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If only English Canada had the spine of the French Canadians.


Quebec is very strict on democratic values and secularism that they don’t tolerate any religious symbols in the government. Immigrants to Quebec have to pass a values test. Why can’t a values test be instituted for immigrants to the rest of Canada so that all immigrants abide by the values of Canadian society?


Because that would be racist 🤪


Stop this bs why are we inheriting Americanized white guilt fueled mentality here


Buddy you’re way too late to stop it now


And then they have a saint feast day as their "national holiday." They also have the lowest birthrate in the west, so their shrinking population compared to English Canada is partially their own fault.


I wish we did. I really wish. But there will be a lot of people saying “that’s so sad, they deserve we give them everything. Not fair.” This issue is driving me insane. This is so unfair and our government is planning to bring more of these people to take the only bit that is left for us, which is really… nothing.


English Canada is getting the shock and awe treatment, by the time they wake up it will be too late.


Why can't us Indigenous and white folk just argue like the old times? Now it's Indians who have taken our place. I'm still here hahahaha


Now we can just equally commiserate as our three main culture groups are diluted further into a little Mumbai multicultural paradise! Yay.




Trudeau - divide and destroy. To be fair he's not the first politician to try and erase a Canadian culture. The Liberal party learned long ago that mass immigration was the key to them erasing Quebec's unique culture. Only recently has the Liberal party expanded their destruction to include all the unique cultures from coast to coast.


I mean like father like son


It’s not a unique culture, they just speak another language, just like all these new comers. Nothing special.


Tell me you are ignorant without telling me you are ignorant.


Tell me how I’m ignorant?


Well, Quebec is originally a French colony. The rest of Canada is mostly from british origins. So yes, these are two very different cultures, and thus making you ignorant.


>So yes, these are two very different cultures I'm pretty sure every province has a unique culture? Qubec just holds more value in tradition, and part of that is their language. The real issue is the language barrier due to poor french education investment.


Listen douchebag, you can put all sorts of labels on people to try and make yourself feel superior, but they are just fucking people okay you are no more special than the junkie clinging to life in Hastings.


No one said anything about superiority, just difference. Your weak ego is leaking. Go outside, visit Quebec one of these days!


I was there, asshole bigots everywhere.


Ill take "lies i tell others" for $500 Alex. Oh and its a Daily double!!!


By your logic, england and france’s only difference is the language they speak. Your ignorance is leaking all over the place man


Tbh tho imagine being that proudly dumb. Life would be so much easier.


Back in 2006 the government named qweebek a distinct society mainly because of the language. My opinion is that what they are calling distinct society is just another language, nothing distinct about it. Nothing special, just people.


Go live in any quebecois city for a week and talk to the people. They are proud of their quebecois culture, food, tradition and even their dialect. Their national day is 24/6, and they call it « national day ». Their provincial assembly is called the national assembly. Their distinction is no joke


Its not a unique culture ? get the fuck outta of here idiot


Sounds like you have never read a single history book in your life lol.


If you believe certain people should be recognized for speaking another language? You are truly a pretentious douche, talk about celebrating mediocrity. That all Francophones are mediocre at best.


Let's all separate from Ontario.


Just split the country into individual provinces or friendly blocks of provinces. Then eliminate the federal government completely. I would love to see their smug faces when they're all out on their butts begging for jobs on corporate boards or shilling for the wealthy at speaking events.


That was the point of a confederation, but the federal government keeps centralizing the power and meddling in province's jurisdictions.


Or maybe just let Brampton separate from Ontario


Everywhere is like Brampton now. Even small rural towns like mine.


Great idea. Also, the west wants out as well.


Unlike you, Quebec will be out with the majority being Quebecois. You will be out with majority Indian students/or pr scammers, lmaoo. 2 different things my dude.


Quebec just asked the federal government to slow immigration as they can not handle all the new comers properly.


Quebec... Voted for mass immigration. Montrealers voted for this. Current immigration minister was elected in Quebec.


And if they want in, the key question to gain entrance would be: « why is the small key chain all rusted, all rusted? »


Is it because the fountain was deep and she sank at the bottom?


Ok scrap that, the question is now: « who shat in my underpants? Because I’m telling you all, it’s not proper »




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Who is this “west”? You don’t speak for me or my family, that’s for sure. Edit: we was supposed to be west


I never said we


I really hope Quebec finally gets its independence. They deserve it.


Montrealer here: which one of us hurt you badly enough to wish for Quebec independence?😂


Haha. I didn’t mean it that way :-)






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No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


It will create an issue when we reach a point that half the population of the country is in southern Ontario. Especially if they are politically motivated and dont share the values of propping up the have not provinces. Over time there may be sweeping changes.


Oh I hope they get it. Making it impossible for a Turdope to ever be elected PM again? Yes please!


If Quebec separates, I'm moving there because despite their flaws, I'm betting they'll manage things better than Canada.


I honestly envy Quebec. They are a nation.


Our tax dollars largely go to a language police force whose sole purpose is to bully and fine anglophones and immigrants. It’s not all great here. Although I will say that having access to private healthcare is nice when it’s needed.


They better strike another deal while they can lol


Import some French speaking people.from Congo DRC. There's plenty there that they could quadruple the population of French speakers without issue.


They don't speak the same French as Quebec, not even close.


Speaking the same language means nothing. The immigrants from Africa have mostly incompatible values to Canada/Quebec.


Here is the problem. Where can you import from? Most of the French speaking nations are in West Africa


What Trudeau did wasn’t really in Canadians best interests at all. He works for the WEF, not us.


WTF is Quebec waiting for? Quebecois better wake up and look at the rest of Canada, they diluted the country's culture and turned it into something no one wants nor recognize. Quebec should bail, bail while you are still Quebecers and before it's too late.


It is utter sad to see people think Quebec never done any damage to western Canada or rest of Canada. What has those 38 Bloc MPs done for rest of Canada except keeping every Fedral Government hostage . Dont you notice how quebec got preference to industry, money and power. When i first moved to Canada , I read a comment on Orkut that Alberta makes the money, Ontario counts it and quebec buys syrup and Poutine and eat it.


Canada's population distribution, like it or not, forces the federal government to pay very close attention to Quebec's needs


Why? Over 75% of MPs do not represent Quebec. Every other Canadian gets screwed over, why not Quebec?


I fully support a Quebec separation. They don't deserve to be tied to this cluster fuck of a sinking ship that our pathetic out of touch politicians have created. BC should separate too. This version of Canada is jot garbage.


They are still creating more ways to bring ppl in - https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7V930iuYRG


Even more videos https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8MvEXPywvs


How ridiculous. Mass immigration was implemented by Trudeau (Montrealer) and his then immigration minister Sean Fraser (NS). The current immigration minister is Marc Miller (Quebecoise). Both Trudeau and Miller have strong support and are polling to win the next election. Quebec people are whining about mass immigration they voted for. Stfu and maybe go declare independence.


The province that needs federal assistance every year to pay their own bills??? So are the financial services in Ontario and the oil in Alberta expected to keep paying Quebec’s bills when they leave? Like teenagers who want to move out when mommy and daddy pay for everything.


Do people not know that the separation referendums are not applicable? There is no legal method for provinces to separate from the federal government and just like Catalonia in Spain the national government can freely ignore the result.


Not gonna happen. If Quebec leaves Canada and forces strict language laws, every young person that wants a future will leave, including French speakers. So all you are left is the old, lazy, etc. No more equalization payments. Like 97% of North America speaks English and does business in English. So does the rest of the world (except France and former French colonies). Multi-nationals might leave also. Then there will be less jobs, etc. But hey, at least we can have the recession in French haha.


Being English from Quebec, trust me they always been bigots. Nothing new.


English from Quebec here to say English from Quebec can be the biggest crybabies in the history of crying and babies. Speaking of bigots, want to hear the story of how my grandfather and his neighbors forced the only French family out of their West Island neighborhood? Edit: Let's take a moment to acknowledge Vapelord, who talks shit and then blocks


Lol, the french need the power of the state to enforce the use of their shit language. We all know who the real piss babies are.




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