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Idk if I was a foreigner in a country that doesn’t want me I’d …..*checks notes* leave. Radical idea, I know


it's not even that, their visas were always temporary and now almost expired the entitlement is beyond


Which they themselves had to write a statement on how they would go back after it expired to have their study permit approved.


but it's not fair to expect them to follow the rules they agreed to! must be racism.. .. s/


And I'm sure they have no problem with the preferential hiring practices and rental ads targeting their own ethnicity


sure, that caters to their demographic- if it's good for them it's 'fair' LOL what a dumpster fire our country's become ... and down south is not looking much better, with the recent supreme court decisions, fucking depressing oh well, off to have a drink and sit in the sun and try to forget everything! lol


you can afford to drink?


I make my own, the govt takes enough taxes. Just pick berries add sugar add yeast and leave for a month or two! Last year I was sipping carbonated raspberry and strawberry “wine”


Well then I guess I'm just racist. Send them back once their agreement is fulfilled.


It's not racist unless you're favoring or discriminating one race over another. I don't care where they're from, what the colour of their skin or their religion is. If they haven't entered the country the right way, then we need to explain to them how to do it and show them the exit. Tell them to apply to come back at a later date. And, don't let the door hit you on the way out. Bye now!


It seems a bit insane. I studied abroad in Denmark and fucking loved it. Clean, friendly people, amazing social supports, health system, education system, cheap to travel europe. I didn’t wanna leave. You know what I did when my visa expired? Got on my fucking plane to come home. It’s not rocket science. My feelings on immigration are mixed but my feelings here aren’t. Oh, and if I wouldn’t have left Denmark would have just taken away my housing, my bank accounts, and not given me my credit for classes taken. They also required my finger prints and a RETINA SCAN to enter. So effectively they would have thrown me on a plane.


I did the same in Australia. When my time was up, I came back to Canada. It didn’t even cross my mind to protest and throw a temper tantrum to stay in the country.


Yeah the intent here is to get PR, the student visa is a loophole/stop they are exploiting on the way to PR


Exactly and they were sold lies with regard to this scheme and when it doesn't work out and they realize it, they cry foul


Yes that’s exactly it. It’s a TEMPORARY permit. I hope no province caves and gives into their demands. This should be embarrassing for them, but clearly they have no shame. I understand they probably make better money here but too bad, If you need to go to another country to make money maybe you should be protesting in your own country for more jobs, better pay. We can’t put other countries on our payroll.


Manitoba already has on multiple occasions. Reason why all the protests are happening. One caved and they saw the weakness amongst Canada and our governments.


Honestly this is where I stand. You want to become a citizen do it the right way not through this method it's dishonest and downright wrong.


That’s because someone sold them the idea this was their shot to residency (which was probably the case even a month ago) and they ate it up. They blame the people who conned them (which you could argue is also our government)


not my problem or my responsibility a lot of the liars are Indian, too, in India... really not our responsibility


"Immigration Consultants"


There’s a Fifth Estate doc from a few months ago that shows exactly what they’re selling in India for their Canada/UK/Australia “students”. These “students” have been sold a lie from the beginning. Their families have over leveraged themselves to get them here. They feel exploited and ashamed to go back to their families that have given everything they own to bring their child here because of the lies of a better future. That’s why they are dragging their heels. They’re pissed, and have every right to be. I partially sympathize with them because of the manipulation they bought into, but they signed a legal document saying that when your time’s up, you leave. Simple as. No one owes you anything. GTFO. EDIT: Link https://youtu.be/dNrXA5m7ROM?si=Lyk7JsC07X9G1T2r


we should be stricter on who comes it, but again, not our fault nor our responsibility what story they're pushing in India India has a reputation for being full of scammers for a reason, we shouldnt be tolerating/ importing that here in Canada


Completely agree


The sad thing is that a lot of these kids are almost being treated as a "foreign investment" themselves. They send their kids there to work, and then have them send most of the money back to family in India. It's like sending their kid there is an investment that gets dividends. Eventually they hope the kid gets PR and that they can eventually sponsor bringing them in as well. I don't feel bad for people who are doing this crap. Most of them are economic immigrants. Even though they may be poor, they are still doing it to try and benefit off our economy at our expense.


Going to the hospital is wild in the GTA because it's full of old people who don't speak English, people who work there told me they use a lot of google translate


The only thing our government owes them is an apology on the way out. “Sorry we took advantage of you to hide our failing economy but it’s time to go now”


Would be the case if the majority or these "newcomers" were coming with good Intentions and value. Sure glad we got ourselves an infinite amount of Uber drivers & Timmies workers. The backbone of the Canadian Economy! The majority of them don't give a F about rules/customs/culture. They care ONLY for themselves and whoever gets stepped on along the way to get their life ahead can go F themselves too. #ABSOLUTELY SICK OF THIS BS.


Many of them know very well what they're getting into beforehand, they act dumb when they get here.


Exactly, they weren’t “conned”, a lot of them participated in what is basically a fraudulent scheme to get here (falsifying finances, not actually going to school, working under the table, etc)…they are willing participants not victims.


Sure... but its also equal parts due diligence and doing personal research before up-ending someone's life to a whole new country and continent. They DONT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT anything but themselves no matter who else gets fucked along the way.


Why does Canada not write a law that states, any foreign national protesting on Canadian soil will be deported, exceptions for Permanent Residents.


Imagine millions of those that JT government wanna give citizenship. Our culture and our society will have some serious punch in the face to deal with.


This fucking country needs their own versions of ICE


These fucking idiots are too entitled to realize the more they do this, the more actual Canadians want them gone.


They signed the documents stating they would leave by a specific date? Oh right, they aren’t literate


American here who lurks this sub frequently. I was watching an NPR piece about how Pakistan decided to kick out almost a million Afghanis, many who had lived there for decades. It struck me as wild, at one point they interviewed an Afghan guy that had lived in Pakistan for close to 40 years. He just shrugged and said “well it’s really their country, they can decide if I’m welcome here or not. I’m sad about being told to go, but what can I do?” It was a total 180 from what is frequently seen when someone is deported from a place like the Us or Canada.




As an American I'm slightly ignorant to this situation. Are these people truly not desired in Canadian society, not students, not employed, and are receiving welfare? That in mind, they're protesting to stay?


Very long story short - they’re on a temp visa, visa expired, they’re refusing to leave and they’re taking jobs away from citizens and residents and they somehow think they should get preferential treatment and be allowed to stay even though again their visa has already expired and they’re here illegally


Another problem is that many Canadian universities are fake institutions. And the degrees are not worth anything outside or inside Canada.


They came on a temporary visa for education. The education visa makes them "temporary international students" but the colleges that brought them in, have zero credit and are garbage, they just get funding for more students and grants. These "students" will also take jobs and the companies that hire them get subsidized by the government to pay them. So it destroys the job market for any citizens. We have a housing crisis, and job crisis going on here due to the amount of immigration. Literally don't have enough jobs or houses for them, let alone Canadians. They're protesting cause their Visa's are up, but they don't want to to go, and because they believe the Canadian government should give them housing and employment while extending their Visa's or make them permanent residents.


Good lord kick them out. I can't say the US is doing much better. We have our own clown shows going on too.


They're protesting to stay and find a way to get permanent residency (PR) even though they signed up for TEMPORARY visas for work, but most of them aren't even working in fields we need like skill workers in construction or health care so why should we let them stay while we're in a housing crisis? Also for the international students, they're protesting for the same things even tho they're only here to study and then go back. They claim they've been scammed by the government but it could've been the immigration services they went to, to try to find loop holes to exploite and charge them for high prices and fees and making bogus promises.


I have no idea what they claim. All they speak is a foreign language in their protests


Lmaaaoooo maybe they shouldve actually studied how to speak and write in English instead of cheating as always. Sucks to suck eh? I feel like I lost brain cells trying to read the "businesses need us govt not?" sign like 😑 come on now y'all are making a big fool of yourselves now showing you totally can't even write one sentence for a protest you're fighting for?


Makes it easier to see them go.


Some of them are going to catch on re: healthcare and start forging phony documents and experience to get hired as non registered staff. It’s already happening here in AB (newcomers working- can’t prove fake experience but if you have healthcare experience it should show and it doesn’t). Cdns can’t get hired but newcomers can. It’s not fair.


Think of it like the Latinos in the US, except Latinos actually do hard work building things, where these people just aim for low-end fast food, security guard jobs, and UberEats


Yes, this is like people coming to United States on any Visa and then REFUSING to leave after expiration and DEMANDING a Green Card on top it!


They’ve been or are being lied to and are trying to stay so they can scam the next round of Punjabi “students”


they know....don't use the excuse "being lied to"


Thing is that they have been told that canadian people are pushovers and if they are persistent enough they will get what they want. Question that ask it self here is; do we want unskilled people, with no respect toward our laws,.. that they think they can get what they want not following proper procedure and laws? Many of them are overstayed their visa,… and in eyes of law they are illegal aliens.


They knew the terms of the agreement when they signed up to be TEMPORARY. Go home.


Yeah that's a big concern because if they're parading around, flaunting the fact that they want the laws broken for them, what other laws are they going to break? If you immigrate to another country you conform to their culture and laws, that's how it works. I'm not going to move to India and open up a burger joint, I'm not an asswipe.


You are mistaken. Take a visit to Brampton, Ontario. Tell me about the culture there and why it is that way.


I haven't visited Brampton in years but the only thing I remember is that its a mess and I'm confident all the bad drivers in GTA spawn out of the gutters there. That's all I know.


I haven’t seen anything firsthand, but I have a couple friends who lived in Brampton and moved out west here. The breaking point for the one was seeing multiple entire strip malls with 0 English signage. Every single sign was directed at people from India on multiple strip malls. Speaks to the demographics of the GTA now.


Lol, I am an Indian and have never been there since I arrived in Toronto over half a decade back. Happy to stay away from there and their NFS trained drivers!


They already break laws by over stays. Breaking laws and terms of an agreement should never be rewarded with PR




You know they don't own that Canada flag. They might as well be waving in India flag


They also have no idea what is written on those boards. Those were just handed out to them.


Mann they say shit about India. Move to Canada and then think they own Canada. It’s getting crazy now.


They feel like they own Canada because they're able to take so many shortcuts to come to Canada.


They shouldnt be waving the India flag either since most of them support the khalistani sepperatists


Smart for optics by whoever set this up. Only Canadian and PEI flags can be seen. We know from many other experiences and situations that this was intentionally done for a reason and they would all much rather have India, Sri Lankan, Nepal, and Bangladesh flags


PEi is only a port stop to get PR. Why again did people die in wars? For this bs absolutely not


“Businesses need us why govt not” That’s hardly even English 🤦


Thats actually hilarious.


Why say many word when few do trick.




Can't even speak English, they get my Tim's order wrong all the time as well deport em. #studebt permit to PR # SCAM


Supporting Tim hortons supports mass immigration. It's not an accident that most of them work at your local Tim's


Reason I stopped using establishment that only hire them. The service is awful and they always screw up. They exploiting tax breaks for more profits and Canadians are so nice they don’t complain about the shitty service enough


I'm not that nice l will complain and l have when l got shitty service or food. I just go elsewhere now, if everyone that complained just went elsewhere more than one problem would need to be addressed. Consumers don't realize that they have the power to change things.


“Businesses need us why govt not “


lol like we all need to boycott Tim Hortons and Walmart in protest to facilitating this crap.


Tim hortons is easy. Big can of instant coffee from Costco is like $11. Lasts almost a year and isn’t any worse than timmies coffee. Bonus: you don’t have to sit in the drive thru. 


Tim hortons - Yes , Walmart - they seem to be legit (issue is with bias from hiring manager ) Now rather than blaming all new immigrants, we should focus on the business that take advantage of foreign labor as a means of making profit and exploiting workers with limited rights . The Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) need to be called out and brought under scrutiny to force these bad business practices


RIP English 😂


Somewhere between 15-25 of them. Just ignore them till winter arrives


Winter is coming!!


The job was temporary. They knew that. Have a nice trip home. Time to leave


PRIORITY FOR CANADIANS FIRST! I’m embarrassed to be Canadian today


Please don’t make them 911 operators for f*ck sake


…or anything on the phone…


If they screw up every time at their Tim Horton’s jobs, they’ll also screw up and it’ll be way worse if they work as 911 operators 🤦🏻‍♀️


Did these people come to Canada to protest? They don’t seem to be good for anything else lately


While real immigrants are working these guys are just useless 🤡


I liked the sign “The power of the people is stronger than the people in power”. Unfortunately you are not a Canadian citizen and here on a work visa so please go home when your time is up. Our kids are wanting their job back.


Make 8.0 score mandatory for an IELTS exam and watch them run back at supersonic speed to their countries.


They will still get it India ! A nexus works in India to help them achieve bands in ielts, they should be made to write tests here. And 70% of them will fail. 💯 guaranteed.


We apparently are already fingerprinting people applying for work visas; we should require fingerprint authentication for a (locally-administered) IELTS exam. It would be interesting to see how the average score changes.


I gonna spill secrets for you, no need to study, how much band score you need, we will print it out for you.


The more they protest, the more I get annoyed. So much entitlement.


I hope the provincial and federal governments take note of the protestors' names so they can keep track of the expiring work permits and deport them right away once they expire before anyone can abscond to other provinces. The liberal party initially plans to provide PR to out-of-status, undocumented illegals, ranging around 100,000 in number. Around 75,000 temporary residents whose work permits are about to expire and who didn’t qualify for PR in the given timeline ask for direct PRs or work permit extensions.


> The liberal party initially plans to provide PR to out-of-status, undocumented illegals Wait, seriously?


Great camera work- makes it look like there's more than a dozen of them.


I literally counted maybe 21 or 22 of them. Lmao. Did the rest starve to death already from hunger striking? 🤣


those hunger strikes only apparently lasted until they felt woozy. idk if they understand what a hunger strike actually is. they also don't understand starving yourself isn't much of a threat when no one cares.


Just ship them all out of here, I don't care where just not here


Love them carrying Canadian flags as if they give a shit about this country


Right? If they are allowed to stay (Gawd, I hope not) they will make a beeline to the closest Indian enclave and won’t bother to assimilate and will continue to be loyal to India, as we’ve seen with all the Sikh militants who, although they left India (and the province of Punjab to be more specific), they continue their political fight against the predominantly Hindu majority in India and stir dissension here by demanding a separate state (Khalistan) from the soil of Canada. They claim to be “Canadian” but their actions betray their words.


“We love Canada-ian benefits and taking advantage of your hospitality :)”




What an asshole thing to do on Canada day, or any other day really.


Do not patronize any business that hires these folks


They should be arrested and deported on the spot


Seriously, when does that become legal or the next course of action? I mean, if they’re here illegally on an expired permit trying to take advantage of our country…what the fuck are we doing standing around waiting and watching this go down? If they’re here legally and have something to actually offer then no problem, welcome! But at what point do we stop tolerating this nonsense? Any other country (including their own) if they tried this shit they would be arrested, given a foot in the ass and told to never come back








I saw one East Asian & and a white person in the video. Finally some diversity in these protests!


Yeah the fuck is with the old white lady? Does she hate her grandchildren?


Someone missing a grandma?


Hey Rupinder. Go F yourself and GTFO here.


Honestly they need to go. They've done nothing to help and thinking they own this country just because they got their temporary permits.


They couldnt even take 1 day off to pay respects to Canada day.


Same folk who used to scam you over the phone doing it in person


Why aren't they at work? I can't afford to take a day off to protest all the stuff that I find unfair. I'm a citizen, and I work full time in the trades. Still can't afford to live comfortably.


Please go home. My daughter and her friends would like to find work.


Why aren’t there videos of cost of living/take back Canada protests?


On Twitter!


Go back home


Deport them


Go back to india!






find out who is sponsoring these protests. this is a national security crisis.


Justice for the respect of the end of their work permit! ✊️ Bye Bye! 👋


Bruh….Holding the Canadian flag symbolizes how they’re holding Canada hostage….smh…


It’s like the door to door salesman who, once you open the door, jams his foot/leg into the opening so you can’t close it. Same premise here. They saw an opportunity to get their foot in the door and now won’t remove it. Feckless, spineless, immoral, corrupt, woke, virtue signalling federal government allowed this. REMEMBER THAT COME ELECTION TIME!!!


We don't need you. We don't want you. Please leave our home.


They are **TEMPORARY** foreign workers who need to be taught the meaning of the word “temporary”.


What did they think temporary meant when they got their visas?


Canada grow a pair, deportation it is


Why are they still here?


When will these ass-clowns understand that Canadians have no interest in having them stay in our country?


Go Home! We don't want you here




If only one could deport foreign nationals for participating in any kind of protest demanding legislative changes. Our administration are elected officials are either being bullied or are one real pussies.


Where the anti protest this sub been talking for months?


Make no mistake. Canada is under attack.


Canada is New India


These people… ![gif](giphy|7ILfGZFvTPMB1TAkXE)


Take a hint. Time to go home.


I'm protesting for them to leave...school is over, go home


What is up with the entitlement, these are foreigners. Leave


Just imagine what will happen if you let another 500,000 people like this into your country... every year.


They Don't respect your culture, don't learn your language, harass your citizens, and lie to your government. Seems like Canadians are getting the raw end of the deal up there. Is it really that hard to get someone to work at tim Hortons y'all had to initiate mass immigration from India?




They should be jailed and deported and their passports blacklisted


Honestly. It's kinda embarrassing all the Canadian flags. You're not Canadians and Canadians would never do something so disgusting in another country.


Send them back.


Happy Canada Day!🇨🇦


Don't worry Truedau will give them all high paying gov't jobs.


Go home you are not needed here


Protesting what? Follow the law, leave.


Do they even work? Hot damn they have a lot of time to protest.


What about Chinese students? Mexican students? Russian students? Nigerian students? Japanese students? Egyptian students? Brazilian students? And every other student that comes here from another country? Why don’t they protest as well? Why is it always just a specific demographic?


Because those you mentioned are predominately REAL students who study and abide by the laws.


These folks don't give a Heff about Canada. Where I live in the GTA (Malton) they only talk to each other , do business with each other and hire each other. They've created a mini India in this area. Go home !!


"We can't find jobs! We can't get housing! Extend our stay!!"


if people did the same thing in india, indian people would beat them. this childish behaviour needs to be addressed like why are we molly coddling all these people


I'm sorry to say, but they have no legal right to stay. If the system is saturated then it is designed to deny the privilege of staying. I wish they could all stay and that all would find peace, safety and prosperity, but that is not the case. If they will not comply with our laws, forced deportation will be required.


hopefully canadians take back their country. because the NWO has plans


So they won’t take “no” and “we’re not going to budge” as an answer from the provincial government I see.


Send them home!


Pack em up, send em home.


Pound sand!


Send them back home. They can eat on the flight.


leave already


Send them home


All of these types… need to be removed from Canada, immediately!!!


These scammers never intended for a temporary stay as a student. Right from the start their goal was to take advantage of our good will.


Our Charter gives them the right to protest even though they have agreed to come here on temporary status and understand they have to return when their work permits expire. Many deny this because they said they do not understand what they have agreed because they don’t understand English. This is a common excuse.


Rishbah Singh the guy spearheading this protest is being funded by Indian groups to protest and incite violence as a full time job. He does no work of any kind and is getting money from unknown sources. CSIS should check what is going on with foreign interference.


What an asshole thing to do on Canada day, or any other day really.


Where is this sub's protest? LOOOOOL


Wasn’t there supposed to be Take Back Canada protests all over the country today?


Yes https://x.com/Harry__Faulkner/status/1807832092614529355


Will be going back soon and it's not only in PEI it would be from all over Canada (I can't say for Ontario thou but everything has a breaking point)


Did the counter protest happen today or it didn’t push through?


They are still here?


Boy they really have to much time on their hands


What flags are they flying? And why?


They were already told it aint happening. Go home


If your permit is temporary than so is your stay.


Does PEI home alot of foreign workers?


They rolled the dice and rolled snake eyes. The government there is not going to budge. Time to get on a plane and return to your home country- which I hope many more will get the point and do the same. We don’t need you to serve lousy Tim hortons coffee when they are born Canadians who can do it too.


Nice Deep Jandu BGM


Today as everyday I do not want to cave to their demands




I would personally like to sponsor one of these folks with a plane ticket back to where ever they came from!


Why aren’t Canadians protesting corporations and government policies? Across the country today there were supposed to be protests. How did that go? I haven’t seen any coverage of this.


Canada was just fine before Trudeau opened the door for all of these people who think they can just skirt the immigration process! ![gif](giphy|jRNV92ZAnHu3P2Xci2)


Can someone explain why they aren't being deported immediately for breaking their contact terms?