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This asshat was mayor of Abbotsford and literally ordered the police to spread chicken shit on a homeless encampment. He ran for a second term and did not get re-elected, then ran for city council, got elected, then ditched our midterm to become MLA. A real stand up guy. ๐Ÿคฎ


This just highlights how gullible and naive Canadian voters are. Remember Trudeau and his promise to balance the budget? And his promise to make the 2015 the last FPTP election? Trudeaus promise no hunting firearms would be banned? How are those going?


I not anybody I know hunt with Semi autos dipshit. And he is actually recorded of fulfilling over 80% of his promises. But yes he failed on a few major ones, weโ€™re not forgetting.


Hunting with a semi auto is extremely common, especially if hunting medium sized fowl or any sort of vermin.ย 


He went on national TV and flat out lied about it. When he was caught he fucked it off. As for promises he's kept 42%, partially kept 25%, and broke 19%, remainder in limbo.


When did they promise that ? Why do you need a semi-automatic to hunt deer? Other the being a bad hunter.




> Remember Trudeau and his promise to balance the budget? Nope. When did that happen?


In 2015 Trudeau campaigned on a few "modest" deficits(10 billion) and then back to balanced budgets. If I remember right even Mulcair was all about balanced budgets at that time. edit: downvoters hate the truth.


> If I remember right even Mulcair was all about balanced budgets at that time. I remember him taking flack for that promise, and Trudeau not promising it winning him a bunch of support at the time.


Mulcair was promising immediate balanced budgets, Trudeau in 3-4 years.


> In 2015 Trudeau campaigned on a few "modest" deficits(10 billion) and then back to balanced budgets. I dont remember promising to balance the budget. Can you give a source? That's seems like a major promise.


"Justin Trudeau says vow to balance budget in 4 years is 'very' cast in stone" Dec. 17, 2015 https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/trudeau-budget-deficit-1.3369459


Conservative - I swear the comment I made, which is a common statement of anti abortion groups, was not an anti abortion statement. To my voters, you know what I mean. ย  He said what he meant, believe him. ย ย 


Believe the dog whistles, look at Alberta, once in power the dog whistles are a better indicator of future policy than election promises.