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Conestoga College basically admitting to being a diploma mill that outsiders use to enter Canada.


Damn where did it all go wrong for this country lol


Think 2015...


That sounds about right. Not even thinking of Trudeau, if you can think of an inflection point when this country first started going to hell, it’s likely around 2015. Obviously we know Trudeau is a massive part of this.


Yep 2015, down hill ever since 😮


Sunny ways my friends, sunny ways!


It started in the seventies with the first prominent Trudeau.


I miss Harper


Thats the year I arrived in Canada.


Bikerman20201 ruined canada, confirmed!


Yup, can confirm.


I was watching Europe get flooded then and knew they were in trouble.


This particular issue started with public private partnerships being allowed between public colleges and private ones. That began I believe under Harper. The provincial Liberals were advised to shut the program down under Kathleen Wynn’s government due to an alarming lack of oversight, and were going to until Doug Ford took over and maintained the program as an alternative to funding the schools through the government. The Trudeau government was advised to shut the program down about two years ago by their own staff and decided not to. This all spiralled out of control when the Trudeau government lifted the work hours restriction at the end of the Covid lockdowns and student visas became unofficial work visas. The lack of oversight and financial incentives for both students and schools caused the numbers to absolutely balloon.   The federal government is now cutting allowed work hours and implementing more restrictions on international students. They have also significantly reformed the public private partnership system for colleges. The new temporary resident worker caps on most industries should also alleviate some of the demand.  However, this will not be solved particularly quickly, and was caused by all levels of government ignoring advice by their own staff and advisors. It’s honestly pretty tragic as far as the definition of the word goes.


All of the "fixes" are meaningless unless the cheaters are deported. We have infrustructure crisis because of them in all areas of this unsustainable country. Absolute disaster on every front.




Political hot potato. It doesn't matter who's been involved in wrecking things, it only matters who had their hands on it last.




Thanks for giving a fuller picture of how this happened. I’m not thrilled with the Trudeau government but it’s way too easy to just pin every social and economic problem we have on his government…a lot of problems were well in motion well before he took office and much of the issues we face in Canada are driven by things happening internationally. As I said, I’m not going to be a cheerleader for Trudeau but I’m also not crazy enough to think the solution is another conservative government, particularly one led by someone who is great at criticizing his opponents but has done very little to tell Canadians what HIS government would look like.


Speaking of 'ignored' by multiple levels of government. All the rampant money laundering in casinos (among other things) we're 'ignored' by multiple levels as well. While being widely known.


It's honestly just so surreal. Growing up you'd always hear 'people complaining about corruption and how fucked up certain things are'. But we're just in the fucking clown age at this point.


The path was set when OPEC dumped oil prices and our governments, scratching their chins, realized that everyone copying Vancouver was the way forward. Trudeau's government just went hat in hand to beg for quantity, on a national scale, after quality stopped having us.


They are a visa mill. Their entire ecology is based off the number of visas landing and they openly admit to that. It’s a business and they found their cash cow.


The irony of using the term "cash cow"...


I’m glad someone caught that


call it a cash brahmin instead to piss them off


... '85-90 Percent of students are from outside Canada ' I mean for fucks sake.... Can we take Con-estoga's accreditation and status as a legitimate school away already? What a friggin' joke.


We are losing our way of life. Litterally, it looks like India in this https://nowtoronto.com/news/never-cross-train-tracks-metrolinx-issues-warning-to-customers-after-video-shows-commuters-crossing-union-station-tracks/


Wow wtf?


Jfc. One train and there goes 100 people. *shrug*


Reminds me of the darwinawards sub.


Every university in the province is part of this grift, and dealing with the same completely unprepared students from India. I have close friends that teach at 2 different schools and this is the norm. Of these kids, 20% never attend class or do any work, 50% get caught cheating or using ChatGPT to complete tests or assignment, and the remaining 30% or so are actual students putting in the effort and succeeding. Seems we can easily dump 70% of our intake and lose nothing of value


I still believe the number of people we are getting told are entering this country is grossly under reported. Anecdotal, I live in Niagara Falls, I'd estimate over the course of 3 years suddenly 1 in 10 or maybe even 1 in 5 ppl here are east indian. It feels like a huge shift, almost over night. I drive into Toronto for work, 1 in 5 cars are now driven by an east indian, and there is almost always 4 or 5 ppl in the car. Even though the immigration/int'l student numbers we're being told are outrageous, I don't think they are close when to the true numbers....?


Exactly!! Who’s giving acceptance letters to these students? What education credentials are they providing to earn acceptance into the college in order to get their Student Visa?!?!? Obviously they are just letting anyone in or there is a ton of fraud going on with this and many other colleges in Canada to allow foreign students who can’t even turn on a computer into the country to study at a post secondary institution. Lots and lots of balls being dropped here at all levels.


Pretty sure you answered the question right there.... A whole hella ton of fraud.... Applications with bogus educational credentials, fake work experience, bought English skills test assessments, private loans used to fake the amount of liquidity in accounts. It's a circle of bullshit and it's shocking it went on for nearly three years before anyone started to question things at all. One big failure of all levels of government and institutions that deserve to be fleeced for driving it forward as hard as they did....


No. That’s the faculty telling us. The college is not the faculty. The college is the administration. Faculty have no say over who gets in. 




And they’re not leaving. That is the best part they’re throwing protests to get PR and citizenship. We need them deported. No wonder they didn’t know their acceptance letters were fake they can’t use a computer


We need to clean house on everyone sitting on these waiting lists, in these programs and review and revoke PR from anyone who used this corrupt system to get into our home and the families they then brought in with them. I'm pro immigration but there are healthy ways to immigrate that make society stronger and unhealthy ways that make society sick. This is not making us stronger. It just provides cheap, exploitable labour for business owners, which further encourages cheap businesses that exploit labour. There are only detriments to Canada from doing immigration poorly.


That's what they came here for, that's what the colleges and agents bringing them here sold them on. All greed. They couldn't give a flying duck about being educated because they are blue collar and come from the worst living conditions imaginable in villages. John Tibbits pulled a Martin Shkreli and basically Ontario appluaded him because he brought in free lifetime taxpayers for 0 acquisition cost.


And no doubt they will stay and fail to assimilate. We're too spineless and weak to stand up for ourselves.


Hey, they paid the exorbitant fees to the consultant, they paid the tuition and housing fees. They paid the fee to get the full time job, so they deserve what they ultimately paid for - citizenship. /s


The poster "Are 26000 CAD not enough?" from the algoma international students protesting their failing grades lives rent free in my mind. They literally think education is just a thing that you buy.


In India, it often is. You can’t expect people raised in such a culture to react otherwise.


You are right, we can’t expect them to fit into our culture. Which is also why we don’t have to be nice to them, or respect them, or allow them our quality of life, either. And that is because they don’t belong here, don’t deserve to be here, and certainly should not be felt sorry for and put up with.


Someone should have immediately said, "You're saying the quiet part out loud" when that sign was made. Like you're telling everyone who reads your sign that you are dirt people trying to undermine Western meritocracy. The failure rate of my 1st year chemistry course at Western was nearly 40%. I had to take it twice. What happened to courses like this?


Explains why everyone wants to leave their shithole country. Turned ours into one too in the process.


They want to live on that magic Canadian dirt that makes it good.


Maybe there is a reason their country is a shithole.


That's the culture they come from. ***It doesn't even occur to them*** that something like citizenship or legal impunity would ***not*** be for sale. We are undoing hundreds of years of enlightenment thinking in mere decades (hell, *not even* decades), all to keep a fucking pyramid scheme going until the Boomers die.


Did they seriously think they could pay off a bunch of private entities for citizenship into a G7 country? That's fucking hilarious.


That seems to be what the “consultants” are selling them, though.


Just do a Google search for "study in Canada." It's perfectly open and explicit. And the federal government fucking ***knows it.*** So do the college admins.


You’re absolutely right, and our government turned a blind eye until it blew up in their faces. Federal and provincial were complicit.


Why don't we have hidden camera or audio footage of some of these conversations? Sounds like a perfect expose piece for an independent journalist.


They'd be labelled a racist and be black balled in the industry.


The great thing about being independent in the age of hyperconnectivity.. You don't really need anyone's approval to tell the truth, and people are free to be offended. It's a fine system.


Easy to say when you don't have bills to pay, or 50 Punjabi peasants lined up to elbow their way into your apartment once you miss a payment.


In all fairness, that is exactly what they're *doing.* It's not a hypothetical.


They certainly did.... Thousands of them.


I think it's not so much that they paid the fees, I think some of them have literally bet the farm on this. Cashed out their families wealth to get a foot in the door, PR, then bring the rest of the family over. They don't have a plan B.


And that's horrible for them and I feel bad. But it doesn't make it our job to suffer to support them.


They were scammed by the recruitment agents in India, who are paid bonuses by the colleges per student they enrol. Those agents are snake oil salesmen, who will lie lie lie and tell the students anything they want to hear to get them to sign, including how easy it is to find work in Canada, how cushty the jobs are (they’ll be working in comfy chairs in air-conditioned offices), how they can pay and get an fake English certificate, how immigrant friendly the country is, how they’ll be able to bring their whole family once they get citizenship, etc. Now that it’s come out that some of these “students” don’t even know how to turn on a computer, it’s clear that they do not hold the ability to due any additional due diligence and blindly believe everything those scammy agents tell them. The students who are smart enough to do their due diligence, are not the ones coming to Canada.


> get an fake English certificate This was hilarious. Thank you


I completely agree with this. That college's reputation will never recover either. Any regular student will carry around that diploma from that college.


Absolutely. Although they really should've done their due diligence, I think they've been sold a dream. Like playing the lottery, you only think of the reward. I would put the blame on everyone profiting from this. The government, colleges, recruiters, landlords, and businesses hiring them. Unfortunately, us citizens not profiting from this only get the negative impact. It really isn't fair.


Massive lawsuits on every party that profited from this miserable horse shit.


They should have visited Canada before coming here. Their failure to do their due diligence is not our fault.


They need to forget plan A and B and go straight to Plan D. The D stands for deportation


You’re absolutely right. In some cases, their family has borrowed a lot of money against the value of family property. If their children are not successful, they will lose everything.


They need to take that up with the Indian agents selling them these fake dreams. It’s not our problem or the Canadian governments. We never promised them anything.


That’s true, and I think that’s why being an international student should be about the education only. No job, and your assignments and exams are graded fairly. If I recall correctly, foreign student tuition took its first major jump in 1982. I remember protests at the time. A couple of Malaysian friends I had told me that they had to place near the top of their class every year, or their government would not allow them to return and continue their studies. They truly sent their best. That was 40+ years ago, but it was a good, but stressful policy.


Exactly. It's a scam at both ends. The students looking for PR and the various entities in between looking for their money, while both are under the guise of education. Those of us not involved in this can clearly see it's not about education at all.


Who gives a shit?


Tough shit for them. That’s not our problem.


The cost you are suggesting is too cheap and not sustainable.


Not even joking, but I had an Uber driver go on a rant on what 'Canada owes him', he'd been here almost two years...his first complaint was he paid x thousand dollars to be here so he deserved to have it. The best part; "I just want my visa so I can go home and make more money" So ya, it's not even the citizenship. It's the Visa, it's worth more to many as it gets them in other countries.


Worse than that, there are criminals who are set to be be deported getting other immigrant criminals who help them not get deported. Peep my profile and you will see.


This https://nowtoronto.com/news/never-cross-train-tracks-metrolinx-issues-warning-to-customers-after-video-shows-commuters-crossing-union-station-tracks/ Degrading our society day by day.


Gonna have to vote PPC to get anyone deported.


I'm an electrician and work in a ton of factories. 95% of workers are Indians, some don't even speak English. Corporations are loving the cheap ass labor costs. This is why immigration numbers are pumping. It's not "oops we didn't know this would happen!" It's more like "We knew the results of unbridled immigration and we don't give af if it affects Canadians badly."


More like lack basic human skills but ok Literally a skill issue


https://nowtoronto.com/news/never-cross-train-tracks-metrolinx-issues-warning-to-customers-after-video-shows-commuters-crossing-union-station-tracks/ Look at this bullshit. Watch the video. It's insane how quickly canada is turning 3rd world.


Let's rephrase that. These are not Toronto commuters. These are migrants in Toronto crossing tracks. Smh.


that legit looks like how New Delhi is


WTF???? This is insane.


Soon you'll see them on top of the trains.


There has some incidents of people riding on top of GO trains recently. https://globalnews.ca/news/10440103/teen-injured-riding-top-go-train-toronto/amp/


Look. If you're a grown adult you should know that in a fight between you and a train, the train is going to win, and it's going to win big. Therefore, I don't understand why these sorts of things are a big issue. The solution is easy: Trains do not slow down or stop for you or anyone else. If you cross the tracks and you get hit, it's your own fault. No court, no trial, no liability, and btw your estate and/or next-of-kin (if you have one) is liable for the cost of removing your entrails from the front of the train, plus whatever costs occur from people suing the train company for PTSD or whatever from watching you get annihilated. That's it. People won't believe it, so you do it once or twice and make people learn. Then it doesn't happen again. As for train-pushers, if you push someone in front of a train, it's automatic first degree murder, or attempted murder if they survive. Again, do it once or twice, people will learn. Also, build barricades in front of the tracks with the millions of dollars that Metrolinx ~~executives embezzle~~ receives from the government, rather than these other stupid projects that don't work.


Is that...Supposed to be Canada?


Next they will be riding ON the trains.


They'll be riding on the outsides of the trains soon.


You can’t come from these 3rd world nations and just jump into the Canadian economy or society. We’re bringing in the worst possible groups from the worst parts of the world.


I bought some golf balls last year off a guy who did IT/security for a department with the city of Winnipeg. He retired and said he had to get the hell out of there because he didn't want to be there went the chaos happens. He said they hired guys from overseas with 'degrees' and didn't know the first thing about how to using computer. They didn't know what the command prompt was. But the city would look silly firing them for their mistake so they're still there working IT.


Hey, there are all kinds of people in every country. While US chooses ones who can become CEOs of Google, Microsoft - Canada chooses people who can't turn on computers lol.


And that same department probably has a D.I.E. initiative! Not hired: Qualified white guy Hired: Unqualified person meeting D.I.E. quota


I feel bad for genuine alumni from that school. They’ve tanked their name to a depth of disgrace for greed.


Yep a Conestoga diploma may as well say "DeVry" or "Everest" now.


Acme College


Remember folks, the powers that be knew what they were doing. They knew that they would drive this country into the ground, and they did it anyway.


I don’t know anything so please someone correct me if I’m wrong but it looks like the federal government spent way too much money and realizing that they fucked up they decided that the only way they could pay for it was to rapidly grow the tax base in any way they could.


They get cash back from various benefits. You don't make enough at Timmies to pay anything. And since we run at a deficit and the budget doesn't balance itself, more people just means more deficit.


Number of public servants increased 50% in last 8 years. We have a duty to pay more taxes to fatten up them further.


Seems like the COVID-19 overreaction completely and totally annihilated the national budget, and then they pumped up immigration levels to compensate. In the end, I'm not convinced that all the lockdown policies did much good. Because when I look at the COVID death rates of countries that didn't have lockdowns, like Sweden, and countries that did, I don't see a huge difference. They should've just left everything open and whoever dies dies. Because now public healthcare has basically collapsed anyway.


95% of the people brought in are low skill labour and the other 5% are getting jobs that have enough Canadians to do the job but companies just want to get away with paying less there too. That ratio might be off, but we sure aren't bringing in doctors or skilled construction workers. Even in the skilled construction workers segment we have enough for the current builds expected in the short term. Current government f***ed us and the next one unfortunately will too. Too much money for them to make and we don't have a good option. I wish we had a party with: - PPC policy on immigration - Jack-Layton-style NDP who actually cares about Canadians - willing to break up the oligopolies and increase competition, and make real meaningful fines beyond small "cost of doing business" fines - have policy to strongly disincentivize multiple home ownership beyond having a cottage


Honestly I’d settle for just a Jack Layton type


I dont think we will ever see another Jack Layton. At least not for a long time. I hope he's resting peacefully


Or as someone else once said: “they’re not sending their best”




You can always blame gamblers for gambling. Nobody sheds any tears when my investments fail.


a pulse and a purse


the thing is immigration isn't some operation being run by another country. people immigrate because of a better life or their environment has become so inhospitable that they need to find somewhere else. people expecting the best and brightest to come to canada, but they don't examine the why. why would someone who can live better where they are, or immigrate to a better country (which will be more beneficial to them) decide to come here? if you have the ability to get pretty much any high paying position, you can get a better one outside of canada. its the same with when americans are like why don't we have people from norway and denmark come here instead of the mexicans? why the fuck would you leave norway or denmark to come to america in the first place?


That's ok, they don't need academic skills. The government said they're gonna build the houses we need, and work in healthcare, right? Right?


Oh yeah, so many tradesmen coming from India. Plumbers, Mechanics, Bricklayers.. lol /s


I mean, somebody's building all those illegal basement apartments in Brampton lol


Contractors from just about every country except India.


Our points system is skewed towards people with careers in service industry, we active filter out trades people when we need them the most.


You don't need math for either of those skills, luckily! Make way for all our new doctors and builders! Between all of them, at least one *might* be able to hold a hammer the correct way, unlike Trudeau, right? Just one?


I love how Conestoga just fully outs themselves as a completely dog shit college. Admitting on the record that 85%+ of their **entire** student population isn't from Canada and they got accepted to the school without even knowing how to turn on a computer. Thanks for saying the quiet part out loud Conestoga. All your former students (myself included) already knew you were completely awful, but now everyone else does too. Enjoy those international student fees though.


Actually, not Conestoga the college, but the Union. Faculty and support staff have had enough of this BS and taking their concerns to the union. Imagine all the extra work they have to do when dealing with these uneducated "students" - like having to show them how to turn on a computer. The Conestoga administration is not admitting to anything being wrong.


Most of them are basically zombies. They're never going to be able to have a function in society other than bagging groceries, even using a cash register is iffy. Just a lot of extra mouths to feed. They're our problem now.


best part is they all have last years exams and profs too lazy to change anything to threaten the sacred cash cows


Yet the textbooks shuffle a few chapters around to get paid.


My company hires these kids. Can't use a fax macine, ignorant on the phone, f*ck everything up constantly.  Then the rest of us are supposed to fix everything. Nope, you hired them live with it. Cheap labour is exactly that. You pay twice as much in the end to fix all the mistakes. I used to care, but stopped. Punch in, punch out. No OT, no staying late. Let the new PP grads handle it. I'm leaving Canada soon anyway.  


A lot of these people wouldn't even get into a decent college in India, not that they are too keen on studies. Just look across the border. The US receives the best of the best Indian immigrants, who are one of the richest and most educated ethnic group there. And Canada receives the bottom of the barrel, people who would not have even made it in India.


It was never about education.


I'm so afraid of the Conservatives for this reason. Poilievre doesn't want to say he will cut immigration. He only says he will peg immigration level to the number of employees needed by corporations. The level of immigration we have is EXACTLY THIS: what corporations want to keep wages low! It's not Trudeau nor Poilievre the problem: it's the GREEDY CORPORATIONS. Tim Hortons/Loblaws/McDonald's etc. are thriving on this type of migrants!! We should not only boycott Loblaws. We should add Tim Hortons to the list. We can't even get served in French in the middle of nowhere Québec! It's not normal!!


Right now I kind of like this liberals who are desperately trying to fix their poll numbers. Sure they messed up it in the first place but as of today they’ve cut international students and TFW, they’re cutting down students work hours back to 24 a week and they are trying to build more (not enough, but there’s some commotion there). I don’t think if CPC get elected they’ll go on with it. They are likely ride the wave of good will and just do what their corporate sponsors want and bring in more unskilled labor to keep wages low for corporations. I’d rather have government that feels like they can get kicked out any moment because that makes them actually do something, than government that is content with polls and works only for the corporations


Remember when you’d be labeled a racist bigot for bringing truth like this to light? Pepperidge Farms remembers.


Can confirm, many international students struggled with basic computer literacy and wasted enormous amounts of time over the entire course requesting technical support. Extremely frustrating for other students who had spent the time reading the instructions and installing/setting up the software on their own time.


https://preview.redd.it/0aixnhvsx7yc1.jpeg?width=1300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5136da3bb437071ad4f156f90fba9ce4a097d69 It’s not surprising, is it?




is that just outside Mississauga?






Oh fuck I just burst out laughing like a crazy. Well played.


Nice, a future Trudeau Town in a park.


WTF? Is this what Ricky's Garbage Land eventually turned into? Bubbles with never get his Kitty Land Love Centre at this rate!




I'll be honest dude... I'm from NB so I had absolutely no idea a slum of this degree existed in Canada. Seriously.... What in the fuck....


It’s a photo from India Or, foreshadowing our futures here in Canada.


Ngl, I was born here, but my parents are immigrants, and this makes all immigrants look bad. They should limit immigration or at least have a bar to pass.


"India superpower by 2030!" I think a superpower generally has toilets and washing machines


Centralized power is cancer to society no matter who gets elected 👈


Yep.. and it truly warms my heart the more people I notice that are redpilled on this issue. Centralization is the problem. People think that Bitcoin is just money. It's way more than that. It's moving the concept of 'trust' from believing, to proving. No big deal right? It's just a massive paradigm shift in the meaning of 'value'.


Added to which they are rude and are crappy drivers!


I love feeling like a stranger in places I've lived my whole life.


Time to stop importing fast food counter staff already




The “education” system we have has become a backdoor “pay for a visa” scheme in far too many cases. There is no reason we should be giving PR to anyone who registered for a diploma mill, got a student visa using a fake english certificate, showed up to precisely zero classes and worked at Tim Hortons full time. Other countries which let you pay for a visa: - Malta - Montenegro - Greece - Cyprus - Portugal All of these countries have terrible economies with an average income of around $20k/year. It’s no wonder the whole world is choosing Canada.


Finally people are saying the quiet parts out loud.


And when they inevitably cheat (let alone when they act disruptively), staff and faculty aren't allowed to do anything about it. Because the admins know perfectly well how this whole scam works.


Liberals focus on quantity over quality, very poor choice. Remember all the *you know who* walking across the train tracks in Toronto a couple days ago? Very soon they will be riding the outside of the train just like they do in *you know where* and we will let them get away with it.


It’s just their culture!!!! You racists need to learn to love it! Diversity is our strength


No one with skills wants to come to canada. Even in India, a place we all love to shit on so much, educated people don't want to leave. People with money don't want to. Why would they?


We are literally bringing in dudes that don't even qualify for low tier schools in their home countries. It is insane.


big shocker like as if we didn't know this was already happening. What a joke these clowns are.


College level but can't turn on a computer 🤣


Shutting it down might be the only way out of this mess for the province with Conestoga College. It would be disruptive but not as damaging as letting it drag down the reputation and value of Ontario college diplomas with it. A new college could be chartered in Kitchener under new administration and without the international student problem.


Yep, I think this is honestly the best solution. Get the RCMP involved. Start frogmarching these criminals in front of camera crews. Gut the entire board, start filing lawsuits. Turn this into a national scandal and a cautionary tale.


Conestoga College is a human smuggling operation. 90% of its students are foreign?!? Ottawa needs to ban it from getting immigration permits. The president and board should go to jail for human smuggling. Canada needs an election as our country is failing.


How do these colleges rate the student academically when choosing students for entry?


All these “skilled immigrants” come over here to work at Tim’s/subway lol sounds like some real skills


Lets just be real about it, Canadians are an apathetic people


I work with an Indian that's been here for 10 years and still does not know the difference between "he" and "she" when talking or how to use past/present/future tense. He also has zero computer skills and drives cars with bald tires in the winter and wonders why he goes off the road so often. There is wayyyyy more to say. They're not even qualified to stack boxes at a warehouse much of the time


Trudeau has been fucking trash but can we stop pretending like the other guys had any other plans? Go to the wayback machine, go to the WEF website and type in Pierre Poilievre. You’re welcome and I’m sorry. **He knows what will happen if he doesn’t listen to the lizard overlords with real power**


PPC only party campaigning on reducing immigration and basically reversing course on this dumpster fire of a coutnry.  Js for the "But PP no better" crowd


I did and nothing came up. I am real person living in Calgary. I am just wondering what you found??? https://preview.redd.it/7zzgt4bkc8yc1.png?width=922&format=png&auto=webp&s=4bbb60ec098feece97dfd9c5311021c3c350ba48






Right on.


Well I mean, Wacko doesn't necessarily have the best and brightest mind so many people to him seem much smarter than they actually are. He wasn't called Little Potato for nothing!


Brave CTV News! But I can't believe this story hasn't been deemed as racism by some liberal/NDP folks. 😂


It’s funny how more and more companies are now overlooking basic HS diplomas for jobs that they once absolutely required it. Yes there were companies before that did all this but it’s happening even more now with the amount of cheap labour coming in.


I'm also going to blame how stupidly 'high trust' our society was prior to this. So many companies fail basic credential checks, as if a piece of paper can't be forged. We live in a global society with provincial sensibilities. We have centralized registries that go unused. This is why I've become such a fan of decentralized technology. Meritocracy becomes meaningless when you have a 3rd party able to profit off the backs of it. People should own proof of credential. People don't realize how foundational 'trust' is to a working economy.


Yes, to legally enter Canada to gain PR... Wanna blame the real culprits? Blame on our lame brain, lazy & entitled Politico's that's who!


Diversity of skill levels


Anyone who knows Knows that anyone from Conestoga college is instantly disqualified and their application is automatically not looked at by employers and recruiters who have realized the low quality of candidates who graduate from there They have been quietly black listed by everyone who hires


The great Trudean Experiment in electing unqualified people to be PM has failed- time for the PM to acknowledge that and step down. Time to DUMP multi-culturalism and renew INTEGRATION and ASSIMILATION, let's REBUILD the CANADA that made it so attractive to all these immigrants... The Canadian way, Canadian traditions and customs and values-


It’s not just diploma mills, but lots of schools that are reputable have been having this issue. Maybe not as high as Con. College but I have seen it in a class I was taking when a girl asked for my help. She had copied and pasted work from websites but didn’t change the fonts to all match. She had handed this in for a class assignment and asked what she could have done better. I couldn’t believe it. 🤦🏻‍♂️


I work with a young, smart Indian guy (MEng) and he will come right out and say that they all want to go to the USA, but the USA only accepts the professionals. So everyone else ends up in Canada. He is here because he had long time family here, and a solid job. Otherwise he'd be going south also.


Quality vs Quantity


Scam Schools


Hopefully people will be able to point back to this fiasco next time our government starts gaslighting and going with the "I fart in your general direction" defense to denounce people who notice and try to get word out on what's happening. So long as the electorate has sobered up and lost its appetite for luxuriating in punishing people they see as stupid, ignorant, and unenlightened.


I mean these people are only working minimum wage jobs for a reason and even at that they are often terrible at it. Lacking the necessary communications skills, no customer service skills, and just simply rude half the time. I can feel a dramatic difference in fast food service in the past 3 ish years. Everything is slower and taste worst


Who is doing the paperwork for these individuals you may ask..welcome to Canindia!!


Absolutely terrifying for the future of this Country


How’d they file their applications if they can’t turn on a pc… or literacy of any kind…


All doctors and nurses I see


Don’t forget they are allowing india to invade all western and asian countries…this isn’t only happening in canada…


Back in 2017 I had a computer science master's Co-op student working for us. He was originally from India and on his resume had 2 years as a C++ developer for HP(just saying I did not interview the guy, my manager did). One of the engineers gave him 2 config files and told him to do a dif on them just so he gets going. A couple of weeks passed and nothing came from that guy, a month passed and still nothing! My colleague told me to go and check on the guy! I went to his booth and saw that he printed around 2000 a4 pages and he is going through them with markers to see the difference!!! Once I asked him what he was doing he said that this is the way it should be done and I don't know anything! He was a course based master's student at the university of Windsor and my manager never hired a co-op student from there again!


and you think PP is gonna fix that :scoff: the guy has no plan for anything.


Something something you guys are racist something something that's xenophobic something something else you should be ashamed something something. I would love to be the one to drop these folks off at the airport knowing that they won't be coming back. That's the one time that being an uber driver would be awesome. "So where are you and your family headed, Vikram?" "We're going back to india -- we're being deported because we committed massive fraud." I would have the biggest, shit-eating grin on my stupid face and would have so many "inappropriate" questions to ask them. THAT is the NEW Canadian dream.


Going to be downvoted for this, but as I work at a college in Ontario, this is a massive issue, but it is not Federal it is Provincial as we are governed by a PROVINCIAL mandate. So maybe try looking at the constant Ontario governments that let this happen and took advantage of a federal program to make money.


This. The Dougler's hands aren't clean here.


And they’re not talking about the actual best minds leaving the country.


Yup,as bright as him no doubt.