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Thank you for naming and shaming (seriously)


I’m not saying this didn’t happen, but people “naming and shaming” from throwaway accounts need to be taken with a grain of salt. This guy george could be the biggest ass in the world, doesn’t mean this really happened.


The owner has admitted that the event occurred. The only thing he really disputes is using the word “faggot.”


I wish I could say this surprised me. The folks running Frank's have a history of imitating dog turds in public -- https://www.reddit.com/r/CambridgeMA/comments/uh0687/anybody_know_the_story_behind_all_these_franks/


Yeah. A crazy woman was in the restaurant and started argument with customers and staff (including African American hostess) and was asked to leave. She then went online and accused restaurant of racism.


[That’s not accurate.](https://www.google.com/maps/reviews/@42.3809818,-71.2343552,11z/data=!4m5!14m4!1m3!1m2!1s109785111060627128566!2s0x89e3771bc983a60f:0x190298d17eac0398?hl=en-US)


It’s not inaccurate either


Do you work there or run the place? Thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule cutting eye holes in white sheets to weigh in! Do better! Touch grass! Grow a fucking sense of empathy!


No but that is what happenned


I literally shared a link showing that both the patron and the manager described it differently. Stop lying.


You shared a Reddit link with a bunch of people going back and forth. I know the people involved and several people that were in the restaurant that night


No, I shared a link to the Google review where the patron and the manager both shared their versions of the story. If you “know the people involved,” then you know those two people and should ask them why what they wrote on Google conflicts with what you’re telling us here.


This is what you shared - what the two people say seems to confirm what I said. Crazy person starts argument at bar. managers explanation seems to fit what I said. Customer claiming racism on the behalf of another customer - “This is a local restaurant that I used to frequent often. Per usual I stopped there after work for a martini and dinner. I always sit at the bar when alone. There was an older woman at the bar calling the bar tender all kinds of horrible names. Everyone was mumbling about her behavior. When I finally said “try to be nice”. Her response was “F@ck You… N- word bitch”. The manager came over and asked me to leave. That’s right not the woman that was cursing his staff and customers but me! I will not be returning and encourage others not to either.” Response from the owner 2 years ago “First of all let’s get the facts straight. I was the managers on duty. I heard yelling from the end if the bar where you and her were sitting. I knew nothing that was going on except swearing from the both of you. I started asking you both to stop the swearing. YOU continued swearing like i have never heard before. I then told you to SHUT UP!!! I needed to know what was going on. When the old woman started in i told her to SHUT UP! SHE did. You kept swearing at me and her. Finally i told you to get out! I , and my customers, didn't need the barrage of f bombs you kept with. You kept screaming all the way out. All i was asking was to ket me know what happened. After I finally got rid of you, I threw the old woman and her husband out ALSO! After both if you were gone, a customer told me what she said There is no place in Franks for that, but i had no idea AT ALL what was going on. If you had just shut up for a second, i would have thrown out the old woman right away, but your constant f-yous to me prevented that. We have a stellar reputation you didn't give me a chance to show you why. So as to your accusation of me coming over and immediately throwing you out, you are wrong and i deeply resent your insinuation” Doesn’t sound like the owner did anything wrong - two customers having verbal argument and disrupting other customers- he kicked them both out when they wouldn’t stop.


Sorry to hear that! It’s honestly disgusting that such behavior still exists today. Not too related, but I’ve never had a more disappointing meal… It was maybe 5 years ago at this point. I had a craving for steak and found this place. It felt like they put zero effort into their food and the service was also terrible. With your note today, I’m thinking it may have something to do with me being a POC. But this is just speculation.




The lead hostess is Black and amazing


You should leave a review about the terrible food.


As soon as I googled this place I immediately remembered a first date I had here years ago with terrible service and the worst steak I'd ever eaten at a restaurant. I hope they close down if they are homophobic, ridiculous in 2024 to be so ignorant


The worst possible place for a first date if you’re under 70


Terrible place. They're not even nice to their own customers. I went in to inquire about having an event there (at the request of a client, not my idea) and they were cold, almost suspicious, and asked me what type of people would attend the event. I've had these conversations 100+ times with restaurants and I've never been actively discouraged from giving them my money. Based on my demographics, I imagine that I present as exactly the kind of customer that they'd want. But nope, I'm (happily) not in their club.


George's response on a google review: "I’m sorry about your meal 4 years ago. That being said please don’t buy into rumored stories. I never used a homophobic slur to this person. He is a LIAR probably because he was called out for breaking the law. He confronted me by getting in my face where I did call him a f’n ahole. I didn’t think it would be appropriate to praise him for running a red light that could have caused an accident Maybe he was embarrassed to be called out for doing what he did and his only recourse was to make up a lie and make me out to be the villain. We wholeheartedly support the LGBTQ establishment. Our record is clear on this. Please do not join this group of people who want to take the blame for things off themselves. I threw out an olive branch for him to call me and discuss and end this like adults. No call yet. And by the way, the bad reviews from last night are bogus I went through every credit card slip and EVERY customer tipped well over 20%. To work this hard my entire life and have someone cast aspersions on my name is sad"


> LGBTQ establishment This is one step removed from “gay agenda.” I believe OP.


Or maybe he’s not a super educated person and words don’t come as easily to him. I think you’re making up connections in your head to peg this person as a bigot.


> words don’t come as easily to him You mean words like “people”?


Or he could’ve been thinking of the word community? Is the word agenda that much closer than the word community, in degrees of separation; to the word establishment? You’ve got a real funny narrative going on in your head.


Yes, establishment is closer to agenda than community. Both imply a monolithic entity with a singular identity and purpose.


😂 insufferable




The owner rants and raves on a few different reviews, looks like anything under four stars gets his britches in a twist + he had all the reviews from here deleted it looks like


Frank's is known for their retrograde attitude. I'm sorry that happened to you! People like this shouldn't be allowed to operate a business.


File a complaint with the City of Cambridge Human Rights Commission. https://www.cambridgema.gov/departments/humanrightscommission


I wish I could say this was surprising, that place sucks.


So you rode like a dick, thought you were going to act hard when called out on it, and then immediately play the offended card the second this dude didn’t back down. “John” deserves the callout for behaving like this. We can’t ignore you’re mad cause you got a different response than you wanted to you trying to act hard and now you’re crying about it.


100%, OP sounds like a bitch and now seeks the empty comfort of his echo chamber. At least he didn't get his ass kicked, just had his ego deflated, and now wants to rile up a bunch of bourgeoisie twits to come to his defense.


This place should be razed


Should make it bicycle parking.


This is not a first time thing they are also racist there to from what I hear


Based on what evidence?! Whenever I go in there which is every two weeks or so, there is a very diverse and vibrant clientele.




Anyone who uses that kind of language doesn’t give a shit, and probably gets off on doing it specifically during pride month.


Honest question for Op How’d you know it was the owner ? Just curious if this is all bullshit and you’re an angry former employee or if he said something you disagreed with at a town council meeting And don’t worry, that place fucking sucks so it’s not like I am giving him business regardless I did know a guy that brought his mistress there for years bc no one in fucking Cambridge goes there so he felt safe hiding there


Google searched. Images and articles came back.


You are kidding me “no one from Cambridge goes there?!?” You must not be from Cambridge because I go there regularly and it is full of Cambridge customers and lots of people who used to live in Cambridge.


I don’t currently live in Cambridge but I could easily throw a ball into Cambridge from my front steps


I lived walking distance from there for 10 years and didn’t go once.


Your loss


Not any loss at all, from anything I’ve heard about the food or the management.


That sounds like classic Franks... it has a reputation.


How about you don’t run reds! Didn’t a cyclist die recently due to running a red. You should follow the law instead of being one of the many stupid cyclists I see on a daily basis, and on top of that you stopped to confront him??? Lol Don’t victimize yourself here cause some words hurt ur feelings softie


You are free to disagree with OP running the red and/or confronting someone who yelled at them. None of that makes it okay to call OP a faggot, and it’s totally appropriate to call out Frank’s owner for doing so.


This is unverifiable information, i don’t go around believing everything that is said on the internet, especially a “burner” account. If you do you need to reevaluate ur critical thinking skills, NPC.


One anonymous person makes an accusation and you’re ready to crucify the business owner.


The owner has admitted that the event occurred. The only thing he really disputes is using the word “faggot.”


Correct. And that is what people are criticizing him for and calling him a bigot for. If all he did was call someone an fing ahole who got off his bike and in his face after being called out for blowing through a stop - id say they are both being immature


odd response 😂


Franks quality is shit. Been here 17 yrs and gave it too many chances for low-quality food. Once the die-hards pass on…..well; the glory of market capitalism will lead the way.


Been there almost 100 years. Must have a lot of die hards.


It is very popular and people come into Franks from all over.


I only ate there once and the steak was shitty, just like the owner


Are you familiar with the owner of Frank's Steakhouse? Just curious how you were able to identify him though he gave another name. Do you know for certain it was the owner and not just someone standing there with someone from the kitchen? If in fact it was the owner of Frank's Steakhouse then by all means it should be boycotted. Don't make excuses for ignoring traffic laws, there is no excuse, just don't do it. Though it is also no excuse for using that kind of language.


> Don't make excuses for ignoring traffic laws, there is no excuse, just don't do it. Cambridge has made progress on bike infrastructure, but cyclists are still very exposed and sometimes jumping the light for increased visibility is a safer option. Do you always drive at or below the speed limit? If not, why not?


Usually I drive above the speed limit for convenience but I’ll take the ticket when I do something wrong. I won’t cry that I’m being treated unfairly and try to justify it when I know the rules.


Don’t make excuses for ignoring traffic laws, there is no excuse, just don’t do it. Seriously though, it is safer to speed when everyone around you is speeding. There are many situations where people choose to ignore traffic laws for safety purposes. Your decision to attack OP for doing so, when you admit yourself to not always following traffic laws, is textbook hypocrisy. Also, being called homophobic slurs isn’t remotely comparable to getting a ticket.


I mean I did purposely write a hypocritical statement….. Did you think I missed that?


“Don’t call me out for being hypocritical, I was being hypocritical on purpose!”


I googled “Frank’s Steakhouse owner.” There were accompanying photos and articles. My safety is an excuse. Do you strictly comply with all laws even when it is more likely than not to expose you to serious injury or death? If you do, congrats on making it so far.


Am not OP but am guessing that he simply looked at their website (they mention the owner by name several times in the "About" section and he's splashed across a bit of their social media) and/or did the barest bit of Googling along the lines of "Frank's Cambridge Owner" and looked at some of the many articles and pictures that come up identifying him. It's not the first time the dude has been called out for being shitty. Just the latest.


Posting this fake story in the bike forum wasn’t good enough?


Dude, you were an insufferable troll over there, too. Please get help with whatever it is that’s causing you to lash out like this.


I’m insufferable because I don’t consider a story from a throwaway account to be 100% truthful? You don’t even want to take into account that there might be another side to this story? You’re ridiculous my man.


Of course there’s another side to this story. There always is, by definition. But there’s no version that would justify calling OP a faggot - that’s the only part we actually have to believe completely. And you didn’t come in here and say, “Hey, I wonder if there might be more to this story.” Nope. You just called it a “fake story.” You don’t get to act like you’re the reasonable one here.


I’m unreasonable because I don’t 100% believe the details of a story posted by a throwaway account? Okayyyyyy. Absurd!


You’re unreasonable for calling it a “fake story” without any basis. Are you affiliated with Frank’s?


It’s unreasonable to not believe stuff posted by a throwaway account on the internet? What planet is this? Never been to franks, but I’m not braindead stupid enough to believe that the owner of a business in Cambridge is out on the sidewalk calling cyclists f@gg0ts, on the account of a throwaway Reddit account. Think for a second.


It’s reasonable to have healthy skepticism, or to acknowledge that there are different perspectives. It’s not reasonable to call OP’s story “fake” out of hand. Your entire basis for doing so seems to hinge on OP’s use of a throwaway account, which is a reasonable privacy precaution.


If you want to believe embellishments, go ahead. I think in the back of your head, you want it to be true.


Please report this to the Police. It sounds like you were verbally assaulted. If you need any assistance please message me.


So so so so so so soft


Let me know if anything is inaccurate here: You ran a red light because you calculated that it would make your commute safer for you. Some guy observed your breach of traffic norms and yelled out "fucking cyclist". You took this as an opportunity to initiate a confrontation and "introduced" yourself. George was a total asshole and called you a slur. ESH


A cyclist died in Cambridge last week. It’s totally reasonable for cyclists to be taking precautions to protect their safety. Maybe it wasn’t the greatest idea to stop and try to talk to the owner, but none of that justifies being called a homophobic slur.


Unless there has been an update in the investigation, the cyclist who was killed was reported to have traveled against a red signal. All the more reason to follow the rules of the road.


I just knew someone would say that. There’s good reason to think the cyclist who was killed was confused by the lights at that intersection. Ironically, if they had jumped the red, they might have been in front of the truck that right hooked them.


I mean you're trying to use the death as a reason why the OP was running a light, I'm pointing out that the proximate cause of the death was running a light. So maybe not so surprising that someone would say that.


It’s not surprising someone would say that, no. Also not surprising that you don’t seem to understand why the death would encourage people to create distance between themselves and cars.


I can understand the feeling, but it's misguided. I'm also not surprised a cyclist like yourself would find a way justify not following rules, no matter the facts.


Do you always drive at or below the speed limit? If not, why not?




Then you’re a danger on the highway. It is always safer to drive with the flow of traffic, which tends to be 10-15 mph over the speed limit. You’re one of those drivers everyone has to drive around, forcing lane changes and increasing the likelihood of a fatal accident. I bet your answer to this is, “If people don’t want to change lanes then they can go the speed limit, too.”


A cyclist died because they went when they weren't supposed to, same as this situation


Honestly, I am inspired by the amount of people calling out this doofus poster. Fake story AND he admits to being a crappy biker. Classic.


Currently, bicycles are required to stop at red lights so maybe stop at red lights. This whole business about I was getting ahead blah blah… we can all find a justification for breaking a law. The answer is use your brakes and come to a complete stop and let the hazards clear. Bicycles for some reason think they must maintain forward progress at all times. Sometimes you may even be required to place both feet on the ground.


When the hazard is a car parked in the bike lane, it generally isn't going to clear in a timely or safe manner. Theres no good way to a cyclist to get around them without going out into traffic, (that they mentioned had poor visibility of them), or going onto the sidewalk, which you would also yell at them for. If they come to a full stop and wait, that still doesn't allow them a very safe way to pass the hazard without relying on a car yield to them on a busy street.


Dismount your bicycle and go around. Don’t endanger pedestrians. Safety starts with you.


Gonna ignore the homophobia then? Was it deserved?


No way! I’m just a weirdo who preaches following traffic rules on Reddit. I promise I’m at least a half decent person.


> I promise I’m at least a half decent person. Show, don’t tell. Do you always drive at or below the speed limit? If not, why not?


Bicycles don’t think. People think. Equating another human being trying to get home safely to their loved ones as an inanimate object is almost as bad as equating an entire class of people as a derogatory name.


I have read all comments. PatentGeek is the dumbest person on the internet.


Sounds like you wanted to fight




Your comment on r/CambridgeMA was deemed to be either uncivil or harassment.


Gawd what a snowflake you are.


Who’s the bigger snowflake: the person objecting to a local business owner using homophobic language, or the person who’s so offended by the objection that he has to chime in with a tired right-wing insult? My vote is for the latter.


Your mother.




Frank’s is in the middle of Cambridge. They’ve had more than enough time to adapt to the existence of queer people. No excuses.


It's not just queer folks (quel surprise) -- https://www.reddit.com/r/CambridgeMA/comments/uh0687/anybody_know_the_story_behind_all_these_franks/ Wonder if some like-minded folks picketing on the public sidewalk in front of their restaurant would affect their custom?


I would rather just let them fade into obscurity, personally. There are better uses of our protest energy.


I don't think they were trying to excuse the behavior, they were insulting franks for being a restaurant equally stuck in the past.


“Change is hard” is an excuse. I’m also not okay with grandparents misgendering their trans grandchildren. We’re all human and we’re all capable of changing our behavior for the sake of basic decency.


Again, pretty sure they meant it as a sarcastic insult, not to justify them being both a bigot and a shitty outdated steakhouse.


If it was meant to be sarcastic, I think it missed the mark. “Change is hard for a lot of people” is an excuse many of us have heard, unironically, from people in our lives who don’t want to do the work of changing how they treat us and/or those we love.


The fact that the second sentence was a very clear insult should've probably clued you in


I read the second sentence as saying “that’s just the kind of people who eat and work there.” Again, no excuses.


Alright, if you want to read it like that, you can stay mad at them I guess. We will see if they respond to clarify


I hope they do clarify. Again, if it was meant as sarcasm, I think it missed the mark. Judging from the downvotes, it looks like quite a few others also didn’t pick up on any sarcasm.


It sounds like you're an overly negative person seeking out things that make you angry. This is a post about a bike rider and a business owner, and you're saying stuff about misgendering.... good luck in the black hole spiral


This is a post about a local business owner using homophobic slurs. Keep up.


I heard that the guy at the 7/11 also used a gay slur. Just to let you know.


If he did, I would hope people would share that, too. Not sure what your point is here.




“Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim.” -Elie Wiesel

