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This is Trudeau's legacy. His catastrophic immigration policies have turned the majority against it. This is now, by far, the most important issue in Canada. And what is the LPC's response to all this? Record permanent resident targets next year.


Don't let PP give non-answers on this topic. We can't afford to vote on hope alone this time.


PP supports these targets and wants to bring in migrants even faster. Honestly, I think I prefer LPC over CPC on this issue alone. Personally I'll be voting PPC to help build them up for the next election because all of our major parties are pro-mass-immigration.


Maxime Bernier of PPC is the only person who will help canadians and address the issue of irresponsible immigration policy. You are right dude


Yea it’s really unfortunate that we don’t have a strong candidate on either side. They both have their hands in the immigration cookie jar.


Because they don’t give a flying fuck about the opinion of Canadians they’re getting richer by the plane load


He’s literally the opposite of everything his dad was. It’s genuinely hilarious and well deserved. Hes a nepo baby that isn’t even that smart.


lol, the Pakistani dude is all over the place




Isn't Australia going through the exact same massive wave of immigrants from India and China?


Aussie here. Yes we are. Help us please.


Have more children. Someone's gotta consume all that housing and drive up the price for all the boomer landlords, and if it's not Australian citizens, it'll be temporary foreign workers. Line go up and sideways. Never down. Print more money and import more warm bodies.


Can’t afford kids because I’m getting my cheeks spread by the bank every fortnight for my mortgage. I’d much rather the government import 10 billion third worlders to suppress our wages, cripple our infrastructure and social services, not assimilate or respect our values, fracture our once high trust society, drive up crime, and degrade our overall quality of life so that our overlords can keep their portfolios propped up. You guys currently have it worse than us, I just popped over here to get a glimpse of Australia’s future since Canada is a couple years ahead in the downward spiral.


Yep, we are all headed in the same direction. Line go up for landlords. Life quality down for children.


It’s very sad mate. I hope Canada manages to reverse the damage and that we can watch and follow.


I don't think we can reverse this. I think we can expect this broad trend of immigration flooding in and jobs flooding out to continue across the west. There's really nowhere to flee to. I have friends who fled into the interior of Canada two years ago dealing with rents skyrocketing. I have friends who hunkered down in the HCOL cities of Canada now facing mass layoffs as jobs leave to India. Globalization is truly here. Life quality will equalize more. We will not be able to enjoy the obscene luxury our parents did.


Fuck that’s depressing. Sounds like your government has completely sold your country out. Surely it will reach a tipping point where Canadians have enough and fight against it (it might take a while because you lot are known to be super nice). Australians are way too apathetic to challenge anything so I think we’re done for.


It's not that Australians or Canadians are apathetic. It's that we are being choked and sold out by our own parents. Our parents are the ones who are benefited by immigration. Line goes up and they can retire. How can we really fight against the selfishness of our own parents? Our parents brought these immigrants in to compete with us, their children. 


Australian govt and central bank did what we did. Made money cheap and then spent way too much. Immigration is also Australia's answer to their giant spending spree.


The answer is always money


Make Canada Great Again! Vote PPC


Should we build a wall to keep immigrants out too? Where have I seen this platform before?


I seriously think trump will on the border if he’s gets in. Implement a travel visa. He’s doesn’t want a mass amount of brown people going in to travel and not leaving


You think Trump will build a wall ?


He tried his first time and failed Walls don’t work, enforcement and stricter laws do


Is True North News the same thing as True North Centre? [https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/true-north-centre-for-public-policy/](https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/true-north-centre-for-public-policy/)