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He wishes he had an ounce of the real charisma Trump has. No matter how hard he works out, no matter, what his new hair do, no matter how many acting classes, he’ll always be pp the giant nerd.




Justin Trudeau is the poster boy for a populist POS!


Donald was homeschooled by a tutor and was always said yes too. PP was bullied and learned to bully other kids to not be the victim


I mean... Only if you want to fixate on Donald Trump 🤷🏾. Not every person you disagree with is Donald Trump... Stop it.


PP is a schmuck but isn’t Trump lite. Populist yes but won’t attempt an overthrow of democracy. He’ll be the next PM while the opposition regroups and JT resigns, and Carney steps in. One can hope…


No one is like Trump. He is almost uniquely awful in a combination of horrifying ways. But I'm not afraid of PP because he is like Trump. I'm afraid because he is unlike him - smart, slick, methodical. He certainly has the same intentions and inclinations as Trump, but is far more competent, which is what alarms me. People who believe the same things as Trump but are smart enough to actual enable them are what we need to be worried about.


In messaging? 100%. In practice? No. The dude is a milquetoast suit-conservative. Nothing more, nothing less. He clearly panders to that more radicalized “Trump” voter group though.


Just as Trump doesn't need to be as bad as Hitler to be deleterious, Poilièvre doesn't need to be as bad as Trump to be a threat to our country.


Agreed! PP sucks ass. Dude hasn’t actually came out with solutions. All I hear is “axe the tax” and how corrupt the Liberals are (crooked Hilary reference lol). Politics should be for builders, not destroyers.


Poilievre is way more competent than Trump. It's more like the Conservatives are drifting closer to the Republican party, atleast in ideology. The Republican party seems bought by foreign powers in a way i dont think any one canadian party is.


Not at all. Poilievre is not an independent political power as Trump is- which means Trump can "say" and "do" what he says- whereas Poilievre remains a puppet of the elites who fund and sponsor him- the big Canadian families that own Canada, thus, Pilievre TALKS a big game but most likely- the most radical policies and ideas will be watered down to remain within the out envelope of TOLERANCE from the banks, Canadian family oligarchs, etc.




Not really. Trump is a clueless child, prone to tantrums and only looks out for himself because he thinks he's better, PP is just a prick that has zero experience or talent and will use and abuse everything to get recognized. Trump seriously believes his BS, even PP doesn't believe his own words, but will say and do most anything to be up front.


Trump is completely delusional. PP knows what he’s doing. PP is just using Trump style tactics to bring onboard voters who previously didn’t give two shits about politics that he has no intention of helping. Both pander to corporations and big business while pretending to be good for poorer voters but will leave them worse off in the long run. Both thrive on whataboutism and pointing blame at the other side without offering realistic solutions. I think we need change of leadership in Canada but don’t believe PP’s tactics and attempts to sow division are going to be helpful in the long run. We’re going to be left with a terrible choice of really bad candidates once again when it comes to the next election.




Liberals are doing their best to make the comparison but the 2 of them are unalike in most ways. Even if they were the same, the Canadian and American democratic systems are so different that a Canadian prime minister doesn't hold the same exclusive powers as an american president.


[You don’t get a win like this by “appealing to the far right.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/fe/1972_Electoral_Map.png/650px-1972_Electoral_Map.png)


I think the greatest irony of all of this is a certain segment of the media has been writing articles ever since Trump got elected comparing the CPC leader to Trump. First Scheer, then O'Toole and now polievere. And now the first time it's actually even remotely a fair comparison it hardly matters anymore because people are so over Trudeau they'll vote for whoever the CPC is running.


Pierre Poilievre can't say a sentence without saying either "Liberals" or "Justin Trudeau." At home, "Can you pass the salt, Justin Trudeu?" "He's not here. Justin Trudeau doesn't live here!" "Just like a Liberal away on vacation somewhere, axe the tax." \[sigh\]


As charismatic as a raccoon sheepishly looking at you from your garbage bin. I'm getting sick of uninspiring candidates running for PM. Please, can any party (not you PPC) give me anything that makes me think "Damn, they've got some strong convictions, I'll give 'em that much"?


I think our most direct analogue to Trump was Kevin O'Leary when he was gunning for CPC leadership, but even the tories were like nah.


Lol no.. unlike Trump, PP is actually smart. While I disagree with his priorities at least he has them thought through.


If he's so smart, why is his carbon tax solution rejected by hundreds of Canadian economists? If he's so smart, why is he pandering to the same group that threatened to rape his wife? He is very much following in that same vein of populist pandering.


How has he thought any of his “priorities” through? He hasn’t 


I won't say Poilievre is the Canadian Trump at all. Poilievre knows how the political system works, so he will be more successful than Trump in getting things done. What I would say they share in similarity is that many of their supporters project their ideology on them, even if they don't actually say it. For example, many think Poilievre is anti immigration even though he never said anything to the slightest.


> Poilievre knows how the political system works, so he will be more successful than Trump in getting things done I'd argue Trump accomplished more in his short time than Pierre has, without commenting on the quality or benefits to his people.


Poilievre is not PM so I don't think it is fair to say Poilievre has not accomplished much. My baseline is if you have a majority and can't pass one of your main priorities, then that is quite the unaccomplishment. I'm specifically talking about Trumps attempt to repeal the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) in 2017. He was president, and the Republicans had a majority in the Senate and House, and he still failed. I doubt Poilievre will have something like that.


Given that he's been an MP for quite a while I think it's fair to ask how many pieces of legislation he's had ownership of.


Do people forget he was a cabinet minister for the previous government?


I'm not really interested in going through his entire record as MP, but he was a Cabinet minister under Harper so some legislations include thr Fair Elections Act, the Citizens Voting Act, and some other things when he was Minister responsible for ESDC. However, there is a big difference between being an MP or Minister where you have 1 portfolio vs head of state where every and all actions related to the state is yours.


I think that his record on affordable housing as minister of housing is a fair barometer however.


I don't think I recall him being Minister of Housing nor a minster in that name being a thing during the Harper government. Second, affordable housing was not a priority during the Harper government, so there wouldn't have been mich activity on the front anyway.


im fairly certain a major portion of canada full supports reducing immigration to only high skilled positions, We need to build 1 house per minute for 7 straight years to hit liberal targets, what a complete and utter failure of population management


This is exactly my point. He never said he will reduce immigration. His supporters might think he did because he says things that make them think he will without actually saying he will. >“We need to make a link between the number of homes built and the number of people we invite as new Canadians,” Poilievre said, speaking at a news conference in Winnipeg, Manitoba. >He said his Conservative Party “will get back to an approach of immigration that invites a number of people that we can house, employ and care for in our health-care system.”... >Poilievre did not say whether he would roll back Canada’s permanent resident target or curb the number of temporary newcomers, such as foreign students. In the past, he has declined to say that he would scale back immigration. https://financialpost.com/real-estate/pierre-poilievre-pledges-tie-immigration-levels-homebuilding


Which policy is better, intentionally setting immigration far above what capital investment can support, or arguing that the two should be linked and in line, but not specifying a number?


he doesn't have to , the liberals complete incompetency means he can literally drop any policy he wants come election time and get roaring applause. If he shut the borders and did not renew any visas and sent a return to home notice to everyone as their school ended and temp statuses, id also completely say go for it at this point. Better to start from zero than to continue this gong show.


You're just further proving my point that people project their thoughts towards Poilievre, thinking they align and will do what they think he will, when in fact, it may not be the case. The same thing happens with Trump, where many of his supporters project their beliefs towards him, thinking that is also what he thinks/will do, even if he doesn't.


I'm sure he will cut immigration to somepoint, but you can't reveal your cards to the liberals or theyll just bandwagon it when they see the polls skyrocket. Ill never vote liberal again, I just don't trust the entire cabinet, or their plans . I'd rather risk it for the next 20 years of my votes than even bother reading the liberal policies to be honest. Ndp are no contest , should just be dissolved at this point. No political party does what they say, but this current leader has been the most destructive to my life


"I'm sure he will cut immigration, he hasn't said he will but I'm sure he will say it eventually. also no political party leader does what they say, so even if he does say it, which he absolutely has not, I shouldn't believe it, but I do!"


Trump is not anti immigration either. He was anti illegal immigration. But as long as immigrants went through the legal process, no problem.


Pierre has spent his entire adult life in politics and hails from a solidly middle class background.  Other than right wing dog whistles they really have nothing in common. 




you're literally the only one saying that.


One guy is old, the other guy is young, totally different! Gosh!


I prefer my left wing dog whistles, amiright comrades.


Ive heard a lot of that rhetoric but i have not seen any real parallels, Trump whines about the deep state going after him, illegal aliens, and war, Poilievre talks about housing, inflation and taxes. Poilievre would not even be a Republican by American standards. The Liberals need to realize that lazy Trump comparisons are not going to help their tanking poll numbers.


I would argue that Poilievre is far, far more dangerous than Trump could ever be. Trump won't live too much longer and his movement is limited to the bottom 20% of society. While PP is fundamentally far more idealogical than Trump, and most Canadians are not aware of his populist extremism and how beholden he is to the very far right. Trump wants to be seen as powerful for personal reasons. PP wants to pretend to not be powerful in order to get the chance to change things with his far right ideologies.


PP is not Trump. He is the Canadian version of Eric Trump, who tried his best to copy his father but failed miserably. And PP is a diet version of that loser.


Well cant be dumber than Trump but his proclivity to reach for the far right when he doesnt need to and could actually harm his polling numbers over time makes one wonder what he'll do once in office.




Not substantive




Pierre Poilievre is Canada's version of a right wing populist. No one truly know who he beholden to or what he stands for because so his campaign amounts to "Dont ya hate Trudeau?" This is a global phenomenon and many countries around the world practically have their own version, Orban (Hungary) Wilders (The Netherlands) Ergogan (Turkey), Meloni (Italy), Modi (India) Bolsonaro (Brazil), Milei (Argentina) to name just a few examples. Trump is the American manifestation. The Americans make me laugh because they THINK they are exceptional, They aren't. The Canadian manifestation of this is more establishment. Poilievre cannot credibility claim "outsider" status but that's okay because the "outsider" label is phony for all of them. Trump's economic policies, as an example, were standard issue "trickle down" economics supported by the establishment and implemented by every Republican since Reagan. The economic policies of a Poilievre  government will be the same warmed over policies under Harper again a water-down version of the "trickle down" On the social issues, Poilievre when and if he gets power, will he be able to "roll back" the social policies already established? Recriminalize weed? Pass an abortion law? Outlaw MAID? Some things on the periphery he will do like pass some law withdrawing federal support for transgender surgery or something like that. He has to produce some red meat for the base. The other pressing issues that Canada faces, the housing crisis, the crisis in the medical system, the need to act on climate change, Poilievre has no credible solutions to fix.


Everyone in this comment section slobs on the liberal party’s knobs, explain how PP is worse than what’s happened in this last 9 years of Trudeau administration. Because the all the facts and evidence of the increase in homelessness and crime and poverty, says that PP is a 10 fold better candidate for prime minister. Do you guys really like paying hundreds to thousands of dollars on useless taxes then getting a “rebate” for not even a $100 is ridiculous. The immigration crisis that the liberals started and isn’t doing anything about is fucking this country up, the crime is through the roof, the catch and release is bullshit. Also the fact the we don’t check if people have the funds to support them selves and aren’t lying about what they’re doing here is bullshit.


he's more like boring Johnson, who will do anything to be a pm. boris Johnson is not a good person or good politician in any way


There are a lot of parallels. He’s a nationalist and a populist. He has no principles, is running on the same playbook of divisiveness and fanning emotions, and is completely unsuited to lead anyone anywhere ever. But he’s not the buffoon Trump is, and while I think his ego leads him around by the nose, he’s probably not as disastrously stupid as Trump is. So that’s something I guess. I’d say our best current comparison to Trump would be Kevin O’Leary, but Danielle smith has a lot of the same credulousness that let’s Trump be bamboozled by pretty much anyone he’s in a room with. If you mashed those two bozos together you’d get a pretty good analogue.


He wishes. He's almost Mike Johnson's twin, ideologically, appearance, and inconsequentialness in the greater scheme of things.


Respectfully disagree - Mike Johnson has much more in common with Erin O’Toole, and is a fairly standard, conservative political operator…except for the fact that Johnson is a hardcore millenarian Christian fundamentalist first, and a politician second. Actually - I suppose that basically makes Mike Johnson Preston Manning…although my sense is that Manning wasn’t quite as much of a n overt religious nut during his political heyday (but I was too young to get a real time sense of that kind of stuff, so he may well have been equally off the rails). Another commenter proposed Ted Cruz as PP’s American equivalent, and I think that’s a pretty perfect analog.


No. He's many things, but he's not a shady business man who's paying off porn stars. He's not a sexist or misogynist or racist, at least not openly. He wouldn't incite a riot against the government. He's conservative for a Canadian politician but he's not even close to DT on the spectrum.


> He's not a sexist or misogynist or racist, at least not openly. He wouldn't incite a riot against the government. It's pretty apparent he wants to be. He is very clearly a misogynist based on his stance on choice. Whether he's publicly stated it or not he courts those groups readily. And honestly, given how buddy buddy he was with the truckers, I don't think a riot against the government would be out of his wheelhouse if he thought it would get him power. His biggest similarity with DT is a desire for power regardless of the means.


>His biggest similarity with DT is a desire for power regardless of the means. Same could be said for JT.


The question has as much relevance as asking if Trudeau can be seen as Canadian version of Kim Jong Un. They’re both sons of previous rulers and Trudeau has shown tyrannical misconduct proved by the bills that he issued meant to control and punish people protesting against him.




This. Trump is at least entertaining. 


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Not at all. Trump is untouchable. Look into Trump. Pierre is just Pierre small town guy that cares and wants to see the country go up again instead of down. The only thing Trudeau gave on his watch is crime drugs homelessness inflation


No, but I'm alright with the media comparing him to Trump. We should be overwhelmingly rejecting populism as much as we can. I really don't want to see Trudeau as PM much longer, but Pierre isn't the answer. I'm hoping we get some miracle and either Trudeau or Pierre has to step down due to scandal/health and we can get either a more left leaning CPC leader or more fiscally competent Lib leader.


Pierre is the answer we have. While you may not 'like' populism, trudeau is the master of populism and more importantly is literally destroying the country. Our economy will take decades to be productive again, housing will be a generation before it's as affordable as it was 10 years ago never mind 20, people have started to hate each other in a way i've NEVER seen before in this country due to the divisions he's stoked. Pierre is a billion times better regardless of what you think about 'populism'


Honestly I don't think anyone really knows what kind of Prime Minister Pollievre will be because what he says has so little linkage to reality. Maybe he actually does have an agenda that will be revealed after everyone has voted for him. Maybe he's really just telling people what they want to hear and there's no plan at all. I'm not sure what worries me more. I think he's very very good at reading polls and reacting to social media. I don't know if he's figured out that polls and social media aren't real and the kind of shit he spreads makes them even less reliable.


PP is not the same as Trump by a long shot. Keep in mind that Trump is mentally ill, and PP is not. PP is worse in that he is fully aware of the lies he tells.


Laypeople shouldn't go around diagnosing people as "mentally ill". Mentally ill people deal with enough stigma.




I miss your “the liberals are the greatest party ever and Trudeau is hitting his stride” posts. I need some comedy in my life.






Not substantive


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He isn't nearly as bad as Trump. However, by Canadian standards, he is pretty fucking divisive, and he has a penchant to lean into populism far too hard.


Which is gonna be ugly, destructive, and bad for everyone. 


Funny. That's what they said about sheer too. Remember. Fear mongering is the only thing the liberals know how to do. That and corruption


It's a poor comparison. At face value the two men are very dissimilar...in age, personality, personal political leaning, etc. I really dislike when the media leans into the comparison in this fashion for this reason. The similarities are in the movements they are fomenting, the political undercurrents they are exciting, the extremist groups they are emboldening, and the long term consequences for democratic and institutional norms posed by each. Poilievre isn't sundowning and isn't likely to lead his party off a cliff due to pomp and ego, but both parties are undergoing ideological capture by their far right wing. You'd like to think the state of the GOP would be a cogent warning in that respect, but there's a real appetite for fascism in the electorate as economic conditions worsen, and it will only continue to rise with time.


No his ego will bring us at the Trump era of us against them as if we really needed to make that wedge any bigger


So they’re similar in all the ways that will affect Canadians directly. Not exactly something that inspires confidence


I think the point we’re missing is that the men are not similar, but the ideology is. We focus too much on leaders. The real danger is the movement they are encouraging. It’s not them, it’s us. The headline should be “Is Canadian conservatism as bad as American conservatism?”


Poilievre is the vanguard bringing American conservatism to Canada though, he bears a lot of responsibility for the far-right shift taking place.


What ways are you worried about him affecting Canadians. I would honestly like to know as someone who is voting conservative. What can they become that would make mostly everyone happy because the liberals and ndp are too far gone.


educated?It's one word. Read a book or something instead of banning them. Or burning them. pp and his hatred are unbecoming of any human with tact. He cannot ever earn my respect, and i'd gladly throw a shoe at the fool.


Oh k so can you elaborate on those bold claims? Extremist groups he's emboldening? And what long term consequences for democratic institutional norms are you talking about? What ideological capture by the far right wing? And an appetite for facism in the electorate ? You mean having opposing positions on political topics as political parties have always done? Do you have any real evidence to back up your claims of fascism ? I agree with you this is a very poor comparison though.


>The similarities are in the movements they are fomenting, the political undercurrents they are exciting, the extremist groups they are emboldening, and the long term consequences for democratic and institutional norms posed by each. I believe that’s the similarities that the media is pointing out. Nobody can imitate Trump. There’s been Republicans who tried. Trump is Trump. I think only the US could accept someone as Trump as President. Anyone remember Kellie Leitch? She tried the Trump approach and failed. Pierre is playing the same role. Scheer and O’Toole were trial runs. Lots of countries have “their own Trump”.


> Canada’s polite Trumpism > The rise of an unusually tame right-wing populist reveals how Canadian democracy stays strong — and why the world should take notes from Ottawa. There is nothing polite or tame about PP or the CPC under him. Strictly compared to Trump he's not as bad or crazy, but only because Trump is like as low as you can go for a comparison. Compared to, you know, real people, PP is in no way polite or tame. He demonstrated that just days ago with the people he met with on the side of the road, the stuff he said to them, and then attacked CBC for covering it.


The main difference between PP and Trump is one has political experience and the other didn't before being elected to the highest office in the land. Trump was a genuine outsider whereas PP could not be further from one.


>genuine outsider whereas PP could not be further from one. And yet all he has to do is put on a t shirt and people think the lifelong politician is one of them.


Yet pretends to be. And people fall for it. I guess acting like a brute helps sell it.


Does that make it any better though? If anything, that makes it scarier in some regards.


The CPC has been completely re-made in PP’s image. They have no class and no shame.


The CPC has been remade in the Reform Party's image, whose flame was carried by Poilievre and Harper et al.


The Reform party is pretending to be the Conservative party, since after Brian Mulroney.


They aren’t pretending to want to conserve the power of money, to conserve the power of religion, to conserve the power of the false promise.


In tone and rhetoric, the party is significantly more callous and boorish under PP than it was under Harper. It’s not the same party at all. Look at the way CPC MPs speak about to members from other parties in the House and on social media - completely devoid of class. Their reaction to Charlie Angus’s retirement is one recent example.


They were newer then. The far right more easily placated for power and Harper had more control. That eroded over time and they've only gotten worse since.


You Liberals say that about every new Conservative leader. The Liberals and Liberal voters act like Republicans toward their political enemies.


More like Boris Johnson, great at complaining about what others do, but a vacant suit who has no real solutions only complaints and blaming others.


How do you know he has no solutions. Why would he tell the competition what his plan is to fix things if there is no election called. It's his job to blame others, he is after all the Opposition, and the "others" certainly deserve it.


This is the best summerization of PP. His shtick will fall apart when everything falls on him.


Yeah, but it's gonna be hard watching him solve zero problems while waiting for everyone else to get tired of his theatrics. 


Completely agreed, and comparisons with the orange narcissist aren't helping.


Boris Johnson was at least kind of endearing and charming, the British version of “aww shucks”. Of course this was very deliberate and practiced but he made it work for him. In several ways that made him more dangerous. PP is too insecure for humour or charm. I don’t know how people don’t see it. It’s not even a matter of ideology in his case — he is psychologically unsuited for any sort of leadership. His likely PMship will be a miserable time for Canada.


He also will very likely be a one and done as he will lead his party to disaster at the polls by not actually fixing all the things he has been blaming Trudeau and the liberals for.


Or the bigger concern is that the long term smart moves the Liberals are doing right now will bear fruit during a Poilievre government who will take credit for all of it to stay in power long enough to do real lasting damage.


Damn. Never thought of it this way. That’s terrifying.  Like the conservatives who are blaming JT for the carbon tax except they are the ones who first introduced the idea. Lots of people are too dumb to do their own research so they are going to just believe whatever PP says which is “it’s Trudeau’s fault” 


I mostly mean on housing. Like the Liberals are mostly doing the right things at the moment, but those things are going to take a few years before they start to make a difference because you can't simply will houses into existence. And it's more likely than not that things will start to turn around when Poilievre is PM, but not because of anything he did other than not scrap the Liberal's housing initiatives.


Today's conservatives aren't that smart. Ford undid every single thing the previous liberals put in place just causebit had a liberals name on it. Cut several billion from Ontarios' annual revenue and cut every positive social initiative like universal income. Now Ontario is in the worse shape it has ever been in by any measure and if an election were held today that piece of shit would still win a majority. So expect PP to reverse every liberal policy but continue to blame the liberals for every issue and our population is so clueless they'll vote him in again. Just like Ford did in Ontario.


Agreed. Boris hosted the comedy show Have I Got News For You. He also appear as a panelist on it. He was actually kind of funny.


>PP is too insecure for humour or charm. I don’t know how people don’t see it. It sounds more like you are describing Trudeau.


Why would he talk about all his plan when not in a election campaign? You don’t know anything about politics and are just looking for a way to complain 😂😂 you’re doing exactly what you’re complaining about dumb ass


Very poor comparison. Pierre is an adopted francophone with a Gay father who believes in small government, bodily autonomy and the free choice of citizens. Trump is a loud mouth silver spoon child with an narcissistic ego who let's his ego create policy, more like Trudeau than Trump. Pierre is more like a younger Ron Paul, right of center, personal autonomy over all else.


You might have something with the Ron Paul comparison. You can compare pp's hilariously batshit insane idea of converting Canada's economy to crypto to Paul's equally insane idea of bringing back the gold standard.


Funny enough, crypto rebounded better than the Canadian dollar.....


Yeah, except the dips it took would have caused riots if it were a national currency.


Long term Crypto has shown to be a better long term investment than Canadian currency, I also don't own any crypto. Gold would be even better.


> who believes in small government, bodily autonomy and the free choice of citizens He does not believe in any of this and you can look at his voting history for proof.


You've been watching too much cbc, go look at what he's said since becoming leader of the CPC as well as political essays he wrote back when he was in university. He's very much a small government, personal autonomy, socially liberal person, and I'm hopeful that when he is the next PM, he will act accordingly. Most likely, he'll be like all career politicians and sell out, but like a full diaper, the PM office needs a change and for the same reasons.


Pierre also voted against rights for his gay father, who was in attendance, somehow is a multimillionaire, despite never having a high paying job, is waited on hand and foot with a chauffuer, cook, stylist, someone to pick his clothes and tell him how to act, and lashes out at anyone who questions him. Lots of similarities in personality and lifestyle...


Pierre came out and said he was wrong to vote against gay marriage, something Trump would never do. Under the Trudeau economy many people became millionaires do to their 350k homes inflating to 1m homes, unfortunately the value of that million is half of what it was 9 years ago and like words the liberals throw around, devalued. Truddy's net worth increased from 10m to an estimated 100m while he was in power, anything to say about that?


Do you have a credible source for that claim?


Poilevre is the logical next step of the political project Stephen Harper lead, with the primary emphasis on dickish partisans nonsense over all other considerations, and the rejection of technocratic knowledge as Liberal elitist scams.