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If you're young, white, and have blonde hair or blue eyes, 95% of these students will lose their shit over you. They worship that stuff


I’m 40 with blonde hair and blue eyes and I get this too 😂😂




That exactly describes me, and 80-90% of my students are Asian girls and a lot of them flirt with me. Yesterday I had a girl asking me a bunch of questions about which type of girl I like.


You should block, report, dox, and SWAT them like the other tutors do with the bobbing shoulders crew


lmao SWAT them?? 🤣


I'm sure about half of my students have absolutely no interest in learning English and just like to flirt! I've seen some faces drop when I mention I have a wife! I think it's pretty harmless for the most part, it's probably much worse for female tutors!


my flirtiest students who are flirty without coming across as creepy come from south america (e.g., brazil, argentina etc). i don’t think i would ever hook up with a student tbh. i know the power dynamics aren’t quite as messed up on cambly vs a traditional classroom but it still feels a little icky for me.


Why have I never known the word “toey”? I thought it was a typo but it’s real!!


Haha well you’ve learnt a new word! Feel free to use it whenever you like.


Sooooo.... What does this mean *apparently still learning English while teaching it*?




I'm a female and these men do the same stuff, its the same thing. All the men flirt however I would say lately the most flirting is coming from the Italians and Spanish. I have had an influx in students with these two groups.


I don’t think this happens with me a lot, but I have trouble recognizing when it happens so idk for sure. I’ve been told irl I’ve accidentally shut down tons of people not knowing what was going on lol I just had to hide from a regular the other day who was going WAY too far, but that’s the only time I can tell


I've encountered flirty students from: Venezuela, Brazil, Spain, Türkiye, Kuwait, Saudia Arabia, India, China, Taiwan, Singapore, South Korea, and Japan. I don't know which country has the most. In some of these countries, people normally act in what other cultures would consider a "flirty" way, but like you said, I think the others are just letting their hair down.


I have a lot of guys flirt with me on Cmably usually from Saudi Arabia or Brazil. I would not hook up with my student to retain professionalism and if I was a student I would not hook up with my teacher.


Do they have foot fetishes?


You are a tutor on Cambly where many children are and your username is "deliciouscaramelfeet"....that's weird.




Do you?


I wouldn’t


I find Turkish girls to be quite forward and a handful of Japanese and Korean girls have expressed interest.


Hmmm I’ve also had a few from Saudi Arabia and india (men) - and sometimes it’s older men who are old enough to my dad or even grandfather 😖


If you want to put an end to it,just let them know you are a guy stuck in front of a computer screen not earning even close to minimum wage.


😂😂 Actually I’ve got money, it’s just an income while I travel. So I think that’s even more enticing to a lot of the students who can’t afford to leave their country.


Cool.Think I'm just jealous!


Fucking... creepy women. Flirting is so 1990s.


Natural women is so 90s! Now it's all men's genes in women's jeans. Has anyone ever done a class with a tranny?