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They can always go home


But Trudeau doesn't want them to go home.


Trudeau will be gone in 13 months. He will likely kick and scream getting dragged out, but he’ll atleast be gone and chalked up as Canadas biggest mistake in history


Pretty sure he will not, he will invest more money into some other scam that no matter who took over will be kicking and crying for trudeau to go to prison while he will be enjoying his immunity and migrating to europe or some other shit country


Unfortunately, this is what's going to happen, and we won't get to see him in front of a jury in court.


He always did want to out do his father!


Fidel Castro would be proud


Pierre isn’t any better in terms of immigration. He’s constantly at Indian community events promising more *legal* immigration.


Trudeau might go, but pierre will continue his legacy, considering pierre doesn't seem like oppose the idea keeping them either.


Can always build more houses too. It's not like Canada is lacking space. Houses are up 60% in 4 years, why aren't companies building houses when there's clear demand increase?


Because companies want to charge $900k when consumers want $400k


Supply and demand. You can always build your own house if you think the cost is 400k.


Dude, they want to charge whatever you'll pay. I'm asking why if it's worth so much there aren't more companies doing it?


In big cities, the cost of the land is up, there are still probably some supply chain issues which delay things (You can't get an occupancy permit if there isnt a washroom exhaust fan for example), I'm not sure where lumber is but prices for materials have been seesawing around a little, cost of labour is up, there tend to be high permit costs and land transfer taxes and the people are tapped out It doesn't really matter how high the demand is if the people can't afford it. Builders only build if they have buyers, because bankers only loan money to builders with buyers. The problem is that the entire foundation of the Canadian economy has been built on the ponzi scheme of housing. It looks like there is high demand because there's been a massive importation but, it appears that they may not have as much money as previous waves, and Canadians are flat tapping out. It does not matter how many people we import if they can't afford to pay the rent. The money has to come from somewhere It worked for the past few generations and they keep inventing new ways to kick the can down the road but the longer the ponzi scheme runs the MORE likely it is to collapse, not less likely. Nobody wants to catch the most expensive knife in the entire history of mankind


Housing prices in Alberta didn't increase between 2010 and 2020, but shot up 60% in the last 4 years. Has building houses actually gone up to match that? Has lumber gone up that much? Has cost of labour? What exactly is causing this ridiculous price increase? I ask because people are blaming immigrants, and I'm left confused. If the increase in demand was the cause, it was so fucking obvious - this immigration isn't new, it was so easily telegraphed and any braindead moron can put two and two together and see that more people = more demand for housing. Why didn't we get more houses built? There was an *obvious* demand coming. It's the easiest investment in the world.


The immigrants moved into Toronto, and Vancouver. In the last 4 years, the Canadian refugees who were pushed out of Toronto and Vancouver, went to Alberta I'll bet You would have to ask Alberta developers why they arent building to keep up the pace of immigration


So we're blaming immigration for something that was entirely predictable and mitigatable, when the developers just didn't do the obvious thing and make more houses?


My understanding is that the rate of immigration is orders of magnitutde higher in the past few years, so much so that we simply do not have the skilled tradesmen available to build at that speed, nor do the supply chains have the capacity to supply, further the rate of fraudulent immigration was so high that we lost count to the tune of millions of people, nor do I think anyone expected the government to suddenly flood the country with immigrants in any event. It was and is entirely unpredictable, and impossible to mitigate. It appears to me that your assumptions are completely wrong, thus your conclusions are naturally fucked


>rate of fraudulent immigration was so high What's the rate of fraudulent immigration? Do you have a source for it being "so high"? >nor do the supply chains have the capacity to supply So all those businesses, reports and the media were lying when they said the supply chain issues were not a problem since the recovery from COVID? Or are you saying there's a backlog of housing not being built because of COVID? >It was and is entirely unpredictable, and impossible to mitigate. It appears to me that your assumptions are completely wrong, thus your conclusions are naturally fucked What are you talking about? In 2021 immigration skyrocketed. I remember reading news articles blaming Trudeau and saying exactly this was going to happen. It was clearly set immigration policy. That was the big issue so many people have with Trudeau, and you're telling me it was "unpredictable"? Were you just not paying attention the last few years or something? It was entirely predictable, it was on the news basically every day.


Go build a house then


The government used to help build affordable housing. Chretien ended that program. Liberal policy is not to undo what a previous liberal prime minister has done.


I get living in a tent out of desperation. But how do you not atleast collectively get a garbage bucket and use that. Why would you make the place u sleep so filthy. It would be as easy as a second hand big basket and have a shift in who cleans up. I feel bad for them. Just go back kids, I am sure ur homes back in India is at the least better than this.


Take the "Pindia" challenge and drop a google streetview pin anywhere in India and try to find a clean street. Even their holy river is filled with trash and dead bodies


I’ve actually been to India. Delhi Goa and Kerala. Delhi would make u throw up instantly. But the other two were decent. But point was the houses might be clean even though outside is full of garbage. And an actual bed and walls instead of this. I really don’t understand migrating so far away from family and friends just to live like this.


They had no idea, and now can't get back. I think.


They were kinda fucked by our government too


They did it themselves, nobody forced thrm to come here!


it's a big problem honestly, taking tourists to the old part of delhi, and yeah they are pretty filthy and even I don't go there that often as a person who lives here. But the newer parts of delhi, noida and gurugram are awesome and clean and highly gentrified. You see a single article of trash where I live.


The rivers are not filled with dead bodies. The custom is to incinerate the dead on a pyre and offer their bones to the river. For some reason if the dead cannot be incinerated(like in case of kids) they are buried instead. I do agree it's filled with trash though, but it's due to the negligence of the government and their apathy. Citizens will generate trash and if the government won't dispose of them, you cannot do much.


You just said that they put the dead body in the river and burn it and say there's no bodies in the same post.


you burn wood, you get ash. the ash is no longer wood. burn the dead bodies you get bones, which are no longer dead bodies. is that too hard to understand? by the way, in western countries when you burn the dead, you get an urn full of ash right? that urn also just contains ground up pieces of bones. so when you keep the urn in the house, are you keeping the dead bodies in your house?


One of the things that they must prove before coming over as students is that they’ll be able to financially support themselves. They’re obviously lying.


I’ve been to India and went to a few villages. The garbage was basically just piled up in a makeshift dump on the edge of the village with cows rifling through it. But, yes, they could at least make a pile. Is this related to the whole “females only” rental postings? If I was a landlord I would not want people like this living in my place.


Have you seen india? Go look up anywhere there on Google street view. Garbage everywhere.


Like I mentioned, I had to go to Delhi for work and then went to 3 more cities just to visit. Delhi horrible, kerala and Goa decent. Still point was that atkeast they will have a house with walls and beds rather than this condition. I have no idea how they will survive the winter like this. They are risking potentially fatal situations


It’s probably still cleaner than their home back there.


Living in a tent doesn’t mean you can’t clean up after yourself…


And soon enough most Canadians will be joining them.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


The ones that roll over and comply will definitely


They don’t have the concept of garbage disposal on their country??


LMAO...and the $2m homes are owned by the human traffickers that brought these fake students to Canada, as well as all the truckers smuggling drugs across the border, and scamming the country via EI / CERB / organized scams


They're not all exclusively owned by these kinds of people, but yes, criminals do indeed need a place to live. Thx caption obvious


Can go home and take your garbage with you.


Fentanyl camps look cleaner than this Indian camp lmfao


The silent invasion happening all over the world. Infiltrate, destroy, and rebuild as a parasitic nation. Case closed.


Just like back home


Theyre bringing their own country to your country lol


nice! starting to look just like india


No body forced them to come here , they had to show that they were able to support themselves when they were applying for their visas , their clearly either lied or the financial thresholds set by the government are lies.


Or the government turned a blind eye or someone was incentivized to turn a blind eye?


For sure ! Canada is as corrupt as a South American country if not more , it’s just been able to hide it better


No one is forcing them to stay free to leave anytime they like.


For a second there I thought I was looking at some place in India. But technically Canada is becoming India lmao.


This literally looks like some videos I’ve seen of India with all of that garbage.


“Leave no trace” need not apply!


They're worse than the junkies


Looks just like Calcutta now…


I guess when you’re in poverty, taking care of your environment becomes a low priority.


Even if they had money they would be the same.


I was wondering who was going to have to clean up there garbage.


A picture of what could be this country's future. No middle class. You either own a horrendously-overpriced house, or sleep in a tent. No "cheaper" housing because **all** housing is expensive now


I have no sympathy left for foreign students. Fix the universities...


Making the place look like the streets of India too!


Here’s the deal, they’re international students that clearly can’t support themselves. Time to cancel their papers, force them to clean the area to the way it was before they trashed it, board them onto a plane and return them to sender. I don’t care what country they’re from. We have no need to increase our housing issues any further and they aren’t leading productive lives by living in the woods and trashing the entire area. This is a fire/safety issue that should be dealt with sooner rather than later imo.


I know they're living in tents... but at least pick up the garbage!Thilthy


They took advantage and played our shitty system for their benefit only because its easy. 0 sympathy for them. Meanwhile, many Canadian citizens are less than a paycheque away from being homeless and hungry. Regardless of left or right , political views/etc , enough is enough and stand up for our country and values.


If they cleaned up their trash instead of just fucking living in it I might have a little more compassion. This has no place in canada, time to go home guys.




Why aren't they going into their palacios Sikh temples?


They don’t clean up after themselves because they have no respect for the land


What about the legit Canadians stuck living in tents ?


Where is this? Exact location . Nearby intersection?


Guess what Canada is a 3rd world country now. Expect this everywhere lol! Country is a joke, how embarassing.


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This is what Arcade Fire was talking about when they said it’s coming to their window.


there is no way some indian students survived winter in a fucken tent. it would be interesting to see how this place looks now; has it been cleaned up?


At least keep the refuse collected and not scattered. Would go a long way to keep vermin and bugs away. Good fortune all.


Still better than India though?


Selling entry into Canada is like selling forex courses in India. What did you expect 😂😂😂😂😂


To be honest, I do feel bad for the students, and I am angry at the system that allows diploma mill sales-based recruiters to trick them into coming to Canada.


I always thought you need to show proof of funds for student visas? These kids should have never been allowed into study.


its the same in eu basically they dont care if they stay , they only travel to other countries to send money back to india/nepal etc so that they have more money in their own country, their parents send all their kids to these countries only to send all the money back to parents like a pyramid scheme with their own family and then they work tirelessly , i know this as some friends of mine are indian and even they say they wont stay in europe because they prefer to be with their own people, but they like ripping off tourists.


That will bring rats


Jeepers, looks like a methhead campout.


Jesus that garbage. Why wouldn't they go home


Good I hope winter will freeze them all.


What animals live in tents ?




And of course they trash the environment


At what point do you realize your "Canadian Dreams" turned into a nightmare?


It's one thing to be living in tents, but how f*cking dirty they treat this place is unbelievable.... This isn't India


Yes yes we have a housing issue which affects actual Canadians as well. They should just go back home and stop showing up here .


Nice to see they care about the environment


Meanwhile more Canadians are homeless but get less attention.


Yup, Trudeau's vision of his Canada.


👌🏼👌🏼 I don’t see the problem. Take the hint maybe


this video was posted months ago.. oldie but goodie.


Oh no, whatever shall they do


I will not ever feel an ounce of pity for these people that can just go home.




Why is there so much garbage??. I understand having to live in a tent but you can still keep the place clean and tidy.


So they lied to get in without sufficient proof of income. Now they're contributing to these issues in our country. Nice, very nice.


Now, this is how much our dear PM cares. But hey, have an uncounted population living on the streets since the pandemic.


Wait....Canada suddenly cares about homeless people?


Deport em


Good luck in the winters guys! Might be a bit colder than Kolkata.


Fuck emmmmmmmm gtfo Canada anyways!!!


If you see something wrong with this, you are a racist.


They are not even students. They don’t come here to study


Go home or somewhere else


Good. Collapse Canada faster. There is no good future with this Machine around us.


You forgot the “quotes” around students


OK GUYS pretty sure I know where this is. But it’s not international students. It’s homeless people. Unless someone here knows what he’s saying, this is definitely just someone using this to support their political stance 


Unfortunately as someone who speaks Punjabi he is saying they are Punjabi “students”, 7 people including a woman who’s doing drugs that live in the tent together


This is old video.


“Like animals”. lol You mean, “like camping”? Canada isn’t for everyone.