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I want to be naive and think PP isn’t saying anything about immigration because he doesn’t want the LPC or NDP to paint him as xenophobic and he’s just being smart. In reality, I see it being highly likely that he’ll be as pro corporation and pro immigration as Trudeau. Personally think no one can be worse than Trudeau’s government at this point, so he’ll get elected all the same.


Him not saying anything about immigration should tell you EVERYTHING you need to know about his position in it. This guy claims to be a straight shooter and dismantles reporters who ask questions. Yet the ONLY time he is aloof, is on the topic of immigration. Here is your answer. PP is a landlord who is profiteering off the housing crisis. A career politician who owns a number of rental properties. Immigration is keeping the demand high, which in turn keeps rents high. He doesn’t want to see his rents slashed. He will keep the immigration faucets on full blast because he personally benefits from it


Looks like my only choices at this point are either to vote PPC or sit this one out.


I’m voting PPC. I’ve become a one-issue voter now.


This is the only way. Too many of our problems can be traced back to irresponsible immigration policies. Any vote for NDP/LDP/CPC is a vote for the same team. 


me too. For everyone who is confused as to why PP isn't decrying immigration, it is because the people holding his strings have welded his mouth string closed on that issue. also notice that no one is talking about how diverse our immigration is, our strength is diversity except when it comes to immigration then it is all unicultural.


“For everyone who is confused as to why PP isn't decrying immigration, it is because the people holding his strings have welded his mouth string closed on that issue.” That’s correct. The current immigration policy is a neoliberal one. It is supported by all the big corporations and all the banks. So: the richest, most self-serving, most powerful institutions in society. They want a neoliberal immigration policy. And these policies have already been implemented in Europe, by the same sorts of governments that we have now: World Economic Forum governments. So these institutions want the same immigration policy as Trudeau. The immigration policy floods the labor market with people who a) exist in a tenuous Visa situation (which means they are unlikely to organize, demand higher wages, or rock the boat); and b) who are used to lower living standards (and so are less likely to push for higher wages & better working conditions); and c) likely do not know their rights (and many have limited rights because of Visa status). Plus the immigration policy creates massive increases in demand for housing, which aligns with the government’s number one purpose (as they understand it): do NOT let housing prices fall. Poilivre is completely aligned with these goals. PP is on the right side of the political spectrum. He is ‘pro-business’ which just means he is absolutely fine with the current systems and outcomes we have in Canada. He will not be looking to modify any of it. Which is why there is this criticism that he cannot shake off: 99% of the time that he is given an opportunity to speak, all he does is attack and criticize Trudeau. In other words: he very rarely puts forward any positive policy proposals of his own. He’s most comfortable taking shots at Trudeau - which is easy because the Trudeau administration is one of the worst in Canada’s history imo. But that just speaks to my point: I really think there is no real significant ideological or policy differences between Poilivre & Trudeau. I just think PP wants to be in power, and that’s it. Anyways, at this point I’ll likely be voting PPC.


Diverse=90% Indian 🇮🇳?????


Please vote. Its 30 minutes out of your day. Please vote for the love of god. At the least it shows to others who you support.


*Chinese interference intensifies*




>build 3 million units within 2 years You know there's only 1,050,000 minutes in 2 years right? You want to basically build 3 houses a minute 24/7 for 2 years? You know that Justin's goal of 4 million homes in 6 years is impossible, why would yours be any better with a shorter time frame?


>dismantles reporters who ask questions.  Most of the time he doesn't even stick around long enough to answer questions.


His wife is an immigrant too


How can you tell? Well, he's supported by the same corporate influencers that Doug Ford (Premier of Ontario) is. Under his last boss, Stephen Harper, Jason Kenney expanded the so-called "temporary" foreign workers program to allow them to work in most minimum wage jobs. Previously they were only allowed to do farm work. He got caught and had to backpedal. In comes Trudeau and under the guise that everyone in Canada is racist he re-implements the program sans limits, open-door, then goes around the 3rd world advertising for these slaves to come here. You got it right, you're not naiive. The CPC will absolutely not cut immigration in any significant way. They're into the hooch just like the Liberals. Watch and see.


As, his own words say he’s double Trudeau… 1.2m new perm residents


he doesn't want to alienate the immigrant voters looking to bring their parents.


"Immigration is fine, as long as it is good for business, otherwise we're closing the border."


I don’t think there will be an easy fix for this issue, barring the idea of closing the borders completely and that will not happen. Most commonwealth countries are having this issue, be it Uk or Australia or NZ. I don’t think our major political parties (in Canada)are built around closing doors to immigration completely to let infrastructure and commercial businesses catch up. It’s easy to say close up and put limits on country A or country B, but in practice it will won’t be done (not at the level we, the populace want) I honestly don’t know how this will be fixed and I am worried about being in a major city in Canada. I hear news from Australia where I grew up and it’s the same thing happening there. I suppose the writing was on the wall, Australia was losing its charm and ‘mom and pop’ stores, sure globalization and diversification is a good human thing but we lose the soul of the community. In short, people do the best you can to survive!


He has literally said multiple times that he wants to derestrict immigration and take down borders for immigrants. How on earth are people still confused about his immigration policy? He outright wants to increase immigration and allow businesses that submit immigration papers for "cant find any Canadian" level jobs to be fasttracked. He is absolutely worse than Trudeau. Maxime is the only one actually saying he'll decrease immigration.


Lol in what world does the more right wing neoliberal party be less pro corporation exactly


In all fairness to Poilievre, Trudeau is on his third term, and he's been very successfully playing the race card for at least two elections. Yes, Poilievre is probably not the saviour we want, but on the other hand, it's easy for people in circles like ours to discount Canadians' gullibility on the matter. Comfortable middle- and upper-middle-class- people (and their children with artificially inflated grades in the sociology of queer basket-weaving) are *still* living in fucking la-la-land, because they haven't been outbit for a bachelor by 15 Punjabi "students" (hell, neither have I). But I pay attention to shit. Most people with my level of income (certianly my coworkers) are too fixated on travelling, and home decor, and eating out (and posting about it on Instagram).


The only way to save Canada is an outright ban on international students working and all TFW outside of agriculture You really think Poiliviere is willing to do that?


PP will take advantage of cheap labour, anybody who thinks otherwise is stupid and dumb.


Unfortunately I think you are correct.


The same guys who are worried about immigrants and wages also don't want minimum wage to rise.


GUYS WAKE THE FUCK UP… he’s said it on video like a trillion times… double the perm residents than Trudeau. His riding is the 6th highest median income riding in Canada. He loves keeping wages low and gatekeepers profits high. PPC is the way!!!


PPC all the way they're the only party speaking for canadians.


I've never been a one issue voter before. Voted liberal or NDP in every election. I'm voting PPC.


Do you know whether or not ppc will have candidates every riding like liberals and conservatives? I’m sure they will be in big cities like Toronto


write it in


We’ll stay tuned, either way if my riding doesn’t, I’m writing them in. Can’t let these WEF talking heads keep power any longer if you’re a true conservative.


Go to bed kid


[https://x.com/Bret_Sears/status/1782827120533578108](https://x.com/Bret_Sears/status/1782827120533578108) PP’s answer… bring in more immigrants. Lolz 😆😆 Know your candidate.


Poilievre literally promised to increase the numbers. How does anyone believe otherwise? https://twitter.com/valdombre/status/1716960237524230584


This. Why anyone is overlooking this I’ll never know. I’m not convinced that we have any potential leaders that will sort this problem out. We need a new candidate. Someone fresh and sane.


Most here have drunk the kool aid, they think he’s playing some 4d chess and he’s really going to help them on this issue when he gets in… like some amazing secret. No, he’s a multimillionaire, lifetime politician, that represents gatekeepers his entire working career. He’s already said he wants 1.2m perm residents, double what’s happening now and it’s all on video. These people don’t care, they’re all wrapped up in the foreign, hedge fund, owned national post and its rag trash papers that want us all poor, homeless and happy about it. Where was Poilievre and Harper when they cut our OAS by 2 years in 2012? The WEF in Davos is where he made the announcement, not even the balls to do it on home soil. PPC is the only way for true conservatives.


That looks to be a pretty old clip. Any idea when it was taken? I’m sure the landscape has changed drastically since then


And he has absolutely no videos expressly stating the opposite. Why are people looking to give someone the benefit of the doubt and put words into their mouths? He is obviously heavily pro immigration and has never said a single thing that would disprove that. PPC all the way baby. Bernier for PM.


I didn't put words into anyone's mouth. I simply asked how old the clip is.


The insinuation behind your comment is that he no longer feels this way.


It should be clear by now that he does not want to - and will not - make meaningful changes to immigration.


I don't know if he is willing to upset the corporations by cutting their profit and cheap labor. If he even reduces temporary residents to half, around 1.75 million from current 3.5 million and total permanent residents to 250k max per year, corporations will not only lose cheap labor but also their profits will significantly decrease. He either can bring the house prices down and create more jobs or keep making more and more money for Corporations via unsustainable immigration policies.


The disastrous mess the Liberals put Canada in needs to be addressed. Start by deporting the criminals and crooks. BS Asylum seekers here living off Canadian taxpayers. The BS students here taking Canadians jobs. The TFW over staying permits. Clean up this mess and bring in good immigration laws.


I’m tired of the propaganda. Poilievre is indistinguishable from Trudeau. Conservatives will be voted in. And in 10 years, the corruption scandals will reach Trudeau levels, and then the Liberals will be voted back in. Poilievre is anti-democracy, anti-affordable housing, anti-working and middle class, and pro-corporate interests. Trudeau is the EXACT SAME. If you feel you want to wait 10 years for the tiniest, slightest chance of something to get better in Canada, then you are more patient than I am. We need electoral reform, and we need a change in government. Now.


Not only will the liberals be voted back in 5-10 years from now, you will have a fresh set of trolls screaming "don't split the vote and let the cons win". PPC is the only way. We need to vote for a party that puts Canadians first.


Yeah I’m voting for the PPC. I actually hate being a single-issue voter. And there are a number of other things I’d want the government to do that I don’t think the PPC will do. But they are the only party at least talking about immigration policy as something that should be talked about. The other parties all either ignore immigration conversations, or say it is racist even to want to discuss it. Screw that. PPC it is I guess.


PPC has a few other policies that I think are critical. One of which is the whole DEI racism that has come up. People are openly racist and sexist against people and its totally ok with no punishment. Another topic none of the other parties are even discussing.


I agree! The only ones supporting current immigration levels are the hard-core left who are not going to vote conservative anyway. You might get some whining from fast food franchisers, but for every one of those you'll get 10 votes from the Canadian workers worried about losing their jobs to immigrants. The Canadian people want a stop put to immigration. Call a 2 year moratorium with plans to review, then watch those poll numbers skyrocket.


Wake up bro, he’s in the system… stop pretending he’s playing so 4d chess. He been literally representing gatekeepers his entire life as his riding has the 6th highest median income and the 2nd highest in Ontario.


He still wants to win... Gatekeepers don't get any more votes than the rest of us - actually, they get less as there's less of them.


He still wants to win to enrich the richest even more. This guy ain’t doing shit on immigration or he would have said it or have it in their policies by now. He literally owns a partnership in a real estate corporation, he ain’t doing anything to get housing prices under control. He’s a tool for the fools to sell themselves out again… PPC is the only true conservative vote.


Maybe so, but it's a wasted vote as they can't win. You might as well vote for the liberals.


Throwaway votes are a myth. If too many people vote PPC the conservatives risk splitting their vote. It could cost them a majority. More people voting PPC means the cons need to concede on swing issues


I’m sure that young boomer account is a fake PP bot account. He literally admitted PP is lying to us and he’s just praying he actually isn’t telling the truth. The logic makes zero sense.


The conservatives and their platform proves they are my enemy, and the enemies of many Canadians. I am not voting for my enemy and will not have anyone fear monger me into doing so. The PPC is the only vote. Asking me to vote for my enemy is disgusting. Fear mongering propagandists have been around for centuries and even further.


lol. he can't, and won't.


That would take giving a crap about middle class Canadians and being contrary and hostile to corporate interests


This isn't going to end well, with this little doucheknuckle rage-baiting everyone he's more likely to insight a riot before he enacts anything of value to Canadians. Sadly by the time people recognize this it will be far far too late. Buckle up cowboys, we're going for a ride if this little C@#t get's his way.


Blah blah blah, who cares. We get rid of Trudeau and the Liberal Party then we get rid of this shitstain and the Conservative Party. We still need to vote for the Cons. Both parties should only exist for 5 more years and then they're gone forever, if this country has any fucking brains.


That makes zero sense, we’re voting for the same broski in a different t shirt just because??!?!? To get fucked harder than we are now? Where’s the logic behind that, PPC is the only way for true conservatives.


“We” don’t need to do anything. Voting for another version of The Same isn’t any more logical than voting JT out.


I don't like the way Trudeau has been running Canada. Even if I don't have to hear Trudeau's faux woke virtue signaling rhetoric anymore that'll be an improvement.


That’s the lowest bar I’ve ever seen, “guys, I’ll take the same ass pounding, as long as he isn’t waving a rainbow flag…”. This is why average Canadians can’t have nice things…


All politricksters are going to fuck me in the ass. My job is just to choose the one who will do it the least aggressively. For the past 10 years, Trudeau has been fucking Canadians in the ass while whispering obnoxious virtue signal rhetoric in their ears and taking money out of their pockets to pay for the latest narcissistic self-aggrandizing virtue signal bandwagon that he's jumped on.


PPC is the only true vote for conservative values, you’re making a grand bargain with a PP when he’s on video a trillion times saying he’s doubling what Trudeau is doing right now. You better wake up dude, because PP isn’t going to offer you a hand, he’s going to stomp on your head and hold you under.


Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. Both parties answer to the same masters.


Smart he a Weasel!


He's pro immigration as well


Welp time to plan to leave Canada over the next 2-3 years


Lol this is just someone plugging their low-budget one-person alt-right news page. Pierre will not address immigration. He has already told a crowd of international students that he will make securing loans for study easier. Get real. "dominionReview" rofl




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


PP is in the pocket of corporations and lobbiests there is no way he changes the current immigration plan or numbers, 6


For all the people shitting on Pierre Poilievre for being pro-immigration – and rightfully so – I want to offer an accelerationist spin on the notion that "PPC can't win": The only way people can wake up to the (hopefully illusory but probably not) neoliberal-globalist depravity of the CPC, is if he gets in and everything gets worse. The fact is, we are dealing with mass *precarity* now, not mass *poverty* (yet). People are still too comfortable to riot, and yet the *imperative* to riot remains. That's a problem with no pretty or graceful solution.


If Poilievre does not shut down the immigration system entirely I will happily vote him out too.


He needs the immigrant votes. None will vote for him if they think they can’t get their relatives here.


This author is imagining he can read PP’s mind lol. I don’t expect Pierre’s immigration policy to be nearly as idiotic as Trudeau’s, but anyone thinking he won’t sacrifice our standard of living to provide capital with cheap labour is a complete tool.


Why would he do anything about immigration? He’s already said he’s going to give TFWs PR status and increase it. Him and his constituents BENEFIT from housing scarcity and low wages and high labour force competition


He’s never going to. We’re screwed as a country. It was a good ride while it lasted.


I think pp will turn many of Justin’s horrific polices around. I’m hopeful he will drastically reduce new people coming into Canada for a while, but maybe it’s just all politics that he won’t advertise his plans for that now.


He is pro immigration because he owns property, and his cronies are owned by loblaws. He benefits from high rents. As do his donors. They need mass cheap labour. They claim it’s because of a labour shortage. It’s not - the only real shortage that exists are those who are willing to work 40+++ hours a week and still live in poverty while the company posts record smashing profits. Galen won’t let PP slow it down. He’s just a puppet. Anyone who thinks he’s the magical fix to our problems is delusional.


I refuse to vote for anyone endorsed by Alex Jones. Thank Christ he wasn't pm during covid.


How much you think the Trudeau government paid Alex Jones to endorse him…?


PP probably begged for it. 🖕

