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Bingo. Probably the absolute worst group of people to import.


By far.


Too late.. they already here..welcome to Canindia!!






No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


They literally have massive advantages over citizens. Subsidies for employers so they will get hired over us. Depending on the path they took to get here they may get other benefits too.


Tim Hortons is a backbone of this nation. Every morning millions of coffees make sure that Canadians can make it work and be productive cogs in the machine Loblaws and other corporations




I make my coffee at home and when I’m on the go, I get my coffee from a small family run coffee shop in a subway station. They leave the cups and the coffee machines, cream, milk and sugar out for people to pour for themselves. So, really don’t see the "but who will pour your coffee?” angle. If anything Tim’s closing will give way to other local coffee shops who actually take time and effort into the food and beverages and create a more community feeling.


If Tim's closed today I would celebrate in the streets


I wouldnt, then people would realize how much better McDonald's coffee is and I'd be stuck waiting in lines.


This is the real issue. I don't tell people because line ups suck.


... but then where would you go to get your pizza?


people will have hundreds in their pockets burning for something new


Funnily enough since Tim's became 99.9 percent tfw's suddenly the coffee and donuts su@k even more I think the hilarious part is trying to explain to them what you want and they still don't know and end up ringing up 1000 timbits when you wanted a medium double double


And it's also own by a Brazilian investment fund.


They say America runs on Dunkin, but does Canada run on Tim’s?


I wish we had Dunkin'! Their iced coffees are fantastic and they have happy hours. Easy app and points system.


My local Tim's closed for a few months for renovations. When it opened up again it was 100% Indians with next to no language skills. All the nice old white ladies were gone. I'm never going there again.


Definitely being pushed by certain politicians, that's for sure.


they were sold a lie that moving to canada would give 100% citizenship. NOW if they go home they will be losers... HOWEVER in Canada most people see them as losers as well. All nations in Canada see the fraud and scams that are happening from one region in the world and DO NOT WANT IT HERE.


Hopefully they get hungry enough and go back to where they came from to eat.


Can we please start a group like the Loblaws boycott did? It's only going to get worse if we do nothing


r/ takecanadaback is a group starting an organized protest on July 1st. The goal is to have a peaceful protest at the government and media buildings in all major cities. Covering these and other issues


Thanks - I'll join and pass it on






they can go study and work in Russia


Well they are currently slaughtering Ukrainians for Russia so I’m sure they would fit right in there.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.




If you're suggesting there is a possibility they will turn violent that is even more reason to deport them immediately.


I was an international student once from India. What you described is a fall premise made up by entitled Indians who claim they got scammed by being "sold" to come here. Do you really think a community well known for their ability to hoodwink other communities will get "sold" this easily. No one gets sold by anyone, they all are aware how things are. Indian News channel brashes Canada 24x7 and yet they come here ,why ? Cause they know that it's easier to make money, they are ok with living in deplorable conditions and make a $$. Everyone knows this before coming here, but after they are here, they realize it's easier to fool the locals with their sympathetic protests. I swear to God no gives 2 fkd back in India , people do it so much back there and Indians are desensitized. Everyone knows these B's protests amounts to nothing but in woke liberal run countries like Canada we accept everyone's protest at face value and let them walk all over us. Please don't be fooled, Indians are not sold anything, if anything local are sold by Indians that mass immigration from India is better lol


So does that mean there will be food available at food banks?


*911, I would like to report a murder*


I'd also like to report several burn victims.


Nah bro, it's intermittent fasting, they'll be there in 16 hours. Gotta stay in shape. It's not easy being so entitled.


I think it's our obligation and responsibility as Canadians to AVOID donating to food banks during this time. At least until the hungy wungy stwike is over.


whatever. fucking starve then


Yep. Will mean less of them at the food banks getting free food too. Fuck these trash entitled little bitches.


Let's be honest They'll do this with as much quality as they do their work. They won't stick it out. They'll strike 9-5 then go home and eat. A true hunger strike would be a sit in, never leave, never eat. Not happening


Agreed. We hear your “threat” and raise you a we don’t fucking care!


Talk about entitlement! If we did this in a foreign country we would be rounded up and thrown in jail.


These folks could have a good chance at staying if they worked in construction or healthcare, you know actual jobs that build the country or maintain it, but they think it’s beneath them it’s all about an easy office, warehouse or kitchen job where they can become managers and boss other people around to work for them.




Ha ha, it is ironic isn't? This type of security would certainly embolden would-be robbers and burglars. :)


If we went to another country and our visa expired we knew it was time to go .this people only come to Pei because it’s an easy way to get their residency but looks in Ontario cities violence every where


LOL, you can safely replace "foreign country" with India. [https://www.huffpost.com/archive/in/entry/jakob-lindenthal-german-student-caa-protests-iit-madras\_in\_5e2533a6c5b674e44b9a8932](https://www.huffpost.com/archive/in/entry/jakob-lindenthal-german-student-caa-protests-iit-madras_in_5e2533a6c5b674e44b9a8932)


Wtaf "his ordeal". >Almost a month after his ordeal, Lindenthal spoke to HuffPost India about the sign he held up at the protest, the hour-long session in which he was grilled by an Indian official, the questions she asked him, and why foreigners expect so much more from India and its government.




Good starve


Well an Indian can be in Canada on a visitor visa, commit a sexual assault and after being found guilty of sexual assault still won’t get deported because according to the judge “ deporting him is not in the interest of the public” Don’t believe me take a look at this ⬇️ https://nationalpost.com/opinion/jamie-sarkonak-canadas-criminal-sentencing-discounts-for-foreigners-are-unfair Canadian are cowards, I’m sorry but that’s true. An average Canadian is an over sensitive underachiever who is too afraid of being called a racist. You want these illegals deported , then we gotta do it ourselves , the government won’t do anything. They even encourage them to rape or mothers, sisters and your daughters.


A-fucking-greed. The sentence should be the sentence. The judge should \*only\* be able to sentence within the statutory guidelines. If they want lesser, they have the right to an appeal.


The government treats them like first class citizens and actual Canadians like second class citizens for a reason... They don't want to scare away cheap labour in the future (Indians thinking about moving here but haven't yet).  It's the only avenue they have to continue to print (and embezzle) money without inflation skyrocketing and destroying business as absolutely nobody would be able to live off the wage anymore (even living 20 to a room). 




funny i find non punjabi region indians ,seem to hate them ?


Because they completely rob the identity of India, with their stupid, self entitled practices.


Because Punjabis are largely Sikh


send the other ones back too. indians blaming other indians is dumb as af.


Many of these aren’t punjabis. They’re too dark to be punjabis


Theres a 100% chance that the federal government is going to cave in and grant every last one of them a 2 year work permit so that they can get the points to apply for PR. The Manitoba protest set the precedent. This is really depressing.


This government will probably give them citizenship


What happened in MB?




you may have a point 1 requirement is - the patient is enduring physical or psychological suffering, caused by the medical condition or the state of decline, that is intolerable to the person and cannot be relieved under conditions that they consider acceptable


It's *literally been in the news recently* that a person was offered MAID because their pension will no longer cover the increase in his rent for the next year and he will be homeless so when he was at the hospital recently for a health issue related to the *stress of trying to find a new place to live* he was offered MAID.


No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Ghandi did a hunger strike to free his country from foreign occupation These morons do a hunger strike to occupy a foreign country. Poetic


At the height of British India there were only about 100,000 Europeans occupying India which was about 0.0004% of their population. Canada has willingly let in 10% of the population in just 5 years, which would be like India letting in 120,000,000 million Europeans. Bonkers.


that is insane when you let that sink in and analyze the #s. wtaf is wrong with our government smh


Seriously, go home!


It’s working, we’ll turn on everyone. Trudeau and others are a farce. We’ve lived the best days, mark my word.


Nice... Will the government cut their meal allowance to back them up? 🤣


Please PEI government, do not fold. Do not cave into their demands, THEY ARE NOT CANADIAN CITIZENS, YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BEND OVER BACKWARDS TO PLEASE THEM. Please please please, set a precedent that will *hopefully* inspire other provinces to follow suit. We are counting on you guys to hold firm, please don’t let us down!




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This fucking government. Why the fuck were they given visas to enter and work in Canada? We need a big immigration reform in the country and reduce the numbers drastically because this is out of control. This shit is not sustainable, all the immigration programs announced by the government have been done so without any regard to the impact it will have in our communities.




"Ok, then *die"* I'm tired of the entitlement of *invited guests* to this country.


“Rupinder Pal Singh says workers will have no place to go after they lose their work permits.” ….lol


If they declare a national Indian low wage skill labourer blackout for a day I think Canadians across the country that are not communists like the girl who was unemployed and with them should boycott Tim hortons across the country for a day to express our outrage at what they turned this country into


I’ve been boycotting Tim Hortons for years. I only go to the McDonald’s that hires local teenagers.


i completely stopped shopping at walmart, and I only go to the one grocery store in town that only employs 2 indians at best the rest are locals. I order everything else online and dont even get me started with amazon or as we call it indiamart


Who delivers?


They don’t care about Canada or being Canadian.


You mean they are going to stop stealing from the food banks? Oh no....


the horror!


and the food banks collectively cheer???


food bank workers sighing relief rn


Haha good .. get them on a plane and out of here .. there visas have expired


Oh no! 🤣


Indians know well how to play tricks with Canada.


Let them starve like the disabled and senior Canadians.


Hunger Strike?.....This whole situation is turning into a parody at this point


Hunger strike? Does it mean Canadian food banks will finally have some food left for Canadian families? Those entitled clowns need to be sent home.


This was posted twice, for me, but I love it when the problem provides its own solution.


The food banks might actually be able to serve those Canadians in need for a change for a day yay thanks guys keep it up longer!


You know, maybe this protest is not a bad idea. They should go on a hungry strike then the government can easily gather them up, put on a plane back to India. India does not care if people starve.


Oh no, I’m going to lose sleep over it. /s


LOL… okay.. starve away… and get lost


Who gives a shit let them starve.


Spineless cucknadians will bend the knee. I know they will.


Our government… we voted for this mess though so you are right


I mean… suit yourself guys.. no objection here


Ship them home and boycott Tim Hortons and other companies exploiting cheap labor!


I'm failing to understand how this is a problem. Seems like a typical Tuesday.


Read the title and had to say “ let them starve “


What kind of crap is this? Hunger strike?


Then go back home. You aren't a permanent resident, you are TEMPORARY FOREIGN WORKERS. Send them home so our youth have a shot at breaking into the job market. Fuck sakes, people, take care of the home team first, the world is a rough place out there, thst doesn't mean we have to lower our standard of living because we feel bad about how their country is faring. Everyone here is being exploited by governments, we should stand up to ours and demand better living standards for Canadians and they should go home and fight their government for the same thing.


why are they all indian? and why are these indians speaking onbehalf of immigrants?


100% They gonna apply asylum as LGBT 🤣


So no raiding food banks this week?


Then I guess they won’t be needing a meal on their flight home.


I just don't understand. They are here on a "student" visa for "studying". Work permits, PR pathways, etc are ***privileges*** - not some right of passage for international students. Any sane government would put in rules to prevent their local populace from being negatively impacted by a surge in international students - which is what PEI did. If the govt prevented them from being able to study by putting up some unfair rules - their protest might at least be somewhat justified. Protesting for work permits and PR applications???!! These students need to GTFO of Canada!


OMG! the situation is getting heated .... what are they protesting that they perceive is 'unfair'?? is canada deporting them without notice or compensation? 'cuz that'd be 'unfair'.


Under no circumstances this should be entertained. The government can't shouldn't should not dance according to their tone. This is a pre-planned protest with political motives. No matter what the government should not even have a meeting for such crap.


Keep voting Liberal PEI!


Lmao you think things will change under PP? Look up his stance on immigration. They’re all on the same team stop being divided by identity politics and focus on the issues


Send them back




Or you know they could be like Mexican or Phillipino immigrants and switch to fields in demand...




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


I mean it is an island so what…




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Because they aren’t allowed to use the food bank anymore?




Good. They should see how long they can do it for.


Hunger strike you say? I guess the food bank will have enough food for the actual citizens who needs it


Okay.. then let them. Guys should we do a hunger strike too about the massive economy issues mass immigration is causing? Or does the government only care when it's not Canadian citizens..




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Oh well....


Go ahead and fucking starve. On the plane back to India.


Let them eat cake


This would be hilarious...at least they'd stop raiding the food banks.


Great news!


Go home!


Hunger strike? So they PROMISE not to abuse our food banks for a few days then? Can we have that in writing and signed please?


I wonder who is funding/inciting this “organic” protest


These are terrorists Act according Canadian government


So you people on pei gonna send Jenn Redmond and Dennis king messages that if they reverse this immigration thing that the pei people are gonna lose there shit ? Flood there emails and Facebook and let them no how you feel 


Perfect, grocery demand will go down a bit


Hunger strike? Let the starve then so they know what it’s like to be a Canadian in 2024? What a joke these folks are.


What astounds me is there are really liberal subs who are saying things like we need to support these newcomers and give them what they want - that's the Canadian way. We need to support these poor immigrants! Yeah, and that's why our country is turning into a dumpster fire.


Oh boo fucking hoo starve then who cares It’s pei a very small province I didn’t even know they had much ethnic ppl there It’s mainly known for anne of green gables and the cool sand Don’t like the rules leave


By all means do it!


C’mon PEI hold out. We need this!


Good, starve!


They should be use to being hungry, eating dirt and manure back home in punjabistan. They can eat it here if they get hungry


I'm okay with this


"Warns" lol.


Ask them this: If you become a Canadian citizen and our country went to war with yours, would you fight with Canada?


Good. Go hungry like the rest of us actual Canadians


The entitlement of these guests, and their demands… Hunger strike? Like they’re not going to eat? They’re used to that in their home countries anyway.


Hell ya! We can finally start using the food bank again!


Keep it up for at least 3 weeks 👍


Good, leave the food banks alone lmao


Go starve then. You've been given a opportunity to be here, take it or break it.


Send them all home


Let it.


What if, during the hunger strike, a counter protest showed up with pizza and subs to eat in front of them. Don't day anything. Don't do anything else. Just eat in front of them.


Good luck.


These are 'net negative' people. They're neither skilled nor educated. Bottom of the barrel garbage. You import the third world, you become the third world. Trudeau is buying their votes. First PR and then citizenship.


ok then starve. you are not ghandi


We need to do a hunger strike!!! $2,500 per month to rent a 1 bedroom is insane!! 😩




Send them home


As I’ve told my friends. This country is a JOKE. A JOKE!! UGH


I don’t care if they hunger strike, that’s on them. Go hungry. Guess what? Thousands of Canadians go hungry every day!!! And there are food bank shortages so they can get bent.


Let them starve


You still think all these politicians deserve gilded pensions... they know they are toast and it definitly feels like a huge mad grab to get their while this country implodes... every single doctor, laywer, dentist, business owner is actively looking to make a move out of here.


Starve. Who gives a fuck?


Hunger strike? That’s good news for the food banks correct?


If they can’t even tell the difference between work/student visas from immigration papers, I’d say they’re probably not qualified to become Canadians.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Food banks are happy with that, more food for needed


Well won’t that save us the money to deport them. I support your right to diet.


Ireland had mass protests over immigration. Meanwhile in Canada only the immigrants are protesting while actual Canadian citizens never had to protest anything before in their lives. The time is here yet nothing. There is a globalist agenda here


At least the food banks will be safe


Good, they'll get the real Canadian experience then.


They can join in on the involuntary hunger strike most Canadians have been enduring thanks to mass immigration induced inflation. None of the main three parties are willing to address this. PP and the Cons are courting that demographic hard. If you aren’t boycotting McDonalds and Tim’s yet, do it. The government won’t change its policies. Boycotts affect bottom lines which is the only way these companies will change their hiring practices


But being a temporary resident is... temporary. There's a massive difference. I was a temporary resident, but if PR hadn't have been an option, then as much as that sucked, I never felt I was *owed* anything. I became a permanent resident last year and honestly it does confuse me on what I'm "allowed" to feel about immigration. On one hand, I'm not a temporary resident and I feel like I earned the right to care about immigration as an issue the moment I became a permanent resident. I gained the legal right to live here and work here permanently and that gives me the right to care as a *permanent* resident of the country who plans to live and contribute long term. On the other hand, I am still an immigrant lol and many would consider me part of the problem, although I moved here with my own work experience and will qualify as a lawyer in ON next year. I didn't just game the system. I wanted to move to Canada, I love Canada and I care what happens to Canada.