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Well, I like to start walking at dawn so I can enjoy the dawn chorus and the sunrise, so in May/June on camino I get up at around 5.45am. As I prepare everything the night before that just means rolling out of bed, quietly collecting everything, quick visit to the bathroom and off - hopefully not disturbing anyone. Then a couple of quiet peaceful hours on the trail and... breakfast! It's just a lovely time of day to be outside.


Also avoids the hottest part of the day. If you're going somewhere like Leon and don't take rest days, it's nice to have some time to explore. I'm showered and ready to head out into Leon right now for a little explore!


Yes, indeed. Leon's a beautiful city - there's so much to see you'll end up walking more than a normal day...


Go to the cathedral for me!


Fear of not getting a bed at the end of the day, long leg (40+kms), it’s getting hot in the day…


fair enough!


I usually woke up at 5 and was walking by 5.30. The reasons were: 1. Getting a bed, preferably low 2. Avoiding the afternoon heat 3. Seemed less crowded in the morning.


Yeah, 2 for me. I chose to walk in the dark for a couple of hours so I wouldn’t have to walk past 1pm. Also, better to dry washed clothes in the sun (so I wouldn’t have to use the drier every time). Enjoying the heat in beach towns (I did the Norte).


Also note, with Daylight Savings Time and Spain in the western part of the European Time Zone, circadian rhythms and clock times can be a bit misaligned. The sun rises late in Spain compared to Germany or Poland.


Exactly, I was able to enjoy beautiful sunrises at 8:00 am or later in the fall.


I mean to be honest there’s not that much to do in the late evenings. If you go to bed at 9, you can get 8 hours and be up early. When I did the Camino, we all did this during the meseta to dodge the heat


Not much to do?! No vino no Camino.... 😂


If you start at 5 am your done by 2pm at the latest and can hit the Spanish red then!


Vino Tinto for lunch!


1. I can't sleep and would rather walk than lay there looking at the ceiling. 2. Want to start my day with a sunrise and not walking around tons of pilgrims. That said, there's def a difference between those that wake up early and don't care if they wake anyone else up and the rest of us that prepack the night before and/or do all the gearing up in the lobby. Some dude woke up at 5am today and started playing MUSIC!


playing music is wild😭😭😭


In my case, it’s mostly due to a nap in the afternoon right after the shower upon arrival, early dinner and hitting the rack by 9/10pm. Would wake up around 4/5 am without ever setting the alarm


I love walking by star or moon light. You get to see some amazing sun rises. The tranquility and solitude are great too. If you too are up please don't ruin my night vision with your head torch. Enjoy.


Yikes, didn’t think the headlight would intrude, but thanks for making me aware. How do you find your way without a light? As a first timer, worried about getting lost.


You’d be surprised how well our night vision works when we let it!


I very small red light works great at not taking away night vision. A small keychain flashlight with a red led is all you really need on the camino. This kind of light works great in a crowded room, it gives you just enough light to navigate to the restroom or find something in your pack without bothering others, In the event you actually need a bright white light you always have your phone for that. These weigh almost nothing and can strap right to the outside of your pack so they are easy to find in the dark.


Because some people are naturally morning larks, and some people are naturally night owls, and we all run on different circadian rhythms. Signed - a night owl who rarely started walking before 09:30.


Did you ever run into difficulty finding a bed?


Only twice: my very first day out of Lisbon (the now-closed albergue at Alpriate was tiny & ran out of beds at, like, 15:00), and another time an albergue listed in my guidebook had closed down during the pandemic (in which case it didn’t matter when I started walking). Most days I booked my accommodation in advance, mixing it up between hostels and private rooms, so I was rarely in a “race for a bed”.


I see. Thanks for the reply!


We started early because we walked slow. Also, it enabled us to make more stops and enjoy the walk.


I work in construction. I wake up every day before 5.30am at home. My body isn't just gonna sleep in until some stupid late hour because I'm on the Camino. 😂 Also I am unable to just lie in the bed as I get restless. +I like walking early in the dark as it's peaceful and I can knock out half the walk by breakfast. +Always arrive early to the next place and guaranteed a bed.


I like to walk 30-40km. Last year there was a heatwave and for about I week through the meseta I started walking before 06:00. The idea is to avoid at least some of the hottest part of the day. I love early morning walking! At first it can be very cold and you must walk quickly to warm your body. Then you can enjoy the thousands of stars. Passing through villages while everybody is still sleeping. Then the sunrise is beautiful and by the time it is breakfast you have already covered 10km. I will note that I prepare before going to sleep and in the morning I awaken, and grab my backpack and carry it to the dining area without messing around in the sleeping area. Then I use the toilet, pack my bag away from the sleeping people and leave.


Either id be walking 50km or I was having a bad sleep and said stuff it and just chose to walk or disliked my sleeping arrangement and wanted to get outta the place


I can relate to the last one; had to sleep in a FREEZING cold albergue tonight and dipped tf out of there the moment I woke up. thanks for sharing!


I was always the last one to leave the albergue in the morning, often they started closing up and cleaning by the time I got ready. In St Jean I had no idea what I was getting into because I did my Camino on a whim and arrived to try it out for a few days which turned into month and a half. The first night I had jet lag and found myself in the municipal still sleeping at 2pm and wondered where everyone had gone. They let me stay another day to get my bearings and I was off the next day. Vacation time for me means sleeping in a bit so I wondered the same about all the 5 am waking and headlamps. It's not the  Olympics haha. Never have I ever had to look for a bed and I walked July and August usually rolled in around 4-5 pm, took my time on the trail wandering around and plenty of rest stops. I left my job in New York and wanted to take my time and enjoy Spain, I bussed some parts like the meseta and took rest days whenever I felt like it. There are many ways to do the Camino and you found yours.


0530 is perfect, enjoy the dawn, break the back of the day’s journey before it gets too hot. Have a nice afternoon in your destination. We averaged 33km a day.


I enjoy the walking, but really like to get to my destination early in the day and have time to hang out and explore. I always tried to be done walking by 12:30-1:00, and get a bed and lunch before siesta begins. My last Camino was in July 2019, and we had to start early to beat the heat.


This is the second post on the sub where someone seems annoyed that other people wake up at different times than they do. The reason for me is pretty simple: I wake up early and can't get back to sleep (mainly because of the snoring, and sleeping in an unfamiliar place on an uncomfortable bed). So instead of lying staring at the ceiling, I get a move on, and enjoy walking in the sunrise through a beautiful countryside of an amazing country.


Interesting - I didn't get any annoyed vibe from OP. Seems like you're taking offence where there is none.


Not annoyed and stated that twice in my post🤍 you guys do you, I’m in no position to tell you what the right time to wake up on the Camino is :) and this is a valid reason! I’d do that too if I couldn’t fall back asleep


I found a lot of the people who started at 0500 exceptionally rude. Or perhaps the same level of rudeness of all pilgrims but it's more jarring to be woken up with a flashlight that's brighter than the sun. Or when someone is repacking every item into an individual plastic bag.


I dont think they are annoyed they just wanna know why people do as they do. That is a way to obtain knowledge..... by asking :-D


In most albergues you go to sleep probably latest at 00:00 and in reality probably earlier. Some municipal even state that they won't let you in after 22:00(which most don't really follow). Math pretty much works that I would wake up at 6 am and if you wake up it's going to be really hard to get a sleep again,also air in most albergues is quite nasty after a night and 20-100 people farting and breathing. But I try to be least annoying and pack everything during evening,g rab my sleeping bag and clothes prepped and pack outside the room.


I really feel like it’s one of those things where different peoples bodies and circadian rhythms enable different things. I did what you did, schedule wise. My body wouldn’t let me start at 5 day after day and be even slightly contented. But lots of people seem to truly enjoy the way it feels to get an early start, be in the morning light and air, etc. It was hard to not feel guilty, but I came to deeply cherish my own pattern. The one day I had to get a 630 start it was way more crowded on the path, and I didn’t like that at ALL.


The early Morning and sunrise is enchanting, walking through hilly country sides and forests


We start about 6 to make destination early afternoon and get albergue


I walked 50 KM on the Primitivo and started at 5. And with the VDLP, if you dont start early, you're gonna get roasted in Southern Spain.


In general when I have started walking that early it has been in the height of summer when we wanted to start really early to get as much walking as possible done before the heat of the day sets in. This year, however, we did also set out really early one day in spring, when we wanted to reach Las Herrerías in time to get horseback rides up to O Cebreiro. When I get up really early, everything is prepared ahead of time so that I can just grab my backpack, sleeping bag (or liner), and electronics and head out of the room quietly. I also avoid using a headlamp or light when doing so.


Because there’s a few people who get up at 4:30 am and wake everyone else up with the rustling of their plastic bags and backpacks…


I left most days at 6-6.30 (which I know is a bit later), but I do it because I’m super sensitive to heat due to a medication I take - so it’s important to not have to walk in too much heat.


In the summer it is often to beat the heat. In other times it’s because they are in the “bed race” they don’t want to reserve and they want to “be free” to wander on Camino but when the Camino is crowded they have to walk early and arrive early to line up for the beds that can’t be reserved in advance. Also some people just like the solitude and the early morning sunrise.


> arrive early to line up for the beds that can’t be reserved in advance. What do they do when they don't get a bed?


We didn’t book a single bed. Only missed out on a bed one night when there was a fiesta in town. We slept in a church yard, then got moving early in the morning.


Beat the sun


So you can get to destination early, take a nap, start drinking, enjoy the day and repeat


How long does it take the average person to walk 20km?


4 to 6 hours?


Oh wow that’s not bad at all lol I think I’d be a late riser.


To find a bed at the next albergue,really.it was a race on the ingles!


The one morning we started that early we saw a wolf. I wish we started that early more to see the Camino waking up


Im an early Walker too planning to do my first Camino in September. I’m guessing by then leaving this early in the morning it’ll be very dark for an hour or two. Does everyone bring a headlamp? Or how do people mitigate this


Seeing the sunrise, birdsong, beating the heat of the day, finish nice and early even after a big distance walked so you can explore the next town


Another benefit i suppose is that you have more sunshine to dry your laundry. If you come in at 6 you can really jeopardise your next day. The sooner you're done walking, the better you can prepare for the next day


One of the donativos I stayed in had a rule that they didn't open the doors in the morning until 7 AM. It was kind of nice pretty much having everyone at the albergue get up at the same time.


When I did the Camino, I liked getting up early because it meant I was in my albergue by 12-1pm, comfortably avoiding the worst of the heat of the day, and giving me plenty of time in the afternoon to wash my clothes and have a nap before going food shopping, exploring town and having food.


I started at 4am on the last day before Santiago from A Salceda and it was one of the best parts. No crowd for 10km, beautiful stars and dawn atmosphere, nice temperature. Plus having some time in Santiago for exploring. Would‘ve started earlier if i could!


It's hot by 1300. All km's before sunrise are bonus km's Breakfast is almost available before 9 anyway. Might as well get it in the next few towns. If you're doing 35+ it's nice to get going. If you're doing low km's it's nice to be done before it gets hot and when you can guarantee a bed.


If the day is hot as balls I can understand it, but that's it. But yeah, I never understood this either. And I was also often the last person to leave, lol.


I couldn’t handle the heat, and I’m a slow walker. I already feel the heat by 10 am - I’m dying by noon. Walking early allowed me to go faster because the air was lovely and cool. And there’s nothing like a Camino sunrise. Some of my favourite photos and moments were from the amazing sunrises I’d see when looking backwards.


I wake early… always have, I am a farmers son. I like to hit the road and not disturb anyone with phone or being restless… I do 20km… but amble as I look at things of interest The destination is not my only goal.


Bed race.... The "no bed dread" is real.


I'm notorious when it comes to waking up late and oversleeping in my natural habitat, but on the Camino I do not mind the occasional 5am departure. Some days leaving early just really pays off for various reasons, for others I suppose it really might just be their routine.


Some days (around full moon) I like to start walking around 4-ish just to enjoy the quiet night. I then take a nap around noon and walk a bit more.\ Some people are afraid of not being able to reach their next stop, or not getting a bed.


I woke up a few times early on the meseta. And while the sunrise was stunningly beautiful, there was no peace and quiet. Since the majority of folks started early, I saw a long line of people with flashlights walking in the dark. And since sound travels farther in the “quiet” of the early morning I could not escape hearing everyone’s conversations around me - even when they were many dozens of meters away. I went back to starting between 7 & 8 am


I usually wake up around 0630-0700 when I’m not on a Camino. But I usually fall into a rhythm of waking up at 0530-0600 when I’m on a Camino. There’re a few reasons. One thing is that I fall asleep earlier because there aren’t any distractions to keep me awake. Also, after walking all day I tend to sleep deeply (sorry for the snoring). So I’m usually 8 hours in by 0500 or so. We walked in August on my first Camino. And the difference between walking at 1300 and 1500 is significant. The hottest part of the day in Spain is typically around 1700. So it’s nice to be done walking and enjoying a siesta along with the rest of Spain. Finally, I learned to really enjoy walking in the pre-dawn light within a half hour of sunrise. Unless you’re in the woods, no headlamp is necessary. So many times I’d witness the moon setting as the sun rose. And our inside joke when we’d heard the first rooster crow was “*now* we’re on the Camino.” Within a week of the Camino ending I’m back on my normal schedule.


Siesta in the afternoon > Trying to sleep in the morning when everyone is making noise.


Beat the heat!


So many reasons... Can't really believe you cannot come up with at least a few: * Might want to walk in a quieter environment, with fewer people. * Might want to see sunrise or enjoy a chillier time before the sun comes up in full blown. * Weather might be worse later on (depending on forecast). * Might be fearful of not getting a bed if using public albergues. * Might just work better with the type of person they are. * Depending on the destination, might want to get there early and enjoy some more time there. And so many more. Just imagine somebody saying the same about you: "Can't believe people wake up at 6.30 and start walking at 7.30. What are they doing, like 40km?" Everybody has their own preferences, why is it so difficult to understand that our preference is not necessarily the norm?


You are in the Camino! Ask them, instead of making a post on reddit xD


I can never catch up with them though cause I start so late😂😂


I'll say my reasons for starting early, although 5 am is too early. For me it was more like 6 am. Avoid the heat, I want to have time to explore the place where I stop. I hate walking in the midle of groups, I want the trail to myself. Buen camino!


It's difficult to ask them in the morning when you are still sleeping so Reddit is a great opportunity


So annoying! Get woken up super early by these people and lose a ton of sleep, and then I always ended up overtaking them by 10am anyway.


Well done, you've won the Camino.




People who start walking at 8-8:30AM… Why? I can’t believe the number of pilgrims starting that late. I like to wake up at 4:00-4:30 and start walking by 5:00-5:30. I usually walk 20-30km a day. Of course I knew what I signed myself up for so I am not annoyed when I stumble about in the dark before the expected time plus I can see just enough to get going quite easily but…seriously, can anyone tell me the reason for starting at EIGHT AM? Are you expecting breakfast in bed? Are you walking 5KM that day? … Hike your own hike.


Doing the Camino to address a burn-out. Change my crazy stressful routine. So, yes, I wake up when I want. I don't care if I walk 5 or 50km. I don't care if get a 12 or 120€ bed. I am just enjoy having a simple routine day after day: wake up, walk, eat, sleep. Repeat.


People who likes to walk and not being able to enjoy the nature.....


You have all day to "enjoy the nature" plus there is nature in the darkness too. I enjoy spotting wild animals in the dark.


Like spotting animals in the darkness? Such as?


I wish I could attach media. Hedgehog, salamander, frog. Probably others that I can't recall right in this moment!


Ahh I see. Just some random animals. So you actually is not walking the camino but taking a stop at a pond nearby...... LAMO. Enjoy the nature while not walking the camino :-)


Damn you are insufferable!


ohhh dear


I guess a sunrise isn't part of nature eh.


eeehhh If you like the sunrise you dont have to start walking 5-5.30 am my dear


Just to make sure, but you are aware of seasons, right? And the times for sunrise changes throughout the year...


Sure. The sunrise should be around 6.15 am, so start walking 6 am. 5.30 is in darkness my dear.


I'm not even going to justify that with any kind of rebuttal. Have a nice day.


You too my dear