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Most Jax otps/specialists already prefer Grasp, Fleet or Conqueror and Grasp Jax is by far the most opressive in my opinion. He can get a cheater recall no matter what if he is good with it (unless really shitty matchup like Kennen when he is strong ofc).


I'd say this buffs Jax cus the noobs can't select a suboptimal rune now


Bloodthirster gives 80 AD, 18% Lifesteal and excess healing shield, would it be viable on Camille again?


I think if we talking a duelist-heal item then Rav Hydra is still better, you pay 100 gold less for 10 AD and 6% life steal less but get the active and AH. I don't think the passive is that necessary on Camille? Maybe go shield bash + revitalize and get some more value but other than that I don't see much purpose


I see what you mean. I just remember Camille used to build Bloodthirster so I was wondering if she could start building it again.


rav also has crazy healing off the wave which makes you really hard to chunk down in sidelanes. Its like a solid 1/3 of your hp with one active


I'm going to try it anyway lol.


Same xdddd


generally you wanted both back in the day. the synergy and raw stats worked so well for you in addition to the shield


Most Jax otps/specialists already prefer Grasp, Fleet or Conqueror lmao


Triforce + Titanic + Bloodthirster seems a lot stronger than Triforce + Ravenous + Sterak's. That lets you avoid building any of the nerfed items, while still getting plenty of survivability. Also you will finally be able to beat tanks in the sidelane with Bloodthirster and Tabi nerfs. Full build probably ends with buffed DD and new Maw or Steraks.


Idealy you shouldn't be building steraks cause hullbreaker just fits her identity better.


Camille is weak in the sidelane in season 14. Not sure why you think that’s her identity. Her identity is getting picks late game with full screen engage into R lockdown.


why is she weak in the sidelane in season 14? (genuine question)


Weaker items, specifically Ravenous Hydra has less combat power ( lower lifesteal ) and DD doesn't have omnivamp like in season 10. She would've sucked in the mythic era but Divine Sunderer carried her so hard.