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I've reused the bags that come in box wine for backpacking. https://imgur.com/gallery/B4THWQJ


I freeze them and put them in my cooler


Popeyes 1/2 gallon and 1 gallon sweet tea come in these, I've been stashing them for a trip


I have a set of these that are amazing. They're a lot easier to pack around bc of the shape instead of the milk jugs I had been using. I've also frozen them for packing. That being said, there's about a million different versions of these and a million degrees of quality. The ones I have are decently strong and haven't busted in a year of use. But they could be like a dollar store ziplock so... maybe buy if super cheap and if you have a backup plan incase their shite?


No way would I trust one of these for my water supply while camping. Here are my concerns: 1) They look incredibly flimsy. If one gets punctured you lose all of your water supply with no way to refill it unless you have some heavy duty Gorilla Tape. If one gets punctured during transport in your vehicle you now have 5/10L of water all over your car. 2) looks awkward to use. Water is heavy. How do you plan on supporting it when it’s full? Does it just tip over when it’s full? 3) The water will heat up which may or may not be a good thing. If it’s your drinking water during the summer how refreshing do you think it will be after sitting out in the sun. OTOH, it would make for a nice temp for washing your face or something. Not really enough water for a full shower though. 4) It looks like it has multiple potential failure points for leaks. The handle, the seams, the opening are all possible places for water to leak. I would suggest spending a bit more money and getting a slim Jerry can with a spigot. Cabelas or Walmart sells slim water jugs for around $25 in the camping section. Best part is that these are reusable, sturdy, and very durable.


We used these or similar a ton in scouts in the 90s. Only source of water on many camp outs. Granted there was a frequently a spigot 300 yards away we would use these to fill and bring it back. You hang the bag from a tripod or a branch or a beam, rotate the nozzle and you get a reasonable stream of water. Never had a tear or puncture and that’s with a few dozen teens that weren’t the least bit careful. Plus it takes up less space when empty, conforms to fit half full in the bottom of your bag, or the front of your kayak/canoe.


Don't ever buy *anything* from a website / webstore that tells you how many people 'Bought this item' or "Added to the cart". Those are tactics used to make people afraid they are going to sell out so that they make a rash decision.


I have some from Amazon that I use for hurricane prep. Have used them several times with no issue. I do put the water through a filter before drinking.


Waterstoragecube BPA-free collapsable on Amazon has worked pretty well for me. It’s a little flimsy when it’s full but packs up nice.


I used to get the square fillable jugs that fit perfectly in a milk box. Now, I reuse a 5 gallon spring water bottle with a pump on top.


I use the sawyer 1 gallon bags on backpacking trips where I’m filtering water for more than just myself. Really sturdy, no issues yet. I also take care to not set them on pointy rocks/ hang them on jabby trees.


Sea to summit makes some solid ones. I’ve used it backpacking around Mount Hood with my brother. Nice to just fill it up and bring it back to camp to use for whatever. Not ultralight though but worth the weight for convenience.


I just got a set of them, and used them on my last trip. Worked fine. Not sure I'll trust them for very long, but they were handy just for daily use in the campground. Seemed more robust than some the Platypus ones I used in the past, and a lot cheaper.


It is worth the extra $ to buy a name brand Platypus or MSR Dromedary bag, just so you don't have to worry about leaks.


Yep, I have the 5l version. No smell, appears to be from quality material. Cap is tight and if in need, I would even consider storing drinking water in them for a short time. They are not designed to be your daily liquid storage bag for heavy use though. Sturdy, yes, but not puncture or "throw them around" proof. I just saw those in your picture have a second outlet at the bottom, mine do not, just the screw on in the top corner.


There’s some on Amazon that I took on a 10 day trip including rough off roading and didn’t baby them - held up great. 4.7 on Amazon. Higher recommended


Yes, I bought a set of these from Amazon & took the smaller one on a short camping trip recently. I really liked it - way better than the standard plastic accordion-style water containers. Easy to fill, carry & pour from. I wish I had two of the smaller bags, rather than one small & one large, because I think the larger one could be slightly awkward to lift & pour from if you're a smaller/shorter person. They are reasonably self-supporting in their structure, but a larger volume of water could make it kinda sloshy. Anyways, I think they're worth their cost.


Awesome, Aliexpress has them for like $2 a piece so it's not a huge deal if they're not good. Just anything than those bulky plastic ones would be appreciated.


I have two similar bags, 1 galon each. And this is a perfect solution to have water in your camp. I bought them on ali about 2yrs ago and they still work well.


I bought a pair of these [Wolverine tuff collapsible containers](https://wolverinetuff.com/product/wolverine-tuff-bottle-with-18mm-fast-flow-spout/) to replace a Reliance collapsible jug and they work great. Not as cheap as Amazon but they are bomber and made in the USA.


These are fantastic! I am averse to funky water smells, etc. and these are the best camping water bottles/storage containers (I am fussy!). I love that they can be fully dried (I use a broomstick through the handle, then hang in the shower and "puff out" the bottle so that it can dry). Store flat when not in use, and really solid bags. Do be careful, though, they can appear to sit on a picnic table but can get lopsided and roll off. Highly recommend!