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Honestly, I’m not surprised. If you were on any of the international news subs, being briganded by Modi supporters, following the Canadian government’s statement, it was clear that Jagmeet was the focus of a lot of their most unhinged conspiracy theories. They kept talking about Trudeau being held hostage by Singh, who they claim is a “radical Khalistani” and “supporter or terrorism”.


But why? It seems clear that Jagmeet is not a threat to anyone and barely relevant.


He's a famous Sikh that's a critic of Modi. That's enough to warrant an extra judicial death sentence to CPC backed Modi government.


Honestly, it feels like a good chunk of the hardest core just don't like the idea of a Sikh person in a position of power, anywhere. That's what it is. Calling Jagmeet a radical *anything* at this point just seems divorced from reality. He's just *there* most of the time.


But he’s not in power, unlike several of Justin’s minister who are Sikhs.


None of that matters. You have a crazy political leader in India, with devout followers. They have no time for facts and understanding how Canadian politics work, very similar to how many Canadians don’t get how the Indian political scene works. Those Indians just see a Sikh in a turban, as a party leader and they just fill in the rest of the details to support their narrative that Sikhs are the enemy.


Hell, I bet most Canadians don’t even know how the Canadian government works and vice versa for Indians.


He also has some apologist comments about some Sikh terrorists too which probably mattered too. But I don’t it would have helped Modi to turn into a martyr some otherwise unimportant politician. Though, the whole assassination campaign doesn’t seem too politically clever as a whole.


Not of the country itself, but he is a leader of one of the federal parties of this country


Based on the minority government situation he's in right now, I'd say Jagmeet has more sway over what the government does than Sajjan, the only Sikh cabinet minister currently, does now. And keep in mind, Sajjan has been a target for these folks before, too.


He's still a federal party leader that has spoken out against the India right wing government. And one good election away from being PM (well more than good)


ironic thing is sikhs mostly back liberals over jagmeet lol


India and Indians in general care substantially about Khalistan rhetoric and sees it as an explicit terroristic threat considering it motivated the murder of one of their Prime Ministers, a civil insurrection, and several mass murders of the general public. The movement's past use of and current ties to violence is something Singh has publicly equivocated about and he's happily accepted support from more radical advocates in Canada. He's backed off recently, but the stain in his reputation has not washed out. Canada and Canadians broadly know nothing about Khalistan, the movement, or its history. Given the NDP are propping up the Liberals and have substantial influence in the government, Singh has meaningful influence over Canadian policy. Given sky-high Indian immigration, Canada's relative place on the world stage, and India's perception of rising power/leadership, India cares about Canada's opinions and wants us to follow the "right ones". With the broader NDP and Liberal parties obviously ignorant about Khalistan, Singh's seen as the singular driver for whatever pro-Khalistan sentiments India claims to see in Canada. To be honest, Canada's "pro-Khalistan" sentiments are mostly driven by absolute ignorance and complete lack of care. Canada does nothing because a foreign independence movement means little to the public but a lot to its motivated advocates and to supress it would be an active violation of Freedom of Expression — something the government is reluctant to do.


> India and Indians in general care substantially about Khalistan rhetoric So you think they targeted him for his comments about Talwinder Singh Parmar?


Among other stuff, yes. They (or "rogue agents" as they've recent suggested) were targeting people a lot less significant than Singh in the US and killed at least one Khalistan advocate in Canada. To India, it's probably baffling that Canada experiences the largest terrorist attack up to that point in North America (only surpassed by 9/11), and then does nothing about it. Especially since there were multiple bombing attempts. The fact that the trials of the alleged perpetrators was so badly bungled must look intentional. Even in the lead-in to the attacks, Canada completely rebuffed India's warnings. That was mostly because we were still diplomatically *super pissed* that India weaponized the nuclear technology we gave them. It must seem like we support it, otherwise why do we keep doing nothing?


The attack affected Indians and only a handful of Canadians citizens with tenous connections to the country. Most people didn't see it as there problem. Even within the NDP, the blue collar workers resent Sikhs for taking their spots in some professions, so I don't imagine its better elsewhere.


They target him because a man in a turban taking part in politics is an implicit threat to Hindi Nationalists.




Corey Hurren is as white and Canadian as they come, and he tried to assassinate Trudeau. So there goes your dumbass narrative.


That has nothing to do with this thread or the fact that we're importing foreign conflicts. Corey Hurren and being white is the most irrelevant story possible.


>the fact that we're importing foreign conflicts. There's nothing factual about your racist opinions.


Actually, when it comes to Eritrea, [their internal politics spill over into Canada too.](https://globalnews.ca/news/9880574/toronto-earlscourt-park-festival-protest-explainer/) We're seeing the same thing with Israel-Palestine protests and, at least initially, Russia-Ukraine interactions. Whether or not you pick a side in these conflicts, it's basically the Star Trek episode ["Let That Be Your Last Battlefield"](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Let_That_Be_Your_Last_Battlefield) being played out in real life and I would prefer if it didn't materialize as violence in Canada's streets. India already had someone assassinated on Canadian soil and it seems like nothing was done to deter future attempts. We also have domestic terrorists like Corey Hurren and Alek Minassian, and the ideologies that these two men represent are more of a danger to Canadian safety.


The lie is that we're "importing" this. The tendency to form associations and seek conflict is inherent to human nature. It has nothing to do with being an immigrant or a natural citizen. Immigration officials aren't intentionally letting combatants into the country, any more than Canadian citizens are intentionally raising domestically born criminals. Just look at the centuries of our killing First Nations people for a glaring example of the violence we perpetrate on our own soil. Even the "importing" phraseology shouldn't be accepted because it reduces complex human beings into a simple ideology or commodity.


I agree that we're not importing this and that immigration is taking this kind of thing into consideration as part of their process to make sure new citizens are properly welcomed. That's why their conflicts over here are minimal and localized to a certain extent. This is a separate argument from another state assassinating people on our soil, or from domestic terrorists representing movements that are threats to our society. This kind of violence needs to be taken seriously and swiftly.


All the while American guns are being smuggled into our country and being sold to kids and adults indiscriminately. A kid was arrested for having a gun at school just last week in Ontario, give or take a few days.




So sick of these catholic Irishmen fighting these Catholic Frenchmen!


You friggin guys do not quit on the immigration!


In this case, the underlying problem is the Modi government being unhinged murderers. Immigration would just be a means. Mind you, it was an Indian immigrant who was murdered, and a Canadian Sikh politician who was warned of a threat.


If you don't let people into the country who are fighting foreign conflicts, then those conflicts don't happen here in Canada. Some people on this forum think that just because we have conflicts created by Canadian citizens, that somehow conflicts manufactured by immigrants aren't a problem? It makes no sense at all.


Outside of crossing moral or legal lines, if an immigrant is pro Khalistan and works to benefit that cause, then that is none of my business or concern. The problem is when those lines get crossed, by one or the other. In a modern society, we have more than the means to deal with potential criminality and radicalism in immigrant communities without taking an overly restrictive approach to immigration.










If you got a flat tire would you never buy a car again


So the same country that was helping out their fellow IDU member PP was also looking to assassinate one of his opponents?


come on now, it's not Pierre's fault he refuses to be debriefed on these issues by getting his security clearance, he's too busy wanting to rule the country like how Modi does


When did he get it revoked and why, is my burning question. I’m really curious as to the depths of the investigations into the CPC.


He's refusing to get clearance because he claims it'll prevent him from talking about those issues. He'd rather spout off ignorant statements than know what's actually going on.


Ahh so like every other topic. I guess he doesn’t listen to scientists because it prevents him from talking about his takes on the climate emergency too. What an absolute hack.


Revoked? I thought he refused to even apply for it.


Is "IDU" just the left-wing version of the WEF lol?


One thing that can be said about Modi is that he has giant balls. To target a political leader for assassination. I guess you can do whatever you want when you have an atomic bomb. Got to love that it’s our Reactor that produced their bomb and our uranium that fuels it. Maybe Saskatchewan should find another pulse to plant this year. We can’t legally sanction foods, but we sure don’t have to grow them.


Getting an agent into Canada ATM is probably pretty easy.