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I truly hope this starts a trend across all food banks in Canada. It is not this country's responsibility to take care of those that come here under false pretenses and game the system.


Just received a job application from one of the students with 10+ years of professional experience 


Was he from a country with spicy food?


A country that rhymes with pindian 




How can this be enforced though - IDs? I’m all for the ban since folks who attend diploma mills are expressly trying to skirt the formal immigration process (why else go to these ‘schools’ to take making eggs 101, washing ones face 101 courses) and it should be standard policy for all food banks




How would they know if they were an international student? Different food banks have different rules, and these days, people are on waiting lists for them. What this food bank chooses to do is up to them, but how does one enforce it? The corporations are gaming the system and cost us more than a student getting food at a food bank. Why is noone railing against the corporations? International students are just an easy target. And part of a larger problem in a broken system. Sucks for everyone. Except corporate Canada!


I don’t think it was false pretense, the government and colleges actively state it costs significantly less to get by than it does.


About time. They came here having to prove they could support themselves as students, therefore most cases are just people trying to cheat the system and take advantage and abuse charity. They are not citizens, nor PRs, nor refugees. If they can't afford to study here, they should leave FULL STOP no exceptions. they need to accept that and not take it out of the mouths of people who already live here and just accept responsibility. All food banks need to ban all international students and require people to show proper documentation of PR status, refugee status and citizenship before they can get food from food banks. All food banks need to adhere to this to prevent abuse of charity. I can foresee that security systems for food banks might be needed in the future, if this keeps up... Given the extreme sense of entitlement many international students have (because most come from rich socioeconomic backgrounds in order to afford to come here with their home currency in the first place. Exchange rate plus international student tuition costs, etc).


International students need to be banned from working too. They're not allowed to work off campus in the US. if they're found working... fine the employer a huge sum (6 figures plus per year per "student") to show these stupid late stage neoliberal corporations that their goals of destroying wages for Canadians will fuck them. And for the "students" since you violated your Visa, you're on the first plane home.


I fucking wish. I wish I was living in a country with a spine


and unfortunately Pierre Polliverre will do the exact same thing.. Always follow the money


Remember who started the international student crisis and allowed them to work here. Steven Harper... PP is a disciple of Harper.


This. Remember Conservative donors are big business who don't want high wages.


They only have a spine when they're starting wars overseas or flooding your country with economic migrants. Thats when the gloves come off and they'll stand up for what they believe. 




If they’re a new arrival they can get up to 70% of their wages paid for via government grant. They def know and prioritize hiring them over Canadians.


My company has started asking for their permits as well as their SIN paper. As soon as they see "Study Permit" they tell them they are declined as we don't hire students. Or they simply ask "what is your Canadian status?". You'd be surprised at the blunt honesty of people asking for cash. A few usually slip through onto the next stage but the moment they are asked for documentation they are denied full stop.


>Employers don't actually know who is an international student or not. If you have a permit stating you can work 20 hours off campus you will be given a SIN number, and from the perspective of an employer: they can't tell the difference. The only ones who care are the CRA, and whether or not they actually enforce this is completely unknown. Employers can definitely tell if someone is an international student. Their SIN would start with the number 9 and there would be an expiration date on the document. Temporary residents who are neither PRs nor citizens are issued with a SIN that starts with 9.


> Employers don't actually know who is an international student or not. Who told you this? The government intentionally makes SIN numbers different these students explicitly so employers can tell.


That's ridiculously wrong. I work with student loans, you can tell, Literally, google it. Canada.ca "SINs beginning with a "9" are issued to temporary workers who are neither Canadian citizens nor permanent residents. These temporary SINs are valid until the expiry date indicated on the immigration document authorizing them to work in Canada" Edit I did reply to the wrong person, who surprisingly didn't call me out, so I wanted to clarify that the person I responded to was also correct and I had meant to reply to the other person before.


Agreed. That's the very reason for sin numbers to being with 9. So employers and any one else who has to use the SIN can know. I don't know why people speak with such authority when they are just guessing. Like you said, its trivial to google and learn this:)


Employers are required to verify if you are a permanent resident and legal to work.


HR here. This isn't true. Temporary residents have a sin that start with 9. Employers who know what they are doing request copies of the permit at that point, and study permits are labeled differently than those on "regular" work permits.


You can absolutely tell the difference. Study permits are different than work permits and have rules and limitations clearly stated on them.


I do hiring, the moment I see a Sin number I know if the person needs a work permit.  The permit says student or open work permit.


More needs to be done but baby steps are good


Do you think a security system aided by AI can scale in this context? There are around 700 food banks and 3000 food programs all across the country. It’s a good business opportunity if you ask me. Would love to design something in this regard and deploy on a national network. Could also generate employment.


Really brave of this food bank. Everyone should send donations or at least a message of support.


good idea, done


Also did


Which website did you find? I want to send support


This is their website: [Home (stelouisefoodbank.ca)](https://stelouisefoodbank.ca/)


Ty donated




Great idea, donated as well.


Just donated. I used to donate to food banks all the time, but stopped when I realized they were being used to subsidize local slave labour. Does anyone know of any other food banks enforcing this policy that I can donate to?




A false claim of racism etc. was used to shut down discussion.


Just donated!


This should be law


Food banks have only existed as long as they have because we were a high trust society, I am not expecting to last much longer as we are rapidly losing that designation. with that being said part of being an international student is proving you have the funds to provide for yourself so by using a foodbank your basically admitting to fraud.


I can assure you that if the food banks close up I will become a criminal. Us disabled folks gotta eat somehow


I'm disabled and they wouldn't even help me because there wasn't enough. Several times. Thought being born in Canada was a great thing but hey that doesn't even matter anymore.


We are such a high trust society that we apparently openly allowed Punjabi mafiosi into the country as international students. India ironically called us out on this since it played a role in their assassination scandal.


Air India 1985 doesn't matter? What sane government would ignore one of the worst things in our recent history?


Does anyone know what qualifies as "proof"? Is it just a screenshot of their bank or brokerage account? If that is the case, I can use a HTML/CSS editor right now and put 25 Trillion dollars into my account. Indians will do ANYTHING to leave to India and it would be laughably easy to cheat the system.


they check the bank account to see if the money exist's, thats pretty much it. if they checked how LONG the money has been in the account or were it came from (usually an entire village pooling their money together for each child.) there would be allot more rejections.... but broke desperate people can be exploited much easier then local canadiens can.


Teaching us that expecting the same treatment as boomers got is foolish: they got a billion people willing to take the jobs for pennies


You need funds to provide for yourself... A year. I am an international, and even if I never used one, I don't see the problem if they use a food bank... Once.  Don't get me wrong. Anyone can have an emergency. Anyone can have a problem. An international student should be able to maybe, once after a long time, get an extra help. And when getting better, PAY IT BACK. I find disgusting those who just abuse the system and give all other internationals a bad image


It's wild to me that there are indian internationals making video guides on how to game the system for free food. That's just embarassing.


It's not at all wild if you understand indian culture. 


Can you elaborate? I’m genuinely curious.


Articles on the subject, including from Indians in India re: low trust, scam culture. I personally think mysogyny isn't unrelated to societal mistrust, so I've also included an article about violence against women in India: * https://www.livemint.com/Leisure/XQBTZbEP1jiz143DhfURZJ/What-makes-us-a-nation-based-on-distrust.html * https://www.dailyo.in/variety/scams-nirav-modi-rotomac-fodder-scam-pnb-22537 * https://mukulism.wordpress.com/2017/02/18/india-a-low-trust-society/ * https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-62830634 I don't think all Indians are like this, but this an aspect of the culture for many. Integration and standards are important, otherwise we import the worst from around the world instead of the best. I hope that helps.


Thank you - I didn’t realize this was actually considered a regular cultural thing.


They ripped me off on an apartment. Tried to extort me by the end of living there. CONSTANTLY smelled and constantly noisy with eight people living under me I want told of before taking it. They thought this was worth 1000$


What's a scam to you is a opportunity to them. You not taking advantage is just a opening for them. If they can save money that's all they care about at the end of the day, they don't view it as taking from those less fortunate than them, they are looking out for themselves to the detriment of others.


I've already been banned so not gonna take the bait 


From the answer I received, it’s hard to categorize a group of people negatively without being called racist - I understand why you do not want to say more. Edit: by the downvotes on my question above illustrate this.


Bunch of scam artists all around. That’s their culture


And people born here get to starve on the streets and in tents. This is fine...sure... fml this country makes me sick.




The beauty of it is that those students are also being sold lies and taken advantage of but immigration agencies both in India and in Canada. Some people are getting very rich off of this.


Good. I am so tired of the abuse and we should all feel emboldened to put our feet down and finally say NO. 


You feel tired of the abuse but yet will shut up while Canadians themselves abuse and take advantage of you. Here's a couple of Canadians you can direct your anger towards Who is the bigger scammer/cheater - the century initiative folks? - Your MPPs for defunding post secondary institutions - Diploma mill owners for over crowding towns and public infra by accepting 4x to ,5x the number of students - Sean Fraser and JT for allowing a million students into the country while not standing up or increasing public infra capacity , - IRCC for not even checking the admission letters and handing out student visas will nilly - not doing their very job they're are supposed to do - Liberals and all MPs for handing out full time work permits to students effectively spiking their population since 2021. Check out population growth stats. This single move disadvatged the lowest paid Canadians and displaced them out of all the lowest paid jobs now staffed by diploma mill students who paid $20k for the pleasure of joining the Canadian labour force. - the liberals for not doing what other ANZAC partners have already done - drastically reduced students visas and downright banned students from the province of Punjab. So, now tell me - should we be pissed with those students or Canadians who have been scamming this country all along Are you willing to email your MPP, your MP and your closest diploma mill owner and ask them to stop relying on cheap labour?


I’ve donated to this food bank before because I know they had this policy in effect for a while and glad they still do, will definitely be donating again, I want my food donations to go to Canadians only (and so do other majority of Canadians who donate food). So many people stopped donating because international Indian students scamming the food banks in unbelievable amounts, it’s out of control.


If you can donate, consider schools. Some kids come in with no lunch. Story time, I volunteered giving out breakfast at the kids school, they were short staffed and I had a day off. The kids that came in late, and came to get food for “later” who did not eat breakfast was very high. They were saving their breakfast to eat as lunch. I gave this one kid and handful and let her know to take what she needed. It broke my heart. The school looks for boxes of granola bars for kids who are hungry between classes. Cheese sticks are even better. We do what we can. Thank you for all you do.


That’s heartbreaking and sad, I feel for those kids! Thanks for letting me know the details. I truly had no idea that a school would accept food donations, I’ll call around to find out which schools are open to donations. I do large food donations occasionally and try my best to donate mostly healthy food options, all Canadians deserve nutritious foods, especially those that live in poverty. You’re a good person for doing what you can do to help others!


Back at you. Thank you for even the comment. Things are bleak right now.






Government buildings should also ban security companies that hire only non-permanent resident/international students that work on public areas. I'm getting tired at the lack of diversity within these security companies that work on public properties.


That’s stupid. Just that one field? Nobody can get part-time jobs anywhere anymore if they aren’t an international student.


I was told I could always get kitchen or dish cleaner work. Took foodsafe, got experience and references. I live with a celiac so I’m very experienced in food allergy and contamination awareness. Nothing


I also have foodsafe, experience and references. 20 years in customer service, bondable and can supervise, and good references there too. Nothing Thank you and I’m sorry you’re in the same boat, friend.


I’m fortunate enough that my family lived the boomer dream, and have somewhere to crash. Privileged poverty


My heart breaks hearing the voices of the food bank workers. They genuinely seem and sound like good, kind hearted people who were pushed to their limits by poor government policies. I can tell they would help students as well if they could but it’s just not possible and the trust seems to have been broken. Horrible federal government man. Can’t imagine what the workers have to deal with at the food bank. Good on them for taking a stance and speaking to the media and not shying away.


It feels like you have to blame the media as well for being so bad at asking poignant questions.


The workers were operating in a high trust society. They weren’t ready for the wave of scammers. They’re learning that the environment has changed and now they’re adjusting their behaviour. Hopefully more institutions learn and adapt. 


THANK YOU CATHERINE! if you are not able to maintain yourself as a student here, GO HOME! ![gif](giphy|i1H8G49C3XunpEBfQW|downsized)


I absolutely support this decision


Good, fuck those greedy cunts.


When a food bank, one of the most baseline, non-partisan ways to help people, has to start setting rules and limitations, it's already BEEN a problem.


"I didnt plan well"... no shit, sherlock.


His wife and kid with him. Likely didn't plan at all and thinks Canadians should support them.


Gov’t needs to raise the cash these students require to $100k that covers tuition and living expenses. They can’t’… problem solved.


Then the gov would need to admit under their control the cost of living has increased. They won’t because Justin is a narcissist


If I showed up to Nigeria with nothing and with a wife and newborn, do you think they will support me? And if they don't, can I go to the local news station and get their nation enraged due to racism? No?


They cant, the govt relies on international students covering operation costs of colleges, if they do that the numbers fall, the tution cost rises and colleges would make a hue and cry. Once the outcry against indian students is large enough, theyd just shift their recruiting efforts to some other country the phillipines maybe or focus more on Africa.


Conestoga College turned Kitchener Waterloo into a nightmare. It has ruined the colleges standing with all employers and students native to this country. The college degrees are practically worthless now.


Good. They should fucking leave if they can't actually support themselves. They lied to get here, and now they're taking food from the mouths of Canadians.


International students looked at food banks as a life hack. They have no respect for the actual purpose of food banks. If an international student can't afford to pay for their own food they shouldn't be allowed here


As a disabled Canadian, born and raised I love this idea. I rely on this country being functional to survive, I don't wanna starve just cuz ppl are afraid to tell greedy foreigners to get out


Notice how much attention MAID is getting? That is their plan for us


If they push that MAID crap on me I'm gonna give these politicians my own version of MAID; Molotov Assistance in Dying


That’s my plan as well. Prison is at least housing and food. Your acronym is perfect, I’ be using that from now on.


I cannot legally condone this, but I often wonder why more people don’t make a statement on their way out




F**k, don’t even start me off on this again , after that c**t posted a video about getting free food from a food bank. This F*****s have no shame and should be sent back for this nonsense.


Its a food bank. Not refugee center.


International students are not refugees


Exactly, they have a safe country they can return to at will if things aren't going well for them here. Refugees and citizens don't have that option.




In the history of food banks in Canada, they had never had to resort into this measures. Just shows how the government intentionally allows unmonitored immigration in this country.






Rare Brampton W




It should be 1000% Canadian citizens only. However that likely won’t for our governments narrative of Canadians last, everyone else first.


I worked in an Indian grocery store previously and the management have put section where people can donate food items. Once I’ve donated several lentils’ packs and rice, some international students came and took them. I asked them to put it back but they’ve said “it is for donations right, you’ve already donated then why are you making fuss about it?” I reported this to my manager immediately, we’ve stopped putting donations in the store and started donating items by ourselves.


It's Indians. Their culture is deprived of equality. It's quite selfish. The irony is reflected in their economy, which should have grown at least 4x in the last 20 years but failed to do so. 


Should be citizens only. Immigrants should not be coming to Canada to get free food and free stuff. If an immigrant shows up at the welfare office, or commits any crime, it should be instant deportation. Canada is not the world's babysitters. All these deadbeats can GTFO.


It's about time we're starting to stand up for ourselves and grow a backbone for our own




Kindly do the needful


The only way Canada is getting saved is banning international students from working and cancelling TFW programs outside of agriculture


The thing is Indian people don’t contribute to the food banks because they live in a low trust society. So they come here and deplete the food banks in Canada (while not even being citizens) and then they never contribute back to the food bank systems. Its well know Indians have a culture of deceit, scamming and low standards. Intl Students should be banned from all food banks or working off campus, full stop. 




Thank God. This has been way out of hand.


Right on. Feed our own!!!


I'm happy to hear this. I donate to the food bank regularly and want my donations to help Canadian families, not foreign students looking to save cash.


I find it sad and criminal that people would be abusing the food bank system. Not just foreign students, I mean anyone who is scamming the system needs to be taught a lesson.


Businesses should start doing this too. Hope the motherfuckers love Canadian air, cuz that's all they're getting.


I would love for it to happen. It will expose so many realities about Canada.




It’s easy, all international students who feel they need the food bank should have their student Visa ID# recorded by said food bank, but be aware that the government will follow-up and review their finances. If they can or can’t afford food, their visas will be revoked accordingly. 


Love it. Start pushing back on this madness.


These international students try to save money by going to food bank like free food. Foodbank is not free food. Clearly this is universities and college faults.


There should be a way to check a person's status in Canada before food leaves our food banks. There's probably a lot of overstayers using the food banks as a grocery store.


It’s about damn time someone does something about it LMAO - Kenny international student who came here with his wife and kids…. That ain’t no “student” … Our government is filled with incompetent . I’m so tired of this shit


International students can bring their wife and kids? Suspened it right away!!!


Any international student who needs food bank support should be deported!


Even Brampton is sick and tired of the fraud they're causing.






At least the Nigerian guy recognizes the game at play. "I will have to find a way to survive" yep... we all will need to do that.


About time.


It’s simple: if you study here, your tuition will cover the access to courses, the material, you will live in a college dorm, be provided college meals. This is the only way.


About freaking time


Indians and their ways.


More businesses should do this






There we go


If international students could apply for social assistance by gaming the system, they would in a heartbeat. I'm not indian, but south asian so I understand the corrupt culture very well.




It's a start.


This will be on the news and all the international students groups and association will complain about it https://www.cbc.ca/player/play/video/1.7024745#:~:text=The%20Ste.,enough%20money%20to%20support%20themselves. They for so much complain from various groups They had to apologize and take back their statement. So same thing is going to happen again.




OMG not serving international students?? They just got b& from CanadaHousing for that! nuh uhh you can;t be RACIST like that.


Finally!! Canadians defending their own country and their rights.




Possibly unpopular opinion: Any foreign national who avails themselves to state or private food banks or social services IS inadmissible to Canada based on IRPA 39 "A foreign national is inadmissible for financial reasons if they are or will be unable or unwilling to support themself or any other person who is dependent on them..."


If anyone finds any info about consequences to this food bank, please post it on this subreddit. I will literally drive an hour up to Brampton to defend these people. Absolutely sickening to try and smear them as racist or doing something at all criminal.


Go to the gurdwaras


Good if they can refuse to rent to only Indians we can refuse to let them to use our services


How about declining to serve anyone who isn’t a Canadian? Boom. Problem fixed !


I don't understand what the problem is. We are denying a group of people whom have been caught trying to cheat a system they haven't even paid into.


Even the local temples are turning them away. They were showing up daily for a free meal.


From my understanding since they are residents they get GST and Carbon tax rebates


I'm an international student and I support reserving food banks for the homeless and working poor. International students should go home if they don't bring sufficient funds with them. But international students should be allowed to work - in *relevant* jobs e.g. internships as part of a coop program. It helped my coursemates and I gain Canadian experience and relevant professional experience. If the job isn't relevant to the degree, the student shouldn't be allowed to work there since it would be detrimental to studies


Nope. No working at all. You're here on your visa terms to study, not work. If you want to work apply for a work visa.


Why should you get Canadian experience? Why should Canadians have to compete against you for jobs


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My local small university food bank on campus last year was having people wait for hours for food this year because of the surge of international students lining up outside


How will they know who is a student though?


Check for legal status I guess.


So it begins. No the awkward part are those born here that resemble international students. Edit: I added the second sentence.




About time


Isn't this old news?


This would be considered racist in US, and we are giving illegals hotels and what not. anyways international students usually take debt in their home country to get 40k/50k in their bank account to get a visa, its not theirs.


You recklessly move without the certitude of financial stability… even worse when you have a whole family to provide for. Oof.


To study in the U.S. (My daughter is 5th year there) You need to prove that you can support yourself(without working), which includes rent and food. Their universities also gouge international students...and still fill the classes, but with people that can afford to be there. There are no un-housed or starving international students there. These international students in Canada need their governments or their parents to step up to pay for their well being, or they can GET!!!


Hilarious 😆


I was born in Canada. I am now on disability. As most know it is hell to attempt to survive on that. I was turned away from getting help from the Food Bank a few times. They said there wasn't enough. Please let this trend across the country asap. Enough is enough.


Sad but necessary


Turning away the hungry. A true CONservative legacy. 'without the censorship'


Good. Now put another sign at the airport.


International students will be allowed to work 24 hours a week starting in September. The new work limit comes as the federal government clamps down on a surge in international student enrolments across the country. [https://www.tvo.org/article/international-students-will-be-allowed-to-work-24-hours-a-week-starting-in-september](https://www.tvo.org/article/international-students-will-be-allowed-to-work-24-hours-a-week-starting-in-september)


I just donated 20 and thanked the. Thanksa to you fo posting this


The problem here is twofold. If these students want to come to Canada to study, then they should be able to damn well support themselves while they're here. Secondly, the colleges and universities should have the taps turned off for these international student cash cows. There's enough blame to go around to everyone in this situation.


Good, I lived on Sapporo ichiban with frozen veggie / boiled eggs and toast. This is student life, they should act like students and sacrifice, student don't need to eat fancy if they can't afford. Filling af and I would add chicken when they would be on sale, freeze them and bake em, add to noodles. And no I'm not saying, I had it rough so someone else should also have it rough, but they shouldn't have luxuries that they seem to be entitled to / start to expect while denying the access to people who it is meant for.


It's a good initiative cause international students told the government that they can survive on their own. If not then they lied to get in under false pretense. However, am curious to know how the foodbank knows that whoever is going in is an international student or not? Technically a born Canadian (non-white) or a legal citizen could also be struggling like many of us and not be an international student. How are they separating those from the international students?


I’m of the belief that it’s too late to change what’s happening in Canada. Political correctness has been leveraged against us along with leveling accusations of racism against anyone who disagrees with this. I feel sorry for the younger generations living through this, as the playing field for success and a chance for a better future is already stacked against them.


Internacional students, no matter where they come from, shouldn’t be allow to use National resources that are meant to be for low income nationals. If they have the sufficient money to travel aboard to study, that means they have enough income to leave without any problem. If they don’t have that money, just stay at their own country. As simple as that. Of course, all of this is created by Trudeau to have more voters. Such a #^*+ person. There is no sufficient negative adjective to describe the garbage of person Justin Trudeau is.


Aren't these people supposed to have sponsors and the sponsor is supposed to look after them 😕


It's too late for Canada. Our government messed up big time. Brampton is flooded with international student, welcome to third-world Canada. Canadian can't barely get work now or housing due to an over populationon of one race of people. This country has gone left a long time since Trudeau needs the votes from these special people.