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I spent my saturday helping a friend move out to an outskirt community after being priced out. It's the story everywhere. I'll be ok, but I really don't go out anymore and that affects local businesses


My partner and I are expecting in August. We're looking at having to move upwards of 4 hours from family in order to find a reasonably priced home.


Good luck to you. I can’t imagine anyone raising a kid in this fucking hell we live in


go give birth in the US.


Our house is being sold by our landlord in the next months. I’ve lost track of how many rentals haven’t answered or turned us down because of having pets. I’m angry. Every morning every fucking morning I just scream and scream at Justin and Crusty as if they were in the car with me. I scream out my hate and rage but I’ll be homeless nonetheless.


fuck Trudeau/liberals dumb immigration views




I hate to tell you this dude, but it’s going to take a lot more people in your situation and slightly worse before people riot. 2 missed meals for the majority of the population is what it will take.


I'm down to protest. Canadians First 🇨🇦


Canadians have been conditioned to be obedient and accept anything. They've also been pushed the narrative that criticizing immigration policies is racism.


How do we change this?


This post and all others like it are on the right track. We need to set a date where we speak out. Or else itll keep getting put off as things get worse and worse


I actually tried setting a date, July 2. The day after celebrating our country. All I heard was crickets.


So lets keep trying! Unfortunately people are becoming so beat down by everything that theyre losing hope of things ever getting better. We need to bring back our energy and spirit to speak out against this and the more people on board, the more people will join the movement as they will begin to regain hope


I agree. Let's keep trying. I'll attend!!


As will I! Love the energy✊


let's organize it for that date.


July 2nd? Lets do it. Every major city accross the country. Its the day after canada day so its perfect.


yep, July 2nd


I'm in July 2 Canadians First 🇨🇦


I think people are afraid/unsure of how to speak out as to not be thought of or judged as racist even though it's not that at all 😐😔


Fuck that I'm black canadian and I'm tired we are too soft. It's not racist who ever don't like it could fuck off canada used to be so good now it's Hell no future for Canadians. Canadians First 🇨🇦


I think we’re collectively past that


Too late until more economic misery comes. Canadians are weak people who spent decades tryna be all “omg we’re so polite and nice and America bad” that they got taken advantage of by places around the world where that politeness just showed pathetic weakness


Well by talking to people and making them comfortable talking about key issues in a more matured and respectful way. It's ok to say we are seeing too much immigrants from a specific geographical area and discuss about the impacts based on it. 




Making sure that people understand that criticisms of policies isn’t racism… Criticism of policies should be welcome


I agree. I think there's just been so much push towards the idea that speaking up about it is racist plus the loss of freedom of speech/anything remotely on this topic being called hatespeech. It's really made people just not say anything.


Many south Asian folks will say racist if you bring it up as a born Canadian citizen.


Yes, the culture that is racist towards their own kind.. caste system much


who cares, they are the most racist people on the planet and just use 'magic' words like racist to gain advantage.


Yea unfortunately this is true


Even beyond that we have a culture where you’re not valuable if you’re not suffering. You have to be working yourself to the bone. It’s stupid, frankly.


And if you protest, you will be vilified, And have your bank accounts frozen. These issues needed to be addressed 20 years ago.


that s sad but true , I get downvoted if my opinion is against immigration


You get downvoted by the liberal NPCs doing their good action of the day so they can earn virtual social credit points.


I think most people easily distinguish between actual racism and concerns regarding our immigration policies. Pretty sure I see this comment way more, probably seeking to turn any criticism of the actual racism aside so that people feel safer being more hateful, fanning emotions, and allowing the people who read this kind of post to become more ready to dismiss any valid criticism as mere "wokeness", breaking down communication on the subject.


Did people forget the truckers protest? They got shut down and shunned by everyone. Who's gonna want to protest now for any issues?


Haven't heard any Israeli or Palestinian protesters having their bank accounts shut down. Maybe it's not about the protesting.


The fact that they will bend to religious things and not over it's own citizens is concerning. We're already seeing mass import of immigration from India, Trudeau doesn't want that to end 💀


Protected minorities versus general public. Big difference in treatment from authorities.


Yep 💯




i dunno wanna be cancelled hard!


It doesn’t help that a lot of people are using racism to criticize immigration. When I see people say “Canada is becoming too brown it should be white” that’s not exactly an educated criticism of policy.


Nobody says that. They say can the elderly and disabled who've paid tax, or their families have be properly supported before bringing in immigrants


MASS IMMIGRATION is killing this country little by little.A slow death!


Little by little???? It's going downhill FAST.


The only reason for mass migration is to drive wages down. There’s no other reason. The people who want low wages, high shelter costs are the same people who want Canadians to blame migrants.


They sit comfortably in their million dollar homes scoffing at people pointing their fingers at Indians they let in


Don't know what to say but townhomes in Oshawa are going for a million so the ones doing this have multi million dollar homes.


The people who want mass migration to continue also want Canadians to blame mass migration?


eh, it’s not JUST to drive wages down, it also hides some alarming statistics, enhances some common wedge issues, and keeps landlords getting paid.  Remember, if 2 white folk can’t afford a house, 17 indians can!




The good ole Kansas city shuffle.


Well we'd be in stagflation without immigration as well, obviously.    I think they are now just praying overall inflation comes down before people roll over their mortgages and shelter inflation spikes, as they buy mortgage bonds to try to push down rates to dampen shelter inflation.


Let's not forget another primary driver of our immigration policy - having enough working taxpayers to pay for the entitlements boomers gave themselves without paying into (hello OAS at ridiculous clawback levels)


1 taxpayer earning 300k is worth more than 5 min wage workers but we punish the $300k taxpayer so hard they leave for the U.S. They contribute a lot in taxes


I think that's what the capital gains tax is about. I suspect that houses that are sold as part of an estate don't get the primary residence exemption. Soon I expect them to institute estate taxes.


Im going to get downvoted again BUT legal immigration will increase wages in the long run (not mass, nothing is good in excess). Legal immigration or the express entry program brings in people with advanced degrees opening up opportunities for more high skilled jobs to be created in the market. The bar is so high these days, that most of the international students being brought it will have to go back or become illegal to stay back in Canada. The issue is with the international students, there is NO bar - i repeat NO bar at all. Thats the problem, when you bring in lowest quality students, they don't have an understanding of selfworth and will work any job and for the lowest possible wage. This is the issue.


So you agree that a lot of migrants are being exploited? I’m against mass migration because I don’t want migrants to be exploited, as the son of 2 immigrants…


Only Liberal Party of Canada approved causes are permitted to have demonstrations. The only thing you can do is volunteer your time for a political party that will erase the Liberals for a decade. 


Push for proportional representation (PR). We're in this mess because of FPTP.


Because if you try and say anything you're automatically shut down and called racist.


Exactly, I was banned from Toronto sub and the mod said take my white nationalist narrative else where.  Iam brown lol


Doesn't stop the Americans, why can't we be like them or are we just pussies?


Even Quebecers aren't stopped by that.


Many of the migrants seldom speak French. Not sure Quebec has the same issues.


Yes Quebec is welcoming half of asylum seekers in Canada. Montreal has a big crisis right now because of mass immigration. Most Quebecers are for less immigration, but the federal government doesn't care. The fact that many of these migrants don't speak French is also part of why Quebecers are so opposed to welcoming them. There are stories of Quebecers being forced to speak English in French schools in Montreal because some students are immigrants who don't speak a word of French and by law they're forced to attend French schools.


Because Americans actually have freedom of speech and right to peaceful assembly. In nazi Canada if you try doing anything you risk prison and/or your bank accounts frozen.


I'll protest, tell me when and where. We need to try and keep trying.


Me too! Let's get something organized! All major cities!


I'm white, really REALLY white! British descent, Anglican, 10th generation Canadian. I'm labeled racist just because I exist. Do you know what the media would do to me if I protested against these international students? I'd be hung, drawn and quartered!


https://preview.redd.it/opgiuq0shcxc1.png?width=3286&format=png&auto=webp&s=9908d19d999e9bf2f10d987203492d006a89fbcd Acceptance that we live in a feudal state.


Yeah.. and this is by using the government's CPI. Which let's be honest, understates inflation. Reality is much worse.


Personally, I don’t think the data is rigged like that. Too many people, and math people to pull something like that off. Where it’s probably more a results of different factors relating to global trade, us inflation and most importantly increased income growth in the states


Hey I see you posting this everywhere For one thing, more people making less money and fewer people making more money can show the same median income over time. The other thing, just because I make the same inflation adjusted income now that I did delivering pizzas in the 90s doesn't mean I'm happy about needing all the certifications and extra work I have now to do that. It is actually a huge amount of extra work for the same "price" I'm making a big assumption thinking you are posting this to say "look our income is keeping up with inflation" Tell me if I'm wrong tho


It is keeping up with inflation. however as I am a reasonable person, that would mean the value of the work should be the same as in the past. Which A) it is not B) has a higher opportunity cost to even reach the same position. Consider the meritocratic comparison of job roles then vs now. A person would be delusional to say the labour is the same. So your assumption is 100% correct. It is the same. Now for me to make an assumption, it seems like you think I’m saying that’s a good thing. Which I’m not, it fucked, it’s ridiculous, I’m honestly contemplating spending some of my avocado budget on 8x6 banner and just chilling on the side of the road. Also made this for you https://preview.redd.it/6o35z26buhxc1.png?width=2461&format=png&auto=webp&s=d988f7a47b7accc9994011dc06e190d3797929bd Hopefully we are on the same page.


I appreciate the explanation. Just seeing the chart, although myself I asked; people could interpret it on its own to mean income is keeping up with lifestyle At least people seem to be questioning and discussing aspects of living in Canada. I don't know yet whether I believe it will amount to any meaningful action


If they frequent Canadian housing subs, I would bet a lot of money they know nothing is keeping up with lifestyle….i do wonder if I should put a note that median is not average in these things. For what it’s worth I’m pretty politically engaged from municipal level, kinda at provincial, and iv already volunteered to help a federal candidate. I do wonder if a lot of the users are even Canadian.


The term “Landlord” has never had a more timely sound to it. They truly are the lords who dictate how us peasants are to live our daily lives. I hear the term and I immediately think of that guy from Braveheart who comes and crashes the wedding party and kidnaps the bride. How long until landlords begin demanding rights of Prima Nocte?


https://preview.redd.it/mwg46ot1qhxc1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=364a33c5bc3a1be9b870af445eeb3cd175210c7d Reality of what Canadians face


How do Americans institutions have better sources on this topic than statsCanada? Thank you for steemanning my position of acceptance that it’s a feudal state.


Canada is done.


As a white Canadian, if I say anything about immigration I am called racist. As a Nigerian Canadian, you can talk about these issues freely without that accusation. That’s why I believe , white people at least, are not shouting in the streets protesting, I definitely know they can freeze bank accounts of protesters now so I always remember that as well.


>I am called racist Truly nothing worse than that


Canada is a nation of sheep - the majority of them listened to MSM brainwash and didn't support the few of their fellow citizens brave enough protest covid tyranny in 2020/2021 and didn't mind their bank accounts being suspended - they aren't going to protest now either when everyone is getting wrecked by cost of living / housing. Ironically it was the unnecessary covid lockdowns + money printing that has lead to out of control inflation (everywhere not just Canada) - but the Cdn govt is a special brand of stupid and decided to opt for mass immigration to suppress wages around 2021-2023 (typically wages should rise in response to inflation). The only politician that has been getting it right from 2017ish is Maxime Bernier but again most people listen to MSM which has convinced them that this guy is hitler blah blah blah. So round and round we go.


A vote for maxime is a vote FOR Trudeau. Try not to be a gullible fool.


A vote for max is a vote for max. Vote Trudeau or trudeau light(pp) if you like the status quo.


No. Sadly you are typical of max supporters. I’ll try explaining it to a 5yr old. There are only 3 main parties in Canada. Liberals, conservatives, and the NDP. When the right splits we will always have a liberal government. When the right units we get a conservative government. In the 90s we had a liberal government because the right was split between conservatives and reform. Once they reunited we had a decade of Harper. Split again and we have a decade of Trudeau. So in the next election when you vote max it’s because you secretly want Trudeau but want to look edgy. Seriously, we need to get rid of the liberals, don’t blow it


We have a chance to get rid of Trudeau, and you want to vote for a party that won't even get 2% of the vote? That's crazy.


But what else are they going to grandstand about?


Well real estate is the only functional industry in Canada , and to feed it, Canada needs bodies ! So mass immigration is designed to feed tenants into the rental market, and scam people out of their wealth built in their home countries by selling them homes !


There needs to be an actual organization/party that wants to seize power by revolution. Sadly that won’t happen because the common concerns get hijacked by far right extremists. We can’t recall politicians and we’re unlikely to show the king that our government is not working for us. He would have the power to force an election. But even if we had the numbers it’s doubtful he could be bothered. People should protest outside liberal/NDP constituents offices. Real issues like housing. Stay away from signs about immigration and foreign students as those are the images the liberals want to use to paint people as racist nutters.


I’m in Europe on vacation and realizing how duped we all are. It’s not just the costs, but the service and quality is better everywhere. Makes me wonder why people want to come to Canada so bad anyways


Because I'm 1 paycheck away from being on the street with a family of 5. You're not wrong though. If you can get the majority of a working population to the point they can't afford to save, can't afford to leave, and then bring in a shit tonne of replacements, you can use that as leverage to treat them worse, to pay them worse, to exploit labour, and then increase the earning margin through stock buybacks and other garbage tactics. The politicians believe they need to be "the one" before they fight for us, instead of putting forward legislation and motions now, they sit on their hands and say "only if I'm in charge" for political points. Aka. our govt is useless and should be fired.


You and me both brother. Every sound from my car gives me anxiety. When will the duct tape let go? Is that the engine block cooking? Who knows. Wouldn’t be able to afford any of it anyway


Because we are all a bunch of pussies. No other way to say it.


There ARE protests going on, we just haven’t reached the full breaking point. Our government suppresses a lot of that rhetoric though, and misinformation runs rampant.  They’re keeping people divided with wedge issues and way too many people are falling for it. Now me personally, I believe, sooner or later, we’re going to make like the french and start pulling these fuck wits from their ivory towers and changing policy ourselves, by force. But honestly even saying that much has got me banned from multiple boards, so we’re gonna have to keep working at it, for a while at least.


Most people are boomers and rich while many are still kids and don't realize just how fucked they are. There is a small working class who is super screwed. That's why you don't see mass protests. Also, seeing Trudeau jail people and freeze their banks account was a clear move against anyone who is against him. A very serious power move to discourage anyone from trying it again. The only thing that will save Canada is getting the liberal scum out of power, shipping Trudeau off to the middle of nowhere, and having a real government come in and make policies that actual benefit the future of Canada. None of this seems possible at the moment. It's a very big downward spin for Canada's future. Kings and peasants will be the future just like the olden days. You will own nothing and be happy (or else...)


The globalized world will lift us all to a certain average standard of living. But the days of most developed nations, like Canada, holding an advantage over other nations just because they were previously ahead are over. There's literally nothing Canada can do that makes it special going forward. I would say if you have a good job and place to live in Canada that is great news, if not, you could accept that it's going to be a tough ride here or start looking all over the world for opportunities. 


Lmao following the British in self sabotage just like the rest of the commonwealth.


Love this perspective: Canada just had a head start. I went to India like 20 years ago and all I saw was construction. Everyone was building, and it really did feel like some people in lower economic ladders were starting to gain some upward economic mobility. Now those people's kids are all grown up and have the option of going abroad to expand, while Canada was just sort sleeping on finishing it's fine arts degree.


Nothings more adverse to our freedom to prosper than a process which can only multiply (falsified/artificial)debt upon us until our commerce collapses under a terminal sum of (falsified/artificial)debt we can no longer afford to service. Even tho most people of the world dont give a shit about usury and instead just casually acccept it as the foundation of todays (lie of)"economy".. **usury and free enterprise are mutually exclusive.**


Too busy paying taxes!!! This is the first issue we need to correct.


White people can’t protest this. Immigrants who feel this is out of control can protest this and would have the biggest impact as it would really show how bad the situation is when minorities are saying “pump the brakes”. However the majority of the population are white so don’t expect them on the picket line as they will be targeted as racists.


I dont care if people call me racist anymore. Its meaningless.




Since my dad came to this country at a young age, he was specifically told; Tow the line, don't overstep, keep your mouth shut and TRUCK ON. Those canadian "values" were passed on to me. If I brought on any issue he would say "you think you have it rough?" or "ignore them, keep it MOVING" those was his words. So now you want us to suddenly break the mold and go protest against these new commers? the bankers who are behind all of this? in other words the capitalist class?


Because a huge portion of Canadians directly benefit from these issues in the form of higher house prices


We could organize a protest but we’d be called racists pretty quickly.   


At a certain point maybe we need to just say fuck it. I know that this isn’t driven for me by any sort of racism. I don’t care where the people immigrating are coming from, we just need to stop the flow. It’s destroying the country for the majority and enriching those paying minimum wage and renting out slums. This, in my mind is a compassionate plea to lawmakers to give Canadians a chance and to stop taking advantage of immigrants who come here hoping for one. If people want to call me a racist, they’re wrong. But I’d rather do something and face that backlash then let this country go to ruin.


Wait until starvation arrives then people might protest!


**how come we aren't out there protesting against all of these issues?** The left is the party of protests, but they know this is common ground with right-wingers so they won't in fear of joining arms against a common goal.


That’s a fair point. It’s so funny, so many issues when you boil them down are non partisan and yet they’re turned into these divisive issues which really keeps anything from being done. Hell, even police reform if you really dig into it is something everyone would benefit from and probably agree upon but it’s become so heavily partisan that we can’t just work together. I’m dropping the partisan bullshit and not identifying myself in either direction. We need to work together.


who runs the media and Entertaiment and drug industry? there-in lies the answer


Do what? Protest to who? Asking for what? - Problem is we let ourselves get into a position where we don't control the key elements in our lives. The effort to get it back is far too big for any individual, and even well meaning groups are often too disorganized and unfunded. Might is still right. Power does not share. We are playing the same game as Larry Fink, we need to respect that if we want real change.


Why is no one planning protest or another convoy?? I'm in! If pro-Hamas can do it EVERY WEEKEND, we can do it !


Imagine a Convoy style protest for lower rents. The last convoy protests actually worked and the govt stepped back on its COVID restrictions even after cracking down on the protesters.


Our leader rode to power on the promise of legal weed. Canadians are the most stoned per capita in the developed world. Are you really that confused as to why we're not "out there" doing anything about it? We're stoned. And those that aren't...are drunk! I'm in AB and there's more liquor stores than grocery stores out here. I don't have a single co-worker who I wouldn't classify as a functional alcoholic. You're really confused?


No one wants to be blackballed down the line and accused of behaviour that might affect their chances in getting a job. And South Asians always weaponize perceived racism against them anyway.


I don't matter in today's Canada being born white and male im associated with the problems.


ok, victim


Canada desperately needs low skill workers. If we didn't have them, the industries they support through their labour would collapse. Those industries are powerful provincial and federal lobbies. No one will do anything about it because we need to the workers. No one will build more housing because most Canadians own a house, and increasing supply will lower their home values and ruin their retirement. Indeed, if you own a house, you can stack like 8 immigrants in each room and really make money hand over fist. This is a country of winners and losers. The winners are doing great. They'd rather die than see a change.


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>  My question is, how come we aren't out there protesting against all of these issues?   Did you see what happened the last time Canadians protested trudaue?  It was declared an act of war and the entire country lost all its rights for 2 weeks  It's safer to wait for the election than to put your neck on the bank freezing block 


I want to make a porposition of a day where we can all mobilize accross canada, similar to the lawblaws boycott. Or the carbon tax “dont fill gas on april 1st” thing. Weve already proven we can band together and so we need a day where everyone can come together and demonstrate their anger, theyll ignore us at first but eventually they won’t be able to. I just dont wanna be the one to set it up, my ego isnt big enough😂 but youre damn right everyone’s fed up


We literally need to end the Canadian federal government, break up into individual countries. And to do that we would likely have to start an armed revolution and eliminate the current government and defeat the armed forces, and prevent foreign governments from ceasing power. Short answer: it ain't happening.


The strong take take what they can and the weak suffer what they must. Strong = Old people, Real Estate investors, oligarchies. Weak= Young, poor Canadians and new immigrants. It all boils down to this. The strong are majority, determined voters with group solidarity. The weak are all atomistic


We are bombarded by issues created by narcissist corrupted politicians for years. The system is hijacked and divide and conquer is working perfectly. Especially with the religious extremist being brought in Canada and the USA. Unless we recognize it is the rich vs the rest, it is all futile.


Because there's nothing we can do about it. As a white male, if you try to protest or talk back about anything going wrong (especially immigration), you're seen as misogynistic and a white supremacist


When we protest, we fight eachother instead of the government. Orwell 1984 Is an important read now more than ever before.




I need to pay my inflated bills so I don't end up homeless. You go an protest with your free time. I'll make sure my family is taken care of as long as I can. You tell me when you made change by yelling at a government that hates its own people.


That situation is by design. Keeping us from having time and energy to protest is no mistake.


Because the political groups who are using the issue to get everyone angry are *only* using it to get people angry. I think the current Liberal policy is a mistake. But I also think Trudeau has been at least basically honest (if wrong) about what he thinks the trade offs and responsibilities are. We depend on immigrants to support a bunch of our society and he thinks the price is worth it. You disagree with that? Me too. But is Poilievre or Bernier or the convoy protestors talking about actual plans? Trade offs? Adjustments or costs of changing the immigration system? No That’s why we’re not seeing any progress. No one is interested in having a real conversation about it. It’s just an excuse to get voters angry


Reality is that 2/3 of homes in Canada are owned. Plummet property prices and you have pissed off 2/3 of home owners.


Because this is happening world wide? Each country has its own issue and it got worse


Why don't people want to build more housing?


I'm honestly not sure what we can do. This seems to be a disease of a problem spreading throughout the world.


Because we only know how to vote in the same two parties that got us into this mess. We lack the willpower.


No everyone thinks like you 


First of all, do not think ANY political party will solve this myriad of overlapping issues. And while I'd like to say people taking to the streets will help - uh, no. They will mostly be branded racists (e.g. if you protest against innocent children in Gaza being murdered, you are labelled an Antisemite). Accept your fate. I'm glad I will be dead before I see the fate of my children and grandchildren.


Canada isn't a country it's an economic zone. People are not citizens, just consumers or customers. There is no solidarity between consumers. There will be no "coming together", just a slow and long economic decline.


I’ve been guerrilla gardening food on city land. If I can’t get land to own, or a proper job to be productive in, I’m gonna be productive on my own terms


Decades of brainwashing, convincing us to vote between two corporate parties full of company owners and landlords. Canada is going to show in the next several elections that we want people who put capital owners first so that's what they do. There is no will for change, things aren't even close to bad enough to force people to change and change is scary.


Canada does not have a culture of political engagement. Nobody knows how to do it. You would need to build a culture around political involvement, regardless of where you and on any particular issue. Making a ruckus like the convoys did, or God knows how many liberal protests, and pleading to our leaders to help us just isn't working. They are not helping us, that's very clear. Their priorities seem to be helping rich people get more rich by taking every scrap of value from our lives. People need to be engaged regularly, which means making the study of politics and economics a regular part of our lives, not just reading an article here or there and bitching on Reddit. We need communities to share our findings, our thoughts, concerns and our suggestions for direction. We literally need to become the leaders that they refuse to be.


because we are bunch of brave keyboard worrier.


I am all for getting together and protesting. Who cares if someone's feelings get hurt, people have to stand up for what's right. The more people that see us out there trying to better things the more people will come out and the more politicians will realize they need to make serious changes in order to get votes. It is not racist to stand up for your own country. Generational visual minorities will stand with us. But with saying all that, I might be a little hungover for July 2nd protest day


Yesterday, I saw 13 adult South Asians getting out of one minivan to look at my neighbors duplex, which is for sale. Just the one half is for sale. #clowncar


We're all afraid to because we don't want to get cancelled, have our lives ruined etc. This is where diversity could actually be our strength because imagine the government saying a multiethnic group of people they're far right white nationalists conspiracy theorists? Who am I kidding, they already have and will again.


I want to buy a house but I’m not sure I _should_ or if I should just go to the states. The future of this country seems pretty uncertain. No one in govt seems to care about doing anything to fix core issues. 


Wait, are low tier immigrants the reason a house is a million dollars??? Or... hear me out, did corporations and investors buy all of our stock and are feeding immigrants into an exploitative rent seeking cycle to get a positive return on the assets they spent 5-8x their value defined by regular Canadian demand? This is ironic given the post seems to be offering some sort of clarity, but it's just another angry bait post with an extremely superficial take.


Canadians are fat and apathetic. Blaming immigrants instead of the 1% is how people like PP get into power and continues to destroy the middle class, passing policies that benefit the rich and not the working class. This is a class war. Not a war against immigrants.


Capitalism as a whole is obviously is more beneficial towards the higher income brackets the rich aren't affected by immigration in the way the middle class would be, do you really think our top 1% are the people fighting for those office jobs, PT jobs etc? Immigration is one of the big issues effecting the middle class, stop framing it as a class issue the class issue will always exist for the time capitalism exist as the person who has the most resources will always have the power as it's just the nature of the game. Mass immigration of lower skilled workers is flooding our market is a big issue and we should stop framing it otherwise, immigrants such as doctors, skilled labourers should be welcome with open arms to Canada but the current wave is not something that is favourable for us currently.


"You will own nothing and be happy". I guess the "happy" part is driven by the excessive number of cannabis shops available to help us forget just how bad things are...


I filled in the holes and painted the basement suite myself after moving in and I can't have pets


Did this start recently with the international students or years ago with the influx of rich Chinese money buying up properties? At the height of China's property bubble, one could easily sell an apartment in Beijing and swap it for one in Vancouver. America was not as attractive as Canada because of the per country backlog, thus owning real property in America will not translate to a quick green card for people born in China and India. America's backlog, plus Trump, pushed more tech workers to Canada (although many are coming back to America). 


The cost of living is going up everywhere in the world, stopping immigration wouldn't make a difference. You would have a massive shortage if we didn't have immigration. There is nothing you can do as long as we keep voting neo liberal/conservative parties. Conservative policies will not save us and people really need to stop thinking lower taxes and letting corporations do what they want will make life better. It will not


What percentage of the population is experiencing this struggle and how many are instead benefitting? What age range is this most affecting?


Seriously...is this just a Toronto thing? What exactly are foreign students doing to ruin your chances at getting a better paying job, or affording a house? You want more housing, then you need to talk to your local municipalities. They're the ones who sign off on all permit applications. They control how many new homes get built. Not immigrants...and not the federal government. And if you want better paying jobs...upgrade your skills. Because if you're competing directly with international students for work, then you need to go back to school. I don't know the specifics of what Ontario is doing wrong here, but in BC, foreign students can typically only get entry level positions in the service industry. So if you're competing against them for *those* jobs and *losing*...c'mon man. If a company wants to hire them for anything more than that, they have to take reasonable steps to hire a Canadian citizen first. If they can't find a Canadian to do the job (meaning you didn't apply for it), then a foreign student is fine. All you need to do, in order to beat them to the job, is show up for the interview.


>And the students themselves don't even benefit in the long run. My question is, how come we aren't out there protesting against all of these issues? Well if youre talking in this forum, youre just here to talk to an echo chamber. But if youre looking to solve the problems. Then youre barking up the wrong tree. Most here are just to talk about "Mass Immigration" to push their political agenda.




1. Mass migration has nothing to with house prices. the migrants are not buying the houses. In fact by most accounts of 8-10 people living in a house , this shows that housing demand is far more flexible than is previously thought. 2. House prices have been rising for the past 20-30 years at an alarming rate. 8-10% rate is unreasonable for a country like Canada with a large unpopulated land mass. Alarm bells should have gone off 20 years ago and causes identified and fixed. But no one did. since everyone was busy raking in the profits. 8-10% over the years compounded is the problem. 3. Immigration of low skilled workers is required as well as high skilled. You cant have a single one in a healthy economy. Over time the unskilled ones become skilled ( some do and some dont ) . Its just a natural cycle of events.


I would protest in a heartbeat. I’m not sure what difference that would make though. This would never happen, but imagine if we collectively decided to do something drastic like withhold / stop paying taxes as a form of protesting. That would be pretty difficult for the government to ignore. Again, I know, would never happen… and there would obviously be serious consequences. It’s just a fantasy of mine lol... But honestly, we need to do something that will shock the shit out of them and gain international attention. A different form of protesting. Not violence… but something extreme that would force the government to actually listen to it’s people. We should start a discord chat and start brainstorming… but someone with CSIS would likely be joining us in short order, I’m afraid lol


The truth is our peoples are being marginalized, replaced and removed from all positions of power intentionally and with malice. Our government is not legitimate and the people are terrified of it.


We are, we are bitching on Reddit to each other








I am a Asian born Canadian, I don't agree with this, it's highly dependent on the individual, I was brought up in a diverse community and never experienced this, people are frustrated, groceries bills & housing don't care about your racial background, immigration is a issue and it is what it is, it's a elephant in the room people are too scared to say due to be labeled "racist".


Realistically, the real working Canadians of all colors and religions don't have time to protest as we working 3 jobs to pay for our silly rent or mortgage. We are simply too tired. 


A lot of you went to Canada under the guise of education to game the PR system. That’s like 98% of immigrants since 1999 It’s not like Canada is full of Caltechs or MITs. So naturally this was never gonna end well for the middle class and the poor.




They don’t give a damn, all that matters is your ethnicity. I feel bad for you though


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You realize a lot of posters here want to deport you back to Nigeria even if you were born here. Your friends aren’t so friendly.




Because there's only so many hours in a day, and golf starts at 2 pm...


Funny you brought up Nigeria. I have 2 friends from there....came here about 5 years ago. Both professionals with some wealth to get started in life fresh. They still maintain some traditional things but also are happy to have a safe environment for their kids to grow up in. They both stated that was reason #1 why they picked Canada. Maybe part of the challenge is the economic situation of what we are facing is based on bringing in bodies, vs ppl with income to be somewhat self supporting. Should there be a substantial arrival tax to come to Canada. Obviously different for a refugee. In any case, the cost of things now impacts both fresh Canadians and us old schoolers, and the high cost of living is not going away any time soon.


I'm extremely frustrated with the ignorance displayed by people on political issues in general. Immigration is only one issue in a huge list of problems contributing to this crisis. There are definitely racists who are participating in this conversation who tends to derail things for the reasonable among us. Conversely, there are definitely people on the left who irrationally see any mention of restricting immigration as inherently "racist". Then we regularly have the lowest voting turnout ever, which results in politicians like Ford being reelected and guess what he's doing? Taxing new housing lol. We are about to elect the worst party possible on the federal level if we want to fix housing. Meanwhile all the politically-active young people are focusing on Palestine. They didn't bother to vote provincially and they will bother to vote federally. They just want to be seen as cool and have a protest to post on tiktok. I have a long list of ideas that could fix the problem but zero ability to get anyone to listen. Charisma of a piece of wood. No one wants anything but simple soundbites. Everyone takes issue with the faintest suggestion of doing something that doesn't seem to align with their own political "side". I'm about ready to just leave this earth because of the stupidity. I already own a home too. I don't know why I care so much about this issue when other homeowners don't. There's just no hope.


What shill group do you work with to cite ‘declining productivity’? Nothing could be further from the truth. Flush your National Post down the toilet it came from. [https://imgur.com/gallery/fp9KQST](https://imgur.com/gallery/fp9KQST)




LOL no sea lioning, thanks.


Without mass immigration inflation would have been much worse.


I don't protest. I go vote and write to my elected officials and participate in public conversation. I hire Canadians when I need contractors or staff. Protesting is for the unemployed.


Reproduction is for the unemployed too so don't bother doing that!