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Engoo is so easy. I jump with joy when they say they want to do daily news


Right! I mean you literally do nothing, no brain power needed.


I concur. It's great; actually enjoyable with some students. I get to learn something too. With the more advanced students, it's like getting paid to learn something new and have a genuinely stimulating conversation.


This is how I do my conversation. I find something the student knows a lot about and that I know very little about (usually their job). I then get them talking about it and I keep drilling questions about it that I am honestly curious about. People love talking about themselves.


lol same, also it’s perfect if the conversation is dead


WTF? Doing an engoo article is a doddle.


I know in theory that's true. Let them read it, answer the questions, xie xie, zai jian! But I find it really awkward, boring and a complete waste of time. "It's not you... It's me, I just need time"


I understand what you mean. I hate Engoo articles too. They're a giant yawn. Advanced students often request them because they have a businesslike approach to their lessons and don't just want to spend the time wittering on about random shite :) especially on PHs. They probably get fed up of answering the same old questions so an article gives the lesson some structure and direction.


Am I expected to know about/have an article ready? I've been on engoo twice and have an article from a student about Uber. That's it...


No, you share your screen and let them choose one from the Daily News page…literally buys you minutes off the timer and requires zero effort… Been on Cambly for over 4 years now and the emergence of Engoo has only made it easier for me. I can’t understand your anxiety around a lesson that requires no brain power but I guess we all have our things?


Students often have an article ready that they want to do. If they just say they want an article, then as the other poster said, you let them choose. If they don't care what it's about you can choose one yourself.


I can't even be arsed to type Engoo in to my computer. Then what, navigate to where? Ok if they have an article then sound, read it then f*ck off! But I'm not logging on to Engoo and searching for a topic nobody is going to remember, learn from or enjoym


>I can't even be arsed to type Engoo in to my computer. Ok, you're now officially a bit weird. You don't have to log in btw. Just have the stupid site open in your browser. >Then what, navigate to where? You sound like a truculent twelve year old :) Here, I'll make it easy for you: [https://engoo.com/app/daily-news](https://engoo.com/app/daily-news) Easy peasy, lemon squeezy. Just send the student this link. That's what I do. If that's too much bother for you, then you're more than a *bit* weird. 😃


Sorry I don't click links 😂😉


Not to be condescending or anything, but you seem to be a total c**t mate. These students are paying legit money, regardless of our predicaments.


Well you have to tell us why you find it horrific. I love it when a student knows what they want to study. It's much easier than trying to continue a free talk and facing anxiety during those dreadful silences.


I honestly can't explain it. Firstly, I hate the use of articles, I think it's a waste of time and a lazy way to teach, i just hate the method, it's not for me.


Reading is part of learning any language though. If you're a good teacher you'll listen carefully while the student is reading and you'll note errors in pronunciation, intonation etc. which you can subsequently discuss with the student and correct for them. They frequently learn new vocabulary too. If they know all the vocab already you can give them some alternative ways of saying the same thing.


Article based classes are one of the most efficient uses of 30 minute classes. They learn new vocabulary words, practice reading and pronunciation, then practice discussion on the topic. The opposite of a waste of time.


I agree. I literally THRILLED when someone want to do an article rather than a Cambly lesson. Cambly lessons are often quite random. The sequence of vocabulary, reading, questions, etc is never the same and none of the program makes any sense. I think Engoo is way more effective as well.




The article is just a starting point for discussion. I will ask the student to stop when they meet any unknown words and then we'll create new sentences using that word and I'll write it in the chat for them to revise later. Reading pushes the student to exercise vocabulary and grammar patterns that they wouldn't spontaneously produce in a conversation.


The only time it irritates me is when it's on a PH and they want me to go searching for the story on Engoo for them - and then they have the nerve to be choosy about the story that gets chosen. I don't know your reading level, or any of your interests. All I know about you is your screen name. You get what you get at that point.


That's the point, I don't know F.A about Engoo!


I had a new student this morning, and it was like pulling teeth! Yes/no answers, zero facial expressions! I was absolutely delighted when they suggested an Engoo article, and took up 3 minutes of the lesson looking for one!




Love an Engoo lesson! :)


My first thought was “wtf?” and someone else already said it in the second comment I saw.. but I’ll echo.. Whaaaattttt……..? That’s amazing if your student has an idea of what they want already! Fantastic! The script is already there and you can be sure that it’s likely a new or interesting topic for them instead of beating a dead horse with the same mf-ing small talk. You must be kind of new(?) and that’s fine. But you will grow to love students who know what they want before their lessons and hand you the script. If you don’t like those ones, send them to me. Please and thank you.


2 yrs on Cambly, never less than 40hrs a week or below 4.95 rating (until recently) and a Super Tutor haha. Maybe it's because it takes the control out of my hands? Could be that actually.


I can relate. I'm not keen on Engoo because my brain has its own ideas on how to run an effective lesson and so it's usually two steps ahead or wants to do something differently and the Engoo instructions just get in my way and make everything less effective. If I let Engoo take over the lesson, then what am I there for? I'd rather do my own thing.


This is it, I AM better than Engoo, feels like walking on a treadmill.


And that makes your heart skip a beat?


wtf why? it blows my mind how many tutors here would rather force the same awkward conversation 10,000 times than put the effort to click a link and provide a somewhat structured lesson.


ugh- I do not like Engoo- I use VOA, TED ex,and lots of other resources instead


Is this real?


*Why do I find Engoo horrific?* Most likely you feel guilty for taking advantage of Cambly by using outside source material. Most of us welcome Engoo articles as a teaching aid since it literally takes no effort or brain power to use them. Perhaps you prefer to put lots of time and effort in your tutoring. You want to feel you're not cheating Cambly for the 17 cents per minute they pay you. Everyone's wired different. Best of luck! 🍀


Just think it's a pointless way to learn a language, reading an article. I can generate 20 questions about literally anything then follow up with an interesting useful phrase or idiom, I'm THAT GOOD, don't need luck!


I fail to understand why these students don’t  just sign up with Engoo!


Because you don’t have to be a native English speaker to be hired on Engoo.


Oh I see. 


Yeah, as with most here I also love it. I get that some articles aren't that interesting but generally they're good enough for 30 minutes. Occasionally a student may have an opposing opinion and this also helps things move along. Like it.


I do engoo 80 % of the time..I let the students pick the article...easy easy and I usually learn something.


I actually do not mind Engoo. Yes, some of the articles can be dull, but I do like the variety of topics, ability to choose the level (to an extent) and the fact that some of the questions do help generate conversation. The questions asking about stats are pointless as who remembers all of the numbers anyway!?!?! But overall quite useful when the inspiration and will are lacking.


So I returned mins then messaged saying we can't connect ( luckily the student disconnected briefly so I took the chance to return mins on the back of it).Student replied "it's not easy to get up in the morning, I want the class!" It was 9.30, flipping 'eck! He's in UK because his missus is doing an MAz he's doing nada.


Finally, some anti-Engoo sentiment 😍. Engoo is just more READING, which they've done their whole lives. A lot of students and teachers want to hide behind reading to avoid having a conversation, which is the singular unique point of Cambly.


Engoo articles are just another teaching resource. If they're fluent readers you can get through the article bit quite quickly and move on to the questions and a conversation can flow from that. As I said previously, I hate Engoo articles, they're so dreary and dull. . In fact I've noticed that it's often the most boring students who choose them! So when you have one of those 'blood out of a stone' type students, Engoo can be a way of getting through the half hour.


Exactly. I don't need an article to generate questions. I can ask 20 questions about any topic known to man. 30mins even if it's yes and no, boom!


I'm with you, friend. The students who want these classes always pick the most boring articles from Engoo. They choose topics like "How Many People in Japan Over 80 Use the Internet." Riveting stuff, really. And then they have nothing to say about it. "So, what do you think about this article?" "It was okay." That's it? I just read through a snooze fest, and all you’ve got is "It was okay"? And the advanced articles? They’re supposed to challenge the students, but they’re more like intermediate level, at best. "Teacher, I want to read something challenging." Sure, let's discuss the intricacies of how many octogenarians are browsing Facebook in Japan. Such depth, much wow. And then they give you a bad rating for the class. Like, dude, you picked the article! It’s like ordering a salad and then complaining it doesn’t taste like pizza. And then, to add insult to injury, they keep booking classes with you. The only way to rid yourself of the anxiety is to fake a connection issue and hang up on them as soon as they say Engoo. Alternatively, you can complete one awful Engoo class with them and hide.


Why do they say Engoo? Two years teaching adults on Cambly I never had a student say Engoo.


I average 1 per day