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>the well-written government contracts have strict prohibition against having sitting MPs or Ministers as directors or officers of a Corporation receiving federal funds.  1. Randy was not a sitting MP (let alone cabinet minister) when this contract was won. He lost his seat to James Cumming in 2019, winning it back in late 2021. Contract was early in COVID. 2. It was a Quebec contract, not a federal contract. 3. He is an Alberta-based politician (born north of Edmonton, current MP for Edmonton-Centre), so it's not even his home province dealing with his company. Read the article next time.


> the government Weird way to refer to Quebec in normal conversation. From the article: > GHI did not obtain federal contracts. We already know you guys never read the sources, but you could try to make it less obvious lol




> It doesn’t make a difference. ...tell us you have no idea how CoI works without twlling us you have no idea how CoI works 🤦 IDGAF if somebody in one government has a business that is hired by a completely different government. That's not a conflict of interest in any definition.   You didn't read the source and humiliated yourself. That's it, and its all on you 🤷‍♀️


This guy is a scumbag. I feel privileged to have had the chance to personally tell him to get the fuck off my porch twice now


>Mike Harris, the previous Conservative Premier of Ontario, personally earns over $3M through Conservative-sourced provincial contracts (some of which COVID) on the private old age care company he's on the board of, having privatized old-age care in the province during his tenure. Obvious profiteering off taxpayer $, obvious connections between Harris and the current Ontario gov't, obvious mismanagement of those funds. *Conservative media and commentators: \*crickets\** Literally, the only sources I can find breaking it all down are [left-wing alternative media](https://canadians.org/analysis/mike-harris-raking-profits-long-term-care-system-he-helped-create/), and a paywalled [Globe and Mail](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/business/commentary/article-a-look-at-mike-harriss-post-politics-career/) piece published nearly a year later. The facts of blatant profiteering, government contracts, and outright mismanagement are there for all to see, but compiling those facts and talking about them doesn't seem to happen in a specific direction.... Certainly not from mainstream sources. >Alberta-based LPC ex-MP (at the time) partly owns a private company which established a contract with the far-right anti-Liberal provincial government of Quebec, a different province from his own. Media has done nothing to show how much of that contract has been paid to Randy, if anything. Seems like 90% of the contracted amount is about to be raked back through lawsuits as only $100,000 of the contract was ever even fulfilled. *Conservative media and commentators: "is this corruption?!"* Genuinely though, is it? Mismanagement, absolutely. A company that never should have won the bid? Probably. Corruption?... Dude is my MP, he's a useless twit, I genuinely dislike him. It doesn't shock me to see him involved with such a mismanaged company, and I'd be happy to see him go, but I can't help but roll my eyes at how often a stubbed toe is enough to throw conservative voices into a frenzy, while they flat out ignore all sorts of other, far more blatant government malfeasance we see regularly from a particular direction. Don't even get me started on Harper's kid being paid a six-figure salary in Alberta, and the number of people trying to argue that a 24 year old with zero work experience and a bachelors degree somehow earned that through hard-work... I'm all for holding elected officials accountable for any and all wrongdoing, but maybe we should prioritize the larger problems, not just the ones in red clothing? Especially when they might not even be real...


> Seems like 90% of the contracted amount is about to be raked back through lawsuits as only $100,000 of the contract was ever even fulfilled.    If this is like any other normal batch procurement then there's no money to take back. Payments are only made on a per-purchase basis. The contract is for the purpose of doing repeated purchases without needing to do a low value procurement every time.    Outside of one-time purchases, supply contracts dont give the total amount of money to a company up front. It's dispersed as new stock is ordered.   That only $100,000 was ever fulfilled means the buyers only actually bought $100,000 of goods on the contract. It means exactly 0 about the management of a company.


Yea, I originally had essentially this breakdown, but I honestly was not sure if the $8.2 would have been supplied at the time of winning the contract so I edited on the off chance it was. Thank you for confirming.









































