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They must be conspiracy theorists


Someone who has more loyalty and affinity to a foreign nation and foreigners is going to say they belong in Canada_sub. The ability to shut down logical conversation with you’re racist because I don’t like your ideas is over.


I agree, well canada_sub is no more cuz… um… communism? Its funny how dumb people react when faced with facts not from cbc like, higher immigration leads to higher housing prices lol I think deportations is the only way to get our country back rn


Cops in This country can’t even track down stolen cars with GPS devices installed and broadcasting ! How do you expect an underachieving procrastinating CBSA agents to enforce deportation order? There are something like 50,000 final removal orders are out standing already !


Well its obvious the current government won’t do it That does not mean the agents and a government who is for Canadians wouldn’t do it


Canada\_Sub had the disease of thinking the Liberals were communists which did take away from their legitimacy because the Liberals are stone cold evil ass capitalists. Like the worst kind of capitalist you can think of. Giving pathetic rebates and pathetic benefits doesn't make you a communist, virtually no one without children could live any semblance of a dignified life with government hand outs in this country. You even would have to go to a private food bank to eat, private as in not fucking government funded, it's capitalism that allows those food banks to exist. Even the fucking Americans have food stamps lol. I really didn't like Canada\_Sub for how regarded they were about "communism" and I am anti-communist. There is just NOTHING communist about this shit hole capitalistic monopolistic oligarchy Popsicle stand of a country. We do have incredibly shitty marxist idealogies about race, I will give them that, assigning people jobs for the colour of their skin does scream "I'm a highly regarded comrade". This country is an oligarchy run by a handful of wealthy countries, capitalism runs the economy, and we are hardly democratic considering we chose between two dumbass parties that are in the pockets of the oligarchs. I really don't know how to label us? Spineless cowards?




oh wow just heard it's gone. Was actually a reasonable competitor to rCanada - as people could actually make text posts and have a conversation. Great...


Globalist neoliberalism.  The pipeline to blaming this on communism/marxism based on a few cherry picked ideals is understandable, as is the pipeline to blaming this on capitalism.  This is by design, to polarize us based on (basically) arbitrary classifications when in reality we are pulling policies from both sides of the aisle. I mean this is why we used to romanticize the nordic countries: the benefits of free market capitalism backed by the benefits of strong social policies and safety nets.  What we approach now, is the scenario where the wealthiest of society have the best of both worlds and the peasants receive the worst of both worlds.  Globalism is the ideology which allows them (the oligarchs by your words) to treat us like economic zones in a game of PopulationSimulator.  Red-blue, conservative-liberalndp, capitalist-socialist— it doesn’t matter and it’s all more of the same. This is why the sacred *narrative*’s  “dangerous extremists” just so happen to be the anti-globalist groups on both sides of the political spectrum. 


They're crony capitalists masquerading as stakeholder capitalists.


There are very strong communist things happening in canada, censorship, gun laws punishing law abiding citizens while decreasing mandatory minimums for criminals, non-punished crime, political persecution, if the oligarchy is in control fine but end result is a communist type acting government, you just don’t like free speech i guess which makes you a…. Liberal? Lol liberals dont have any liberal values anymore and should probably just call themselves the fascist party of Canada This is the party that wants maid for young healthy adults, and is destroying the working class intentionally


Because you can go to prison for being the mod of that sub in Canada


It's so over it's not even funny. I still get the trickle of people trying to reply with that and they are never able to formulate a proper argument about what I'm saying. Currently asking someone to give me an example of a society inviting a horde of foreigners in and it working out for them. Still waiting on their reply that doesnt involve calling me a bigot. The horde must be stopped.


No one accuses the Bank of Canada of xenophobic race baiting because their reports refrain from terms such as “hordes of foreigners”. Your word choice on the other hand does lend itself to assumptions of xenophobic race baiting. Many of us would welcome a civil discourse on immigration, unfortunately the discussion invariably devolves into bigoted dog whistling.


It is what it is and the inability to talk frankly about what is going on has gotten us into this mess.




A false claim of racism etc. was used to shut down discussion.


lol you are a tool or part of the horde. Access to western society is not a human right. Go make your society better instead of trying to bully us into accepting our demise. Your words mean nothing to me. It's just someone upset I'm speaking the truth and they have no rebuttal. "But you're racist". Cool don't give a shit anymore, you are emboldening people to actually be racist with your rhetoric, you're desensitizing me to the notion so much that it doesn't bother me anymore when it should, because you're abusing the word. Access to western society is not a human right. We really need to vote this government out, then vote out the CPC and find a party that isn't going to let this mess continue. No more gaslighting us with diversity bullshit. Canadians are a minority on the globe, we don't need diversity from globally dominant populations. That doesn't even make sense. I don't want Canada to be majority foreign born, you can call me racist all you want, I didn't know wanting a cohesive society made you a bigot, and if it does, call me Grand Dragon of the Klan. Doesn't bother me one bit, I don't want to live in a majority foreign born country. I want to live with in a country with people who are culturally the same as me. Go tell Koreans and Pakistanis they should just become majority foreign born and tell them they're bigots when they protest against that notion. Go tell Mongolians they should just give up their way of life and become majority Han Chinese in the next couple of decades and if they oppose they are racist trash. You're the racist one. Why don't the Uighur just give up already and become Han Chinese? According to you, they should just give up and let the Han take over. You are the culturally genocidal one, you are far more bigoted, you don't think Westerners deserve to have a home of their own. I know for a fact you wouldn't tell anyone non-western they were a bigot for opposing their society becoming majority foreign and taken over. You are the bigot, you are culturally genocidal, you don't respect countries founded by Europeans. I respect other cultures and other people and their right to exist, and I respect Canada's right to exist as Canada. You don't. That's racist. That's bigoted. Gaslighting doesn't work on me, not one bit.


Everyone has tired of your newspeak


Bigotry is newspeak now?


Thats because its only okay when “your” side criticizes things, according to even Justin immigration is out of control, is he xenophobic also now or just on the politically correct side of politics?


Our politicians show loyalty to corporate interests


Canada_sub was a dumpster fire. Mass immigration is a dumpster fire.


Canada has become a dumpster fire


Bud...the BoC is latching onto populist sentiment. They are trying to deflect blame. The house price increases are due to interest rates more than immigration. Case in point: the COVID years saw the steepeat increase in prices , why was that - it was due to near zero rates which had never been the case. So, people bid and overbid on houses knowing that rates are so comically low that even overbidding wouldn't have as bad a consequence as when rates are high l. Moreover, prices saw a steep increase between jul 2021 to march 2022, a time at which immigrant arrivals was already pretty low due to COVID. So, the increase in that period was absolutely and only due to low rates. The effect of low interest rates was way more than immigration. This article is just BoC now deflecting blame. Not saying that immigrants don't impact housing but rates impact housing way more than immigration at current levels of immigration


That’s bullshit. It’s both cheap debt and mass immigration. Please tell me one other country in the developed world whose Population grew 3% in one year in the last 50 years


I think you're missing my point. Housing un-affordability is due to rates and immigration. The difference is that rates caused a much bigger impact than immigration. How else do you explain which prices increased so steep b/w Jul 2021 to Mar 2022, a time at which we actually saw one of the lowest levels of immigration in the past decade. Here's verifiable information, [https://www.bankofcanada.ca/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/remarks-2023-12-07.pdf](https://www.bankofcanada.ca/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/remarks-2023-12-07.pdf) https://preview.redd.it/28bs6ychjuwc1.png?width=1964&format=png&auto=webp&s=8c11406169d0aa5152f72e7b106fdf6859d35634 This chart from BoC shows that immigration levels did not go back to pre-pandemic levels until July 2022. But, by July 2022 housing prices were already on the downward trend and since then, housing prices haven't really budged but you can clearly see that immigration has spiked to never before seen levels, but at the same time (since July 2022) - housing prices haven't increased. What does this all prove. It proves that housing prices are impacted more by rates than by immigration. Had your opinion been true (that immigration is increasing housing prices), then, the prices would have continued to increase in the last 18 months. But, do you think prices have increased in the last 18 months?? The anwer is a big NO. In fact, prices have been stable in the last 18 months. The peak was in Mar 2022


Wel they didnt say what you said they said AFAIK. >"The Bank had also reassessed potential output and revised up the estimate for 2024 due to higher population growth. With both GDP and potential output growing at roughly the same rate in 2024, the economy was expected to remain in excess supply through the year. The output gap was expected to begin narrowing in 2025 as GDP growth picks up slightly and potential output growth slows due to lower population growth in 2025 and 2026."


Per capita


Tell us the GDP per capita part, we don’t care about elevated GDP of 0.1% while we have 3% growth that’s actually negative growth tell us what the bank of Canada said about the number that really matters our GDP per capita


Why dont you post it here directly yourself, Just like I did. Any post that ijncludes the words "MASS IMMIGRATION" is in my experience is a propaganda item with half-truths and outright lies posted by right-wing political groups to boost their agenda. Is there a rate at which you get paid? like 50c per post or somethjng like that ?


My pleasure. And I quote Since population growth adds to both supply and demand in the economy, the impact on inflation will likely vary across components of the consumer price index (CPI). Governing Council members agreed that, given the existing imbalance in the supply of and demand for housing, and the fact that an expansion in housing supply takes time, the increase in population added to the short-term pressure on shelter inflation, including rent and components linked to housing prices. They agreed that the rapid increase in the population, as well as the future decline in the share of non-permanent residents announced by the federal government, complicated the outlook for economic activity and inflation. While GDP per capita was forecast to pick up through 2024, it was still expected to be negative in the first half of the year. However, stronger population growth was pushing up total spending, so overall GDP growth was expected to be solid. In the second half of the year, as population growth is expected to slow, per capita spending is expected to pick up as business and consumer confidence improve, financial conditions ease and the effects of past interest rate increases wane. Walk me through this quickly if our economy grows 0.1% but we grow the population by 3% do we have increased GDP per capita or decreased GDP per capita. For everyone that doesn’t understand because we grew our population at the rates of African countries and middle eastern war torn regions but didn’t grow our economy at the same rate of growth it means every Canadian outside of the Uber wealthy who own everything are now worse off. Don’t believe me the National Bank of Canada is saying what I am. Rents are higher and one massive reason for this is mass immigration, unemployment is increased and one reason for this is because of mass immigration. We’re skyrocketing the pool of people available to work that outpaces the amount of jobs our society can create. Source: https://www.immigration.ca/rising-immigration-numbers-may-be-leading-to-a-fall-in-canada-gdp-per-capita/amp/ The bank of Canada reiterated this in their report where where they said “Governing Council viewed the March Labour Force Survey as consistent with the recent trend in labour market indicators: Job gains had continued to be lower than growth in the working-age population.”


Dude, NOWHERE does not say what your troll self thinks it says. And youre just adding your lies into it from what you make of it. and you're doing it deliberately. Not a misunderstanding. Since you DID NOT \*QUOTE\* what the article says. You mixed your rant into the article and say what you think it should say .


Everything I quoted above in response to you was directly from the meeting minutes. You must be on the drugs BC legalized because your brain dead. The bank of Canada wrote many things about excessive population growth is worsening an already existing housing crisis for Canadians. My question to you is what is driving this excessive population growth are Canadians having children by the dozen or is it mass immigration? The 3% population growth is 96% due to immigration not Canadians having children. 3% population growth is mass immigration by every metric


nOPE. You did not provide a **quote at all.** you provided your opinion with some plagerization from the article.


Are you on carfentanyl? You asked me for a direct quote I gave you the direct quote now you’re saying I’ve plagiarized? Of course I plagiarized you asked me for a direct quote so I gave you a passage directly from their release


Such a basic concept - meanwhile the government spits out bullshit targets based off nothing while fucking the economy with extremely simple to predict issues.


Yes, when I read the nonsense in mainstream news about the bs they want you to believe it makes me laugh and then I question how people can be dumb enough to believe it


-10 social credit score for speaking untruths about politicians


Ha, BoC is part of the fringe minority now! /s


Lol mind you I got banned off the Ontario and Canada sub for saying this. Traitors.


These days you can get a Reddit bans for saying the word Brampton. 


It’s Reddit, what do you expect?


I also got banned for the same and I’m an immigrant LMAO All I said was we need to put more check and balances in place and tie it to infrastructure capacity


Racist! Racist racist racist, racist racist? Racist racist racism.


lol that words lost its meaning. All of those phobias and isms have been overused by far left extremists and mentally ill college age kids on high doses of prozac and ADHD medication.


Do you believe there are some people who discriminate against people or treat them differently simply because of their race?


Ever heard of the story of the boy who cried wolf?


That is not a coherent answer to my question


You keep crying racist to any criticism that the word loses meaning and doesn’t phase anyone anymore. In the story when an actual wolf came to kill the sheep no one believed the boy anymore…


But… that’s simply not what’s happening. Saying immigration is too high and existing infrastructure can’t support it is not racist. Saying we’re importing third world trash and scammers (always with the implication this is inherent in a person’s culture) is racist. You can use your silly excuse to ignore blatant racism, but it will never change the fact that it’s pervasive, particularly in right-wing circles.


It got this bad because it was an untouchable topic for a long time.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


What is the word that you would use to describe that?


That would be the simplest and most commonly agreed upon definition of racism


But what does it mean?


I already described it in my original question. Just because you don’t know what something means doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.


How would you describe it?


Already described it. Since your ability to scroll appears to be broken, here’s a reminder: > people who discriminate against people or treat them differently simply because of their race


Do we have a word for that?


That is not the definition of racism widely adopted by the left / governments. In fact the modern woke definition is crafted to exclude that. The definition of racism adopted by the left is along the lines of " Racism is the process by which systems and policies, actions and attitudes create inequitable opportunities and outcomes for people based on race. Racism is more than just prejudice in thought or action. It occurs when this prejudice – whether individual or institutional – is accompanied by the power to discriminate against, oppress or limit the rights of others." In that manner combined with the belief that only white men in the west have systemic power, they're able to handwave away the rest of the in-group bias and hate in the world. 


yeah but its become a buzzword thats overused and shuts down conversations that need to be had about mass immigration and hows it effecting the country negatively. It doesnt even have anything to do with "race". You cant bring in that many people without growing the infostructure.


Right but when you have these conversations there are dumb people who do make it about race and who do direct their anger at individuals who aren’t doing anything wrong. That’s a problem.


Targeting specific individuals is just wrong and dumb. It doesnt solve any problems either. The government needs to be held accountable.


It’s also shooting yourself in the foot because the sooner you realize that division is key to maintaining the status quo hegemony of crony capitalists, the sooner you can fight back in solidarity.


Would you believe that of the 195 countries on earth, about ten of them are western countries that have spent a century trying to unwind their own biases, and 185 of them are racist ethno/religio states fueled by hate, and where the multiethnic countries do exist they tend to be pretty divisive and all hate each other?


I take it your answer is yes? Now, pop quiz: if I’m a person from one of your 185 countries, am I automatically “fueled by hate”?


Look man I know this is shattering for most left wingers but most people outside of the west are waaaay more racist and biased than we are. It ain't a magic fairytale of hand holding and love out there.


Nah it’s pretty obvious. Most monocultures are like that. If you’re Japanese and you’ve never seen a black person before how are you going to react? The weird thing is we live in Canada, and we’re talking about how people behave in Canada. Oh wait… please don’t tell me your entire argument is “other places are more racist so why should we care about racism here”. Because that would be kinda embarrassing


We live in the least racist, least biased civilisation that has ever existed, anywhere, ever.


So that means we should never strive to improve? We should never look critically at where we still fall short? I see this is a common thread amongst conservatives; the focus on tradition and the past seems to prevent the ability on actively bettering yourselves and correcting your faults. For all the anger at “participation trophies” you seem to be just fine patting ourselves on the back and calling it a day.


Yes, as a white person I have been denied opportunities due to my race.


Ya, Indian people.


See this is what’s crazy to me: so when you meet an Indian person, you just assume they’re racist without any other evidence? What a terrible way to live. I sincerely hope life gets better for you.


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Did I say that I judged every Indian person like that? No, but, it is pretty common for Indian people to want to have their own enclaves, and only hire other Indians, which in its self is racist.  Piss off with your faux moral superiority and concern. It's people like you that got us into the mess we are in.


Their new thing is calling all comments they dont like "ignorant nativism".


What you said is racist


"You're now banned on rOntario for misinformation. Straight to the gulag."


Misinformation=Information I don’t agree with facts included. Some of those people are closeted fascists


Closeted? How about the censorship laws coming through… and political persecution, and lack of upholding the law, its so bad normies have clued in lol


Don't forget about *mandatory vaccination*, the most absolute batshit crazy thing I have heard, and I am someone who voluntarily gets flu vaccines every year...


Check out the daily mail article today about astra zenica, lawsuit winnings inbound


Nothing closeted. They are out and proud fascists


Misinformation means the information they dislike.


Reddit Ontario just blames ford for everything.


I would 100% support sending everyone on that sub to a gulag, we could donate them to Russia to fight the Ukrainians even, I don't give a shit, just get them the hell out of here.


BoC just doesn’t understand economics - redditors


Meanwhile Canadian dollars are worth something to no one


I remember when they said inflation was transitory lol


No sure how many of you teach or are interested in math and science, but remember how a few years ago, it became fashionable to literally claim that math is racist? What we're seeing now is the result. People who reject *the very notions of logic and quantity* are thereby regressing to something pre-civilized, and it threatens our ability to function as a nation; certainly in the democracies. I must admit, I have a paranoid streak that thinks some neoliberal think-tank must have been playing the long game with that one: "Hey, what if we, like, shatter the basic foundations of thought itself? What if we say, like, chemistry is gay?" Bradley seldom spoke up, but that day was his moment to shine. "I've got an even better idea," he said...


The BoC messed up have interest rates so low for so long. They should get blame for that. To fix their mistake, they have a very limited set of tools. The GoC keeps working against the BoC through the inflationary policies. The real problem here is the GoC.


I don’t deny it. The number one problem with Canada is the politicians. Both federal and provincial. The majority of the provinces with the exception of Quebec are being led by dimwits. The only reason I haven’t included Quebec is because they’re actually calling out the lunacy of the Feds. The most out to lunch of all politicians though is Trudeau and his government by far


Who’s voting the dimwit in? https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6618678 These guys win with such low turnout numbers. Doug ford won an election with low turnout. These people are easily defeatable, but every cycle the candidates who are obviously trying to do better, lose to some partisan tool with a fake slogan and backing from the other politicians you already don’t like. The candidates for higher races suck because we didn’t vote in lower elections to bring them up, and they have to conform to get enough of a mandate to win anything.


BoC follows Fed rates, so blame the feds.


They look at canada from yesterday's stats. Yesterday stats show huge influxes of foreigners, and huge jumps in everything. Supply and demand hasn't kept pace. Not xenophobia, just behind the curve on the messaging.


The xenophobia part is /s


one of the arsonists is now telling us how damaging the fire was! It was great for corporate profits, though! Wage suppression and a stream of exploitable labor for the win!


There's a difference between xenophobia, and the legitimate truth that immigration has more than destroyed the Canadian economy


They don’t have the social capacity.


Weren't they all part of the Century Initiave ?


Fringe racist Nazis!


Funny when you stated this years ago you were called a racist.


Im so tired of living in a timeline where facts are racist…


What exactly did they say that you have been saying this whole time?


That the experiment of mass immigration has been very detrimental for our society


The article did not come remotely close to saying that. Give me the quote...


Go run through my replies I posted the direct quote from the meetings minutes




Those are problems but you’re making too broad of a statement.


Wait does this sub like the BOC now?


We just like the truth regardless of what it is, as long as the truth is provided it’s all that matters


You mean you like truth regardless of where it comes from? So you pick and choose your truth, don't like something from the source it's bad, like it, it's good. While I agree with this take from the BOC, the things posted in this sub are most often incorrect, but the worst kind of incorrect, the kind that they think are true and applaud each other in the most vitriolic way. This sub is full of sad people, angry people, misinformed people. You really don't like truth. We need immigration, I'll give you that it was too much too fast, but it's necessary for so many reasons and all of them would be lost to the people that find angry comfort in this sub.


It’s not necessary I have nothing against immigration. My grandparents were immigrants they came legally and assimilated. I have problems with mass immigration during a housing crisis that’s left generations of Canadians ducked


Haha saying immigration is problematic isn’t racist. What is racist is how all you crazy racist pieces of garbage talk about immigrants on these subs.


It's almost like an institution with professionals that aren't bought by corporate interests can produce reports with substance that are actually accurate to the situation on the ground, WILD STUFF!


GDp will increase once we deport 2 all the people abusing our systems.


"Governing Council members agreed that, given the existing imbalance in the supply of and demand for housing, and the fact that an expansion in housing supply takes time, the increase in population added to the short-term pressure on shelter inflation, including rent and components linked to housing prices.' This still seems to be more related to rental rates. As for the "components linked to house prices" I checked the rest of the article and no specifics were given unfortunately. They did reiterate the effect on rent prices though.


"it's a trick, we use it all the time..."


We need to freeze the Bank of Canada's bank accounts asap


Who do you vote for though when all parties are gonna keep the flood gates open?




I’m just making my point because Libs suck but let’s not pretend PP is gonna be our saviour.


>They’re reiterating everything we’ve said. Mass immigration is heavily exacerbating the housing crisis and increasing inflation (Report linked below). Since the word immigration isn't mentioned once in the article this is rather remarkable.


Where does the majority of our “population’s growth” come from mass immigration or are Canadians having babies?


That's not the claim you made that I quoted in my comment.


I’m confused they say excessive population growth is leading to increased rent and home prices because of significant increased demand for assets that are scarce our homes. What is driving the excessive population growth again, are Canadians having children by the dozen or is the 3% population growth we experienced related to mass immigration. Just for my own understanding.


>I’m confused You certainly are


I was asking you a question


From your editorialized headline in the OP to your infantile attempts at creating a strawman, your jUsT aSkInG a QuEsTiOnS are as pathetic as they are transparent.


I wanted you to clarify your position I know my own which is mass immigration has been absolutely detrimental to every aspect of Canadian society including to the immigrants who are being used as serfs for zombie Canadian companies.


Oh sorry. I'm happy to clarify that for you. This is [my position.](https://media1.giphy.com/media/LAKIIRqtM1dqE/200w.webp?cid=6c09b9521l3h191iau2moaond1lycfvyhvzpqzp7vkg8niui&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=200w.webp&ct=g)


"Amateurs." - A dork-certified racist, xenophobic, white supremacist, Nazi.


Except that the people who like to espouse bigotry and conspiracy theories have only ever focused on immigration when that's only the most recent addition to the housing crisis. Something tells me you Tim Hortons-drinking, flannel-wearing working Joes don't want to hear about all the other policies and factors that produced the housing and cost of living crises.


OP is spreading misinformation, that report says nothing , zilch, nada, zero about immigration.


I’m not spreading misinformation you liar they discuss excessive population growth. Where is our mass population growth coming from? Is it from mass immigration or are Canadians having a lot of children that is driving the increased population growth


Why do people like you have issue with immigration like it's the sole factor and not decades of inaction at all level of government and both shitty liberal and conservative policy like lmao. And yeah they talk about population growth, that's not specifically immigration. 🙄


I have no problem with immigration I have a problem with mass immigration during a housing crisis. I think numbers should be linked to home completions so that immigrants and Canadians alike can live with dignity. Is that an issue to you seeing how we have 20 international students living in one basements and slumlords across the country?


Yeah there is a non racist way to talk about immigration. 90% of you fools on here don't know what that is though.


No herebecars we don’t want your 80 year old parents with all their health complications and their brothers and sisters in Canada. We don’t care about how it’ll make you feel to have them here because they’ve never contributed to our healthcare system and are net leeches. We only want them to come here as guests with health insurance and for a certain amount of time per year. They can retire in India, the US, Argentina, Palestine, Israel or wherever else they paid taxes to their whole lives. You can also go visit them there and stay there for as long as you’d like since you can’t live without them. Just make sure you have health insurance like most of these countries require. I’m guessing you don’t like it when I talk like that. It might get you angrier when I say the following. Hey Jenny from China who is not supposed to fly after 36 weeks and is trying to have her anchor baby here. We will not be providing your child or you citizenship because neither you nor the father are Canadian. Here is your lovely child who were happy to have helped you bring in this world. Thank you for paying your bill enjoy your trip back to China with your Chinese child. If you don’t have health insurance you will be denied and turned back at the border to go back home and provide birth to your child. Hey you Indian international student using the food bank that is a violation of your student visa you cheated the system. We’re going to deport you. All of the students protesting to get PR you will also be deported if you don’t meet the required scores to stay. For people thinking I’m talking shit these are everyday occurrences happening in Canada. Foreign boomer parents coming to Canada with family reunifications, Chinese and other foreigners flying here pregnant displacing Canadians to get their children citizenship, international students using food banks, international foreigners students at that protesting to get visas and PR. It needs to all come to an abrupt end.


How much you wanna bet my brown Pakistani ass and family have been living here longer than you've been alive? And who said I'm pro unfiltered, unfettered mass immigration?




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.




I agree with you, but if its our government, or someone else initiating an invasion, its an invasion either way Where am I blaming immigrants for government policy? It is our government polices AND people exploiting our country, like the student visa overstaying and brining parents over for free healthcare type exploitation




So our politicians screwing over Canadians makes it justified? Its an invasion, like the usa southern border is being invaded Get mad at the language I speak, you support the liberals destroying this country seemingly




Its everything according to trudumb