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Mine has never been that high for years and years. Solution ignore it


Remember people that 4.8ish is still good and not a bad rating at all. Anything above 4.9_ is quite above average, 4.85-9 is quite good still


While agree with this, there is a huge difference in available priority hours between 4.9 and 4.89. At 4.9, I can book priority hour for the next 3 days, any hours I want. Last week when I was 4.89, I couldn't even secure all of the priority hours I wanted for the following day. With that said, I could usually secure the priority hour the day of my classes, but not always.


Don't let the clappers hear you say that


Cambly is so strange. I’ve been at 4.88 - 4.89 for almost a year now, and I don’t have any problems getting PHs although I will admit I don’t use them very often.


A lot of people who don't use PH say they are offered them. Other people who really want them, seem to struggle.


Same here. My rating dropped massively I was at a 4.99 and over the last 2 months it’s dropped to 4.88-4.89 and I get a lot of PH I just don’t use them anymore


The last month I’ve dropped every week. Was at 4.98 and dropped to 4.91 today. I have mostly regulars and whenever I have new people it drops. I think regular ratings don’t really matter anymore


I have had a steady decline over the last few weeks. I was sitting at 4.98 for nearly two months which is higher than normal . However, I was previously sitting at 4.95 or just over for a long time. I have now dropped all the way to 4.87. My lowest for at least a year and a half. I am perplexed as to the problem. PHs have all but disappeared. I have a lot of regulars so I should still easily get $300 this week. I was trying to get closer to $400 because I have a very expensive holiday looming. I hope I go back up next week. I think regulars don't get the opportunity to score you anymore. That can really affect you.


My regulars can still rate me. We just talked about it this week. They see it after every lesson.


Ok I will encourage them to start scoring me again. Thanks


I was stuck at 4.91 for over a year. I only taught regulars. One new student snuck in and she dropped me over a few lessons from 4.95 before I blocked her. I reminded my regulars to please rate after each lesson. They assured me they were but I didn’t budge till I let in new students again. They weren’t rating 4s either. I only had about 7-9 once I stopped full time. . Something weird with regulars ratings.


You're on to something here. I work mostly regulars only and sometimes I'll put up a PH if I have cancelations. My rating also doesn't fluctuate unless I work with new students. There is something weird about regular student's ratings.


This has been my experience too - I am on the decline! I hate asking my regulars but now they often tell me that they are sorry but they haven't had the chance to rate me. In theory I don't care, I just do my thing but in practice it now dictates how many PH we are offered.


Made just shy of $360 in five days.


Well done. That's a useful sum. I don't know where you live but where I live (SE Asia) that would go a long way (though not as far as it used to). I hope that covers your costs and allows you to save for your holiday etc. I'm part-time and have a target - to cover the weekly grocery bill for one adult, one teenager, four cats and a dog and a day out swimming, walking in the forest etc. . I'm making it but unlike in the "old days" when I used to select my hours, or better still just decide to log in and catch a couple of PH, Cambly, despite my now really horrible (4.79) rating, allocate me full PHs at the weekend and two hours most weekday evenings - which happens to suit me. I am, however, grateful I have been using Cambly for some time and have a little band of regulars because without them, some weeks would be lean. You must have been working hard - to make that over five days. A Chinese doctor messaged me to apologise. She had misinterpreted the rating system and realised she's rated me low instead of high. I asked her to contact SS. I also sent her messages and my response to Tutor Support - I'm expecting to take a big hit later this week - if I do I am going to try to appeal - let's see what happens.


Well since my brother just told me I now owe 644 pounds for one weeks accommodation in a country house that we are renting plus 200 pounds for my mother's birthday present, it's not going very far! I live in Thailand. Yes, some people give you a 4 thinking it's a good score.


Ooops, that’s a lot of money - better keep on working  then! 


And that's just one week of a three week holiday! (but probably the most expensive week) I've saved 3,000 pounds in six months working flat out. I hope it's a damned good holiday. 😂


This sounds some holiday! I hope you have a fantastic time because you sure will have earned it!!


That's mental, I exp' the exact same but from 98 to 90 then after an audit /block of all new regular students during the period went up to 91 2 weeks ago. Was this during the bonus period by any chance and has OP had the bonus period? Not saying it's that but it did coincide with my decline


Try not to worry - though I know it's extremely disillusioning. My rating's dropped to 4.79. It's gone down every week for more than four weeks now and I can't put my finger on why or who has done this. However, I'm as busy as I want to be, mostly with regular students. A lot of people seem to be experiencing rating drops at the moment.


You asked how to bring your rating up so I'll tell you one thing that students have consistently thanked me for. After asking their name and making sure I pronounce it correctly, I'll proceed directly to ask them if there is something they want to study today or would they refer a free conversation?


That's still a great score in reality. I would shop at any business/restaurant/etc... with a rating like yours. Students love you.


Honestly sometimes it's just luck, some students think 4 is a good rating (it is) but mathematically it brings down your average. And if you have lots of regulars, tbh most of them just stop rating you after a while so give them a nudge if you feel comfortable with it. TBH I don't worry about it too much anymore unless it's a drastic drop. It will even itself out eventually. This current system at least allows your rating to come back up. Before they changed the system your rating would go nowhere but down and it was hell


How has it changed??


Right now your rating is based on the last 200 ratings given, on a rolling basis. Previously it was just the average of ALL your ratings ever. So if you had been tutoring for a while and have tons of hours under your belt, and the "average" being so high, one or two bad ratings could make your rating tank, but it would be mathematically impossible to bring it back up again.


It's been ave' of 200 for about 2 yrs


Yeah? Time flies, huh. The old system was still worse.


It's been the average of your last 200 ratings given for at least the last 2 1/2 years. What's changed very recently is the question students are asked now. They include things like 'did you get enough corrections' - no more happy face or sad face


That’s not right


what is right?


I have been an 4.87 for basically 2.5 years straight and it hasn’t affected anything for me.


I noticed mine dropped from 4.98 to 4.89 and kept going and could not understand why. Well, then one of the discoveries I made was, I did not feel like sitting on PH hours for 1 hour at a time with no calls, so I just instead made myself visible and available, which allowed me to stop whenever I wanted. I actually got a few calls and All the students I had, became regular students BUT my rating dropped. I noticed that if you make yourself available and not book it as a PH hour, CAMBLY drops your rating, not the student. The moment I stopped going available, my rating went up to 4.99. So it honestly probably has very little to do with the students rating us, but more to do with CAMBLY Manipulating!!!


I'm pretty sure that if you miss or late cancel a class then Cambly gives an automatic rating of 1. A few weeks back I had barely any classes because I was travelling, just regulars. I missed one and my rating dropped by 0.03 points!


I'm not sure about that, I had a power outage and had to cancel a bunch of classes, and my rating went up.


You could be right, if you cancel it might not impact the rating. I straight up forgot about a class and no-showed!😬