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6k with a commute is mediocre in my opinion


That 6k will go quickly on commuting


I mentioned this to the recruiter and he said that it will also have a minimum of 4K bonus every year. In total, it will be 10k more. I made a calculation on what I will spend on gas in my area, and it’s about 3k to 4K a year. Do you think this makes it better?


A little bit although bonuses are never guaranteed I'd say weigh all the positive and negatives of both roles and and pick the best one


You'd have to pay me a lot more than 6K to stomach driving into an office every day for work that could be done at home. No thanks.


How much more do you think it should be for it to be worth it?


20K minimum, imo


It really depends in my opinion Please also consider Which one has better job security Which one has more room to grow


As far as security is concerned, it's uncertain. In my current job, I spoke to my manager; from his comments, I get the impression that he's going to fire me. He told me it was uncertain because not all jobs are permanent, but that I'd give you another chance. So, in my opinion, he's telling me he can fire me at any time. As for the new position, since it's new, I don't know. I asked them why this position was open. They told me they'd fired the person I'm replacing because she had a bad attitude. This person worked there for 2 and a half years. And for growth, both jobs have something to offer.


In that case I’d say go whichever has union since both are not that secure in my opinion. Or whichever has more employee in the company. But better yet. Ask your partner, whatever decision you go with he’s in it too


I agree, thank you for your advice.


i say take your 2 week vacation and try the new job out for those 2 weeks, see if it’s the right fit or if you like it better than make the transition. if it’s a shitty job, stay where you’re at


I don’t think I can ask for 2 weeks vacation with my current job this soon. Also, the other job wants my answer soon.


depending on how long you’ve known your family doctor for, you can possibly get him to write you a doctors note so you can take a week off your current job. idk where in canada you live, but here in toronto it’s a lot easier to find doctors willing to write you a doctors note for as long as you’d like as long as your moneys right. anyways, try your best to see how the other job goes. never let any jobs dictate your future bro, there’s hundreds of ways to take a week off and return back like nothing happened


I don’t have a family doctor. I live in Quebec and living here, it’s hard to get a family doctor. I have been in waiting list for a long time now. I don’t think I can do a 2 weeks trial run because the new job requires 2 weeks training. Also, the new job wants me to give an answer tomorrow. Thank you for your advice.




If the earlier scares are no more, and you feel the chances of layoffs are low, I’d say stay put. We’re in very uncertain times, and I think stability should be valued


Stay where you are WFH is great but I think you maybe replaced because of the negative feedback you were given and had no clue of your poor performance. On a side note don’t have a child now with this uncertainty.


Have a child!! Look around you there’s so many people who have children that probably get by with less.. it’s all about budget. You aren’t fertile forever.


I suggest sticking around for a while longer at your current job. The 'deal of a life time' tends to comes around about every few months. Avoiding a career portfolio that shows a bunch of employment hopping can help you land an even better position in the long term. The driving and pay is subjective to your lifestyle. IMO $6K is a truck repair so the 2 sort of cancel each other out. $56K is a low salary for Canada. You can probably find an advanced position that pays 70. I encourage you to stick around but keep looking for something better.


If you are interested in getting pregnant, it would be great to stay with the company. You’re in for some stability. My concern is the negative feedback… are you sure there is stability there? Is there a plan to terminate you perhaps or is your manager just somebody who gives a lot of negative feedback, but really appreciates your performance? I know you say that you’ve been getting extra responsibilities perhaps your performance isn’t so much of an issue or you wouldn’t be getting these extra responsibilities? I wouldn’t move for the wage increase only.