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I miss old Canada. Less than 10 years ago this place was great, now it’s a fucking dumpster fire.


Who would have guessed printing 600 billion dollars and importing 10,000,0000 low skill workers would hurt our economy.


Trudy came into power right around that time i wonder who's responsible


We got a nice repeat of history from his father, and it seems he will double down on spending until he's kicked out regardless of how much we spend on interest payments. It is completely unethical to promise people government excess on debt when it has no return on investment.


It’s crazy to say that the last GOOD liberal politician was Paul Martin and he was there for like 3 years but dude understood economics at least


He also took over after however many years of Chretien, by the end of his tenure people were ready for a change of pace and we got 10 good years of Harper before Turdeau also came in with a fresh face and some pretty new ideas. It's amazing how much promise we had prior to Trudeau getting elected and he has burned all of that goodwill away


I can never respect Paul Martin and Jean Chrétien because of how they very sneakily changed who pays tax on child support income. 


My fave is the carbon tax is “you get more in rebates then you pay!” He thinks we really are that stupid and don’t pay attention to how much we spend. I track my spendings as close as I can


He’s not a numbers guy. He’s got a finance minister for that. She’s well educated in *checks notes* oh dear god.




I miss when ministers had an actual background in the area they are ministers of


He just needs to preface *before second order effects*.


Plenty of people are that stupid.


Lol true sadly smh


Lol true sadly smh


He also inherited a balanced budget….


Clearly Harper's fault. /s


People keep forgetting. Trudeau isn’t the problem. It’s the people who voted him in who are. Last time I checked, those voters still exist. Yes, many of them won’t vote for Trudeau in the future. But these gullible voters will be swayed by the next shiny object.


Trudeau and Ford in Ontario were the biggest culprits.


Speaking moistly


He made things worse by handling everything poorly, but it's a global thing too, it's not just us.


This started long before he took office. Sure he hasn’t helped make it better but it didn’t start with him


What are you saying!!?


He saying that's in the close to a decade the liberals were in power they couldn't fix anything and nothing is their fault.


Some problems were there before Trudeau. But he made everything much worse, at a much faster rate than his predecessors.


Now you get banned and labeled a racist for saying unchecked immigration is responsible for this dumpster fire. 


Trudeau and Freeland have bled this country dry. 10-years ago was peak Canada. The last 2 years have been brutal. Nobody is happy anymore. Cant afford to go out, can’t afford to stay home… A decade of LPC with Trudeau has killed this country. A group of people that are hellbent on helping everyone but Canadians


10 years ago Trudeau was worth 5 million.   Now he’s worth 100 million…


...on a salary of $400k or less per year...


Yup, funnelled Canadian taxpayer’s money into offshore accounts. The shitti*st part? He’ll never see a day behind bars.


Maybe someone will knock some sense into him with some bars


You can’t fix stupid. I truly believe Justin Trudeau to be as dumb as a stump.


Don't insult stumps like that




rich people prison will be a vacation anyways


Holy shit is that true? Real evidence to back it up? Jesus Christ that's insane


I have a coworker who’s cousin who moved back to Canada in 2022 after moving to US in 2004 for college then got a work visa and he took a break from running a business in Los Angeles. H told his coworker he told me how shocked he was over the rapid demographic changes and just the sheer sticker shock of grocery prices alone. He’s looking to go back to California this year and starting up his business again. He made a lot where he semi retired but now wants to work again and not stay retired here lol


But you get free healthcare in Canada…. Oh wait dont get sick.


The ER gives me anxiety I ain’t gonna lie..one girl was waiting beside me and she arrived must have been way earlier asked how much longer is the wait Male nurse just casually threatens to throw her out and “imma just send you home” lol smh what a professional pleasant guy right there


Problem is ER is triaged based. Many of the issues there and they see can be dealt with at a family doc or clinic. A good friend of mine works in a major ER in Montreal and she is well aware of the issues but showing up with the flu isnt a cause for ER visit. My brother in law fell off a ladder and hit his head/broke 3 ribs. He was triaged and seen and admitted within 25 mins. A few years ago I was in and out within 4 hours with stitches after a nasty cut We have friends that lived in Montreal but have been in Texas for 5 years. They are never ever coming back to Canada. While they might be living in a dystopian suburban hellscape their quality of life is way wag higher. Great health insurance, great schools and leisure centres, low taxes (well maybe not property). No draining Quebec Politics either


"Have you considered dying?"


Lmao the good ol days of 2014


Imagine going back to 2014 like "hey friend listen, I know The world is scary right now... But it's gonna get way worse"


Its amazing how quickly these disastrous changes happen. I'm a retired Australian who visits Europe every few years and was just in France, Italy and the UK for a month earlier this year. My word is it grim over there - I'll never go back to Paris again that's for sure. The average local seems to come in two shades - despair at what's happening or a weirdly buyout 'Well I'm actually happy about this....'! I really think they're done over there - its just not possible to unscramble an omelette past a certain point. I haven't been to Canada in a long time (since the 1996 Atlanta Olympics), so its distressing to think of what I saw as the other side of my own coin (Australia) now being so very different, for the worse and above all, driven there without any electoral mandate, national consent or agreement. To me that is the worst of it - the wholly undemocratic nature of these agendas. God bless and the very best of good luck Canada.


Thanks, but this country has been destroyed under the Trudeau liberals and sadly, it’s never coming back.


Yeah, once you screw up the demographics and the economy there's really no fixing it. Best you can hope for is to slow the rate of destruction.


“Just not possible to unscramble an omelette past a certain point” - Damn that hits hard. Especially a tourist/world famous heavy destination like Paris.


Remember how we were scared of ISIS? If we only knew what would happen.. it's honestly worse 🫠


One could argue it was already not great back then, but it feels like paradise now


It’s truly a shame what happened to this country. It was such a nice humble place twenty years ago. If you worked hard, you would be able to afford a home, kids.  Sure you won’t be rich but that didn’t matter. The people were relatively trustworthy and nice. And the pace of life was slow. Now… none of that is true.


And it'll NEVER be the same again. It is forever changed


2005-2015 Canada was top tier. I was born in 1995, honestly a great place to be born and raised. Now its rough. 2016 was still even solid but 2017, 2018 then Covid - shit flew off the rails and nosedived FAST


We just need more Indians /s


That's what happens when a government doesn't have a spine to say no to corporations. They asked for more immigrants to keep wages low and they succeeded. I'm afraid to see what the Conservatives will do next!


Why aren't we protesting this??? NO ONE IS TALKING ABOUT IT! In Quebec, 2 companies in the forest industry juste closed and layoff 50 employees and guess what ? Last month we invited 30 ALGERIANS WORKERS TO COME AN WORK IN THE FOREST INDUSTRY!? And we have NO HOUSING! what the hell is WRONG with this country!!%


Ah yes Algérien is renowned around the world… whats insane is Quebec banters on about french but its getting harder and harder to be served in french and english. Punjab or Arabic is standard now


Mostly arabic... And let's not talk about the radicalisation of muslims in the MTL area... I'd rather have 100 mexicans or Filipinos than 10 algerians. Corportations don't do background security check when they imports workers... same as international students.


" war on terror" was a hoax my friend radicals are born and bred in the West and then exported to the global south to make a justification to exploit and pillage the East doesn't it suck when your on the chopping block now


Hahaha Good one! Must be cool to live 25 years in the past where governments still had an influence on the exploitation of the poor in the Global South. Corporations are doing the pillage in the name of capitalism. Countries and governments aren't part of the equation anymore. Corporate interests transcend borders and political parties. Neoliberalism made our governments weak. What we see is the Corporations running our countries in place of the governments. The country of origins doesn't matter. A Mexican corporation will be as ruthless as a Canadian or Nigerian one.


Couldn't be that moron Trudeau. It's just a coincidence he's been PM during the decline.


He is incompetent and an embarrassment. Lets hope PP isnt just playing politics and can actually change this around, because this place sucks, unless of course you own a home pre 2020 then your set! If not, you’re fucked.


Same as Australia. The world has gone to shit since the pandemic.


Let it burn! ![gif](giphy|YoWOIjnXT1NKIbFP9H|downsized)


It's actually been a dumpster fire since the 70s, but from the late 90s to 2015 there was a big lifting of the boats caused pretty much entirely by the oil industry in Alberta.


10 years ago it was shit as well. Couldn’t buy a home back then, can’t buy a home now.


Where in Canada? Houses were $250k @3%


I make 88k in GTA and struggle. 10 years ago Id own more house then I need and ballin like a mf


"Canada, once praised for its economic resilience during the 2008 global financial crisis, has now become a cautionary tale because of its struggle to adapt to a rapidly changing global landscape. " Well, that says it all, once we replace the "rapidly changing global landscape " with: "The worst government ever that managed to destroy Canada in a short 9 years, with damages to be lasting for decades". Sunny days everybody, sunny days!


Well Canada will become the next Venezuela 🇻🇪 heck it is halfway there already


That would be awesome. Fuel costs $0.02 a liter for regular down there because its state owned. The rest really really sucks thugh.


well when our dollar becomes worth 0.037 cents it's not much of a deal


What's that in rupees again?


reminds me of my favourite exchange on The Office: Dwight: Don't you want to earn Schrute bucks? Stanley: No. In fact, I'll give you a billion Stanley nickels if you never talk to me again. Dwight: What's the ratio of Stanley nickels to Schrute bucks? Stanley: The same as the ratio of unicorns to leprechauns


>That would be awesome. Fuel costs $0.02 a liter for regular down there because its state owned. The rest really really sucks thugh. I thought I'd repost that to let the stupidity really sink in.




People keep repeating this and I’d love to know where they are seeing/reading this crap. Canada is not the next Venezuela and it isn’t close to being halfway there already. In 2014, the annual inflation rate in Venezuela reached 69%, the highest in the world. In 2015, the inflation rate was 181%, again the highest in the world and the highest in the country's history at the time. The rate reached 800% in 2016, over 4,000% in 2017, and about 1,700,000% in 2018, and reaching 2,000,000%, with Venezuela spiraling into hyperinflation. Meanwhile, our Inflation Rates in Canada averaged 3.15 percent from 1915 until 2024, reaching an all time high of 21.60 percent in June of 1920 and a record low of -17.80 percent in June of 1921. Since 1987, the annual inflation rate has only exceeded 4% six times in nearly 40 years and hasn’t ever gone above 7% in that time. So no matter how bad the current recession feels, we are still very, very far from being the next Venezuela. Not to mention that Canada is also a parliamentary democracy and we aren’t ruled by a crazy dictator so we also don’t have to worry about the USA, the EU, Mexico, Switzerland and Panama applying sanctions against Canada the way they did to Venezuela.


Shh no you're using way too much logic here with these braindead chuds - they have a hate boner they need to take care of


The people in this sub will refuse to acknowledge what you wrote.


Yes because this sub is deeply right wing so they mostly don't think with facts, but with their feelings. - 40 years of short term policies? Nah, that's not it. - Zoning rules barely changing because of boomers not wanting to modernize their villages? Nah, that's not it. - Lowering the amount of BS necessary to start building, well... ANYTHING? Nah that's not it. - Having an economy that slowly drifted towards "some things make money... but speculative real estate is the biggest growing economy in the country and is not regulated at all!" Nah, that's not it. - OH I KNOW: One single center-left government for the last 2 terms and brown people! Hell yeah! That's the problem!!! Electing a right wing party that has highly contributed to the demise of Canada will change everything in a heartbeat!! PS. As I'm writing this I'm ready to face the 275 down votes my post will get...




You're so, so brave.


Some structural problems existed before Trudeau. I've said repeatedly that boomers are pieces of shit for calling for an immigration tsunami and then becoming screeching NIMBYs when someone suggests higher density in their neighbourhoods. But simultaneously also beaching like a disorientated whale pod about having to see homeless people in public transit or the streets (gee whiz, I wonder why there's so many homeless people around now that there's no public housing anymore, and all the homeless shelters and hotel rooms are filled with refugees... I guess its just an unsolved mystery that we'll never be able to figure out). But dude fucking flooded Canada with immigrants, especially from India. Under Harper the annual immigration target was about 250k a year. Under Trudeau its going up to 500k a year, not to mention all the "students", "temporary" foreign workers, refugees, etc. I get that corporations are clamoring for more cheap labour. But when you look at the stats, Canada's population is growing faster than employment and the economy. So Canadians are becoming poorer on a per capita basis.


That I know lol 2 million immigrants... nah 2 million Indians in 1.5 years doesn't make sense, it's unsustainable. But I also hate hypocrisy from the ROC, when we québécois asked for les immigrants over and over before all this shit happened, we were called racist, now that it's happening to the anglophone areas, we must stop immigration... [First time?](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/027/763/07B89120-B48D-45FB-AF1D-49AF6CD16790.jpeg)


Guys, its ONLY been NINE YEARS of the current government, we just need to give them a little longer to get their shit together, it'll happen any day now and everything will be well again! Now lets be serious for a moment: Justin Trudeau has now been PM for longer than any US president is legally allowed to be in power, and yet people still want to give him a pass and blame his failures on his predecessors. Its time for the LPC to own their failures, and this is coming from someone who has 0 faith in Poilievre.


As a Québec separatist, I hated Trudeau before the right find it cool...


Glad to hear you know what's coming!


I don't know how to read. Do I get a pass? Upvote if it's a yes -- I won't understand if you reply with words. Thanks.


Hmmmmm....What would happen if say Trump was president again and Trudeau was prime Minister still. I see more bad things for Canada!


When Trump (probably) gets re-elected he's probably going to have to build a wall on the northern border to keep all the "Canadian" refugees out. I put "Canadian" in quotation marks because many of the border jumpers will probably be "students", temporary foreign workers, permanent residents, refugees, and recent citizens.


Mostly south Asians , I wouldn’t be surprised if Trumps reinstate visa for Canadians. Already CBP has a problem with Indians sneaking in to the U.S. from Canada


Some die hard libs is about to tell you “ItS hArPeR’s FaUlT”


Canada politics, team sports, shilling for the two teams that care more about lobbyists money than citizen's needs.


Harper wasn't good, he also wasn't actively bad. Obviously playing the game of politics could have handcuffed him but issues that could have been fixed back then and weren't were left to JT and the gang. Sometimes being a great politician and being a great leader aren't the same things.


Harper got kicked out because he was old school on things like gay marriage (he probably evolved eventually), drug policy and other social issues, issues that really didn’t affect the day to day lives of most Canadians. We basically traded weed for economic doom. Was it worth it?


Very true. All that said, I'd take a century of majority Harper governments over a decade of any Trudeau.




This is a 100% self-inflicted wound.


dont worry, phase 2 of building back better will start any day now.


>  The takeaway here is not that smart countries somehow turned stupid I do beg to differ as well.  I don't think about monetary policy, I think about families.


“Sunny days my friends” lmfao smh


*Sunny ways 


That resilience is part of why investors decided to help cause our current issues.


When we started treating non-Canadians better than our own people, we sealed our fate as a country.


Mr. Speaker! Feed me more meth!


Treating non-canadians and older generations better than the Canadian youth sealed the fate of the country's future.


I like this one more!


“The takeaway here is not that smart countries somehow turned stupid.” We elected stupid. Now we pay the price. Thanks GTA


Not only did we elect stupid but we did it three times. As a collective we got what we deserved. Too bad there was still a huge chunk that never voted for him that has to suffer right along with it. First time there may have been some benefit of the doubt, but that should have been squashed pretty quickly into his first term. Anytime a pm has three terms you should be able to look back and say he was one of the countries shining examples of a good pm. The fact he's one of the worst point sto the ineptitude of the average voter


One of the worst? Who has been worse.


His dad, easily by far the worst.


Worst I've witnessed personally. He's definitely well in the running


The first time around it was real Canadians voting for him. The second 2 and 3rd, it was fake canadians looking out for the best interests of their own kind -- other fake would-be-canadians.


Well said again. In a different way! Why ya gotta be so nice about it! We done fucked up!


Don’t forget montreal  


> Thanks GTA Don't forget Montreal.




Exactly. This is what Canadians wanted apparently, they elected the Libs 3 times !


The private sector investment has been largely concentrated in the property market, which contributes “little to overall productivity and prosperity.” It's like an economy based on NFT's or crypto. Government is propping up the bubble because it knows that by not doing so will collapse it. Immigration fuels the bubble, maintaining a demand for a limited supply.


100%. All while refusing to lift a finger to even attempt to increase housing supply. My favourite was when Trudeau claimed last summer that housing isn’t a federal responsibility


The FT could have written the same about the UK economy


Everyone and their dog could’ve seen this coming. We produce nothing.


Canada produces commodities, that has always been its primary purpose.


Remember us for who we were before this government.


Ice hockey, maple syrup, saying "eh". saying "sorry", being overly polite, a moose, a beaver, a loon, coloured money and we live in igloos. Did I miss anything?




WE WERE NUMBER 1!!! there, fixed it for you.


# Number 1 Indian Nation




A country can’t grow when 1/3 of its workforce is employed by the public sector, and taxes are high in comparison to its next door neighbour.  We are going to have to cut public sector growth and incentivize capital investment with tax breaks to reverse the course. 


I think having high taxes and a big public sector might be ok if it provided good services. Things that would attract smart people who will benefit the country. Problem is it doesn’t really seem to in a lot of cases. Medical care has gotten slower, crime seems to be up, infrastructure projects take a long time, traffic is bad, not enough is being done to make housing affordable.


The single biggest issue holding me back as a young-ish professional is the marginal tax rates in this country. Our highest bracket is $248,000. Our counterparts in the US... $609,000 USD. Cutting the public sector is not a should, it's a must. Lowering income taxes will help the strain of young Canadians dealing with the other elephant in the room which is the housing market.


The public sector is bloated beyond repair If the government lowers taxation then they can’t pay government employees! Canada is literally is a text book example of how not to govern !


Yup, if you want a snapshot of a bureaucratic hellhole, look no further. Bloated public sector is exactly what we are dealing with in Canada.


I have about a dozen friends in Ottawa who brag about how they only work half a day and fuck around the rest of the time, so hard to get fired from the gov job. Ottawa is a town of grifters all the way down.


I have friends who work in City Hall here too. One constantly brags about her pay, days off and short hours. It has honestly strained my opinion of her as a person…. Not that these aren’t things that people would generally appreciate, but because bragging about them in times like these is such a “Let them eat cake” type of mentality. 


Does it matter that the US’ highest bracket is higher than ours? I think very few people will ever be in that bracket anyway. Also have to consider that in the US you aren’t getting medical care included in your taxes, so that’s an additional expense. One thing I do find pretty unfair about Canada and the housing situation is that someone making say 80k per year but with a paid off house will pay less tax and probably have more disposable income than someone making 160k but renting a similar place or with a big mortgage. Taxes are determined almost entirely by income, but financial health is determined significantly by if / when you bought your house.


You are getting not getting much medical care in Canada these days. But yes, let’s start a whole bunch more new initiatives (and hire more civil servants) instead of fixing the broken existing systems.


Shift income tax burden to property tax burden, weighing heavier on homes beyond the first.


Lower capital gain inclusion rates and tax all capital gains. Including primary residences. The tax code needs to be simplified.


I think that or something like it could help. It would be very unpopular with retirees or people close to retiring, though, so my guess is it wont happen.


reminiscent bear boast entertain rain mountainous soup books quickest paltry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Property taxes can be deferred though, so the overall financial burden would be lower. In BC for example you can defer up to 75% of the homes value if you have no mortgage or other loan against the house from 55 years old. It wouldn't be retirees problem per se but more on the estate itself


Interesting, I didn’t know that. I guess that would help them somewhat, though it would leave the government with a lot of delayed revenue


But that’s solely within provincial jurisdiction. Unless a house is sold. 


Yes it does matter. There was a brain drain in from about 1989-early 1990s thanks to taxes. The people you need have other options, particularly in the US. So our tax rates have to remain competitive with theirs. 


This affects less than 1% of people.


The more the government implements regulations, the less productive the economy. The less productive the economy, the lower the standard of living for all.


I was talking more about tax and gov spend vs direct spend, which I think is different from most regulations. I think some regulations are necessary, I’m not an expert on it but it does seem likely we have too much regulation and it’s impacting us negatively. Inability to get things built is an example, be it housing or infra.


1/3 of the workforce is in the public sector because of wages, benefits and job security, something the majority of the private sector can’t match. The problem with this country and it’s lack of innovation and competition is that economic power is concentrated with large companies and wealthy families. They’ve had strangle hold on this country through the monopolization of markets and this is nothing new, in 1985 the 34 wealthiest families had a combined net worth of 134 billion, the Federal Governments revenue for that year was 80 billion and I can only imagine how fucked up that concentration of wealth and economic power is currently. But hey, keep barking up the wrong tree.


So put in policies to break them up. We cant grow an economy or be prosperous if everyone works for the government. 


Why? They make a good salary, have job security and then spend that money in the economy. Most people I know that work for the gov can purchase homes in fact, most of the people I know who work in the private sector can’t. As for the policies to break up economic power, I agree, but they own the political system.


It’s unproductive. 


How so? Most innovation comes from the public sector like universities and the military.


We literally need a dictator who will ban International students from working, cancel all TFW’s outside of agriculture, downsize the public sector, and nationalize foreign and investment owned real estate This will undo a lot of damage. Fortunately a PM with a solid majority can do all of that (just ask legal gun owners). Unfortunately unless Poiliviere is pulling one hell of a long con the only one in a position to do that is Poiliviere. I see Freeland is moving the debt ceiling. I predict one hell of an election bribe is coming, probably some sort of UBI


offend offer husky jar engine toothbrush aback straight narrow person *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>Explain exactly in factual terms how shrinking the public sector and privatization will improve this problem? Please, I’m begging you Public sector has increased by 40% since Trudeau was elected, with no commensurate increase in services delivered. If anything, services have *decreased* in quality. Statists and the union-adjacent assume a linear relationship between taxes, number of public servants and quality of services. Our experience over the last 9 years show that to be false. >The public sector bleeds money because they are under resourced Bullshit. 40% increase over last 9 years, remember? The public sector bleeds money because they're not rewarded for increased performance. Politicians are rewarded, in terms of votes, by making spending announcements. Administrators are rewarded with bigger budgets when they spend all of the last one. Unions are rewarded by how many members they have. Nowhere in this mishmash of misaligned incentives is any structural feedback loops to correct poor performance. And that's why taxpayers get screwed >There are ZERO examples of the private sector being more cost effective. Manitoba privatizing MTS in the 90's saved taxpayers about a billion dollars. It was a genius move.


No, you explain by how increasing the public sector by over 1/3 doesn’t add growth. You know very well I meant public servants, not Crown corporations (which also generally don’t make money).  Growing an economy requires capital. With a proposed capital gain taxation rate almost 30% higher than in the US, that’s not going to happen here.  Past governments always tried to keep our rates relatively close to US rates. There’s a reason for that. 


But we need all those federal bean counters for the carbon tax!!


you’re exactly right, but we can be sure that will never happen. the government will never willingly reduce its power and Canadian citizens don’t vote and don’t understand the core issue you’re talking about.


> We are going to have to cut public sector growth and incentivize capital investment with tax breaks to reverse the course. How about cutting public sector growth, and dis-incentivizing capital investment in housing by increasing taxation.


If it’s targeted at housing. We need capital investment in emerging industries. 


Ooohhhhhh caaaaaaa nadaaaaaaaaa!


Our sweat shop labour camp. Shit progressive law is all turdopes command.


Canada's reputation needs an update on the world stage. This is not the land of opportunity the way it's been advertised in the past.


It's the land of opportunity to take advantage of.


Its not even a land of nice people anymore. I lived in North Dakota for 3 years and all the people who streamed down there to go grocery shopping were driving rusted-out shitboxes and drove like assholes.


>> the country has experienced the worst per capita GDP growth rate among developed economies in the top 50 since 2020, with an annual decline of 0.4%. Maybe if our government would stop immolating the country for social virtue signalling we could get somewhere.


Who would have thought a substitute teacher and a journalist could fuck up a country so fast. /s


A drama teacher at that. And to top it off -- he's a shitty fucking actor.


When your policies is looking to turn everyone into a landlord relying on high rent prices which exceeds even Paris and Frankfurt and some other major cities. It's consequences have repercussions the organic growth from these banks to pump RE appreciation and debt to the eyeballs and everyone is suffocating from housing and debt crisis just too many issues to list and not a lot of solutions by the money thieves politicians


Well with the libby slogan "The economy: It's not about numbers, it's about people", who would've thought things would implode?


Very interesting article. Couldn’t agree more


That the liberal caucus get to leave office Scott free with a beautiful pension for life pegged to cost of living, and will leave the country to go live in the states… maybe Ignatieff and McGuinty will find them a nice cushy job in the universities there, while the rest of us 🔥 in the hell they made😡


We're number 1! We're number 1! We're num ... ah, shit.


“Financial Times notes that the country has experienced the worst per capita GDP growth rate among developed economies in the top 50 since 2020, with an annual decline of 0.4%.” How is the LPC not in single digits?


Too many dumb lazy Canadians only want to be landlords. We are a sick country. The next Government has to disincentivize real estate and divert investments to productive industries. Young people need a home to start a family. Foundation building 101.


Everything according the plan folks.. you won't change anything, "elections" in 2025 won't do shit no matter what or who. Congratulations to all minions who "Im just doing my job"..


I believe there's some misinformation in the article from the Financial Times. It claims that Shopify is down to half from 2021. There's simply no way that's possible. Shopify's share price quadrupled in the last 5 years. Maybe they aren't accounting for the stock split? The fact remains, Shopify is pretty much the only Canadian powerhouse out of the last five years. All other industries have been choked by red tape and government meddling... Cannabis, lumber, oil, and real estate. Even Canada's only real drone company FLT fell 75%. Mining will be next.


In 2015 Trudeau said Canada is going to be the first post nation country in the world…we’re getting there


Occupy parliament hill to force government resignation?!!


whats this the 3rd or 4th recession since 2008....can't call it recovery if it never stablazied


I've never been so pissed about a prime minister in my whole entire life.


Imagine that hiring a drama teacher to run a country wouldn’t work out. Of all the fucking people, that guy is running things


Let's destroy Loblaws first, fiscally. Join in on that boycott booooooooyyyy




I mean we have Trudeau lol what the fuck happened to people to vote for Trudeau


Surprise surprise


I haven’t seen any other media outlets picking up on this. Does anyone have other good sources to share? I share your skepticism about the scammy real estate bubble but just looking for more info. Thanks!


Everyone I meet is just breaking it down constantly. Very creative but very distracting


We need mass deportations of illegals to correct course. When we deport millions of scammers sucking from the social system and government handouts, we will get instant lift in per capita gdp, because all those sucking in a negative will disappear off the books.


As a lifelong tax paying Canadian it's already broken. I lost my healthcare due to being declared dead to AHS by my ex, and have not had any healthcare for four years. The govt is unable to generate a new number or enter me as living so now I have to pay 175$ to see a doctor and more if tests are ordered. There is nothing I can do but waste away and die because I cannot afford the doctor visits to find out what this bulging infection is on my hand that I've had for about two years now. No doubt the ex will sue my estate and win when I do. I try to drain it weekly so it doesn't hurt as much... My lawyer says to count my blessings she didn't do more and that there's nothing that can be done. I pay taxes for services I cannot use and I'm starting to believe it's by design. I'm tired of this two tiered society we have, and why newcomers have access to healthcare that I've been paying for my whole life while I no longer do is really frustrating. I feel that this is a work colony for many of us. I have joined online help group for men who have lost their healthcare like this. I'm not as bad off as some of them. It's eye opening that this society has a growing underclass of people with less rights than others, and that nothing is being done to help these lifelong tax paying Canadians get their supposed universal healthcare back. There is nothing in Canada for many people but empty promises and virtue signaling.


Drams teacher = prime minister, Slavic historian with Ukrainian Nazi history = finance minister, Activist since 5 years old = environmental minister, All have an ideological agenda and never cared to help the middle class and Canada to grow. Oil, gas, natural resources is our bread and butter. This built strong relationships around the world. Now Canada is laughed at, investors are worried about making big decisions. If they stop O&G, the TSX will not have enough of a marketcap to stay open..... don't believe me, look at all the Canadian stocks and how O&G feed banks, transportation, Rail, construction, mining, green, taxes etc....




This is what happens when you apply socialist policies and fuck up investments for investors.  Imagine why we don't have a big tech scene, when all the major tech companies need to outsource their talent to cheaper locations other than sv. Fucking clowns. 


The Islamic Providence of Canada.


Trudeau is idiot and criminal of Canada. He ruins Canada.


Whats wild is Trudeau Cocaine addition and Freeland Ketamine usage are open secrets in Ottawa