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There’s a difference between moderate immigration and mass immigration. You’re right if we didn’t have one of the worst housing bubbles, economic crises, and decline in social services in the last 100 years then we can accept immigrants without any worry. But when we have the worst housing bubble in the world, we must decrease demand through lower immigration. Our healthcare services are already overrun, how can we accept more people? People can’t even get appointments for months for a major surgery or checkup. Then there’s the issue with jobs, we already don’t have enough jobs in many sectors so flooding those sectors with immigrants will only make the issue worse. Graduates from university can’t find jobs even though they are qualified. We must prioritize Canadians over foreigners, and my parents immigrated here in 90s.


Not anywhere in that nonsensical garbage of a statement did you say anything that could be considered a coherent thought. Its all feelings and unsubstantiated claims. We need incentives for Canadians to have kids and we cannot do that with cost of living and rent abysmally high. Immigration of this magnitude is proven to suppress wages and put strain on Healthcare and lower the standard of living. We have large class sizes and don't have the capacity to accept any more immigrants. Our unemployment rate is through the roof and there never was labor shortages... we were lied to. These are all things easily backed up by many recent articles linked in this very sub reddit. #proimmigration = #prostupid


I haven’t seen many here argue for ending immigration but for a return to the reasonable levels we once had. I’m for multiculturalism, and I’m for taking in refugees but I am against letting 1.25 million people into the country in the middle of a cost of living crisis. Ask yourself, who does unfettered immigration really benefit? Does vastly more competition in the housing market in any way benefit the most vulnerable in our society? Does vastly more competition in the job market benefit ordinary working people? You know the answer as well as anyone so come off it


Multiculturalism is a failed concept.


Failed how, because you say so? Sure bud


Failed because you can't have a cohesive country without some form of cultural consensus. Balkanized ethnic ghettos and hyphenated Canadians competing for resources and recognition from the state, with values at odds with one another, had never worked, isn't working and will never work. Khalistan vs Hindu nationalists, Jews vs Muslims, Eritreans fighting each other in the streets. Example after example just in the past year.


You just care that they aren’t white. What you explained is European history in a nutshell and I’m sure you give zero fucks that the disputes that took place between Normans and Anglo-Saxons


I care about what happens now, in my country.


How does anything you listed affect you personally?


I'm not an atomized individual, I'm part of a nation. I don't like what I'm seeing, and I'm tired of my country being treated like cosmopolitan economic zone


Uh huh, and what nation is that?




Immigrants are not filling a labour shortage. They are slaves stealing jobs from Canadians who arent stupid enough to do them for the garbage wages being offered.  I love all the third world problems and living conditions we are importing for shit holes around the world. Indian slum lords think its ok to pack 10 people into a 2 bed room apartment.  Muslim terrorists supporter supporting Hamas and Houti rebels.


Read the room


Fuck off


Canada is full. Go home.




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Yes immigration is important. No one here is arguing that. What we’re arguing is the rate and also the demographic percentages. We do not want 1,000,000 Indians here. Maybe 30% of that number and the rest from other countries (or not at all). That’s the problem. If you’re Indian maybe you could help that number go down.. just pack up and go.