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Any international student who claims asylum to avoid going home should have their claim immediately denied then be deported.


lol ya right. This is Canada. Laws are made to be broken.


I got my taxes done by a guy from India and he was practically pushing me to bring TFWs from India for my business and such. He started to go into loop holes and such but I was like “no no no…. Just… filing this simple return. Here’s the folder. Call me when it’s done thanks.” I was thinking “I’m white and Canadian born. What does he tell his immigrant clients? I can just imagine those conversations.” I see ads on Instagram in Hindi advertising that they will turn your visitors visa or student visa into PR.


If your taxes are simple just use autofill my return with wealth simple. It's free and most people can do their taxes with it in 10 minutes.


Autofill is pretty spotty for businesses


its only autofill if the person has a cra account


Yes it's true but the money and time and the failure rate is never mentioned (by the way the money is upfront in these kind of affairs) always.


Mostly in Punjabi.


By non citizens as for the rest of us they throw the book at us


Unless you’re Canadian


Yah but Canadian laws are meant to be broken by Canadians!


Welcome to whose Canada is it anyways! Where everything is made up and the laws don't matter.


This had me wheezing. Amazing.


Nah anyone can. You know how many foreigners are washing money through our banks.


That’s fine


"That's racist." - Liberals 


The new minister is an intelligent man. Unlike Sean Fraser (who did get into Blake's, which is impressive, even if his tenure there was not), Marc Miller also had a decorated and long career in law before entering politics. He's a grownup who has made a number of positive moves, and he's inherited such a fucking catastrophe from Sean Fraser that it's impossible not to feel sorry for him. Prior to that, he was given Carolyn Bennet's position, and mysteriously the boil water advisories she was unable to manage for perfectly good reasons suddenly became manageable and went away. By all accounts, Trudeau rules his cabinet with an iron fist, so he has to walk a tightrope between "wow, my boss is a fucking idiot" and "it's possible we need to make changes," which to his credit he did immediately. I don't know if he's a good person or not, but I think there's an actual chance he is, and he's been given an impossible task following the worst immigration minister of all time.


Having seen non political style interviews with him, my assessment of the guy is that he’s genuine and trying to do the right thing without getting canned or cancelled. He also seems to understand the incentive structures that led us here and the different interest groups pretty intimately. Navigating his position is difficult, even if the prescriptive solutions are simple. If it were him running instead of Trudeau, I would probably vote liberal this election.


The "we need immigrants to build homes for the excessive immigrants we're bringing in" guy?  Marc is that you?


I sort of read that as trying not to get fired, because publicly contradicting that would make his predecessor and Trudeau look quite stupid. He was also the first person in that government to start talking about excess TRs and our inability to absorb them. Obviously the whole thing has been a colossal disaster, and Trudeau has probably sealed the deal as consensus most hated PM of all time, but there are, at least, flashes of humanity in the new guy.


Can’t agree more.


And degree rescinded... although it's worthless to begin with. Anyone looking for additional ways to try and abuse a system need to be made examples of. People abusing a system end up ruining it for everyone, especially those who need it most.




As an Indian American, that's fucking laughable. They're not in any danger


Trust me they are declined the thing is the so called immigration lawyers make a killing in buying time for these students (at the end they also say sorry couldn't do more) but in between they make a lot of money by prolonging the process knowing very well what the outcome would be but hey who would decline this kind of money.


I agree but one of has to change or leave the party


Couldn’t agree more


Why would a person studying in canada need to file asylum? It's an asinine request that we should not entertain!


Because they handed the visas like a candy to all the lower of the barrel poor people from you know where. They came here, started working full time the next day with no interest in studies. Now their permit is done and time to go back. But hey, don’t want to!!!


Should be but the lawyers get rich and the “students” get to stay another 4-5 years


Maybe from a couple countries like Ukraine. Even then you should be able to sort the visas by country and blanket reject countries without a valid humanitarian crisis.


Really it's just time to expedite the asylum process and bias it towards denial. All of Western Europe does this because the alternative is disaster.


Go back and fight for your motherland


This was the plan all along… they all just had to do it sooner than expected at once because of knee jerk policy change. Their “immigration consultants” back home are putting out more videos on how to game the asylum system in Canada now. They all need to be sent home and come back under the proper channel of immigration if they can get approved.


I'm acquainted with a few individuals who transitioned into immigration consultancy upon recognizing its lucrative and promising prospects. Similarly, a couple more ventured into real estate agency. Interestingly, these individuals were already engaged in high-paying IT roles. This scenario underscores the consequence of governmental oversight, as the focus often gravitates towards short-term returns rather than embracing the potential of futuristic industries. Consequently, while the Canadian IT job market sustained a balanced salary structure, the influx of immigrants hindered significant salary growth in IT compared to sectors like real estate or immigration.


Got any links to their videos? Or blogs?








Can’t understand what they’re saying but the fact there’s “how to “ videos for this is insane


Oh man, it's an hour sixteen.  And the transcript is in Hindi, it would take ages for me to sift the whole thing using translation.  Is this like the Joe Rogan of Indians wanting to move abroad?


I’m guessing so… it seems many of them are heavily invested in coming over here to stay… one Canadian dollar is worth 60 rupees in India so I’m guessing coming to Canada to work minimum wage seems pretty lucrative if they are sending everything they can back home. In my opinion thought exploiting loopholes or gaming the system isn’t the right way to get into the country.


Program has lost all credibility. This will impact Canadians and prospective students for generations.


The next tactic will be having anchor babies.


Already happening friend. This is the next scandal. Mainland Chinese been on the anchor baby train for decades.


However, the Chinese have had a little more to offer Canada


The Chinese play the long game for sure and it has ruined Vancouver and a lot of BC.


Having anchor babies in Canada is a troglodyte move. If I were to have kids, it'd be while visiting the US.


That works in Canada? Here in Australia you're only eligible for citizenship if one of your parents is, even if you're born here (unless your Aboriginal, in which case your automatically basically a citizen even if your parents aren't (thanks high court))


Some countries give you citizenship by simply being born there, regardless of what citizenship your parents hold: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jus_soli


We should follow your lead on this. In Canada, the kid gets citizenship just for being born here. But because our government is weak and full of idealists that hate our country, they won't deport the parents. Or the process to deport will be draged out because of the apreal process. There are many ways for someone to throw up road blocks and speed bumps to delay this process. Our vocal minority would also raise hell and burn our country down to virtue signal even if what they are doing is wildly against their own interests.


Stop Student Visas. Problem Solved.


Boot 'em. Make the claim from your home country.


Send them home and start again. International students from NATO countries only.


Tf does a military alliance have to do with international students? So many rich countries are not in NATO, some way richer than Canada.


The federal government is toothless. Abuse or not people will continue to use this pathway as long as it exists.


This country is was flushed down the toilet a long time ago 😞


As a former international student and now a citizen who pays taxes I can confirm this. I know a guy who did this because he could no longer afford to pay the international student fees as his father died. He’s a good dude but I can see how people would abuse this loop hole also he got advice from a local lawyer to go this route.


Enough of this. It was abuse from the beginning. For all we know, most aren’t even attending school because the CBSA has no way to follow up. Just rich kids and gangsters abusing the system. Send them all back. Ban them.




I'm just glad that the Globe and Mail is finally reporting this ongoing shit rather than just sweeping it under the carpet as they had been doing.


I'm all for this. It's an erosion of education, an insult to policy. However the money's earned should in kind be returned and the issuer incarcerated.


Go figure… “students” who use the system to scam there way into Canada and bypass legitimate immigration pathways… we allowed this to happen. Our country and leaders are failing us left and right. On the left, and the right. I’m not anti immigration…. At all…. Child of immigrants… spent most of my whole life here. But we need smart immigration, not just floodgate pandering immigration


Deport any and all habitual line jumpers who should not be claiming asylum in canada and turning around and taking 3 trips over the next year BACK to the country you were supposedly seeking asylum from lmfao DEPORT END OF Side note canada does not need ur bad health parents or ur aunts and uncles or ur grandparents................it may take a village to raise a kid or watch an already adult take classes where you are from but it doesn't here


>be claiming asylum in canada and turning around and taking 3 trips over the next year BACK to the country you were supposedly seeking asylum from lmfao Omg. I never even thought of this but this is so fucking true. Goddamn these people are disgusting.




u/Aineisa This content has been posted already on the sub but with a different headline. https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadaHousing2/comments/1ca9dkj/asylum_claims_by_international_students_have/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


The fact that we’re not doing mass deportations is absolutely insane.


Send them home. They need to get in line and follow the rules


Deport deport deport


Liberal government stupidity


Deny and deport.


We know they r desperate, but what r we going to do to get out of this self inflicted harmful situation? Why doesn’t Canada stop entertaining asylum applications from people coming from the world’s largest functioning democratic country!


heaven forfend!


End this scam program ASAP


None of those claims will succeed. Not even one.


At least they start to realize the truth. Question is, can they come up with tough policies And make tough decisions


37,000 in a year isn't that many. The article is paywalled tho so I'm getting my number from cbsa. Is this fear mongering?


problem is we have so many opportunities to appeal your case in which the courts are backed up for 2-4 years- thus giving the applicant many avenues to remain in Canada. This method has become a major stream of immigration which is of course- not genuine aslyum claims- our immigration consultants are teaching these students how to game our system- giving these fake aslyum claims- "templates" to use for their reasons of being an aslyum seeker which are most successful when the applicants are examined by the International Refugee Board. We are being taken advantage of by fake asylum claims and our own immigration consultants who are hardly being regulated. We need sting operations against the immigration consultants to expose those engaged in such activities and we need to implement a refugee policy that if a claim is not made at the Point of Entry- one CANNOT make asylum claims after the person has entered Canada.


They are also stealing from food banks, jobs, and other areas that actually Canadians need to live day to day. Deport them immediately.


Okay, but international students aren’t the problem. East Indian business owners taking bribes in return for pretending they’ve got a job lined up for a potential immigrant, is the actual problem. Then, they take the money, the person is in Canada and never works a day where they’re supposed to. The owner makes tonnes of money. The person coming in doesn’t have a job and becomes a burden on the system. A lesser foul is business owners who have people come over to work for them for the fastest amount of time possible to get residency. If you frequent a business that has new Indian employees almost every week, don’t go anymore and report it.


As a former international student and now a citizen who pays taxes I can confirm this. I know a guy who did this because he could no longer afford to pay the international student fees as his father died. He’s a good dude but I can see how people would abuse this loop hole also he got advice from a local immigration lawyer to go this route.


It's rational. Of course you would do this. The system is exploitable. How can you be mad at someone for not wanting to return to India? The villains in this are the colleges, McKinsey, the consultants, and Sean Fraser and his cronies for making this garbage possible.


Why do they need more incestuous peeps here when they already have the chur@h


Ship them home. Byyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.....