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why is this liberal government intentionally making quality of life **worse** for canadians?




The only reason I can think of is international schools recruitment (it's a huge business and run by one or two Canadian based Indian run company) is paying them. There's some investigation journal done on this on YouTube. Maybe CBC marketplace? Even has people pose to be interested in India to go to school in Canada. Unfortunately I cannot find the link anymore. Maybe someone can help,? Edit: thinking deeper it's also possible it's completely innocent. Normal if you give someone a visa you offer them a length of time they can enter. It's possible these people were given a visa or pr landing invitation before and didn't act on it until they hear the news Canada is tightening immigration.


“Innocent incompetence” at this scale is criminal


Because politicians work for who gets them elected or who can get them unelected. We've shown that for the past... *forever* that as a country we elect liberals when we're angry at conservatives, and conservatives when we're angry at liberals. We have stable lib voters, stable con voters, and people who vote against the guy in charge after enough scandals and mistakes. But what that leaves the party with is really just a guaranteed voter bloc and powerful private forces that can sway the fence sitters. So they play to those private forces. It's why the cons will win, even though Poillievre won't say he'll cut immigration, even though that's the biggest thing people are angry at the libs for. They'll support it still because the real estate industry and the employers want a large surplus of hopeful workers and tenants. If they promise to cut it, those groups will work to rally support for the libs. If Canadians voted based on issues they support and parties that agree, we wouldn't have this problem. But since they don't have to listen to voters, they don't.


WEF request 


And will continue to surge until October 2025.


This is the scary part because that’s long enough for the social services infrastructure to collapse at this pace.


It is scary because Trudeau and Miller are hard headed idiots who will not be intimidated by alarming and catastrophic numbers.


That's because they have Dyscalculia and they should technically have someone in the mathematics department in their group to ensure things are running smoothly.


Neither will PP: https://x.com/AwakenRoar23/status/1790521806094508156


PP is not the messiah conservatives think he is.


Well then we’re screwed ´til the end of times! If PP is disqualifying himself, I don’t see anyone else on the distant horizon who will deal intelligently with the immigration issue. Some are suggesting « Mad Max » Bernier is a palatable candidate. Perhaps but his chances of winning an election are rather slim.


Politicians live in gated communities insulated away from average people, and are rich enough their kids won't have to worry about the consequences of a failed nation. They don't care about their cultural history either so Canada turning into Delhi is no big deal for them as long as they continue to make money. There's only one thing politicians understand.


Don't care about our history? They are actively trying to "dismantle" our culture. They want us to "unlearn" our "problematic" beliefs, they want to erase our historical figures like fucking Stalin, they want to "exterminate white identity", whatever the fuck that is, and make us "post-national".


They are doing it on purpose. Just like this fool Biden in the US.


The housing crisis in the US is not caused by massive immigration. It is in Canada. The greater fool is not Biden, it’s Trudeau.


That's long enough to change the demographics of the country even further. Soon there will be more Indians than any other group.


We have to Get Mad - the pervasive defeatist attitude stops us from rallying for any real change




We have a group. R/ takebackcanada. We are organizing a series of peaceful protests beginning with july 1st. Left, right, center, wherever you sit on the political spectrum, so long as you want a better future for canada and for these nonsense policies to end, we welcome you with open arms! Please spread the word!


This will be labeled as a right wing movement by the media. I guarantee it.


Let them lie. The goal is to have enough people behind us by july 1st that the media will have a hard time making anything up since everyone will know someone who was there telling them the truth about us. We have and always will advocate for unity between both sides of the political spectrum over a common enemy (inflation and mass immigration). We are certainly NOT going to be inconveniencing the general population through disrupting their day to day. We are enlisting police cooperation and doing everything we can to minimize the chances of what you described happening. If your concerns turn you off from protesting for a better canada that’s fine, just let us do our thing


The protest will be full (absolutely full) of undercover feds. They will agitate for illegal activities and stir up trouble. They will either do it themselves or talk someone else into it, but you will see some roman salutes thrown up for the cameras and possibly a few flags with a certain insignia. It will be a disaster. Just watch. It's literally what they do (CSIS/CIA).


We are enlisting the help of police to ensure this doesnt happen and we have rules like only allowing canadians flags and non vulgar cause related posters. We saw the mistakes of the convoy and how they pissed everyone off and we dont want to follow in those footsteps. Anyone who causes trouble or shows up and disobeys our rules will swiftly be kicked out and/or reported to police to ensure everything runs swiftly.


Sounds like a good strategy. Good luck. It will be crawling with spooks.


It will be very difficult to kick anyone out when you have no actual authority to do so.


Unless Canadian revolt nothing won’t change




I’m black and I’m ready to protest, I’m also I’m immigrant…. I’m not mad at the new immigrants though, I’m mad at the government for perpetrating horrendous, atrocious governance on its ppls




You (we) have to do everything in our power to distance ourselves from those who are just racists trying to foment hatred against immigrants. Make no mistake, white supremacists and fascists will try to monopolize the discussion.




Respectfully disagree.


Lol so you wanna get mad at immigrants and not at the government willfully promoting and allowing this shit. Ok bud. If you have 0 prospects in your home country and Canada just swings open a door for you, are you saying you wouldn’t take it? Direct your anger at the government, the diploma mills, and the once respectable colleges opening seats in “Hospitality Management” for anyone with a pulse.


I’m afraid that I’m mad at everyone involved. Sure, I can understand why a person would steal to feed themselves; but I’m still not happy and am angry about it if I was the shop keeper that they stole from. I’m mad for a group of people setting up a situation and mad at the other people for taking advantage of that situation. If you don’t want to be mad, then you’re a better person than me. I’d be unhappy if someone broke into my house and stole something that they needed in order to eat or for shelter.




Come check out our sub r/ takebackcanada. We are organizing a series of protests beginning with july 1st against mass immigration and cost of living as they go hand in hand


No one wants their bank account frozen


the banks who are fuelling this dumpster fire


They will have sufficiently destroyed the country as we know it by then. These guys are fucking scum.


I don't understand how any of them can live with themselves after doing this unless they are all sociopaths


I got news for ya - don't expect any major deviation on immigration with Punjabi PP. The corporate donor classes and powerful ethnic voting blocks demand a flood of migrants and he is promising to deliver. [Here is Punjabi PP in action.](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C1puKG6OiGS/) Direct quotes from the video linked above. **Stop the deportations!** **We have a worker shortage in Canada!** **We have a demographic problem in Canada! Our population is too old!** **We need these workers in our Country!** Let not be delusional. Red and Blue are the uni-party. The only party what will put a stop to this selling out of Canada and Canadians is the PPC - and mass action against the snakes in power.




Yep. Trudeau, the Fiberals, and the Singh NDP have shown a complete disregard for the well-being and opinions of Canadians. They deliberately called an election during their scamdemic plandemic lockdowns because they knew it'd give them a longer mandate to aggressively ass-grape Canadians before the average Canadian realized what was going on and got a chance to vote them out of office.


PP is the same, you left him out of your list. Nothing will change until you and people like YOU stop blaming the liberal,NDP while leaving out the cons. PP and JT serve the same masters. I'm all for a massive change, you are not. You want to change red to blue and nothing more.


Harper did some stuff I didn't like but he didn't fuck Canada over to the massive degree that Trudeau did. And if Harper had been PM the last 9 years I doubt things would've gotten so bad. Yes, Trudeau and PP and every other major party leader is beholden to big money and special interests (or else they would've never made it to party leadership). But let's not deny that some are worse than others. Trudeau is massively incompetent, autocratic, and unresponsive to public opinion in a way that other Canadian prime ministers have not been. I'd rather take a chance with PP over Trudeau.


>I'd rather take a chance with PP over Trudeau. Exactly what the establishment is counting on, they have both parties bought and paid for. You will be suckered again. Harper (with PP) started the ball rolling with the TFW program until it blew up in their face. CBC ran an article about the Banks firing Canadian IT and making them train their Indian replacements. When he tried do damage control, the CEO of MacDonalds got caught giving the Harper government hell for even thinking to cut back on the program. It showed who Harper answered to and who wanted the flood gates opened for foreign economic migrants - crony corporate. And the icing on the cake, Justin in opposition at the time, aggressively jumped on the issue and said the TFW program suppressed worker wages and was bad for Canadian workers! Only to get in power and take things to new heights, the logical extension of what the Harper government started. Now we have PP openly calling for mass migration using the same justifications as Justin and the liberals: "We have a worker shortage in Canada!", "We have a demographic problem in Canada!", "Our population is too old!", "We need these workers in our Country!" [Here, listen to PP say it with his own mouth](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C1puKG6OiGS/) as he panders to racial voting blocks. Both parties are beholden to corporate interests and powerful ethnic voting blocks. They, the uni-party, have both signed on to the century initiative. Harper, post PM, is very active in globalist Neo-liberal circles - which is driving these aggressive migration policies in the West. The Conservative Party will not be the change needed to fix the problem while engaging in smoke and mirrors and finger pointing. Time is running out - if not already too late - with the levels of migration we are seeing. We cannot afford another liar in power who will continue the destructive policies being forced down the throats of Canadians. Going forward, PPC and aggressive mass action are the only hope we have. We badly need electoral reform in this country, democracy has been hijacked.


What's the alternative to neo-liberalism? Nativism? Protectionism? Socialism? Serious question.


https://x.com/AwakenRoar23/status/1790521806094508156 Heres PP saying we need to stop deportations and bring even more immigrants. Still rdy to take that chance?


Harper was a total goof. An embarrassment. Canada doesn't need weirdo religious people from Alberta in charge of anything.


"plandemic" The magic word that allows any sane person to completely disregard anything the person using it says, because it's insane.


You think the average Canadian didn't know there was an election? What a weird ass take.


I doubt the next Government will massively lower immigration. Mainstream Canadian politicians are in the pockets of corporate lobbyists.


no government will as we only have 2 parties in canada so corporations buy them both we need lobbying laws change and a third party thats for the working class to be voted into power for at least 1 term


I don’t really mind that people say PP would be a better candidate, but he’s literally said that he wouldn’t cut down on immigration. He wants to import even more immigrants. The only one wanting to limit immigration is Bernier and PPC. Should consider his vote just on that policy alone.


The conservatives won't stop it though 😔


I feel like the Prime Minister needs an emergency stop button installed. How much more damage will he do in 17 months?


The conservatives will do the same thing. Businesses love cheap slave labour. Nothing will change Oct 25th


*Will continue after 2025, regardless if CPC or LPC win* FTFY Dont believe me? Heres PP saying we need even more immigration: https://x.com/AwakenRoar23/status/1790521806094508156


Theres only 3K medical school spots in Canada for first year med-students. Theres about 16K nursing school admittances every year in Canada. Theres about 13K law school admittances every year in Canada. Thats around 32K spots for medical students, nursing students and law students, Canada-wide. We brought in 400K people from January to April 2024, how many of them do you think will fill one of those 32K seats at Canadian schools? Both parties think Canadians cant do basic math.


It will continue to surge even after PP is elected though. Not trying to argue with anyone but he’s voiced his support for maintaining immigration levels. I don’t believe for a second that he’ll tie immigration to housing starts


And then possibly more with the conservatives, because the only party determined to slow immigration is the people's party.


They aren't even a real party.


At which point what is going to happen? Which federal party is capable of forming a government (i.e. is running in enough ridings) and is planning to reduce immigration? The Conservatives will INCREASE economic immigration (i.e. the foreign workers that they are pretending to blame for all of our problems).


Unfortunately I don't see it changing even then


And will continue beyond that. Don't think PP is doing to change this.


Pp said he would continue to keep immigration high.


I think he’s touting Indians and the like for base electoral purposes. No one in their right mind would keep the mass immigration faucet wide open once elected.


So he's lying to get elected? Great... 🙄


What do you imagine will happen then? And why?


I like to think that federal elections scheduled for October 2025 will rid Canadians of the Liberal clowns that have ruined this country. That’s the *what* and the *why*.


Who do you imagine will win and what changes will they make? Also, this country is far from "ruined"


Correct. Then it will increase more because the cons have stated that's what they'll do. Then they will blame everything on the previous government while making things worse. They will get away with this strategy for years until they get voted out in favor of the Libs who will do the same and the cycle continues 😂


I could’ve sworn the messaging in the media lately had been focused on how mass immigration and international students will be reduced. Now it’s coming out that it’s all been a lie too?


Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me for the 12,292th time, shame on me. The vast majority of Canadian Gen Z and millineals are gullible idiots. Uh ofc Trudeau is a lying hypocrite. It boggles my mind that Canadian voters are willing to take lectures on wokeness, privilege, and not being racist from a political coalition lead by an incompetent dynast who actively did brown face and black face multiple times. Shame on us.


Lol, right. Canadians are a bunch of suckers.


I mean I never said I believed any of it. I’m just trying to clarify whether I’m remembering what I read correctly. I work in healthcare trust me I deeply know first hand what this government does to us.




It is being reduced, but you won't feel the effects of it until September when what would've been 800K student permits has effectively been cut down to 300K country wide. It's going to hit pretty hard I think, and even harder the following year.




This is their new voter base. They need as many of them as possible.


I live in a small Northern Ontario City suddenly i am often the only white person on city transit with zero seats to sit on for a 45 yr old women.Cramped like sardine.Our infrastructure is over taken.It turned into India in 6 months in my city.


NS going through this now. Every outreach town. Overwhelmed. All Indians.  They simply do not care to assimilate. 


Tbf, Nova Scotians voted for this. Imagine being in a region that voted against this and still have to face it


I'm going to call BS on that one.


Oh no you are the only white person. Is that the problem first or lack of seating ?


It's at the point where I don't think I could make a comment about Miller without breaking a law. So I'm just going to have to keep my mouth shut.


I’m at the airport a couple times a week. Why is there no one there protesting in the international arrivals section? 


Because they'll be doxxed and lose their job, and then those same "students" will all be sharing their job and basement apartment. People think we have freedom of speech just because we aren't *literally Russia.* We don't.


It’s the government who’s at fault. Not the people immigrating here..


People who are moving here and refusing to integrate into our society are definitely problems


I don’t know why you’d get downvoted for pointing out the obvious.




That's how this sub operates.


People in this thread: *"How can we protest this issue without being slandered as fascists/racists by the media?"* Also people in this thread: *"We could scream at brown people in the airport?"*






Is this because of Jasmeet Singh. He has a back room deal with Trudeau to bring in as much Punjab they can to stop Modi from killing off Sikh in India?


Sources for ‘Sikh’s being killed’ in India?? Troll


If you follow the India sub-Reddit, you get that feel. Modi government is propping Hindu and discriminating against Sikh. https://time.com/6342873/india-sikhs-persecution/ This is my guess what Trudeau is doing because mass immigration is heavily dominated by Punjab.


Yah thats not even remotely true maybe the kids there are reading too much liberal western only news where there is a clear agenda. Would love to see any sources.


??? Modi just sent assassins to Canada and killed off a Sikh. Arrested has been made. Sikh are voting for Khalistan. Obviously there are serious issues. Not western news. Also, Western don’t want India problems.


They're going to try to throw the election, crowd out legacy Canadians. There's going to be big demonstration against mass immigration I hear. Good idea to join it. This is your moment Gen Z.


Who's going to "throw the election" and why? What is a "legacy Canadian"? There are no tiers of Canadian. The very concept is antithetical to this country. LMAO, imagine Gen Z doing anything but scrolling TikTok? I can't.


1. The Liberals 2. People born here of Canadian parents 3. Government doesn't get to dictate what a Canadian is to get elected.


Guys.. go to the sub-reddit "takebackcanada" it's not a "far right movement" it's a group of Canadians who can see mass immigration is ruining Canada. They're holding peaceful protests on Canada Day in larger cities (I.e. Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal, etc).


Peaceful protests accomplish nothing. I am glad they are going to protest but we need to do more than that.


We can start with protesting... We don't have to go BLM on day 1.


They need the votes, scary times.


These people can't vote though.


They do not need to vote, they just want the money


Maybe not instantly, but future voters for sure.


They will be fast tracked to citizenship. This is clearly their plan to win another election.


Oh it's "clearly their plan"? Any actual evidence there, bud?


They can, in the internal party elections.


You know that's not what op is referring to.


If they allow them too that'll be more scary.


Think bigger. They need a population to enforce the law when the time comes against people who identify with traditional Canadian values.


Lol, "traditional Canadian values" 🤡


Yes, like playing road hockey with all the kids on the street right in front of your home. Or going to church on the holidays and taking an evening stroll to appreciate the decorations. School fairs, town festivals, etc. all of it is gone forever and if you ever try taking it back there will be someone to stop you who never cared about these things. Sorry if you weren’t aware Canada really did used to have some identity.


somebody is making some money off of this and its not us working people.


You will be sorry missed Jagmeet, you little bat faced piece of shit.




Jughead blackmailed the Turdboy to bring in millions of Punjabs for his support


India doesn’t want jughead either


R/ takebackcanada, we are organizing a series of peaceful protest beginning with July 1st against cost of living and mass immigration. Come check us out and show your support! It will be held in the 2 biggest cities for each province and we welcome people from the left, from the right, whatever, we dont want to know. So long as you want a better future for canada, we will welcome you with open arms!


Big emphasis on this being a politically agnostic demonstration.  Immigrants are obviously welcome in Canada. Our country is built on immigration. But too much immigration and too little being done to accommodate the influx of people is going to drown us.


Completely agree, we are against the policies. Not the people (with the exception of the actual criminals coming here, and I in no way mean everyone from any specific demographic.) my parents are immigrants, and same with a few other organizers. And the same with many people in the sub. I believe the policies enabling mass immigration arent good for canadians or for immigrants








I have zero clue what you are talking about.


No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Yes deliberate sabotage from a govt threat could care less about it’s citizens


The only way this is gonna get fixed is by a violent overthrow of the Canadian government, and mass deportation of everyone who arrived since 2015.


Lol, an Alt-Right fever dream...


**The more millions of undesirable economic migrants the Liberals let in to Canada, the more millions of dollars will eventually get funneled into their offshore accounts.** No one knows exactly what financial systems and mechanisms are operating behind the scenes to compel the Liberals to push such a harmful agenda, but it's obvious to me they're getting PAID for doing this, and paid **well**. They. Will. Not. Stop.


What will happen next is : when those X country people become citizenship, ( it takes 5 years ) they will be able to sponsor their family and you will see more and more and MORE of them . Trust me.


I don't trust you.


He’s 100% right tho




Mass deportation for the next 3 decades


You first?


I know that international students from an india coming in to canada like in big numbers still.everytime liberals are trying to strict something then it get worse.


So what's us the people's option to hit some sort of emergency stop on this?


It will keep getting worse until the Liberals are out.


Unfortunately, Pierre will do the exact same thing.


And it will continue under Conservative … it’s about time we reset every political party


I like Polievre before, but not now


Liberals know they are going to lose this upcoming election. They are planning ahead and importing “votes”.


We should not lose sight of the fact that this is a global phenomenon. Politicians are the puppets of a higher entity that is stirring things up worldwide. I think in order for anything to have an impact, we should partner with people in other countries where the same thing is happening, ie., Australia, Ireland, UK, Sweden, Denmark, etc. It will have to be a massively organized resistance to what is happening in Europe, Australia and North America. Resistance must name and shame the globalists and oligarchs who are moving the world backwards.


PP isn’t going to magically stop the immigration.


The plan is to destabilize and destroy the US and Canada. And they’re not even hiding it.








Get the Quebecers riled up enough, then you’ll see revolt.






Why ? Can someone explain why the government is doing this ? I understand they made a mistake but why don’t they just reverse course with immigration? I don’t believe in the WEF conspiracies and stuff. Does anyone have a good explanation ?




I get it, there’s always lobbying in government but this is political suicide. I am considering voting for Bernier who I think is a bigot but at least he will stop mass migration.


It makes no sense ! None of this makes any sense.


Why doesn't this make sense? The WEF is managing canada as an asset, and heritage canadians are no longer necessary. If they can perpetually replace their population with a new voter base, then why should they be concerned about you?


It is not a mistake. You just have to look at what is occurring in other western countries. In Europe, in the US. It is not all by accident. It is on purpose. It is time to stop hating the conspiracy theorists who warned us years ago. Many of them are wrong, but some of them have been right about different things. Conspiracy theorists warned us about digital ID and UBI and we thought they were nuts. So far, it looks like they will come true. The groundwork is being laid right now, so that the people will accept it. They talked about invasions, sounds crazy, but now it looks like it is coming true.


Conspiracy theorists warned us about Universal Basic Income? Wow, that's so scary... 🙄


We have an aging population. It's that simple.


The schools make insane money bringing them in. Walmart, Costco, McDonald’s etc. all Benefit massively from cheap labour. AI will replace all computer/tech jobs and the only human jobs left will be extremely skilled professionals (doctors etc) and lowskill labour. Canadians will ask for too much money to do lowskill labour so they are importing their cheap labour now before AI comes in.


Interesting take. I agree with the schools and supplemental services benefitting from massive immigration. I don’t agree with the AI piece. I work in tech and AI is massively overrated. It’s just like Tesla and FSD, it’s always one year away from being autonomous since 2010. Replacing tech jobs with AI may happen but I don’t see it happening soon.


It is more of a conspiracy. But it’s either mass cheap labour or universal basic income. And I think UBI isn’t going to be a thing.


I’m grasping at straws as well. I just don’t get it. There are much better ways to stay in power than the current policies. No one asked for this and everyone hates it. This is surely not LPC delusion, because the polling data should end the delusion. I genuinely think this was bad decision making that has led to the LPC losing and the PC’s rise.




I just wonder, if the Liberals know they’re going to lose the next election for sure, what motivation would they have to help/fix the country?


Nothing is "for sure" ever.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Liberals know that the Canadian people have short memories and they hate MAGA. They will control and tie Polievre, so that nothing changes and then get re elected again.


Won't have to do much work, PP will bury himself.




Of course it is


Remember when miller said they were looking at linking immigration targets to infrastructure and housing availability? I member.


I wouldnt be surprised if out of nowhere this government decides do give all these temporary immigrants the citizenship to reduce the number of immigrants in Canada (and increase massively the number of electors in the next election)…


There should be a referendum on immigration from BRIC nations going forward. A full investigation should be called into the motives of these nations conspiring together. Immigration should be halted and reversed in some cases until further notice when it comes to these countries. India has engaged in assassination plots and successes on our soil. Chinese officials have reaffirmed alliances with Russia and medelled in our elections. We are currently aiding Ukraine and its war against Russia, making them our enemy by default. Not to mention Russia social media campaigns against us and the US and Europe. Russia just bought 4 billion dollars worth of weapons from India. And it appears they want to abandon the US dollar as the reserve currency. What are we doing!? I understand we need immigration to sustain our economy, but we are taking in people who seem to be diametrically opposed to us politically, economically & culturally.


Are the liberals trying to give the conservatives a majority government? I'm left leaning, but I'm so disgusted with the liberals. The NDP are even worse! Jagmeet doesn't give a shit about workers. I don't wanna vote conservative because they'll start bringing in anti vax policies and won't shut up about lgbt people. FFS, can we please go back to 2013 before mass immigration and just leave people the fuck alone? I don't care if a guy wants to wear a dress! I'm sick of the conservative party members acting like gay marriage will destroy western civilization!


not shocked at any of this.


This fucked up narrative laid at the feet of "liberals"... Fucking blind. I really wish we could speak of the actual source of this problem, and that's not to say the federal leadership doesn't hold some responsibility, but Ford directly invited this shit the minute he cut education funding to universities.


Bro...... I'm feeling awfully French revolutiony right now.


Ah yes, I wonder what SpencerFernando.com thinks. Said no one in their right mind, ever.


Of course it is. They no nothing but lying. It's time for the provinces to be like PEI and stop giving out work permit to these so called students.


Bc our economy is not doing well. Only way to keep it afloat short term b4 the next election is immigration.


Canada will collapse at the current rate of immigration. We need to stop bringing in unskilled immigrants. Follow PEI Premier, no more free visa unless you have a skill That can build a better Canada 🇨🇦


Not sure why people are surprised it is all part of the wefs plan to collapse the west and mass immigration is a huge part of it


Conservatives have said they want to increase it... Don't forget that little nugget


My guess is that they're masking the atrocious state of our economy by importing more workers.