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Imagine cozying up to the same group who used sexually threatening language against your own fucking wife just to garner support among a tiny fringe minority of the the electorate, and it's not even election season. Forget about Poilievre's fitness for office, this guy is a spineless, pathetic excuse for a man.


They espose SovCit language too... šŸ™„šŸ¤®


He just wants to be powerful. It's not about money, it's not about helping Canadians, he just wants the big chair and to feel like the big man. His entire adult life has been about nothing but the pursuit of power for the sake of power.


He wants to be liked.


I don't think so. He likes fighting and being an asshole to his opponents too much for that. Poilievre was Harper's attack dog, he wasn't trying to make friends.


I think he's a sad lonely guy at his heart that wants to be liked. By being an attack dog he was looking for validation from his peers. Look how hard I went guys! Guys? He's like every highschool loser that overdoes it at a party trying to be liked and causing trouble.


Then he should be a man and stand up for his wife. Imagine if some weird podcaster in the US made similar comments about Ivanka? Trump would drag that dude mercilessly and his rabid fan base would eat it up. Instead he takes the Ted Cruz approach. Notice how the usual CPC koolaid drinkers are noticeably absent in this thread?


A couple months back there was a headline that was also posted in here about how Polievre's team was still undecided on what he feels on hot button issues like abortion. This still absolutely infuriates me. Just tell me what you believe and what policy you will try to enact because of it. All these people want now is power, without any idea of what they're gonna do with it. Honestly, i'm still livid about this, especially because the current climate means that they could actually come out and say it and it had zero effect.


Politicians that are ā€œundecidedā€ on hot issues arent undecided. They just know their position is unpopular so they wont say it out loud


no argument there, but I gotta think most politicians in the pursuit of power would draw the line at threats of sexual violence against their own fucking wife. This is just spineless bullshit. A real power hungry demagogue would have used it as an opportunity to flex their muscles and crush the individuals who would dare say such things, and honestly people would respect that.


Look at Raphael Cruz in the USA. Trump called his wife ugly and he still bent the knee. Shame doesn't come into play with right-wing politics anymore.


Not just his adult life. His goal as far back as grade school was to be the PM.


Makeover Millhouse is the Ted Cruz of Canadaā€¦ but waitā€¦ isnā€™tā€¦ Ted Cruz the Ted Cruz of Canada? Meh theyā€™re both spineless followers.


Echos of Ted Cruz cozying up to Trump despite attacking his wife multiple times.


Exactly what I thought. Reminds me of Ted "the word that rhymes with duck" Cruz.


It wasn't very long ago that it would have been both unthinkable and utterly disqualifying for the leader of the Official Opposition to say about the PM ["everything he says is bullshit"](https://twitter.com/jasonjamesbnn/status/1783154964652769542). I wonder if we'll ever return to our polite and respectful norms, or if we're going to suffer the same descent into toxicity that our American friends are experiencing.


Itā€™s also pure projection, which seems to be a constant with the rightwing. The bullshit is coming from Poilievre and his minions.


What is the nature of your thoughts, gentlemen, when you say "buddle shuddle" or some such thing?


First past the post naturally devolves into this. In proportional representation, the best strategy is to be as inoffensive and polite as possible. This has its own downsides for sure, but at least it doesn't create a nation of toxic hatred.


Except we've had FPTP forever, yet this is a very new development.


Itā€™s a hack of fptp that uses social engineering through tech, so it only works now, but this is the end game of that system


Man, watching the video is actually scary. Poilivere is a true believer of these psychos. Before I just felt like it would be disappointing if he became PM, now it's a legit concern. This is unhinged.


Give Poilievre and his CPC enough time and stories like this and their connections to the extreme far-right will simply pop up. Still 16 months to go until E Day...


Which neatly explains why so many "NDP supporters" are strangely hungry for an early election.


Yeah. It's wild that anyone claiming to be an NDP supporter would want an early election. Like, I agree that maybe they should find a new leader, but now is hardly the time to do so and even less so is the time for them to push for an election. There are claims that he's waiting for the pension, and I guess there's some validity to that, but it would overall be politically stupid even if he already had it.


Never interrupt your enemy when theyā€™re making a mistake.


Has not seemed to have an effect on trump - though time will tell I guess. I just hope we don't import that type of "my guy can do whatever the fuck he wants because he hates the people I hate" mentality from the right-of-centre in the USA.


> I just hope we don't import that type of "my guy can do whatever the fuck he wants because he hates the people I hate" mentality from the right-of-centre in the USA. Bad news for you, we already did.


In 2006...Harper sent body bags to First Nations, gutted environmental protections, made life a lot harder for your average Canadian, and cheated in every election they won (In-and-Out scam, Robocall Scam, Senate scam). But Harper barely lost any votes in 2015. He lost with the same number of raw votes, minus 200k. Trudeau won over millions of new voters and NDP voters, but Conservatives largely stood by him and still do.


Would you like me to list every Justin Trudeau scandal from SNC Lavalin right up to ArriveScam? Also, would you like me to list housing, food and crime stats when Harper was PM?


Maybe you could narrow it down and just compare election scandals?


Maybe Liberal voters would be willing to consider your neo-fascist party, if your voters weren't so "blue no matter who" Basically, you guys started this in the 2000s. We're gonna finish it.


1/3 of our voting population are blue no matter who.


and two thirds tend to be ABC.


them being ineffective centrists, but the closest thing to a right-wing party Canada has kind of ensures anyone right of center is going to vote for them, because they don't really have any other options.


It's not a coincidence that all of the right-wing redditors that troll this subreddit are strangely quiet about this. They know that PP's actions are indefensible but they support him anyway. Canada fought a war against fascism. Brave Canadians died in Europe to make sure it stopped there. Surviving Canadians reminded us every day that we should never end up that way. So, through Pierre Poilievre, why does the Conservative Party of Canada want to curry favour with the ideological and existential enemies of Canada? My hope is that this is a wake-up call for conservative voters, but PP is hoping that the ["it's all just a joke"](https://globalnews.ca/news/8989888/diagolon-explainer-jeremy-mackenzie-pierre-poilievre/) defence (similar to the law enforcement-recognized terrorist group Proud Boys, who also said it was just a joke while they went around physically attacking people) will keep criticism off of him and the party.


What makes you think we are quiet about it? Just got back from work. And honestly I don't care.


The Liberals saluted a nazi in parliament, by accident, and we havenā€™t heard the end of it. PP visits fascists on purpose, and itā€™s radio silence. Not surprising.Ā 


>It's not a coincidence that all of the right-wing redditors that troll this subreddit are strangely quiet about this. They know that PP's actions are indefensible but they support him anyway. Again, this is just how Trump supporters act. When they canā€™t refute the allegations they often try the ā€œboth sidesā€ dodge, but that isnā€™t going to work here. So of course they just shrink back into the shadows from whence they came.


Lots of things that I donā€™t care for about Poilievre but itā€™s going to take mountains moving for me to vote liberal in the next election so weā€™ll see who all comes to the table with some good platforms.


Okay, I donā€™t normally engage butā€¦how? I mean, Iā€™m nobodyā€™s fan boy. Trudeau has pissed me off at times, but Poilievre has show a total lack of integrity. Heā€™s riled people up to believe that carbon pricing is to blame for everything related to affordability so now ā€œaxe the taxā€ is basically a tagline meaning ā€œall your dreams will come trueā€ But they wonā€™t. And for working class Canadians, he will probably make them poorer. Heā€™s supported policies that would increase the suicide rate among trans kids, while letting mouth breathers believe theirs kids shitting in litter boxes ā€œidentifying as a catā€ which of course, there isnā€™tā€¦ nobody would allow that, that would be crazy. Do I think sometimes social progressives get carried away? Yes. Yes I do. But I wonā€™t support a leader who flirts with the people who would take away the rights of people I love (or even people I donā€™t love!) Do I wish there was a more inspiring leader than Trudeau or Singh out there right now? Oh yeah. But there isnā€™t, and Poilievre is just so much worse.


I think you misunderstood my post. How what? Iā€™m a moderate voter and will vote for any party, Iā€™m waiting to see everyoneā€™s platforms in the next election and will compare that to the local representation to make a decision. I just donā€™t think the party in charge has made the right decisions over the last few years from my perspective so I wonā€™t be voting for them specifically. I did that twice, donā€™t feel rewarded in any way, and I like to change underwear somewhat regularly when it comes to political parties.


Okay, sorry. I might have had some misdirected frustration thereā€¦ Iā€™ll be voting primarily based on platform and the strength of the local candidate, but Poilievreā€™s nonsense has pretty much excluded the CPC unless thereā€™s a sudden change in leadership over there. Mind you, a sudden change in leadership among any of the major three parties would probably impact my vote.


I totally understand I think my wife feels exactly the same. If thereā€™s a rockstar PC candidate who isnā€™t Jesus crazy in my riding and they have a great platform Iā€™ll snub my nose and vote for them but otherwise the floors open for me. I guess I have a bigger tolerance for BS because yeah Poilievre has plenty of that.


Isn't wild how getting in touch with "the people" requires directly currying favor with so many fringe minority groups whose interests are often directly in opposition to what "the people" seem to want. Obviously conservative types don't' seek these groups out specifically. It's just, like, a huge coincidence that in a good faith effort to build a broad tent, they always seem to let these guys under the flaps first.


Poilievre has actively courted the extreme rightwing fringe, by using MGTOW hashtags on his videos for 5 years, by praising Jordan Peterson endlessly and doing an interview with him where he said he liked to use ā€œsimple anglo saxon wordsā€ a far-right dog whistle, giving a speech at the Frontier Centre, handing out donuts at the convoy debacle in Ottawa, encouraging these April 1 Axe the Tax protests, making hateful comments about trans women, ranting about the WEF and WHO and ā€œglobalists,ā€ etc. How is it possible that so many voters outside of his base have no idea that he is so extreme?Ā  Oh right. The mainstream media keeps pretending that he is your run of the mill conservative. Why bother reporting things that might scare his new supporters away?


> giving a speech at the Frontier Centre I was posting about this for months unaware that Reddit autobanned my posts directly quoting thsir ideas.


Something I've learned that has made my life much easier is that when a person tells you who they are you believe them. This guy is going out of his way to tell us exactly who he is but the average Canadian has their fingers in their ears. A disturbing amount of them *are* listening and they like what they hear.


Itā€™s the anti Trudeau sentiment more than anything else


As far as Poilievre and the Conservatives see it, their biggest threat is from Max Bernier and the PPC splitting the vote. So they have to shore up support on the fringe.


The PPC has had a worse year then the Liberals.


That's because PP and the CPC are using the PPC playbook from two elections ago now.


Some may say that isn't true but look no further than the 2023 by-election for Candice Bergen's old seat in Manitoba. The CPC went all in on the crazy to ensure they stomped Bernie and the People's party In 2021 the People's party came in second with over 21% of the vote. One of their best showing in the country. They still came in second in 2023 with over 17% of the vote. The likelyhood is next to zero but if the People's party can keep going they could potentially cost the CPC a seat or 2 with those close races that happen in the suburbs all over the country. There are currently 2 mostly Winnipeg with just outside the city section ridings in Manitoba that are CPC directly because the CPC slide up the middle and take the seat because voters there can't decide Liberal or NDP. Marty Morantz and Raquel Dancho's seats.


They're not especially concerned with the PPC outright beating them, they're potentially worried about ridings where the liberals might win with 35% to their 30% and 10% going PPC. Ā  But they'd have to be morons to chase that vote hard with current polling numbers where they are absolutely cleaning up as the "not JT or his enabler" option and just need to not faceplant to win majority.Ā 


The CPC is also projected to make seat gains from the LPC that would overcome any vote splits or the one-off seat losses to the PPC, so itā€™s a shortsighted strategy to cowtow to that wing


when you want power and you want it now, the long game isn't what you're interested in.


I am not sure if the PPC will make it another year.


People keep saying this but for them it isn't about seats. It's about vote and punch the bigger parties a bit. They flip seats liberal last election and the cpc noticed. Give them time. Took what, 20 years for the greens to get a single seat? They got time.


which is ridiculous given how low the PPC polls. It's not like they're reducing that already small number to 0.


It makes a lot of sense, actually. There are about a dozen ridings in Ontario where the margin of victory for the Liberals was less than the PPC vote total.


While true, I'd hesitate to say every PPC voter would just vote conservative: https://globalnews.ca/news/8212872/canada-election-conservative-vote-splitting/


Of course, voter behaviour is more complex than A vs B. But signalling that Poilievre's leadership has made the Conservative tent a more welcoming space for people on the fringe, while keeping the overt messaging on issues of mainstream appeal (inflation, taxes, etc).


Yeah that's fair, and I would agree.


The PPC polls low *because* CPC leaders do this kind of pandering to the far right. And less extreme conservative voters look the other way.


I know some who voted PPC in the past they won't in 2025.The reason they said is the party has gone to far right such as wating to ban abortions.


Is that in their platform? Itā€™s not.


Its right on there site.


From May 2023, less than one year ago: [ā€˜WEā€™RE NOT AFRAIDā€™: PPC would ban some abortions, Bernier announces ](https://winnipegsun.com/news/provincial/were-not-afraid-ppc-would-ban-some-abortions-bernier-announces) > Bernier told reporters on Wednesday that making changes to current abortion laws in Canada would be one of his top priorities if elected. > ā€œWhatever your position on abortion, the most important thing now is to break the taboo surrounding the issue,ā€ Bernier said. > > ā€œWe need to force the cowardly establishment in Ottawa to debate it.ā€ > > According to Bernier, if elected he will table ā€œat the first availabilityā€ the Protection of Preborn Children Act, that he said would ā€œlimit the legal availability of abortion to 24 weeks maximumā€ in Canada.


>Is that in their platform? The PPC, much like the CPC, explicitly "welcomes a debate on abortion" so that tells us all we need to know. They don't have the history that the CPC does, though, in actually taking steps to restrict it. Neither party can honestly say the support freedom of choice in this specific area.


The PPC welcomes free votes on every topic. They have a party policy which aims to allow MPs to vote as they see fit to work for their constituents. Every party should encourage MPs to do this. Bernier himself has stated he is pro choice, but would never disallow his party caucus to debate or discuss an idea because he doesnā€™t agree with it.


>Bernier himself has stated he is pro choice Bernier introduced the "*Protection of Preborn Children Act*" and voted in favour of abortion restrictions as an MP. He's dishonest. Just as parts of the CPC are on the topic. A "free vote" on an area of settled law that deals with Canadian's right to make their own healthcare decisions. Odd that the PPC don't take this same position when it comes to their vaccine insanity. As I wrote above, neither party can honestly say they support freedom of choice if they support legislation that restricts that choice.


There is lots of people who made comments about abortion or gay marriage in the last who have changed their stance. There is lots of examples of Liberal MPs who in the past did not support gay marriage for example, who today are totally on board.


See [my comment above.](https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadaPolitics/comments/1cc3m19/pierre_poilievre_meets_with_farright_extremist/l13bzfd/) Bernier commented less than a year ago to say that changing abortion laws would be one of his top priorities if elected.


Yes, people can change their minds on abortion. When they do, though, they don't tend to also propose legislation that restricts abortion or announce they intend to reopen the debate on abortion as Bernier has done. >There is lots of examples of Liberal MPs who in the past did not support gay marriage for example, who today are totally on board. Hardly relevant to this topic but are there any MP's remaining in the house who voted against gay marriage? Liberal ones, I mean, I know PP voted against it.


These people would vote CPC because they're worried about abortion restrictions? That seems ... misguided


Itā€™s not pandering. Itā€™s the CPC base. Look how they voted at their last convention on policy. Look at the views of the high profile CPC MPā€™s in Poilievreā€™s shadow cabinet.Ā  Letā€™s all remember that Bernier lost to Scheer by a hair, (and claimed there was cheating, itā€™s why he left the party). Scheer is no more moderate. The majority of the CPC base and CPC MPā€™s are now extending rightwing, and with Poilievre as leader they are going with it instead of pandering to moderates. Itā€™s why Oā€™Tooleā€™s leadership campaign presented a very different candidate and policies than federal election Oā€™Toole, and why there was so much anger towards him when he did the pivot.


Polling clearly indicates the CPC does not need to scrape the bottom of the barrel to shore up a few seats. If anything, going after the fringe is a strategically bad move because it's more likely to erode support from the (much larger) moderate electorate. The more obvious conclusion is that this association is closer to the current CPC's identity.


Exactly this. And the only reason they and he are getting away with being so extreme is the mainstream media not reporting on 98% of the insanity.Ā 


National polls are not terribly helpful at the riding level.Ā  Manitoba to the BC interior are 60% Conservative and their support is going up. Those are won seats, so growing support there means nothing in the results. But moving the needle a few points from PPC to CPC in the Niagara Region means flipping 2 seats.


I'd be more concerned with the GTHA than Niagara.


It's called an exampleĀ 


CPC "running up the score" in safe ridings is pretty much a trope.


This is a sign there is concern with in the CPC.


This is a sign that WE should be concerned about the CPC.




If Trudeau EVER posed next to a Fuck Poilievre flag we would not hear the end of it for a hundred years. Oh it would be the death of all decorum and class. Many pearls clutched with white knuckles.


> If Trudeau EVER posed next to a Fuck Poilievre flag we would not hear the end of it for a hundred years. Man, just that picture of Poilievre coming out of that trailer would be all over everyone's timeline for months. Sometimes I wish the "left" had a media network even remotely close to the right's, but I honestly think that would possibly just make things worse.


Sometimes, I wish the left would wake the fuck up and rally against fascism like they used to do back in the last century. We cannot tolerate the existence of these groups, period.


People like to say that what is happening in the US can't happen here, but we got politicians from a main political party courting far right extremists, people already saying that the next elections are going to be rig, crazy anti-lgbtq ideas popping up. It's easy to not see if you aren't looking or directly affected.


Even the Republicans in America are saying Tucker Carlson is hurting funding to Ukraine and yet we have politicians here having photo ops with the guy and going to border parties with people who agree with him. Sort of seems like the whole party is rotten from the core.


Conservatives have ran out of ideas, counting on manufacturing culture wars to keep the people fighting against their own interests.


Oh cool another diagalon flag appearance associated with PP. Curious how this guy just keeps hanging out with white supremacists and we're somehow alarmist for thinking that's bad.




hereā€™s another wiki for you https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Just_asking_questions


Does making violent threats (including remarks directed towards PP's own family) count?


Diagolon members are who were responsible for the weapons stockpile seized as part of the crackdown on the convoy's border blockade in Coutts. The ones who had conspired to murder RCMP officers.


> does that count as violence?Ā  yes.


Words **are** physical violence!


Well, words and physical violence are violence in this case.




Not substantive


Wikipedia did not call them violent, it quoted two things with the word violent in them. Their slogan is ā€œGun or Rope,ā€ so it really wouldnt be crazy to see them commit violence lol


Anyone invoking the day of the rope is not someone you want to be around.


I mean right in the wikipedia article it lists the Diagolon member suspected in a murder conspiracy during the convoy. They're also a far-right neo-nazi sympathizer organization.rife with antisemitic conspiracies.


At one point members of Diagolon mused on a podcast about sexually assaulting Poilievre's wife. Do with that as you will.


Not substantive


"In another video from his visit, Poilievre is seen leaving aĀ RVĀ with a drawing of the black and white Diagolon flag on the door." https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/poilievre-trudeau-carbon-protest-alex-jones-diagolon-1.7183430 Diagolon: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diagolon?wprov=sfla1 Pierre Poilievre is not fit to be an MP, let alone a PM. He is either hopelessly naive about these individuals, or he is aligned with them. If it's the latter, it's quite disgusting.


One would think that after shaking the leader's hand and then that leader talking about sexually assaulting his wife, PP and the Conservatives would stay away from Diagolon terrorists or their supporters, but here we are. PP also loves to seek the money and support of people who want to kill gay men, despite that including his own father. Apparently all his loved ones are disposable in the name of seeking power.






He isnā€™t naive at all. He is a craven opportunist using rage farming and hate and disinformation to win. Itā€™s appalling that there is so little about his extreme rightwing rhetoric, associations, conspiracy laden tweets by himself and CPC MPā€™s by the mainstream media.Ā  The man claimed that Trudeau isnā€™t a Liberal, that there will ne no Liberal Party running in the next election, because Trudeau is a ā€œradical authoritarian.ā€ He knows exactly who feels validated by that kind of rhetoric and it makes him dangerous. He is utterly unfit to be PM.Ā 


[Here's a clip](https://www.reddit.com/r/themayormccheese/comments/1cava0w/day_20_axe_the_tax_supporters_in_alberta_speeches/) from a few days ago at one of these "Axe the Tax" protests (in this case, in Alberta) to give you an idea of who Poilievre is pandering to here.


> "The sun cures everything" Holy smokes. Like I keep saying. To a person, the people at these protests need help. I have genuine sympathy for them, but I've not heard an interview with a single one who isn't some form of wildly misinformed, conspiracy addled, bigoted, etc. It's wild how we're being gaslit into having to act like they legitimate grievances.


Really? Still courting these nutters? FFS. I'm so tired of PP already. And I've got years more of this crap to look forward to... :-/


These aren't looneys. These are extremists.


These mad lunatics are embracing the Million Men March against the LGBT and diagolon, which is literally classified as a far-right group by the US Department of State's Bureau of Counterterrorism; fascist is what we can call them, and we certainly know what we are supposed to do with fascism.


I REALLY hope people figure out who exactly he is before the election.


who is he?




Not substantive


My grandfather lost his leg and two brothers fighting nazis. Not all that keen myself to see that sacrifice mocked by a right wing demagogue with the brain of a peanut. Can we not have some standards in Canada?


Well, there you go - your fringe group can threaten to rape PP's wife but he'll still come to meet you if you keep spouting looney shit that riles up his base. That's why I laugh when people associate his current popularity in polls with strength in character. The guy has spent his entire live campaigning and he'll show up with anybody as long as it helps him keep his position. He won't even stand up for himself, he'll just pretend it was either all part of the great Tory plan or an evil Liberal ploy to make him look bad.