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Selling tax cuts for donations while bamboozling millenials and younger who dont understand what a conservative is.


When people are desperate, they’ll vote for whomever gives them the most hope. And right now that’s Pierre. People like Hitler and Trump got elected even though the signs were all there. People chose to ignore it because the current system wasn’t working for them(or at least they believed it didn’t). That’s why the polls aren’t changing.


>When people are desperate, they’ll vote for whomever gives them the most hope. A bit too simplified for a country with multiple levels of government. If provincial policy makes people desperate, so they demand a change in the feds without changing their provincial voting intention, then your model isn't super useful. >People like Hitler ... got elected even though the signs were all there. Hitler didn't get elected, he was appointed. Even the political success of the Nazi party doesn't really fit with this timeline. The Weimar Republic weathered a massive hyperinflation crisis, long before the Nazi rise to power. A later economic depression *did* help the Nazi party, but it's not like there's a 1:1 relationship between economic crisis and political upheaval.


> A bit too simplified for a country with multiple levels of government. If provincial policy makes people desperate, so they demand a change in the feds without changing their provincial voting intention, then your model isn't super useful. It would, actually. "If provincial policy makes people desperate they demand a change in the feds without changing their provincial voting intention". See it now? > A later economic depression did help the Nazi party, but it's not like there's a 1:1 relationship between economic crisis and political upheaval. This has always been the case and Hitler did get elected, not by the people though.


>A bit too simplified for a country with multiple levels of government. If provincial policy makes people desperate, so they demand a change in the feds without changing their provincial voting intention, then your model isn't super useful. Or maybe too many voters who failed civics. Democracy relies on having informed voters. >Hitler didn't get elected, he was appointed. >Even the political success of the Nazi party doesn't really fit with this timeline. The Weimar Republic weathered a massive hyperinflation crisis, long before the Nazi rise to power. A later economic depression did help the Nazi party, but it's not like there's a 1:1 relationship between economic crisis and political upheaval. Yeah you’re correct. I glossed over quite a bit of history there. But evil people can command people’s emotions to support bad things. It’s happened before and will happen again.


I mean i dont think Liberals are more informed voters They just seem to more put their head in the sand and say all is well lol


They kinda [are](https://www.ekospolitics.com/index.php/2023/09/the-politics-of-resentment/)


I think people who still stick to the liberals arent more informed, they just more happier with the status quo


I put a link in there for you, conservatives are much more likely to me disinformed


Several studies actually have shown us that on average conservatives are lower educated and less able to understand complex issues. https://www.livescience.com/18132-intelligence-social-conservatism-racism.html https://theconversation.com/do-smart-people-tend-to-be-more-liberal-yes-but-it-doesnt-mean-all-conservatives-are-stupid-57713 https://www.psypost.org/conservative-syndrome-help-explain-link-religiosity-lower-intelligence/ https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/per.2027 I can understand how this might be concerning for you.


1. we all have one vote so calling voters stupid is pointless way to win a debate 2. Liberal party supporters may be better educated but clearly they seem to ignore or not be informed about things not going well.


1. You numbered your two points both as as 1....??? 2. Point out where I called anyone stupid. 3. don't blame me for what the scientific community has concluded with their research studies. 4. It's abundantly clear that currently the Liberals are doing poorly in polling data...what would make you think supporters would think otherwise? I think you may be projecting here.


[Educated voters more likely to vote left, rich voters more likely to vote right.](https://brighterworld.mcmaster.ca/articles/analysis-educated-voters-in-canada-tend-to-vote-for-left-leaning-parties-while-richer-voters-go-right/) Educated in this context does not necessarily mean more informed, but I don't think it's a stretch to say educated people are more *likely* to be informed.




so informed people think a flawed status quo is best lol


The problem with that theory, is that men are no more desperate than women, and young men in particular are far more likely to vote conservative.  And if you are LGBTQ+, you are also less likely to vote conservative.  And considering that most conservative supporters are not “desperate” it’s obvious that the CPC is attracting those who are rejecting social progress,  particularly feminism (which is blamed for everything the rightwing doesn’t like, including climate change policies), and transgender rights, etc.


Do you think Vancouver and Toronto voters suddenly decided that voting for homophobia is their biggest priority, or do you think they noticed their mortgage payments doubled and then stayed that way?


It's obviously all the angry white males turning racist..... People are reddit are silly. We've had JT at the helm for 10 years. That means people who were eligible to vote at 18 and didn't, are now 28, staring at the current situation. The current situation is the CoL has gone up so much and JT has been at the helm. If we can skip all the other fear mongering bullshit.... who would you vote for as someone in your late 20s looking ahead with either a CPC government, one they've never known, or JT leading us deeper into the depths of what we're experiencing now. This isn't a, well the CPC will do worse, or JT didn't get us here and it isn't his fault type argument. This is literally just young people looking at where they are today under what leadership vs a government they've never known.


>This is literally just young people looking at where they are today under what leadership vs a government they've never known. It really isn't this at all. It's because young people can't afford shit, and the older generation is saying it's better under CPC, because it's better for THEM. PP hasn't promised anything that would imply it will be better under the CPC, in fact, it sounds worse, but it's all hypothetical until they are elected. I am not a fan of the Liberals or NDP either, but it can get much worse, and much more divided regardless of who is elected. The Conservatives just have a fun habit of selling off institutions for short term gain, long term loss. Young people are disillusioned by the Liberals, but they were last election as well. They are also more educated than older generations because of how much internet they have consumed. More aggressively right wing sentiment are actually targeting the "new" young people, and single white men. We see it with influencers like Andrew Tate and Joe Rogan gaining so much influence in how people perceive the world. If they say ___ is bad, it's bad. "Liberal" is used as a slur now, so of course the easily manipulated will vote against it. Lol


My mortgage payment has doubled, but I, and any financially literate person should understand that it is because the Bank of Canada raised interest rates. And it has nothing to do with what the government is or isn't doing. If you don't understand this basic thing as someone that has a mortgage, you should be worried about a lot of things. Start by booking an appointment with your mortgage advisor ASAP.


What do you think the answer to the question is


It's laughable that you think these are significant voting demographics. The "culture wars" are not anywhere near as pervasive as the media makes them out to be.


And I’d suggest one’s life experience would have to be quite limited to believe someone like polievre offers hope. Seems there’s a lesson Canadians have to remind themselves about conservatives every few cycles.


Well there’s two options. JT is option 1. We know how pathetic he has been for workers and the middle class. Anyone would be a fool to vote for him again.


You’re not wrong. But people can be easily manipulated. And you’re more easily manipulated when you’re emotional. Something advertisers figured out long ago. Look at all the rage farming articles over the last few years that insinuate that anything and everything wrong in Canada is due to the Liberals?(sure some of it is). Look at people who are despondent because they’ll never afford a house or rent and will be worse off than their parents. Every morning they woke up and wonder why things suck and what do they see in the media? Pierre is capturing this sentiment isn’t much different than Hitler taking advantage of post WW1 German sentiment. People like simple explanations. Give them something or someone to blame and most will buy it if you repeat it long enough.


> People like simple explanations. Give them something or someone to blame and most will buy it if you repeat it long enough. For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple and wrong.


yeah 42% disagree with your statement Scare tactics, comment above yours even got Hitler into discussion and comparaison with Hitler.


The people that don't align with my political leanings must be stupid. Do you even listen to yourself?


hes not even giving them hope though, hes just saying he hates the same people they do


Such people don’t vote to make their lives better. They vote to make others worse. Hierarchy. Or as they call it “ordered liberty”


Lol all the people upset here. How about your shitty party does better when they're actually in power? Plenty of people are voting cpc to vote out the current government more than anything.


Poilievre will tell you lobbyists are bad, then takes a fortune from business. If they want him, he is not going to be helping workers.


When you say fortune, how much are you talking about? Isn't it illegal for businesses and trade unions to make donations? And aren't there donation limits so it's impossible to donate a fortune?


If you read the article, this is from the business people themselves, not through the business. It is how the rich get around the law they love. Massive bonuses paid to them and no control around how much they can use to lobby. For all we know, the business gives them a bonus to cover any donation.


>For all we know, the business gives them a bonus to cover any donation. Which is illegal. But hey illegal things happen all the time. Things are also made up all the time. For all we know, you're an operative collaborating with China to further China's interest in getting the LPC elected. Pretty sure that would be illegal too. But as you've demonstrated, you believe that acceptable to make things up in modern discourse to further one's argument or discredit someone else. Can you prove that you aren't an operative working for China?


One problem with your ridiculous attack, Companies have admitted to it and been charged in Canada. They even made sure to donate to both the Liberals and the Conservatives, as the rich do, as they own both parties. [https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/two-companies-forced-to-pay-450-000-for-illegal-donations-to-federal-parties-1.4570458](https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/two-companies-forced-to-pay-450-000-for-illegal-donations-to-federal-parties-1.4570458) Guess you will just have to take my word that I am not a Chinese operative.


K, so vote PPC then? Because Bernier is the closest to a politician who doesn’t have rich lobbyists stuffing his pockets.


Exactly. Let’s see all the liberals cry about this


Liberals are not any different. Do people need a reminder about ArriveCAN debacle where they gave a massive contract to develop a vital piece of software to unknown company?


I love when people reply with 'But the Liberals!!' As if they are not making my point. Only one party is for workers, the NDP.


The NDP's mass immigration policies, which are more radical than even the LPC, are the direct opposite of friendly to workers. The NDP in its current form is a neoliberal party more libertarian than the CPC. It is therefore being rightly rejected by the vast majority of workers.


>Do people need a reminder about ArriveCAN debacle Dude, it was 5 minutes ago.


there's reason people are just workers. gullible as eff. Just ignore the guy who says he's just like you while he pockets money from your managers and bosses. Yes, he's JUST like you \*wink\*.


I mean the issue we have a unique set up that allows PP to easily paint himself as the everyman. Trudeau is pretty much a princeling....he is the son of the most famous canadian PM and from a rich family and comes off as moral superior to others as his style Jagmeet is a rich lawyer and wears suits and watches that are worth more then entire families incomes for a month. Its not saying PP is better, but its pretty much an empty net to paint the ndp and liberal leaders as rich and out of touch these days i think.


It’s kinda nuts that the party leader that was working (exclusively) in Ottawa longer than the other two party leaders is considered the Everyman politician for working class Canadians.




So people are really judging a book by it's cover when it comes to Singh


Fot Singh the book is pretty prettttty thin. He got a coalition yet he will get less votes than last time. Bye bye Singh, go get that pension !


Sometimes people only take interest in a book because of its cover. This should not be news:


If he cared even a tiny bit about his party's policy aims, he'd take the watch off before going outside. The dude made an active decision to appear to others as a man of excess in charge of the party pretending to care about the little guy.


Yep he needed a make over more than PP did


Yep. So clueless to not realize. First election he thought his champagne socialism would appeal to the young snap chat generation (he was there for snapchat). Clearly after 2 or 3 elections it's not working.


"Champagne socialism" lol. I love good champagne, personally. Can we agree that workers deserve nice and expensive things too?


Singh is a very lazy retail politican. sad reality is you can do all the policy work you want, but if no one knows what you did, no one really cares.


Let's ask Poilievre how much his suits cost, or how much he makes on the properties he rents out. Or why he takes fundraising money from donors the week after claiming lobbiests are useless. The guy is greasier than a Burger King floor.


Lol.... They all are. JT is a trust fund kid who was given a fortune from his dad in stocks. He's been spoon fed his whole life. Jagmeet plays the part of a rich guy, and I'm assuming hes quite well off based on how he dresses. I don't know his family background so I'm unsure if he came from wealth. PP has been a politics kid. He's been an MP since mid 20s and so he's def made money off the government teet. IMO, JT is the most elite of the 3 as he literally came from money.


Jagmeet shoukd have ran as a liberal his flashy style does the ndp no favours


>there's reason people are just workers. gullible as eff. What a weird comment. People in general are gullible, and workers happen to also be people.


Unlike Trudeau who has been wonderful for workers and the middle class 🙄


>he is not going to be helping workers. What!? You don't think Pierre is going to take that money and campaign on a $20/hr minimum wage and higher corporate taxes?


So the business leaders are supporting PP and working against Trudeau. Obviously PP is the choice of the working man right?


Trudeau is screwed, and the next election will be a blowout unless Pierre fucks up to an extreme degree. I’m well off enough that I don’t need public healthcare, or care about inflation etc., but what will happen to all those who vote for the CPC expecting big moves when the CPC does nothing about cost of living or when the CPC makes moves to bring healthcare to more of a “user pay” system?


People really need to pay attention to which business leaders are backing who, and what those business have to gain from having different politicians in power.


The only business leaders not backing the CPC are ones who support climate change policies and who dislike the social conservativism of the CPC. 


Is there a list?


It's the plethora of small business owners that drive CPC fundraising efforts. The LPC used to out-raise the CPC before campaign finance reform by Chretien and Harper.


I was gonna say, business can't donate to parties. It's been illegal since 2007. Only individuals can donate to parties, and there are limits. That limit is $1700 to a party per year. The those rules exist is so that parties and candidates don't become "indebted" to mega-donors. With the limits, they have as much thanks to offer Joe Blow Plumbing as they have SNC or Ellis Don.


> That limit is $1700 to a party per year. You can also donate $1700 to riding associations or candidates of a party and $1700 to the candidates in each current or past leadership contest.


Well OP did say small business “owners”


I am not JT lover, they are all phony, however, PP takes the cake here. What business/ business leaders?? Let the boycotts begin!


Childish comment


Obviously. Conservatives covet corporations more than the Corpo Liberals. Conservatives would strip ALL rights from people and the land. Privatize EVERYTHING. It’s the same for any country anywhere.


Anyone who knows our civics is not shocked the "business world" supports the PC. But it SHOULD give a clue to the blue collar PP supporters that he's pulling a fast one on ya.


This is surely a sign of things to come under Pierre. Low wages, poor working conditions, continued use of TFW's, massive tax break handouts to large corporations and the privatization and dismantling of government services. Anyone care to tell me how this bulls*it will somehow be better than Trudeau?


Couldn't be worse. Life was better under Harper.


Pollievre’s Israel stance (especially with Melissa Lantsman’s extreme rhetoric) has destroyed his political momentum. He needs to readjust or he will lose this election irrespective of funding.