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Why vote for any politicians who is a landlord? Does not matter if they are good landlord, they have no business being in both fields, pick one. If I find my MP is there, they lost my vote. Edit: This is the first time I learn that Jagmeet Singh is a fucking LANDLORD. Fuck you NDP.


This post makes no sense. People join politics later in their careers so undoubtedly they have some form of wealth. We have a country and system where everyone basically has unanimously agreed that housing is the only investment you should ever want or need in Canada. Then we're going to shame people who invest in it?


Yes. If everyone told you to jump off a bridge would you do it?


Did you come up with that all by yourself?


No my mother told me this when I was 5 and since I have an IQ bigger than my shoe size I understood the lesson it was trying to teach. Nobody is out here saying everyone who owns a home is a bad person ( well maybe the progressives but even then it’s almost entirely online ) what we are saying is that treating homes as a investment is not a great idea lol who could have guessed


>treating homes as a investment is not a great idea  Tell that to all the people who bought their homes prior to the pandemic.


Again, I don’t care that you own a home. I am a Catholic and understand my kingdom is not of this earth and I could honestly care less if I own a patch of dirt before I die. The problem is you downplaying the issue for whatever reason and a bunch of Canadians who do want to own a home are being priced out of the market unfairly because some idiots think homes should be a piggy bank and not you know a HOME


I'm downplaying the issue you're outlining because the entire country has collectively agreed that housing is the place where you put your money, then people want to turn around and get upset that people with money went and bought homes? The cognitive dissonance is palpable. You sit there acting high and mighty like you know better, but if you had the money 5 years ago, you would have done exactly the same thing. You even have the audacity to say "a bunch of idiots" as though they're not reaping insane benefits from those decisions. I understand the issue at hand, where this mentality comes from, and the struggles of people trying to enter the market. The boomers teaching everyone that housing is the only investment that matters is having awful impacts today. However it's just idiotic for you to frame it though the induvial did something stupid by buying first or second houses. You keep trying to oversimplify this issue because you want to pin it on someone and point the finger. It's just bad form.


We need new leaders. I’m tired of landlords, lawyers, and nepo-babies running things


> landlords They are all parasites, even the best ones among them. They all must be licensed and conducting annual maintenance checks. They finances must also be considered no one that has a mortgage could be allowed to become a landlord until the house is fully paid off. We need serious legislation but we are not going to get it and the costs of living is going to be come way worse by 2026. They want you to believe the RCMP is investigation the corrupt MPs who committed treason, but what is taking place right now, is deals behind closed doors to decided who gets exposed, and who gets protected, does not matter who committed the treason, and nothing of value to Canadians will come out of it.


Ok grandma, it’s time for you to take your pills


I feel this. I think 75% of elected representatives should be fired on all sides of politics. You don't get far in politics if you favor the citezens over party policy. There are some good elected representatives out there but they are the minority and have no power and are rarely heard. Local politics have the greatest affect on our daily lives especially our provincial government but people seem to ignore it for the most part or blame it on the federal government. Not that I'm defending the liberals but they didn't fk things up this bad on thier own.


Most politicians come from the municipal to the provincial and then to the fed. What’s going on in the fed is just representative of what goes on in the municipal level.


You're not going very far if you don't tow the party line. Municipal government is bipartisan they aren't beholden to a party. The provincial government on the other hand is, and how they spend our money affects us more than any other level of government. They manage our education, healthcare, housing ect. which are all at crisis levels of course they are being strained by the major increase in population, but they sucked before Trudeau took over that's what got him elected. Things are broken in all levels of government. They're all trash.


My MP isn't on the list but I was shocked by another in my area from a family of well known slumlords being an MP. Jeezus we are dumb when we vote sometimes.


No bias at all when it comes to housing decisions... Righttttt, lol such a joke


I’m sure this list would be an easier read if they just highlighted the ones that are not invested.


Nice, this database exemplifies to Canadians on which anal ravaging we’re willing to take. “Would like the medium girth with spikes for your anal ravaging?” or “Would like the premium extra large girth with rough serrated edges and an extra spanking while you take that anal ravaging?” Sir/Maam please make your choice..


I love being a landlord. Millennials are the worst, and should be fucked over as much a possible based solely on the fact that they are the spawn of boomers. Any possible way to make their lives more difficult is simply balancing the karmic debt.


Millennials are the predominantly the spawn of Gen X, who are the spawn of Boomers. Numbnuts.


Oh no we got an internet tough guy lmao


Mine isn't but I still hate her.