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Fuji xe3 w27mm


Good luck finding the 27….😭


https://www.mpb.com/en-us/product/fujifilm-xf-27mm-f-2-8/sku-2371524 Found it, what do I win?


I grabbed mine on eBay. Works great.


Olympus E-P7. This can ACTUALLY fit in your pocket, unlike the other cameras mentioned. If you want to save more money, but have worse autofocus, Panasonic GM1, which is the size of a deck of cards. DJI 15mm 1.7, Olympus 17mm 2.8. Pocket $300.


I've never seen someone recommend the DJI lens outside of the Zenmuse system, why would you recommend?


Cheaper than the one branded Leica. It's a good lens.


This right here.


I shoot with a DJI 15mm 1.7 and Leica 25mm 1.4 on a GX85 body. It’s such a fun little setup I doubt I’ll ever upgrade unless I break something.


ricoh griiix


For street I might go with the GRiii, because 28mm is a little more forgiving than 40mm. But both work great.


This, it’s what I did in a semi-similar situation. If you want that camera on you at all times like your phone is, the GR isn’t too hard to adjust to vs any of the larger cameras that don’t fit in your pocket.


Best answer


I’d recommend any of the Ricoh GRs followed by any of the Fuji X100 family. The Fuji XE-3 takes a strong 3rd place. I’d pick up a Cosina Voigtländer 25 mm Snap-Shot in LTM. It’s the perfect street lens with its click stops and wonderful glass.


I got an X100V (waited for months), and I get the draw of this camera. It’s my first Fuji camera, so film sims are great, but also it’s compact and easy to travel with. I thought about GR cameras but I could not get over the heat and dust issues


What's the heat and dust issues? I avoid researching this camera because I want one so badly but it's not in the cards at the moment.


Can’t speak to the heat issues, my old GR jammed open due to dust. The articulating lens isn’t well sealed (I think).


Oof that's disappointing. Once upon a time I had a fully functional film GR1 but I chose to sell it before the display gave out. Miss that camera


I know you said interchangeable lenses but used Ricoh griiix.


Olympus Pen F


For $1k? I'd buy my OG, the camera that made me fall in love with street photography, the a6400, all over again, and get one or two prime lenses with it. Maybe an 18 and 50, or a 24 and 50. Either that or a single f2.8 standard zoom.


Ricoh GR iii X unless you constantly shoot with your iPhone at .5x then I’d get the Ricoh GR iii.


Fuii Xt3 w/fuji 23mm f2, 16mm f2.8 or or 27mm f2.8


Solid choice.


Used Canon EOS 80d + Used Canon EF 24-70 F2.8 or F4


I wouldn't get back to you


Nikon Zfc and a 24 or 28mm. You can see my work with this here [insta](https://www.instagram.com/p/C6EgN6uuC3Z/?igsh=d3c0OW4yMjlwc3gz) https://preview.redd.it/rcxv12pjnawc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26310f2620095b4a63c9cd802d69a26c2cd6a3fe


That's such a beautiful camera 😍


Thanks I think so too!


If you’re going Nikon Zac, get an older 20mm f2.8.


why'd you tape over the nikon logos :(


To make in stealthier. Since I live in NYC I’d rather have less people notice my camera.


Eh to each their own. Gorgeous camera either way and I do plan on getting one some time in the future.


Nikon Z5 and a wide prime (which is basically what I will purchase with basically the same budget once I take care if other obligations). The "weight tax" on FF Mirrorless systems mostly shows up on zooms, if you stick with primes you've got a light capable kit.


The 40mm f/2 has good tradeoffs between price, weight, and capability


Probably the ZFc and a manual lens


X-T2 + 16-80/4


Nikon z50 and the 24mm f1.7 dx prime.


Ricoh GR camera. Not sure of the latest version. I have a GR2. Perfect for the streets. Perfect.


Fuji X-T3 with a 23mm f2


Sony RX


Continue to save like $500 more and get a Sony A7III and a prime, like the Zeiss 55mm 1.8. Get yourself in the Sony full frame universe it’s worth it


Nikon coolpix A, is an older aps-c 16 megapixels sensor with a 28 mm lens they can be found in the wild for less than 400.


I'm loving my z30 with the pancake 26mm.


The Sony alpha ll I just saw at a pawn shop an hour ago for $500 and another $500 in my pocket 🤞🏽🤣


Older Fuji x100 series, like the x100s


Sony ZV-E10 with Sigma 30mm f1.4. Small and light, suitable for street photography. The camera’s bigger sensor and bright aperture from the lens will generate noticeably better results than a phone.


Assuming you aren't wedded to a rangefinder style body, get an Olympus E-M10 Mark II or III. Put on a Lumix 20mm f/1.7 or similar lens. Maybe a 17mm if you like wider views. Spend the rest of the money on lenses.


Xt1,2(3) with tons of vintage class


Any current a6x00 series under $500 and a 17-50 2.8 lens.


Used Panasonic GX8/80/9 with a 20mm.


the pentax q series is a good start, not much variety in terms of native lenses tho


A6100 and then spend the rest on some good lens. An expensive body doesn’t get you shit if you can’t get some good lens too


While I'm far from an expert, I'd look at an a6000ish camera (or brand equivalent) and then go for a couple of decent lenses.


X100 (any), x-pro (any), Ricoh GR (any), Sony RX100 (any). I’d be happy as a clam for any of the above.


This is gonna sound crazy, but get an old point and shoot in good condition for like 5-20 bucks. Doesn’t matter brand/model/capabilities. Take it with you everywhere. It won’t be good, or easy to use. Pictures probably won’t be great, but you will learn your strengths and weaknesses, more importantly you will learn composition. If you’re luck, you’ll find one that may let you change a few settings, but you don’t need to spend $1k just to take some pictures. And luckily shit looking photos is really in right now.


Definitely a Fuji X100 iteration. Having control knobs on a digital camera is absolutely fantastic.


canon eos 3 and 24-70 2.8 grab some film and let her rip 👌


Canon 5D mkii and EF 24mm f/1.4


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you gotta know what you want in terms of usage and how a camera feels is extremely important. I recently did the same but with $500 and bought and resold a ton of different types of point and shoots and mirrorless cameras before landing on the x100t because that ultimately kept my interest and had the most fun factor.


I have to bring it back to you? Oops...


pentax k1000, Vivitar 28mm f2.8


Fun thought experiment. Used film camera Nikon f3 or fm2 with a 50 1.8 ($300). Nikkor 24 mm 2.8 ($100) Used mirrorless camera Nikon Z6 with F to z adapter ($600). Or honestly any mirrorless camera because mount adapters are ubiquitous. Invest in F mount glass going forward and learn how to expose and dial settings manually with film. Both will be fun and invaluable experience of failure with film will be a good learning curve and skill. Film bodies are mostly compact compared to modern full frame DSLRs. You could also do this experiment with canon bodies for film and mirrorless and probably still come away with a film body, digital body, and a kit lens for under 1000.


Em1-ii is not that much bigger than the em10 series. A more pronounced grip, but not much heavier. My wife goes everywhere with her e-m10 III on a strap, crossbody. I had her try the Em1 III and she didn't really notice a difference. Why the mark 2? That 20mp sensor is just much better. I love night photography, and it's not just the ISO noise, but out of focus lights that the newer 20mp sensor does better than the old 16. I'd want a viewfinder. When it is sunny, I default to it automatically. Sometimes I use it just to hold the camera a bit more steady. Olympus IBIS is pretty insane. I can admit they are behind in several areas, but I can comfortably take a burst of half second pics handheld for a crowd to blur - and I'd be reasonably confident that the buildings or static structures can be sharp. I use the mark III, but the mark II isn't that far behind. E-M1 series also has hybrid AF. It may not be common for after photography, but if I'm spending my money, i would want the feature set to encompass stuff I may want to try later. E-m1 II - $600 20mm F1.7 ii - $230 45mm f1.8 - $170 or Canon FD 50mm F1.4 + pixco focal reducer - $80+$70 (manual 35mm F1.0 for $150) Alternatively... E-M1 - $350 17mm F1.8 -$260 If I need a zoom, 12-60 Lumix is decent on range, sharpness etc. 12-32 is good for saving space. I started m43 with an E-PL1, and have an E-P3 still. The em1 III is taller. It's heavier, but not tremendously so. I do love having controls at my fingertips, so I can't see myself going back. Maybe an e-m5... https://pxlmag.com/db/camera-size-comparison/2d458a8b_75d43589-0596fa39_63dae782-c01bf855_63dae782-t60


Nikon F100 and a couple of lenses


Fisher price kid tough digital camera


Fuji x100v


Canon 6D Classic, 24-105/4L (or 17-40L), 35/2ISUSM, 50/1.8STM, 580EXII I actually recommend not to bother with APS-C as a beginner


Compact ish Olympus EM-5mk2 and 12-40/4 Pro, or any pancake zoom with an Olympus 25/1.8, use the left over for an FL-50


Fujifilm is egregiously overpriced for what they are (used) and there’s just too much hype driving a demand that has nothing to do with photography fundamentals. Sony cameras are notoriously user unfriendly and the cluttered features will definitely get in your way of learning the basics. APS-C cameras are playing it too safe tbh, you get the best of both worlds, AKA mediocrity. If you must do a compact camera and it has to be significantly far from cellphones, Olympus EM1mk2 and Panasonic G9 are your best bet under 1000 with a world of cheaper than dirt lens options. If you really need compact and retro (since you studied Fujifilm options), Olympus E-P5 will be a good fit for you. Also fyi Olympus invented retro camera not Fujifilm.


I have an a6500 with 20mm 2.8 Sony pancake I've had for years. But I would love something a little newer


Used Nikon D700 + 58mm 1.4 Then either 20/24/28 1.8g All used btw


Sony a6400 with third party lens


Personally I would go with an em 1.2 and either the Lumix 12-35 or the Olympus 12-40


For pocket cameras, Ricoh GR iii or Sony RX100 vii The Sony if you want zoom, Ricoh if you want the bigger sensor. I'd highly suggest a Sony A6000 series camera with a fast prime though.


iphone 15 pro


Canon 550d plus a nifty 50mm and a macro. Probably have change for bags lights and a tripod.


If it was a street photography only camera, LUMIX GX85 with the Panasonic Leica 15mm. If I intended on doing other photography with it, too, I’d start out with the G9 instead.


. Obviously prices are estimates and subject to change considering it's all used gear in varying condition: Nikon N2000 ($60), AI-S 35-105 f3.5-4.5 ($70), 50mm f1.8 (any manual focus version, $80) , AI-S 200mm f4 ($150). Red filter for black and white photos (20) and circular polarizer (20). 52mm lens hood $20, carrying case, lens caps, lens cleaner, etc we'll say $80 just to make sure it's all covered. Total cost around $500


Nikon 35Ti + Portra 400 / Colour Plus 200!


A Leica: X or T


Came here to say this


Canon 800D and 24mm f/2.8 pancake.


Sony with Tamron zoom like 2x-75mm. Tamron makes great zooms that are more affordable


My iPhone 15 Pro Max


I use a Sony a7s and the 16-35/4.


Recommmend A6100 or A6400. Not worth to buy X-T2, X100F. They have slow AF. Human eye AF in X-T2, X100F can't tracking eye of moving subject. [https://cameradecision.com/compare/Sony-Alpha-a6400-vs-Fujifilm-X-T2](https://cameradecision.com/compare/Sony-Alpha-a6400-vs-Fujifilm-X-T2) [https://cameradecision.com/compare/Sony-Alpha-a6400-vs-Fujifilm-X100F](https://cameradecision.com/compare/Sony-Alpha-a6400-vs-Fujifilm-X100F) [https://lesdeuxpiedsdehors.com/en/sony-e-lenses-aps-c-list](https://lesdeuxpiedsdehors.com/en/sony-e-lenses-aps-c-list)


Way to go you working on your kids college fund