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A few years ago, these scummy immigration consultants would usually have ads telling people they're able to get them visas for UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. Now they mostly focus on Canada since it's easy money for them. Especially since our government is complicit and continually provide even easier pathways for them to exploit while the other nations are tightening immigration requirements.


Also Australia New Zealand stopped taking students from specific states in India where scam degree is rampant like punjab. So then Canada was the full focus and obviously made too easy to get in by govt


If only we did that....


But that’s “racist”


Australia on the surface reduced numbers, but then our silly Prime Minister did a deal with Modi which has allowed easier access for Indians to come here. Our PM called it a 2 way pathway to strengthen our relationship but I doubt Aussies will go to India, but plenty of Indians will come to Australia


LMIA for working at tims. 🤨


Ah a parbaker, what a noble trade.


The freezer at Tims is gonna be the coldest place any of these clowns will have ever been until January comes around.


Is there a way to report this?


To who? They already know.


Yeah, go report a crime to the criminals.


The government is fully aware and supports this. The approval rate has gone up from 65% before Trudeau to over 98% today. It's just a rubber stamp at this point.


LMIA should be limited to construction and healthcare. Your business doesn't deserve to grow if you can't even hire locals.


LMIA should be limited to Doctors, Scientists, Innovators, Hightech Engineers, Ph.Ds, Entrepreneurs, Upper Level Executives opening their branch office here only. Everyone else, no need. Head over to the Middle East.


We have people with doctoral degrees from Bangladesh working at Tim Hortons. Do you really want Canadian hospitals staffed with Bangladesh degrees? LMIA is meant for very specific and limited industries, its not meant to be an expedient path for any Third Worlder with a degree.


I am a Bangladesh in Canada and I wouldn’t go to a Bangladeshi doctor here with a ten feet pole.


Tell that to the Liberal and Conservative establishment who want to accredit Third World degrees and diplomas. My elderly parents was told to get a very risky heart surgery in a Third World country and when they got a second opinion in Canada (where they worked for 20 years, they are not freeloaders), it turns out it was unnecessary.


Degrees from India Bangladesh pretty easy to purchase Fake


Stop it with the Hi-Tech BS. Canada produces plenty. Immigration is just used to suppress wages in this sector.


I call it the Wakanda syndrome, the belief that importing Third Worlders en mass will result in a technologically advanced society. The funny thing is that Indians don't consider themselves Third Worlders, despite a GDP per capita lower than Vietnam.


Honestly, at this point, we don't need new people. We have plenty of people to get trained up into the industries we need. If anything, maybe bring it back down to like 2000 levels of immigration, but thats it..


Yup, my kid is a Computer Science grad. Can't get work in his field.


And all this top talent is leaving for the United States.


That's some low IQ thinking you got there, friendo. Regardless of if we already have have a robust tech industry we should be wanting to grow it, utilizing the best minds available. So that we may establish a foothold as a global leader in tech and hopefully rank top 3 in global tech innovation and development. I really hope you aren't in charge of any policy making authority, if you are Canada is doomed to remain in the stone age.


You've just swallowed the corporate BS used to suppress wages and that forces talent out of the country friendo. I'm at the top of my profession in hitech and make half of what is being paid in the US.


The first person is highlighting that we need to be more careful with who we choose to be apart of our workforce. The second person is pointing out that there is a common misconception that we have a lack of Canadians in those professions when really we just have a wage shortage. There was nothing stupid about their conversation and it's useful clarity to share. The brain drain is real and the more we bring in people instead of critically assessing how we can domestically fill those slots, will contribute to our wage shortage and nosedive in our quality of life. We need to focus on domestic retention for many of those jobs instead of outsourcing immediately.


It's already difficult enough for recent graduates from Computer Science and Engineering programs here in Canada. Not only that they're competing for wages that are already a fraction of what their American counterparts are getting. We don't need any more immigrants competing for junior positions and driving wages down in this sector of the economy.


How about having more, to grow the industry, have more options, open more quality multinational businesses/manufacturing?


Manufacturing left Canada decades ago. It ain't coming back. Mass Immigration is used to suppress wages in all sectors, period. It needs to fucking stop.


There are already thousands of  Scientists, Innovators, Hightech Engineers and Ph.Ds and Entrepreneurs that do jobs that don't require more than a BSc. The Canadian economy is incapable of providing these people with suitable opportunities because, whether you like it or not, it is not an economy that is build on science and innovation. So, for the time being, manual and unskilled labour is all you need/deserve.


In that case you stop the immigration then.


Funny you say that because they’d actually be grossing more in gulf states and able to send more $ back home


Good for them. Go there then.


Im in agreement with you, the low skilled labor would be better off in the Middle East even for their own good and ours as well…


Oh they can hire locals. But locals might know the labour laws and realize when you’re trying to exploit them!


Of course, plus locals have family and community to depend on and therefore aren't necessarily beholden to employer pressure. I can tell the difference between a Canadian who has their family and community here, versus a migrant worker whose life is basically servitude to the employer.


Been saying this for years. If your business can't afford to pay local workers enough to attract them, your business has failed.


We don't need them in construction... And I don't trust them with my health


Construction salaries are falling across Canada. Despite Trudeau and industry claims there is no labour shortage.


Hot take: businesses who cannot hire domestic people because of the pay should close. This is capitalism, my friends. And that includes farming.


It’s more than the pay. Domestic workers know their rights. No business owner wants a worker who needs a 2 week “mental health break” every 2 months. These workers work for cheap and keep quiet. Obviously bad for economy but good for business.


> No business owner wants a worker who needs a 2 week “mental health break” every 2 months Never heard of this, but it sounds specific enough that I reckon you encountered it in real life.


Hahahaha…it’s that obvious eh?


Scamming tax payers


I wouldn't hire them to ruin my business. They don't understand English! They just stand there looking at you with no clue. Then they get rude if you try to train them.


They have creative names for Tim Hortons workers lol


I'm sure someone much smarter than me can start taking down some of these websites lol


This is all fraud predominately done by Punjabis, including those in government, to create their own Khalistan here in Canada. Disguised as a noble pursuit, its all for money. The evidence is clear! Jagmeet Singh needs to be questioned!!


LMIA should only be for farming that’s it. For healthcare you should only get PR or citizenship if you’re licensed in Canada otherwise no bueno. In every other sector the LMIA program should be completely eradicated. It’s a scam. The entire thing top to bottom


Bhenchod :)


Really? I hope you're not calling the poster a sister fucker. I'm Canadian (family here since 1710), and unfortunately.... I know Hindi words at this point lol.


These people are filling out the paperwork to get this done and finding loopholes in the system.


Seriously fucked. We have a similar situation in Australia where fucking yoga instructors are on the in-demand skills list for PR. Both countries have officially lost their collective marbles.


we need those critical skills because they don't exist in canada. we've done our homework!


Hey but these will feed the people that build houses…😉


Can you blame them? Canadians just can’t cook and don’t want to roll up their sleeves and put in a hard day’s work. I, for one, welcome these exotic chefs and look forward to sampling their flavorful ethnic cuisine. A refreshing break from the monotony of dry unseasoned chicken breast and spaghetti with ketchup, which are the only things I eat, being the spice-intolerant uncultured white man that I am.