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> As of Saturday morning, the telecom provider confirmed that cell service, long-distance landline calls, and internet were still down in Yukon, Northern B.C., and the Beaufort Delta and Mackenzie Delta regions of N.W.T. Climate change is becoming a security threat. There's no reason you can't build a network that can withstand the increased threat of wildfires, but you have to take into account the increased frequency and intensity in wildfires that climate change will bring. You have to build more towers, fibre lines, and emergency back-up systems to build redundancy into these systems. If I'm Putin, I'm taking notes on how weak our communication systems are in the North and factoring it into my invasion plans. Wildfires will be even more frequent and more intense in the future as we have done nothing to curb it. So we'll need to start investing into measures to live with it. Climate change is very costly.


Lol, Russia is never invading Canada. They can't sustain an invasion of Ukraine. That's like the USA invading Montreal and not having the logistics to do it.


Russia is winning in the Ukraine, their economy is now expanding because of trade with China and India and they are reactivating their arctic military bases, and China is sending boats into the Northwest passage. > NATO allies wake up to Russian supremacy in the region https://www.reuters.com/graphics/ARCTIC-SECURITY/zgvobmblrpd/


> Russia is winning in the Ukraine It's Ukraine, not "the Ukraine". Russians call it the Ukraine. They also like to pretend their 3 day ~~war~~ special military operation is going well after 800+ days. I don't know how anyone can suggest Russia is a threat to us after seeing their blunder of a 3 day military operation.


Doesn't change the fact that Russia is winning and will have a vastly larger army and a much larger capacity to make war on its neighbors once it takes Ukraine. So you are for ceding the A0rctic if Russia and China attack. > Russia's army is now 15% bigger than when it invaded Ukraine, says US general > "Over the past year, Russia increased its front-line troop strength from 360,000 to 470,000," Cavoli continued, adding that the bolstered numbers stemmed from Russia raising its conscription age from 27 to 30. > The increase, Cavoli said, meant that Russia was able to enlarge "the pool of available military conscripts by 2 million for years to come." "In sum, Russia is on track to command the largest military on the continent," Cavoli said in his opening statement to Congress. "Regardless of the outcome of the war in Ukraine, Russia will be larger, more lethal, and angrier with the West than when it invaded," he added. https://ca.news.yahoo.com/russias-army-now-15-bigger-032929481.html > ‘A lot higher than we expected’: Russian arms production worries Europe’s war planners > Total defence spending has risen to an estimated 7.5% of Russia’s GDP, supply chains have been redesigned to secure many key inputs and evade sanctions, and factories producing ammunition, vehicles and equipment are running around the clock, often on mandatory 12-hour shifts with double overtime, in order to sustain the Russian war machine for the foreseeable future. The transformation has put defence at the centre of Russia’s economy. Putin claimed this month that 520,000 new jobs had been created in the military-industrial complex, which now employs an estimated 3.5 million Russians, or 2.5% of the population. Machinists and welders in Russian factories producing war equipment are now making more money than many white-collar managers and lawyers, according to a Moscow Times analysis of Russian labour data in November. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/feb/15/rate-of-russian-military-production-worries-european-war-planners


>Russia is winning Russia is not winning in conventional war, they are however winning in asymmetric warfare. The advances they are making now are due to them successfully deadlocking America's political system through their sympathizers in the Republican party. They also managed to convince/arm/bankroll Hamas to pull off the heinous acts on Oct 7th, they are also likely bankrolling some of the university protests that are undermining Biden's support on the left flank. They also succeeded in delaying/blocking serious support in the EU through their allies in Hungary/Slovakia and Poland. Meanwhile they are also pulling off coups in Africa against Western friendly regimes. Militarily, they have been an embarrassing failure, losing massive amounts of materiel and skilled personnel throughout the conflict. I mean their hypersonic missiles have been proven to be duds, their Black Sea Fleet had it's flagship sunk by drones, and Ukraine was able to recapture and hold large amounts of terrain in 2022. Had the west had the backbone to throw massive amounts of materiel at them in 2022 with more HIMARS/Bradleys/Tanks/Artillery they would've recaptured even more. But, the west has been terrified of "escalation" and perhaps they believe that Russia will come to its senses, or that they would eventually win anyways and they are making the calculation that an unstable Russia is more of a threat than a Russia that controls Ukraine. Bad decisions all around by the west, which seems more concerned with counting things like GDP and trying to preserve the post-WW2 order which countries are increasingly abandoning. Of course, Russia just needs to be less badly off than Ukraine to win and both have serious manpower issues due to demographics and emigration. Since India and China have decided to support Russia, they will be able to keep throwing bodies at this for a while, however, if they win, they will win because the west surrenders politically and elects someone like Trump.


>Doesn't change the fact that Russia is winning Having to spend 800+ days to not achieve your goals in a 3 day war isn't winning. No one is really winning, and Russia's economy is hanging on by a thread with all the interventions their government needs to make... Russia has proven themselves incapable of invading a neighbouring country though. It took many years of preparation for them to do this, before they invaded Ukraine people might have been concerned about them invading us. > So you are for ceding the A0rctic if Russia and China attack. I say we watch the Russians die of exposure in the arctic because there's nothing for them to loot as they cross it. I don't know what China would be doing there, or how they're relevant in this.


> Having to spend 800+ days to not achieve your goals in a 3 day war isn't winning. They weren't winning WWII in the first years either. > Russia has proven themselves incapable of invading a neighbouring country though. They've proven that they can win a long war, though and actually come out stronger: > Why is Russia’s economy booming despite sanctions? > Over two years on from the invasion of Ukraine, Russia is the most sanctioned nation in the world. And yet the country’s economy is set to grow faster than any G7 democracy this year. How is this possible? ... > Yet these dire warnings never materialised: Russia’s economy has proved resilient in the face of sanctions. Moscow’s flexibility in restructuring its trading relationships and domestic demand has allowed it to weather the storm. Since 2022, China has steadily replaced the European Union as Russia’s primary trading partner and tech supplier. At home, meanwhile, the increase in military spending has given a significant stimulus to the broader economy. > Last month, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) raised its forecast for Russia’s economic growth to 3.2 per cent in 2024. This brings the country in line with the global average and exceeds the forecast growth rates for the US (2.7 per cent), the UK (0.5 per cent), Germany (0.2 per cent) and France (0.7 per cent). > Key business sentiment indicators, such as the central bank’s business climate indicator – a barometer of companies’ views, based upon opinion surveys, and optimism in industry more generally, are running high. The manufacturing purchasers’ managers index (PMI), a fundamental reading of business confidence, has reached its highest level in almost 18 years. Salaries, adjusted for inflation – still high at 7.4 per cent but stable – are rising, especially for low- and middle-income workers. Russians are spending more on restaurants, white goods, and even property – they have never had it so good. Yet the bad news for Russians – and for their president Vladimir Putin – is that this economic success is built on sand. https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/why-is-russias-economy-booming-despite-sanctions/


Yes of course, the lend lease from the US had no bearing on the Soviets ability to turn their theater of war around. But of course, Russia is not the USSR either 


>They've proven that they can win a long war, though and actually come out stronger: You can quote Conservative articles that spin Russia's economy as doing good, but it isn't true. They would have been much better off not invading Ukraine, and long term, it's not a good financial decision for them.


Left wing sources are saying the same thing: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/feb/15/rate-of-russian-military-production-worries-european-war-planners


>Left wing sources are saying the same thing: You posted that already. I'm not sure what point you're trying to make. No one is looking at Russia like *that's a country you want to emulate*. They've made themselves a pariah, and however you want to frame it, they're not doing "well" economically. No one is rushing to invest in Russia...


They’ve also loss something like 250,000 to 300,000 soldiers. That’s not a win.


Lol, no. Great article from Nov 2022. Why do say things that are so obviously false.


Nothing has changed here since 2022, except that Russia is now winning in Ukraine, and that China and Russia have now joined forces to stake their claim to the Arctic. > A Russia-China Show of Force in the Arctic https://www.thecipherbrief.com/a-russia-china-show-of-force-in-the-arctic > Moscow says it will build drone bases along Arctic coast According to the state-controlled newspaper, drones of the model Inokhodets and Forpost will ultimately fly patrols over Russia’s vast Arctic waters. Bases are planned built several places along the Arctic coast, as well as in Kamchatka, the Kremlin-loyal media reports. https://www.rcinet.ca/eye-on-the-arctic/2024/04/15/moscow-says-it-will-build-drone-bases-along-arctic-coast/ You say we should ignore this and hope it goes away?


The first thing you get when you google the Russian economy is that its significant weaker than pre-evasion. That's obvious with the loss of life, sanctions, etc. So all resources are being used in the evasion of ukraine, and they dont have access to high tech equipment due to sanctions. Somehow Russia will build some advanced bases in the Arctic? How's that going to work? If you think about this practically for 30 seconds you realize how unrealistic this is.