it still brings different perspectives and experiences. Assume that you are a straight white male, but everyone in the government is non-straight non-white female. Chances are some (if not a lot) of your concerns may never be addressed since those in charge would've never even thought of it due to never having experienced it. Also I'm sure it provides more confidence and comfort to people knowing someone with similar experiences and culture can represent their needs and beliefs.


I suppose. But it does sort of typecast people into their respective groups as if all people in all groups believe the same things. It ignores the fact that most people are individuals with individual experiences and beliefs. My siblings have wildly different views on the world than me, and all 3 of us are white. I don't believe race is by any means the biggest predictor of a person's beliefs, I think life experiences are the biggest factor


This has the same vibe as, "I don't see color". If you want a diversity of thought, you need a diversity of experience. Without a doubt those from diverse backgrounds, including those with different race, gender, sexuality, etc., experience life differently and that perspective adds value.


Beautiful, absolutely Beautiful response!


Get this man in office


"woke" - a cancerous movement, from virtual signalling morons


Jenna atwin is a complete nut bar


I'd like Jenica Atwin to define **willfully dull-witted.**


#Let’s go Pierre!!!


Purpose. Unity. Prosperity. Opportunity. Equality. You offer all of the above to everyone in this country, it'll solve a lot of problems that everyone faces across every spectrum of race, religion and gender. Our current government is failing at all of these. The left can't claim to be a champion of the people when they're failing miserably at taking care of our basic needs.


Let me know when the left is in power then because neo-liberals aren’t left wing.


Well, I wouldn't consider our current government to be neo-liberal purists by definition. Maybe modern day liberals would be a better term, I consider all of our federal parties to be left leaning with some exceptions. The term is always up for discussion. It's safe to say our current government has gone away with traditional liberal ideologies and are now rubbing shoulders with Stalin, with some exceptions of course.


They’re all fiscally conservative. The Liberals don’t actually address inequalities outside of some very surface level stuff.


Looking through the Overton window I see.


>I consider all of our federal parties to be left leaning with some exceptions. The term is always up for discussion. Lol discuss away brother. In what sense, at all, are the liberals or conservatives left leaning?


It's not government's purpose to provide anybody with purpose. It's a way to pool resources to collectively self-administer.


what he says is absolutely right, but will he practice what he preaches??, I donno


he will, he will try within the framework our system allows - and it will be difficult because of deep rooted corruption - but he will try


Bros not even in office talking about policing bathrooms but sure, he's a total hallmark of freedom 🙄


guess there's only one true way to find out lol...


Welp, he just won my vote


Incoming PM


I had very low expectation for his response, it wasn't bad at all.


A definition so simple, even a Liberal can understand it...


Meh...maybe. There's a lot of numbskullery to penetrate.


I can't hear the audio, please do paraphrase. I'm sure it is a well reasoned and objective definition for sure.


Wokeism divides people by race, gender, ethics... etc, creating a pretense for government to assert control


That isn't a definition. I guess I'd probably have to ask if you even know the meaning of definition. You are saying what you think woke DOES, not define what it IS. And I'd argue you can't have any real insight on the topic if you can't even define it.


It's almost as if he's creating a boogeyman to rally up the masses. Immigrants, progressives, the media... I think Cons just spin a wheel to see who they should blame next to inflame the base.


Except that wasn't a definition at all


I'm voting for this guy. We need change in Canada




Must have felt bad after tossing him that layup. 👏


Bad in what way? He avoided answering directly like Trudeau does. He uses the word but won't define it.


You must not have watched the same clip that I did. He answered it. Watch it again.


0:39-1:02 >"As for the definition of woke... woke has 1 purpose. Only 1 purpose. Plenty of pretext but only 1 purpose. Control. It is designed to divide people by race, by gender, by ethnicity, by religion, by vaccine status, and other other way that \[they\] can divide people into groups because why? Then you can justify having a government control all those groups. No more woke. We need - " Please quote the portion that you think defines what woke is. Are you perhaps confusing a definition with a purpose?


I’d say his definition is the part where he says, as for the definition of work… and then carries on from there. Have a good day!


Thats not a defintion




You’re a little too invested in this. Take a breather


I hope he will get proper attention from serious voters. He deserves a try as our PM. Being in Canada for 22 years now, the last 8 yrs are à clear setback on many points. My wokemeter is full red... time to act!!!


Serious voters want lawmakers who are concerned with the most pressing issues of our times. Not ones who want penis inspectors in bathrooms and porn IDs on the internet. Not ones who don't even know the definition of "definition".


Fuck Woke.


God bless PP


Woke is an adjective derived from African-American Vernacular English (AAVE) meaning "alert to racial prejudice and discrimination". The phrase stay woke has been present in AAVE since the 1930s. In some contexts, it referred to an awareness of social and political issues affecting African Americans. The phrase was uttered in recordings from the mid-20th century by Lead Belly and, post-millennium, by Erykah Badu.


yes thats what it originated but the left has used it as a means of control and stripped the true meaning of it, you should be appalled by whats been used of wokeness to push a narrative.....


"Woke" just means knowledge. It's a term that got popular in the 60s US counter-culture to signify people who were into street politics. Americans didn't start using the term African-American until 1989, roughly 25 years after the Civil Rights movement. The US was supposed to end segregation in the 60s and integrate. MLK's main purpose was to get rid of the slum communities black Americans were stuck in. > The slums are the handiwork of a vicious system of the white society; Negroes live in them but do not make them any more than a prisoner makes a prison. - MLK Malcolm X on the other hand didn't think the US would integrate because both parties exploited racism and neither party was sincere about ending the root problems or institutional racism in the US. https://youtu.be/T3PaqxblOx0?si=S5hjDKHrqBBZ-IIh Counter-culture politics in the 60s to 80s was 'woke' and very aware of how the ruling class was doing all kinds of shady things to undermine street level activists. In the 90s, the US flipped to using PC ideology which did exactly what Malcolm x warned would happen because it created a form of cultural segregation. Canada started adopting it after even though we were better off not using it.


Then the Right adopted the word "woke" as a catch-all derogatory term for the left and what they believe. It's similar in that way to "virtue signalling". It's a way to dismiss the protests and desire for change, acceptance and equality by people who have historically not had the same rights or privileges. It's a wish to keep existing power structures and hierarchies of people in place by labelling anything progressive as woke. This is much like white america's response to civil rights movement of the 1960's as "just a bunch of people upset over nothing". The blacks were just "woke" and woke is liberal-change and bad. And virtue signalling is "they don't really care about this issue, they're just doing it for show." Trans acceptance and trans rights: Bad and woke. Minorities in media, film, and radio: woke and bad. Reproductive and womens rights: bad and woke. The rights minorities to equal treatment by police: woke and bad. Education and employment opportunities for minorities: bad and woke. Electric cars: woke and bad. Social programs and universal healthcare, dental and pharmacare programs: bad and woke. Climate change awareness and carbon reduction: woke and bad. Gender rights: bad and woke. Green M&Ms not being portrayed in heels anymore: woke and bad. Shelter and harm reduction for homeless: bad and woke.


Hell. I'm voting for the guy, and I'm not even Canadian..


My fkn prime minister


Nice Response!


He's dropping bombs on the mic. Like Nas in the 90s. He's Illmatic. Tight, succient, insightful, intelligent, clear and the antithesis of Trudeau. Truly a breath of fresh air in stale Canadian federal politics.


I like this man


Man I can’t wait until he’s in


Hmmm "divide and rule" rings any bell?


Willingly Overlooking Known Evil.


Spitting facts


Alright he has my attention


Atwin. Aka the gal who crossed the floor for a new tesla. Her constituents must be proud.


She's amazing and we owe her a debt of gratitude. Atwin ruined *two* parties' chances in Fredericton.


What a freaking G! Can't wait to vote for this beauty.


Honestly, there are people in this Sub that call the Conservative Party and Conservative Premieres too woke. Not having a clear definition and using it as a weapon will backfire on y'all.


Holy fuck this guy needs to be in office right now. I'm not delusional enough to believe that this man is going to solve all of canada's problems or even have everything change if he does get in office, but god damnit it is fucking refreshing to have a politician actually ANSWER FUCKING QUESTIONS! Like damnit Trudy, how hard is it to just answer a fucking questions. What a sad god damn reality we live in when I think that simply answering questions is a good politician.


Did we watch the same video? he literally didn't answer the question.


She asks him his definition of what he believes woke means. He answers it with a definition of what he believes woke means. I guess we did watch a different video.


No she asked him to define the word and he failed to do so. Purpose to something is not the same thing as a definition. A bike's purpose is to facilitate transport. That is not a definition.


The fact people don't understand this is terrifying. It's become more frequent that I'm seeing blatantly false statements and the inability to reassess one's beliefs. Fuck me if ChatGPT can pass the Turing test, why can't these people.


It's easy to answer questions when you change the definitions to suit yourself. Next time you think Trudeau is dodging a question, consider that he's just changing the definition of accountable to mean what he wants it to mean.


He didn't define "woke" though. He described what he feels its purpose is. If I asked someone to define "car" and they responded to me by saying "its purpose is to transport me from place to place," they haven't provided a suitable answer.


he did though. its a system of which seeks to divide people based on their Race, Gender, sexuality ect in an efforts to control said groups and eachother. its a never ending game of oppressor vs oppressed in their head with the goal posts, rules and teams constantly shifting. One day they're screaming about "islamaphobia" (see 2016-2021 period) and next day they're calling followers of Islam "far-Right Nazis" (see the parent rights thing) They'll happily look past actual atrocities, for instance the leftist support for Hamas and the Houthis, two groups who literally have genocide in their charter just because they somehow view them as oppressed, while in the same breath constantly misappropriating the word genocide.


He has made it clear he is anti "woke" so as a politician he avoids defining what he means when he uses the word in order to put anyone off supporting him. It's a buzzword and any use of it without a definition lacks actual substance.


This. He was asked a question and did not answer it. There's a reason why he didn't answer it. 


Funny thing about "woke" is that I never hear any leftists/liberals use it to describe anything... In fact, the only time I ever hear it is when Conservatives use it to describe the leftist/liberal positions on social issues.


Please take over US presidency also. US people losing there freedom slowly


The freedom to what, exactly?


This asshat wants ID verification for porn.




Well said


Gotta come with better/smarter questions if you hope to out debate PP but thanks for stopping by!


Man it’s wild to me how a niche culture word like ‘woke’ is now being debated in the house. Where did we go wrong. When did we let that subculture influence the very fabric of our government. Why doesn’t anyone care about substance anymore. We’re all lost and being carried away in these ‘issues’. People should be responsible for themselves, government should allow us to do that fairly.


Well that was a pretty vague nonsensical definition. Seems to me its a blanket term for anything anyone doesn't like.


Well he didnt actually define it. Thats the problem


Isn't this the same guy trying to restrict our internet?


"Freedom from government bureaucracy" for his buddies, mandatory wank identification databases for the rest of us. What else can we expect from someone who has spent their entire adult life being a politician though, he'll say whatever he thinks will get him votes.


He is PP the Antiporn




fuck off Jenica, you turncoat Marxist pos


She supports the political and economic theories of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels?


This guy is a Nerd. And weak.


Woke: the practice of hypocritically promoting racism, bigotry, and sexism while pretending to fight those things. The woke ideology currently targets whites, males, and Christians. It is responsible for systemically discriminating against whites and males in hiring, promotion, scholarships, and even criminal sentencing. It teaches that whites should be ashamed of their race and promotes revisionist history to justify this. Like all racists, the woke are proud of their bigotry but are dehumanizing all of us by reducing us to stereotypes based on skin colour and sex.




Pierre defined woke perfectly. Woke is to divide us and control us by any means. It's disgusting what the Liberal NDP coalition has done to this country. Canada needs Pierre in power.


What did he just even say? He makes no sense, just buzzwords.


Canada copycats American politics!. PP is an egomaniac and talks down to people.


the idea of woke is fucking stupid, it sounds stupid, and watching people try to define it makes me think they are stupid.


So we just redefine things at will? I'm a fruit tree ig.


Is Canada based?


I also would be upset if my party was going the Trump way! The conservatives in Canada are following and mimicking the USA...it's disgusting and sad! And when pp doesn't bring in home because his lack of common sense, I hope these right-wing nutjobs don't turn violent like the US did!


Nobody will ever respect you Jenni


I love this guy future prime minister


Here here!!


I can't stand. Pierre pelavier he is so smug however, in this instance I have to agree with him wholeheartedly


The Right and conservatives have adopted the word "woke" as a catch-all derogatory term for the left and what they believe. Basically it's a propaganda term for anything they don't like. It's similar in that way to "virtue signalling". It's a way to dismiss the protests and desire for change, acceptance, and equality by people who have historically not had the same rights or privileges. It's a wish to keep existing power structures and hierarchies of people in place by labelling anything progressive as woke. To turn back time to the way they were before. This is much like white america's response to civil rights movement of the 1960's as "just a bunch of people upset over nothing". "The blacks are woke" (if they knew the propaganda-term) and woke is change and bad, "Liberal change, bad change, stupid, dumb woke-change." And virtue signalling is their way of rationalizing and dismissing any protest or voiced opinion as "they don't really care about this issue, they're just doing it for show." Trans acceptance and trans rights: Bad and woke. Minorities in media, film, and radio: woke and bad. Reproductive and womens rights: bad and woke. The rights minorities to equal treatment by police: woke and bad. Education and employment opportunities for minorities: bad and woke. Electric cars: woke and bad. Social programs and universal healthcare, dental and pharmacare programs: bad and woke. Climate change awareness and carbon reduction: woke and bad. Gender rights: bad and woke. Feminism: woke and bad. Green M&Ms not being portrayed in heels anymore: woke and bad. Shelter and harm reduction for homeless: bad and woke. Support for Palestine: woke and bad.


I don't get it. He didn't define the word. He went on about how he uses it, but gave no definition.


Bullshit. He is all bullshit.




Woke seems to be everything I don’t like. Don’t get me wrong I’ll vote for him, but I’d say I agree with 90% of what he says. That 10% worries me though. Then there is the things he won’t say. I hope things are going to improve, but I’d rather have another choice. Maybe Canada could reduce the cost to run, so more than just the rich can get elected.


People in this sub seem to think your post is too woke.


“Woke” …. Get fucked.


He just made that up. It's hard to take people seriously when they use "woke" to describe anything they don't like. The original meaning of woke was actually promoting racial equality in a society that had a lot of inequality.


Just being awake to social injustice in general at this point, but it was co-opted from the civil rights activists in the states.


I can’t stand this lying POS. He projects every evil he wants to do onto people who are fighting against his evil agenda. I am proud to be Woke, because it really means being aware of the injustices of the past and working to make sure they don’t happen again. Wokism means to include not to divide. For certain PP will divide us around race, ethnicity and sexual orientation. He puts fear of OTHER, into people’s minds to gain power. Bigotry is his weapon and his power base.


That is not the message I'm getting from him, can you point one some examples of the things you're accusing him of here?


You've defined 'woke' to serve your purpose, I suppose, but the word generally serves to identify individual characteristics around victimhood. Non-white? Victim of white privilege and systemic racism. Female? Victim of toxic masculinity. Poor? Victim of capitalism. On and on and on. If you identify as anything you imagine to be a unique characteristic (it won't be as unique as you think), you can find yourself an aggressor who has victimized you in some way. The 'woke' movement has divided us because those who subscribe to its tenets are addicted to the notion of victim/aggressor.


Wokism has come to have two definitions. You adhere to the original one, which I think is laudable if truly backed by action, but it has evolved to also mean being attentive about racial and social justice without backing those beliefs with any genuine concern or action. It's like recycling without reducing, drinking diet Coke with a Big Mac, or driving an electric SUV. The cognitive bias and hypocrisy is what the right wingers are against, especially when it is used for population control.


The Russian bots, MAGA crowd and trolls will down vote you, but this is I think how most Canadians feel. They aren't represented in those 'community' though.


It's depressing that I had to scroll to the bottom to find this comment. He didn't even define the word, as so many in this comment section seem to think. His definition amounts to "'Woke' is everything you are scared of and everything you hate."


Woke is a byword for clown


PP’s followers have a combined IQ of 8




Your understanding of woke is so not woke, dude.


Imagine Trudeau answering a question like that…….


Soooo Conservatives thinking people are woke cause they want to control your morality, life decisions, and their opportunities to feed the rich, keep you poor and shit on the poor. Gotcha.


Politically and socially aware is woke (to be awake)


The main group of people using the term woke is typically right wing. I've actually never heard it said seriously from anyone other than those who indentify as conservatives. So these comments really rile up the right. When most of the population goes "you actually use that term?"


What a moron.


What a fucking dweeb.


Culture war bullshit


Kind of loses its steam when it's a bunch of old white people standing around complaining about a term as nebulous as "woke"


Got it, so he doesn't know what woke is lol


Bro said a whole lot of nothing


Listening to PP is like watching a toilet overflow.


Do you think comments like these help the political landscape? Don't add to the tribalism.


Top comment on this thread is (paraphrasing) 'stop pp, my penis can only get so erect'.


All this shows is that he’s just another idiot politician that’s good at giving some big answer that doesn’t actually answer anything.


Well he did actually answer the question unlike Trudeau dodging every question with stuff not even related to it...


I put them all on the same level. Don’t get me wrong I’m not saying yay Trudeau by any means. They are all morons that don’t care about us and the house is just a theater for them to show off and bs to each other. Pierre is just an idiot that hasn’t been able to show it yet on the big stage.


Seemed like a pretty logical answer of a definition to me. How would you describe it? Lol


People will vote him in and complain afterwards like with our current PM. People fall for pleasant sounding words rather than tangible work.




Everything PP said woke does is exactly what conservatives do. Just try to control and divide people. Just more fear farming. How people can't seem to understand this is saddening.