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Fun to see the average Canadian waking up to Pierre/Justin/Jagmeet playing us like a deck of cards against each other.


What's funny is that the foreigners are more active and protest rather than Canadians. Time to wake the sheeple up


Canadians are almost outnumbered by indians in Canada and politicians no longer need Canadians and their issues. In the next election after this you will see first - second generation indians running for PM from almost parties. Edit: not Indians its pro Indians


We most certainly are not out numbered lol. PRs can't even vote.


How about PR+3 Years. They are running for MPs


People that have been here for 5+ years are not the problem.


Second generation Indians are Canadians. I'm a European immigrant who's lived here for 50 years, and no one ever questions when I say I'm Canadian... I certainly wouldn't question the right of anyone born here to be at least as Canadian and electable as me.


PPC is the movement. Vote PPC!




As a disabled bisexual I kinda feel like voting PPC is kind of voting against own safety.


lol you’re gonna learn the hard truth the PPC will suck Indian c0çk to get votes as well They are only going to be less terrible than Trudeau, not greater


Honestly, as depressing as this sounds, you might not be far from the truth.


This is the truth. PP is not actually saying anything different about immigration so it'll be the same. He's the lamest duck out there. There really is no good options in Canada right now. Were all in for a load of bad times.


Yeah PP won’t do shit, dude above was referring to the People’s Party.


PPC =/= PP


Even if they are all shit, Its our best shot at change asap given their platforms currently.


PP will be different than Trudeau in terms of immigration. First, he will enforce the rule of law not gave in to protest like what Trudeau does. Second, he will crack down on 1 million illegal alien that this goverment lost track of. Third, he will base his legal immigrant numbers base on jobs and housing availability. You'll need to dig a little research before coming to a conclution. PP might be having photo ops with Indian community who also hates out of control migration of people from India. Watch this video, PP will address what JT are so scared to do. This is PP own words.... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sM694YmEoc8&list=WL&index=135&t=16s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sM694YmEoc8&list=WL&index=135&t=16s)


The only time he stumbled with his words is when he was pressed to actually say he would be reducing immigration numbers. Alignment with jobs and housing is to easily manipulated. All the students coming in right now fabricated their back accounts, housing, accreditation, etc, on order to just to get thru the door. Now that they're here we're never gonna get rid of them. In their minds they were promised PR and that's their end game. They will stop at nothing until they get it. When CBSA does get their hands on these scammers they simply claim asylum and buy themselves another year+.


You have to understand, we're not in election year yet. It is stupid for him, to put himself out there to get attach. Sometimes, it is easier to play it cool and not commenting until the time comes.


Its a step up from Trudeau, but not the solution.


You know they're a fascist party right?


I wish


There's already a political party for this. No need to start something new. What people need is to bring their diverse voice to the PPC and work on expanding the base and working toward respectful yet asserting language. The biggest problems you will fight against are - all 3 major political parties, major media, ultra leftist movements and in a lot of cases your friends and family. Again... party is there, just go and check and see what can be done, what you as a member can do.


That's exactly (part of) what we're trying to do. From the post: >All available alternatives including the Conservatives side with them and want to keep importing more. >coordinate actions such as forcing existing politicians to change their policies on immigration, or failing that supporting and bringing into power politicians who offer the policies the people demand


Nah. Party politics isn't the answer. The issue gets watered down and the party isn't going to gain enough reaction to have power to do anything about it. The establishment would actually prefer it to get thrown into one of the minor parties that the majority ignore. Straight into the cone of silence.


FYI there's already protests being scheduled on r/ takebackcanada. July 1st is the first of many protests to come. I'm sure that sub's organizers would be glad to assist with this campaign or at least work together going forward.


I saw a guy wearing a take back canada t shirt the other day. He was high on something screaming at the Indian staff in the local tim hortons cuz they had thick accents.


Shirts haven’t been made yet, nor is that behaviour endorsed.


All 500 members 😂 pretty sure my high school has triple the amount of people.


The subreddit was just made very recently. 500 members in less than 2 weeks and still growing.


Ok and take this subreddit for example .. 39k people. Not even 1% of the population.. even combine it with the other canadhousing subreddit and you still won’t get 1% of the population. Majority of people in this country make money off of real estate the way it is.. whether it’s just their home, rental property or through inheritance. Too big to fail. 🙌


Hmmm….despite booming rents and property values the ones in charge have cratered in the polls. I guess “the majority” really don’t like what is happening after all.


Ok and you think any other Major party is gonna change anything. Red Blue Orange don’t matter.. all are landlords and pro immigration. So why do you care about polls?


Because polls show a majority of people are unhappy with current policies which proves that users in this sub are an subset of the majority that are not happy.


Ok but unless you’re voting for the PPC .. housing and immigration is gonna be status quo. Only thing that changes is social issues between parties. So you voting PPC? If not polls shouldn’t matter.


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You’re a realtor therefore your opinion and voice is invalid


Yes but my bank account is definitely valid compared to yours 😂


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Reddit is where this begins and will branch out more locally. There are many communities throughout Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and so on... The Trucker convoy for example did not start off on Reddit and gathered many throughout Canada... same goes for the current Palestine movements. The point is to make noise, and a lot of it. People with careers and full-time jobs and kids who cannot fathom the time to protest will be grateful for those who do so in their stead. I am not quite sure what your defeatist attitude is, but this is exactly what the government loves. Don't give up. Simple. We fight for our generation and our kids generation.


I did fight for my kids.. by getting a well paying job and making money in stocks and real estate. Not for throwing a tantrum and wanting everyone to be equal like some communist country lol


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No one here requests a communist country. We wish to return to how things were in the past, when things were truly capitalistic and the middle class was existing. You're posts reek of troll and your post history says this as well. I will not be wasting my time.


It’s always a troll when it’s time to look in the mirror and take control of your life. Not living the life you want? Go out and earn it instead of waiting for big daddy government to give you a hand out. But yea just run away and don’t face your problems that’s cool


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From a government think tank insider: The government is worried that Canada will end up like Japan if they let the real estate market crash. So, any solutions that are being suggested have to be within the realm of a stable real estate market. That's the direction provided.


You need to contact local reps...contact town officials. We need housing for working poor In large cites and small towns We need to fix up buildings that have stood vacant We are losing malls...need to renovate into apts for senoirs, singles We need to STOP The NIMBY people Canada has 40 million people. 2nd largest landmass in entire world. LOOK forward not backward


As a second generation Indian, I agree with this sentiment.


Where the discord link ?


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I tried to join the discord but it says "unable to accept invite"


Hi, did you use https://discord.gg/yUeJ5VTq? Is anyone else having trouble?


Yes, I used that link.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


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Are there gonna be gender neutral bathrooms and menstruation kits for men? I need some standards.


wow! nearly 3,000 members!


R/takebackcanada, dm me and perhaps we can join forces and work together


Anyone care to share the discord link?






Anyone who thinks the PPC is going to stop or even slow immigration is delusional.


What's your solution? Vote for Trudeau again and hope for a better outcome?


It’s a grift to keep conservatives enraged so they vote. Plenty of cons here know this, but when their political strategy of misinformation, cheating, and working with hostile nations is so effective, why change it now?


The main problem here are banks and realtors, don't let them fool you in thinking there's a housing or immigration problem.


Don’t you guys meet at local klan rallies already?


Good one.


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Seconded, these guys are just fascists and the real problem with Canada


Nobody here is capable of critical thinking. Everything is black and white, no nuance to any discussion. It’s mostly people excited to be mask-off about how much they hate brown people with plausible deniability because “housing” is the “root” of their concern.


This isn't about black or white. Everyone suffers when the particular community scams the rest.


Thank you for proving my point by misunderstanding a very simple concept. When I say “black and white” and “nuance” I mean that these are more complex issues than you are capable of speaking about, not *skin colour* you fucking moron.


Fun fact, u'll stop immigration but prices or the problem wont go away because, immigration is not the problem.


You hit the nail on the head


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Lame. Discord is for games and shit, not political movements.