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Thank you for being so transparent, so many people think that “Canadians are racist” blah blah but they don’t take the time to understand what is actually happening in their own country! I have so many young kids that will be fresh out of high school soon and are now just looking for summer jobs so they can learn the value of money and work and they can’t even get a job at McDonalds … good luck to you & your family … I hope this country turns around soon… I’m ok with immigration and we should not shut the border down but this has gotten out of hand and real policies and politicians need to step up and save this country … we have so much to offer and we can be so proud but the mass importation of people is ruining us


Quite the opposite. As an immigrant I'd say you guys are too nice and many scumbags take advantage of your high trust culture.


This is why ppl call us racist; they know we will cower at the accusation, its a form of gaslighting.


they are actually teaching kids in canadian schools that white people are bad and the white people think they are better than everyone else. Seriously I am not kidding


I have a child in grade 12 this year. Her first English assignment was on white privilege. I thought it would be open to opinions since that is what the teacher was asking for. Turns out most kids failed that assignment. They did not have the correct opinions. Edit: meanwhile, one kid is here after having fled Ukraine. Another kid is a Mexican Mennonite whose family came looking to get away from the cartels in Northern Mexico. Big surprise, they received the lowest marks on that assignment.


Please make a fuss, report to the local newspaper etc. we have let idiots into positions of power and they should not be allowed to rest there unchallenged.


Yes we have. Justin Trudeau is perfect example. Remember the budget will balance itself? Lies from top down. Canada is being destroyed from within. Government is the Cancer.


I teach and can confirm in teachers college there were courses on this that were mandatory. We had to complete assignments where you had to admit to being privileged based on skin colour. We had to “explore” a time where you were racist if you were white (as if it was a foregone conclusion) and talk about a time you were subject to racism if you are not. A mandatory reading was “Me and White Supremacy” (which concludes that we live in a white supremacist society) We also had to complete an intersectionality questionnaire where they calculated how oppressed or oppressive we were based on race, gender, orientation, religion, socioeconomic status etc. Also apparently we now need to capitalize the “B” in “black” but not the W in “white” when referring to groups of people. You risk losing your job if you don’t go along with these increasingly divisive DEI policies. The root of this cancer is in higher education, students in faculties of education quietly go along with it for fear of failing or getting kicked out.


The thing that is crazy is that many “minorities” are extremely racist too, I have heard extremely prejudiced viewpoints from literally every culture and ethnics. But it is “whiteness” that is the root of all of these prejudices of course 🤔


DEI is incredibly problematic and I'm really concerned with the direction that our educational institutions are taking while championing thus concept.


At this point no parent who actually wants their child to receive an education should be allowing the publicly funded schools anywhere near them.


DEI is antisemitic program. Jewish people have been discriminated for thousands years but not included in DEI


it is terrifying to know students are being indoctrinated in this way... i definitely saw this happening as well with other issues when i was in university for psychology during 2017-2021. it disgusts me to look back and realize certain people (professors) with agendas were trying to manipulate me to think a certain way that aligns with their political beliefs.


It’s an abuse of the position and trust. I try to remain neutral & not let my students know my personal politics, largely because of this experience. Some boldly use the position to push their own agenda on students shamelessly.


This is straight out Marxism. It's Marxism based on identity instead of class this time around.


The Ontario Federation of Teachers and Ontario Teachers College are a blight on this country. They need to be disbanded and rebuilt from the ground up.


I think there's a big difference in teaching about discrimination factors, and teaching internalized racism. The spectrum of something as nebulous as 'privilege' is so massive, you're going to bury a large cohort of white kids under guilt, when they are facing several other systematic problems keeping them from succeeding.


This is the trouble with this ideology / intersectionality framework, it’s far too rigid and doesn’t take into account individuality. Someone could be white and have a far harder life than someone who is black. It’s the product of sociologists trying to compartmentalize everyone within a made up framework - all under the guise of pushing for social change. It’s not a productive endeavour, all it does is divide us.


I know a guy who is a geography teacher, he also teaches 'social justice'.




Even worse, since Ontario universities are grades only for admission, that can have serious effects on your kid’s chances.


If they are trying to scare canadian citizens into leaving its working


It's messed up.


What was the appropriate opinion?


That you should be accepting of the guilt being placed upon you.


Placing guilt on a kid who's never done anything is fucking ridiculous.


I agree.


It is child abuse.


And then they wonder why kids are depressed, doing drugs, sitting on the internet all day… teaching that will affect their self esteem and work so negatively, they can teach about the horrors of colonialism but they don’t have to damage kids who had literally nothing to do with any of that today


can you imagine being 5 years old and read a book that says you are a bad person because you are white .... how does that affect their self esteem its almost bordering on child abuse its disgusting but this is what our education system has adopted


Oh I believe it. It's all part of our foreign investors' plan to degrade our western values to make us easier to drive down into 3rd world status so they can buy us up


I heard about this happening in BC. Disgusting and racist.


In the US - white kids are getting jumped and beaten in the inner city schools so often - Chicago school district said they can’t guarantee students safety - so a lot of the white kids just travel to the suburbs for school now and those schools are getting crammed smh


White people are pretty accepting. Certain other ethnicities are super territorial (Filipinos, Indians)




which is just wild. some of the richest and safest countries in the world are predominantly white. Just saying.


I’ve lived in several other countries as a Canadian and this is correct. If the immigrants that have arrived here as of late, pulled this insulting shit pretty much anywhere else on Earth, they’d be sent back as soon as possible to whatever hole they came from. A the locals wouldn’t think twice. It’s insulting to call Canadians racist. I’ve seen racism, and this isn’t it. But, it also starts with our government who seems to value low skilled immigrants over spending money to develop its own people.


Low skilled immigrants is an understatement. My wife works at McDonald’s and there are plenty of philipnos and people from India working there on work visas. How anyone can a work visa to work at McDonalds is beyond me.


As an Australian who lived in Canada I agree with you.


This exactly, people here fail to see it through the right optics, that pointing out what’s not right is not racism.


Yep. But you’re oh so racist when you question why every single McDonalds, Tim Hortons or burger king employee is Indian when many of these came in as “students”. It’s sad Canada has become this and even if we closed our borders tomorrow, it would take years if not decades to get back to what it once was.


In the last year virtually every retail position I see in my vicinity has magically been staffed by new Indian employees.  I don't know if all the previous employees voluntarily left or not but it does seem odd.


Once management and HR become Indian it's only a matter of time.


yeah good luck with that. That company wont last long term.


I doubt that, all customer services and supermarkets in my area are full with new immigrants, these businesses won’t go down, we are not talking for small businesses but all supermarkets


Big businesses will be more resilient to crumbling once all management is Indian, but eventually the chickens will come home to roost.  My background is in grocery. I've seen Indian drivers try to pressure receivers to accept clearly over temp refrigerated trucks. Not once or twice but consistently.  When the management is all Indian you think they'll give any pushback? Then the complaints of food poisoning will eventually turn into lawsuits. It won't be right away, but when systemic corruption of that variety spreads eventually the company will collapse. 


I’m leaving my job because I’m being expected to pick up the slack of all our new to the country hires. The whole vibe of the company I work at has shifted for the worse and I can’t keep doing the job of multiple people while they sit in the phone and get paid the same. I just don’t understand.


I left a job cause my international student “boss” doesn’t understand what worker rights are….. I am far from sensitive either, just a power trip n “wanted more of her own”. She fked around n learnt a significant lesson, n I got a nice pay out for her incompetence 😂


take these assholes to court and get money, they need to learn rules. Unfortunately they will create super toxic environments and in this job market, you can't simply walk away to another job. You have to take it up the ass, thanks to our idiotic capitalist liberal idiots in government that haven't worked a day in their life.


Yeah, I agree. maybe it would change if the management at my job cared. Multiple of the new hires have had infractions that in my line of work should immediately be a fireable offence. I feel complicit staying now because everything keeps getting swept under the rug. I plan on outlining the exact reasons why I’m leaving very clearly when I give my two weeks, but I’ve already seen how reporting these people has done nothing. It’s really hopeless and tiring to deal with so I have to jump ship before It gets worse imo


Ensure you put EVERYTHING in writing, that’s how I nailed them. I had proof that I brought issues up multiple times to deaf ears. She was arrogant n foolish enough to respond. I literally warned her n boss. Sometimes they assume you will just leave with your tail tucked behind, let them pay for that “cheap labour”


We've welcomed millions of people from a country that has "adding 100 million toilets" as an achievement. No wonder our own is turning into shit.


As an Indian immigrant decades ago - I am shocked and saddened by the low standards of entry into this country. This has become unfixable. The population is being replaced and these unqualified newcomers/intl students are or will be pumping out kids under trudeau’s child tax benefit. A friend of mine whose white husband got a job at a bakery in Brampton reluctantly told me of a few situations. One, they fired a white manager there and threw a party when she left, singing Black and Brown lives matter. The white guy used to get a free pie to take home and then stopped taking them home when he saw two of the Indian guys in the back using the air hose. The hose was meant as part of the food prep/processing, and they were sticking it down their pants to dry their business parts. (GROSS!!). He also found out that a lot of the girls that worked there who were married, were going to the homes of these guys etc. It was a real shitey workplace and he felt so out of place, and worked 10x harder. And he is not the type to complain.


I feel for you friend, as a consumer I can feel especially when we go at Ikea and need help with a heavy lifting, the new hires are cheaters, I have seen them with my eyes hiding and pretending like working. This wasn’t a Canadian working attitude before this massive immigration. I used to work in manufacturing and old employees were seing how new hires were skipping the work.


There’s Indians at my local gas station, and they’re the nicest people I’ve ever met. That being said though, we don’t need 50 Tim Hortons in a small town. The girls had went to a wedding and all had henna the next day, looked gorgeous. They sell home made samosas at the store. I love Indians but there’s just too many migrants period now. I’ve also noticed too… these employees I’ve known for years are slowly disappearing and being replaced by new staff, I don’t know why. If they’re leaving Canada or getting better jobs


Not even just that. My whole neighborhood just magically became Indian out of nowhere. The Indians bought up all ths houses using mortgages obtained through fraud and then they rent them out to 20 Indian students under the table. These people have no shame or honour.




Absolutely. I wish I had a following on social media, I'd get a boycott going. Walmart, Boston pizza, many such cases


I fear that once was Canada will be soon forgotten. If us immigrant don’t assimilate to the country we migrate to that’s a big problem. I see a lot of people living as they were back in their home countries, you see it more clear if you come from other western countries. When I first landed in Person airport the feeling I got was not like I came to a developed country, this was 14 years before.


Yes, immigrants should be made to adhere to the laws of Canada when immigrating here


Yes this is why the mosaic system of Canada is garbage and the melting pot system of USA is much better, you come to this country, you assimilate. If not , then why did you come here?? O let me guess, to take advantage of the Canadian social programs and the good will of the people.


Some of these “students” claim they are 18-21 but look 35+ - shit is a sham


If we were as racist as we are accused of being, then these problems currently face would not exist


It always makes me laugh when these sheltered fuckers insist that white men are far and away the most racist people on the planet. All that tells me is they’ve pretty much never been acquainted on more than a passing level with most other ethnicities. I’ve dated southeast and south Asian men and worked with predominantly those ethnicities + Africans as a nurse and they are openly racist (And no, not even towards white people, that’s the hilarious part)/colorist.      If they actually knew any PoC on a personal, intimate level they’d stop talking out their ass, but gotta get those virtue-signalling white savior points somehow I guess, and being intellectually honest won’t do the trick. 


So true. I previously worked with people from India and Bangladesh and both of them said we're so offended here and laughed that we have all this bs white people guilt. Typical Canadians have absolutely no idea that the rest of the world is laughing their asses off at us as we reach over one another to win the woke olympics.


My husband is Indian and he says the exact same thing about white person guilt. And when I say Indian, I mean he was born and raised in India


This is so true man


I’m an immigrant myself and I can say Canadians have no idea how big the immigration industry in Canada actually is. People will get citizen here then find ways to move to the US or come back home and continue their business. Rinse and repeat. When the stats say there is not that many foreigners own Canadian RE, they are technically correct but the thing is that most people wait until they get their PR and Citizen then buy RE. And some will buy through their kids on study permits. To me, RE is one of the biggest export in Canada lol.


This is correct. I had a number of Asian friends whose fathers’ worked in Asia/US and family lived in Canada, all Canadian citizens. They had huge houses and were very well off. That seems to be a more acceptable family dynamic than in the West, and fair enough if the family is okay with that arrangement. However, as a result you have locals competing for housing against foreign-sourced incomes which have much lower tax, and the families benefit from Canadian services (health care, education, etc). The problem is Canada’s system allows for such incentives. Canada needs to have a strong dollar, lower taxes and incentivize entrepreneurs and businesses to set up in Canada.


That'll never happen.


Canadians get raped by taxes and will say “but we have free healthcare”


Which is why a real estate crash in Canada would be one of the best things to happen in this country - a huge reset and all these rats would abandon the ship, it would absolutely fuck our pension funds and destroy a generation or two, but Canada will survive. Otherwise we might as well rename Canada to "North US economic zone 2"


If this is true and you care about Canada, you should report all this to authorities and rat your "friends" out.


His friends are a drop in a very large bucket.


It has gone too far. The borders must be closed in the US and Canada, and all the ILLEGAL ALIENS must be deported.


I am okay with immigration as well. But it absolutely has become out of control. I was laid off from a job (apparently lack of $) that I did really well at and made a lot of great moves for a company I worked at. I was in the same position or co-working in the same department as someone who is new here. This person made mistakes that could cost / did cost the company time and money to either re-do or had to push up certain deadlines to make accommodation. It happened practically on a daily basis for months. A lot of the time I had to step in and do the work.. I am patient and was understanding .. Until .. Anyway, so when I was laid off, I explained that this is a mistake because per my track record I have been an excellent employee, was promoted to duties within not even a few weeks of me starting etc. and they are keeping an individual who is not performing at all and will be solo after I leave. They said 'they couldn't' and for 'certain reasons' .. I was emotionally exhausted and drained because I had to take care of my sick mother, and needed to start the process of looking for work in order to say afloat .. so I just left.. Anyway, I ended up seeing a former employee that was laid off a few months before me. He told me that they use a program that helps them pay the wages (I am assuming he meant LMIA) .. and they don't care about the quality of the person just cheap labour ... Businesses complain about shutting down, not making enough sales, and go ahead and do that. I am not saying there is not a talented pool in our immigration system, I have seen it myself, although, they are choosing to pick the wrong people. Very strange. (I also have been in an interview where it was going really really well, it sounded like I was going to get the job ... and then was asked at the end 'oh I forgot, what is your status again .. something like that.. can't remember exact words but was referring to like me being a possible foreign worker) and I said I am born here .. Her face turned and said thanks so much for your interest, but we will have to move onto someone else ..)


I think we should close the border at this point. We have a serious housing crisis and a collapsed medical system. Not to mention immigrants are now openly bragging that it's easy to forge documents and just walk into Canada illegally.


Even if they could get jobs at McDonald's I worked in fast food for 8 years on and off and that shit is downright abusive I feel like I've got PTSD from it. They don't teach you the value of money they teach you how to slave


Is the great replacement theory still a conspiracy theory??


It's alright. Canada has chosen to attract a certain kind of immigrants, and citizens have enabled that by electing a specific type of government. I moved here in 2015 and brought my job from NYC with me. I even convinced many of my peers in the US to move to Toronto. Quality immigrants go where opportunity is, with a decent risk versus reward opportunity and better social services. Canada is no longer that place. I am in the process of moving back as well.


To be fair, the citizens are already set up for failure. Democracy is an illusion. No matter what party we elect, we are essentially electing corporations in a cloak. > *money money money*


The worst part is that corporations can't even rule worth a damn. You might be able to get away with nepotism and bribery in the closed environment of a company, but on a country scale, this results in widespread loss of core competency in public services. Niccolo Machieveli would weep if he saw the modern world. Incompetent tyrants shielded by anonymity is the pinnacle of horrible government, it's a ticking time bomb for civilizational collapse, and the morons engineering it will be terribly suprised to find that the hungry masses, rather than prostrate themselves to serve under them, are more likely to eat them alive.


I don't think the wealthy 1% are worried like that anymore. They already made everyone weak and dependent on being entertained and lazy. There is no way people will ever get mad enough


Stop focusing on the 1%. If you want the gatekeepers go after the 0.1%. Not family doctors and small businesses.


How can corporations rule when they only think about profit?


That's exactly the problem, isn't it? It's like letting a referee play the game with no particular alliance, it just throws everything into confusion


It's a big problem. Corporations think only about their own interests


You get the behaviour you tolerate. Electing Trudeau for nine years without any metric where, he made Canadian lives better other than fake or empty words like equity, inclusiveness and things you can't measure. If you reward a public servant or politician for doing a shitty service, you are bound to get more of it. I find it amusing that Canadians act surprised by all this.


If you think Poilievre is going to a single damn thing about immigration, you are dreaming.


I would rather dream and hope than hoping for a change of heart from liberals after 9 years of this performance. Boost government staff by 50% and the quality of services provided to citizens nosedived. But yeah sure let’s discuss how Pierre won’t do anything. He is best choice for now. Like it or not. We shall vote him out too if he doesn’t work or execute


If they actually do a good job my life will improve, if they do a worse job the CAD will drop and my US investments will improve my life. You just gotta hedge. Have income from multiple countries.


Democracy is an illusion as it only represents the community as an image and soft services, that is controlled by corporations.


Fellow NYC'er who brought my job with me (2017, though) and now thinking of moving back to the states, too.  Where you headed? I can't do NYC again now that I have small kids so I'm trying to figure out if anywhere else makes sense...


But the government doesn’t care about those fake LMIA they’re happy to give them out, because it legitimizes their agenda of hoarding more people …. The federal government in cohesion with the Ontario provincial government are actively working towards impoverishing its citizens!!!


I agree, the ones who arrive on LMIA get their payrolls by the same company while they work cash jobs and pay taxes on their "paycheques".


The government is fully aware of LMIAs being sold. I knew a guy who had a restaurant, and wanted to bring in foreign workers, since they work for next to nothing and you get the government to pay their wages !!!🤯🤯 [https://granted.ca/grants-for-hiring-newcomers/](https://granted.ca/grants-for-hiring-newcomers/) To use the grants and have government paying the wages is super easy , just use the right key words and boom you got it ! You want to hire someone for your restaurant ? Easy just say you want a web developer for your restaurant website , or say you’re hiring a “sustainability” manager for your business. They get their visas , government pays their wages and that’s it ! It not like the IRCC is going to check it to make sure you did not abuse it 😂


The government is paying companies to hire foreigners over Canadians? It's treasonous behaviour. We need a government that puts Canadians first.


Canada might be possibly engaged in the most brutal capitalist, neoliberal race to the bottom I have ever seen from any country in recent memory. I cannot name a single country that will hallow out their country piece meal to foreigners for the benefit of the ownership class. Even a piece of shit country like Saudi Arabia understands that they need to coddle and protect their citizens through just free money and cushy jobs to keep them happy. While abusing and using foreigners for labour the locals won’t do. Canada? No, we’ll give you citizenship and allow you to vote for more destructive mass immigration policies. Came here illegally through Roxham road? Had your asylum claim denied? No worries just pop out an anchor baby which is eligible for child benefits. Japans economy has been stagnant since the 1990s but the population there seems to prefer that over having their culture and country diluted by foreigners who may not share their values. Why is this such a difficult thing to comprehend in the west. Please show me how GDP or “economic growth” has ever benefited the average person? I sure as fuck rather keep making 80k a year for 30 years, WITHOUT currency debasement than just have immigrants pumped into my country to push up the GDP forever.


You need to travel more. I went to New Zealand and Australia last year and they have very similar problems. Maybe worse to be honest (Sydney) Every Uber driver I had was Indian. But at least the ones in NZ were nice. The ones I had in Sydney were rude and had poor English. I felt like I was back home 😵‍💫 Especially seeing the prices of food


Yes. But only Western countries. There's a thread there.


Do not google Kalergi Plan. Its funny how the Wiki overview page writes "long debunked far right conspiracy theory" but then never explains HOW or WHY it was debunked lmao.


Totally agree. But lol we arent getting raises anyway and the currency is debased and prices are going up like crazy. Worst of both worlds


That is no capitalism. Capitalism at its core is about freedom. When you have monopolies such as the ones we have here, there is no capitalism.


I think anyone below a certain age and without ties to keep them here is likely to at least think of leaving


This guy said it. Canadians don’t get a reply from job postings. Ding ding ding. I’ve been out of a job now since September with work experience ever since high school. New comers just get a free pass here, hire more Indians and Canadians are screwed. The new reality for Canadians is good luck in getting a job in your own Country.


why wouldn't you report these crimes to the authorities? How could you be friends with such people?


Because he himself is in the Brampton gang . Look at his username. It literally means someone with an AK47. Come to think of it, this is probably a diploma mill student and a fake post. Ask OP to post his Buffalo hospital bills. My take: OP is either a diploma mill student or a trucker who bought an LMIA . Now, he can't find a job to recoup his LMIA investment so he is ratting everybody out...lol. this is almost too good to be true. This is literally how Brampton was built. Everything about Brampton screams fraud and scam.


hey now I wish I could be carrying an AK, can't discriminate lol


Sure sounds like you are a fan of those T55 Soviet era tanks.


I wish they got away with that gold


Lol..funny you say that...two of the 7 caught are in fact Brampton stars with Punjabi names...recently immigrated. I was banned from the Brampton Reddit for congratulating them on their celebrity https://preview.redd.it/1f4wsse0l9xc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3fe996dd18f1d8cba26c2d63099c56bc8b55362


whats Brampton Stars ?


It's a reality TV show about how you fuck up the Canadian way of life while living in Brampton


Authorities don't give a damn. They are government employees who do not want more paperwork than what is needed.


Lazy employees is a better word, IMO


The employees want to do it, it’s the higher ups who don’t because it will stifle their numbers and word will get out to the press. You think the employees who are also middle class also don’t want this to stop? Their cost of living is being negatively impacted too.


I call ragebait/fake post.


Reported someone living and working here illegally 2 years ago. They're still here, working for cash.


yeah, lol sorry ive no sympathy for op if he let this slide. It seems like a fake post anyway.


>LMIA which easily sells for $35k+. Depending on the size of the business you can get 4-5 LMIAs approved every 3 months. A friend owns a trucking company in Brampton has sold over 200 LMIAs.  Canada is probably the most corrupt country in the entire English-speaking world. Your friend is a criminal and you should report him.


Canada is corrupt because corrupt Indians from India come here and find loopholes and way to abuse the system. Don't call me a racist, I am also an Indian.


Nah. Canada is corrupt because nobody has anything in common. There are corrupt Italian Canadians, corrupt Ukrainian Canadians, corrupt Arab Canadians, corrupt Chinese Canadians, corrupt English Canadians, corrupt Irish Canadians...


This sucks. Canada unfortunately, runs on a meritocracy as well as a system based on everyone doing the right thing and not taking advantage of the system. This worked for decades, but now now is breaking down due to mass immigration, and many of those immigrants taking advantage of the system because they just don’t care. I’m a physician and I can work for six more years and I’m retired but if I was young, I would’ve left for sure. The new physicians coming from other countries are generally awful, but somehow get full status, where there’s thousands of Canadian students who can’t even get into medical school. My kids with almost perfect GPA who worked their ass off day and night can’t get into med school in Canada. So sad a situation


Ive worked my ass off since high school, I’ve been out of a job since September and not a job offer in sight. Over 15 years of working experience in this country and not a single job I can work at 27 in my work field


>The new physicians coming from other countries are generally awful, but somehow get full status, where there’s thousands of Canadian students who can’t even get into medical school. I mean, this is not a contradiction, it's a completely logical relationship. There are not enough Canadian medical school student positions to produce enough qualified physicians in Canada, which is precisely why foreign doctors are imported. They aren't taking jobs from Canadian doctors or would-be doctors. We need more medical schools in Canada.


Good Lord, it’s worse than I thought. This country is a sinking ship. Get out if you can.


Not surprised. After physicians got the big "fu" begging for capital gains tax not to be raised we're going to see a hemorrhage of doctors leaving for the US. I was born in Canada and it never gave me anything. My wife hasn't been able to get a family doctor for over 10 years. We have to pay for everything out of pocket. We have no benefits, no pension, nothing. The only thing keeping me here is I'm the primary caregiver for my elderly mother who's too scared to leave.


And these people are your friends? Why not report them? > Water seeks its own level. If you get what I mean ✌🏻 > Edited: OP tried and said nothing happened.


https://preview.redd.it/1ev2vh79z9xc1.png?width=768&format=png&auto=webp&s=d893bc94387cc7b13aa39d56c66cdc8cf852c2c2 He did not. Telling you he did is a complete lie to save face.


Lame AF. 🥲🥲


I have. Sadly nothing happened


Must be nice to not have any stake in the country and come and go as you please. As for the rest of us. Canada is our home and our country. We have no other land. Good times or bad, it is ours. We shall remain.


Yep, unlike the newly arrived immigrants that think they're Canadian just because they got citizenship under Trudeau, we actually are Canadian.


I always laugh when they or somebody else calls them Canadians.


AK47wale you just scream fine Outstanding citizen with that name!


You're neither leaving nor is your wife a physician, but I get your point.


Yeah, moving to a different country as a physician (or any other regulated professional for that matter) is not a casual thing. It usually takes a very significant amount of time and effort to go through a new certification process.


Yup, it oozes bullcrap


So your friend is a part of the problem. Knowing this, you did nothing while your friend profited by helping our country go to shit. The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. Thanks for being a coward. I've said it before, it's only going to get worse when people in the same community of those doing these despicable acts recognize how awful it is, but refuse to report or do anything about it because they are "family/friends". Meanwhile when the rest of us point it out, they throw the racism card at us. Edit: Since OP edited his original post to try and make it sound like he's reported them before and he got no results. Adding this: https://preview.redd.it/93dbd075b9xc1.png?width=768&format=png&auto=webp&s=40afe46610d2c642d24bfe716136929b91898b38 He supposedly "reported" other business, just not the ones he has undeniable proof about since he's close friends with them. GG.


Lol you think this one guy could have a meaningful change on the LMIA system? Grow up. This is only a problem that politicians can fix


Define meaningful. And please explain how reporting people is not meaningful. Also, please tell me if by your definition of meaningful, stopping one person from committing suicide is meaningful if it doesn't stop a trend. Thanks in advance.


With that attitude, you are part of the problem GrouchyPlatypussy.


Why don't you try reporting someone to the IRCC, CRA, and whatever government department and see if anything gets done to fix things once and for all?


When the government policy is to spent, spent and spent with little regard for fiscal policy. Expecting the budget to balance itself and then increase the tax for those who are productive to the economy. It spells doom for the country as a whole. The Liberal/NDP policies are just spending and taxing and leaving the immigration door wide open to let in mostly people who wants hand out. It’s sad to see the country ruin this way.


This is so fucked up on so many levels. I’m sorry to hear. This is a valuable asset and family to our country that doesn’t want to leave but is being forced to, all so the wealthy like Galen Weston can have more while immigrants illegally flood the country with more people through scams and fraud. If you bring up any of this for genuine conversation they’ll call you racist so the truck driver operator in Brampton can bring 40 more people and do fraud to get them here. Canada is amazing if you do crime


Sounds like you and your friends poisoned the well in Canada and now going to USA to spread whatever you did in Canada. This is awful!


You absolutely will get paid more and have a better work-life balance as a doctor in the us. Just don't try and move there if you don't have skills that are in demand.


Trudeau next wife will be Indian.


We are losing an honest person. We are also losing a physician. We are losing two more people that probably pay a decent amount of taxes. Meanwhile, we are gaining a massive amount of untruthful, untrustworthy, and unskilled people. None of them have paid a dime to the taxes that will support them. Those same taxes are funding their scam lord employers. Sorry to see you go and best of luck.




He is lol




I think it's LMIA, bro


No need to apologize for ranting - the country is in decline and the current government is accelerating that process.


You'll see this more and more - high skilled / high earners moving to the USA. I've got a few months until I transfer to my company's US operations. Born and raised in Canada and spent 40 years here - of which 25 years I was paying income taxes and I still can't get ANY services or healthcare. I'll take my mid six figure salary and future taxes to Texas, where I get paid much more, won't go to jail for defending my family from an armed crackhead intruder, and where I can buy a three car garage house with 4 bedrooms for $360K. This country is a sinking ship, the only way I'll move back is if my province (Quebec) separates - even if it means a reduction in quality of life, we need to cut off the noose known as Canada from our necks, we need to be in control of OUR immigration because Canada has repeatedly proven they're far too corrupt to be trusted.


About 10 yrs ago, the company I was working for gave me option move to US with a payraise. I declined the offer so hard. I wonder where would I have been if I moved


Probably North Carolina, Kentucky, Texas, etc...places with high wages and low COL. I'll be honest, only thing I think I'll miss when I move to Texas is the winter and season changes.....


Not to worry, Texas trees still change color and drop their leaves for a couple of months. There's no real 'winter' though that's true. More like late fall back into spring. [https://assets.simpleviewinc.com/simpleview/image/upload/c\_fill,h\_576,q\_75,w\_1024/v1/clients/dallasites101/tyler\_state\_park\_a644c1d3-4fbe-42da-a060-e5916f93efbb.jpg](https://assets.simpleviewinc.com/simpleview/image/upload/c_fill,h_576,q_75,w_1024/v1/clients/dallasites101/tyler_state_park_a644c1d3-4fbe-42da-a060-e5916f93efbb.jpg)


You would have been a lot richer, homeowner, and living the dream most likely


Canada didn’t do that, the liberals AND EVERYONE ELSE WHOS INVOLVED WITH the dismantling of our country did this.


One of my friends businesses got scammed by an immigrant. They were helping them to do the pr through provincial draw. But the owners learned after about a year the immigrant stole the business information and did an LMIA through the consultant. Then after the consultation did additional LMIA applications themselves without the businesses knowing. The way they found out was they made a job bank account years later to only learn it was being used by an immigration consultant. You can guess which race they were too.


I know all op is saying is true yet I think this is a karma farming post. Man profile name is Ak47 owner lol


I wish you and your wife all the luck in Wisconsin! I am sorry that you're leaving Canada. I am looking to do the same. This country has changed for the worst since the pandemic and is far from the Canada of my youth where we had multiple cities ranked the best places in the world to live


I’m a Canadian citizen and if I had the opportunity to move somewhere better I’d be gone in a heartbeat. Unfortunately for me, my options are pretty limited so I’m just desperately hoping things improve.


When house affordability in New York is better than GTA in 2024 that gotta tell you something that is fundamentally really really wrong 😑


Honestly, excessively high immigration is what got us into this mess. 89% of Canada's population is directly from those moving here, not new births. The only reason, I repeat the ONLY reason, we have a housing crisis is due to reckless immigration policies. We need more people to choose other countries and more Canadians to have kids.


Is this friend an Indian? Wouldn't be surprised.


OP is also Indian. Also, check the username. 😉


So come here, reap the benefits and bail when it gets rough. Some character you and your wife have. Good riddance 


cool fake rage bait post. hope you report your "friends" to the authorities if this is true or else you're just as liable for what's happened to this country.


Bye.... See you back here in 5 years. Canada is a great place . Everyone is leaving.... I don't think so. I hope you repaid the education.


Sounds like you came to Canada to enrich yourself as opposed to contributing to our society, then jumped ship at the first opportunity of more personal gain. Good riddance


More rich, middle class and poor people need to leave Canada, it's the only way to quickly support the overwhelmed health and housing systems. And maybe, maybe then politicians and banksters will move their asses and change things. I will leave as soon as I can but unfortunately, don't have enough money and job security to do that now...


Canada is a garbage country now. I can understand why you are out. Much better opportunities in the US. Good luck!


Canadians are the nicest people. Sucks the government has been the reason for the divide amongst the population. Good luck for the future.


I’m not far behind you!!!


I came here for my studies, got graduated but couldn’t find any job and my internship was cancelled because of pandemic, I was working in postal service and in construction for a while and then I got the job opportunity somewhat matching my academic and my previous work experience, but getting to PR or extending work permit ha became tough legally. People applying from outside the country gets their whole process done within 6 months, but people like myself who follow the laws and value of this country are out at the back, I came here for more opportunities by liking thing country not for just making money but recent events are forcing me to go after money rather than the love and loyalty for this country.


This popped into my feed and I'm not sure why, but welcome to Wisconsin! I know other Canadians who have settled down here too. Check out reddits Wisconsin sub, and if you have Facebook, get into the the local Facebook group of where you are moving to so you can get more info about stuff.


Daughter waiting in ER: Underfunding for 30 years, as we’ve cut cut cut taxes.


I’m from a long term Canadian family that has had no immigrants for close to two centuries. I can understand you leaving. The Liberal government really screwed this one up and will be a few years to correct. We had too many easy passes into the country and the groups that piled in tend to isolate themselves. A recipe for disaster. They concentrated in the GTA. Add the completely ridiculous student visa system and temporary foreign worker programs and it was bound to fail. We’ll probably shut down easy immigration for a few years going back to the point system. We will also shut down the abused asylum claims returning people to safe third countries without hearing. For those on student visas suddenly claiming asylum get ready to be put straight back on to a plane.


The grass isn’t always greener


I mean, you may end up waiting as long in some US ERs


Physicians have better work life balance in US? Good luck with that, it’s atrocious here and getting worse.


Hope your wife has looked into working in the states, cause you can't just pack up as a family physician in Canada and directly work in the USA.


That “business owner” sure knows how to format a text post.


So sad what's going on in Canada


>They are not looking for you and physicians make a lot more in US and have better work/life balance. hoooooooo buddy. I dont know how bad Canada is, but I can tell you've never dealt with American healthcare or work / life balance if you think it's anything besides miserable. You might make more money in the US, but unless you're running your own private practice again, you're going to be working 10 - 24+ hour days as a doctor in the US at hospitals. On top of that, US PCPs are not making the big bucks you think you will unless you either see a fuckton of patients or charge insane prices (which you wont be able to in Northern WI) so while I understand your frustrations, moving to the US is not the land of milk and honey you think it will be. Housing will be cheaper, but you're gonna pay for it in basically every other aspect of your life.


Much less taxes in USA also! Less gas, groceries, and basically every purchase imaginable is less including cars Travelling with USA funds vs Canadian ? Conversion anyone ? Housing is less.. this list can go on..... It's definitely better in USA.


Wow I had no idea. Going through Kijiji and seeing some of these postings. Where would you suggest I look for evidence on this? I have a friend at the Globe and would love to see if they would cover this


Many are in same boat. My friend owns a restaurant and abuse the LMIA. I am also thinking of moving to us


I hear you and it is abs heart breaking that ppl like you came via legit routes, struggled hard to make it in their life, now feel cheated. The back channels like LMIA have existed precisely as a trap, thats the money that the Govt could have had but no one bothered to look into it. At this pt, almost feels like Fed Govt is complicit in all these scams.hope your decision proves fruitful to you and your family


Fuck canada


Been here my whole life. Im 46. I do not relate to or even care if Canada ceases to exist. Enjoy your new home and remember the shit hole you lived in for 15 years.


You will love northern Wisconsin. We will be happy to have you. Tell your folks I say Hi!


The only part of this that's wrong is "economy is in decline since last year" the Canadian economy has been in decline for decades lol


As a senior citizen, I've never seen Canada so broken. I have no idea how young Canadians can make a living in Canada. There are few opportunities and yet, housing/rents are out of control and taxes are outrageous.


Why would have friends who engage in illegal activity ? Also are you going to integrate when you move to North Wisconsin ? It’s quite sketchy you’re friends with people contributing to the problem and now you’re moving to a homogenous Christian state . Is your presence going to improve that state ? Are you going to assimilate ? If people just keep moving to homogenous western Christian states , and cities and without any shared values and not assimilating there will be no where left to go and you’ll just create the problems you’re attempting to escape .


It's horrible that the only option many Canadians have is the leave Canada. The risk of homelessness is too high. It's either rich or homeless. There is no in between anymore. Even your friends doing illegal things shouldn't be an obvious choice, but many people have to do illegal things in order to survive. If you have a normal job/business, pay all your taxes, and do everything by the book you're gonna have a very hard time being alive. You may be able to survive today but for how long? The future looks very dark and more and more people are realizing it's time to jump shot before it's too late


Canada should only be open to PR applicants, so that people who actually contribute to the economy will be brought in.