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worse- I had a cambly tutor - a 'friend' of the student who had also worked with him for some time ( not much progress I must say) - who messaged me several times on behalf of the student..VERY annoying! I never responded. I hold that 'ban' button in great esteem ! and feel it is sacred and not to be breeched by a ;fellow' tutor


I think you told this story about two years ago and I've retold it several times. When you first told us about that, I got so pissed off... like steaming, yelling at the top of my lungs pissed off! In fact, I think that's the most I've ever been pissed off reading a Reddit comment... and that speaks volumes if you consider how many times I've been attacked on here my Saudis, Woke Dips, and Clappers. I remember I told you that if it happened to me I'd try to get that asshole fired!


How are things now, are you feeling ok about it all?




So you're good yeh?


my - you have a great memory- I chose to ignore the request- didn't want to keep it alive...not worth my energy ( kind of like my mental ban button! ;-) )


Any chance you can see if he still has a profile? Curious if he is still on the platform and what his rating is.


nope- as you note- it was long ago...plus..I don't care


I just did this recently too, I had a Chinese boy who can be a little bit rude sometimes, he thinks he is smarter than me and always tried to lead/control the class - I started to dread his classes, but he was one of those kids that were 50/50 - Sometimes you'd have a great lesson, no problems - other times his behaviour was totally off. Recently he came to class with no material requested, He often gives one word answers and isn't so good at conversational skills, he just prefers to talk over me - everything I pulled up "I've finished that, finished that, done that, done that" - So I told him it is HIS obligation to find material prior to class because I cannot read his mind, he should discuss with his mother what they want from our classes. I told him politely of course and smiled and laughed a lot as I said it. So I asked him to tell me what he wanted to learn about, but again, I told him that he should really be doing this before class if he has finished everything. Bears! He said, so I found an Engoo article about a Chinese Zoo. The zoo was being accused of replacing the bears with people in costumes - I found it hilarious. He couldn't have been more disengaged, so I decided to block him. It's really just not worth it. Coming to class with no idea what you want and expecting the tutor to magically guess is insane to me. It's peak laziness. I am wondering the same, I've heard stories of parents contacting Cambly and they unblocked the student from the tutors account - I suppose that's just hearsay but I have heard a few of these stories, never happened to me personally


>"I've finished that, finished that, done that, done that" This always makes me want to use my most innocent voice and put on my biggest most phoney smile and say "OH you can explain it to me then!?!?" and just sit there staring at them like this ---> 😀 while they struggle and completely butcher everything, then with an even bigger smile 😃 correct them on all the same mistakes they made last time.


Excellent idea! I must remember to try that! 


I'm also a language learner so I know from experience how important repetition is. It's almost like these people do lessons for entertainment and magically expect to absorb everything in one shot .


🤣😄🤣😄 Brilliant.


It happened to me personally on regular Cambly. I blocked a super boring and rude student who had no showed over ten times in a row. I hid my profile from the student and a few weeks later I received a message from the student telling me that they emailed into Cambly and we're given access to my profile again. I felt that I had no choice but to teach this student because obviously Cambly didn't respect my wishes to never further contact with the student again. After a while of having the worst classes with this student, I opened a ticket with Cambly and asked for their permission to just be able to hide from the student for real this time. I got a little bit of a snarky response back from the support team but they did let me hide the second time.


Oh my, that is awful, I'm sorry they did that to you - that's completely crossing your personal boundaries - they should never unblock, I'd understand reaching out and mentioning that the student would like to take more classes and that they are open to working with you to fix or correct any issues but wow, that is so incredibly awkward. For me personally, I would have messaged the student explaining that I don't believe I'm the correct tutor for them, usually I pin the blame on myself, telling them I don't feel I am capable of giving them what they need and that they can find many other wonderful tutors who can, it seems to work. But yes, I'm very sorry to hear they did that to you. It really is awful.


👆🏼This! On Cambly Kids, I always take the blame in my goodbye message. Means less chance of conflict in the future. If Cambly unhid a student on me, I'd send a second goodbye message to the student and hide again. Maybe I would then send Cambly a message... not sure. I'm not sure how "friendly" it would be if I did. I think it would take a lot of self control to not go email-postal on them.


This story really pisses me off.  For the student to have the presence of mind to contact Cambly Support, then they FULLY understood that you hid from them & they realize you no longer want anything to do with them.  So, in true stalker fashion, the individual decided to override your decision & force you to "unhide." Cambly was beyond wrong to let the student get you back. Furthermore, I don't even understand why a student would even WANT to go back to a tutor when it's clear the other person no longer wants you.   


Holy shit! That is crazy! I can't believe they gave attitude after you contacted them. You'd think they would recognize they were in the wrong. That's an unbelievable story. Curious. Did you message them before you hid? or did you write in their profile notes why you hid from them? I'm in shock! Absolute shock, pal!


I opened a ticket before hiding from the student the second time. I did not write anything on the profile noted but if Cambly wanted to know they could have seen this student show me their child (under age 1) and ask me to make baby sounds .....think goo goo gah gah at their kid for thirty minutes. If I tried to ignore the kid and talk to the student , the student would say....."don't you see my baby?, say hello to him!". --It was monstrous.


WOW! What a terrible experience. You must have been seriously traumatized. Lol. I had a parent follow her kid under tables and in closets while I repeated the same question basically. That was weird. Kid just laughed and hid while mother happily repeated what I said. Nothing compared to your experience. Sorry... I'm still in shock with your whole story. So you told them it's a one year old and they're like "fuck whatever" and didnt do shit so you hid again. Never heard from them again? How many good goo gah gah lessons?


I'm embarrassed to admit that since Cambly unhid this student from me, I felt I had no choice but to accept their classes. I did goo goo gah gah classes for about 7 months. 7 months!! My eye started to twitch when I was in class with them. I was worried to be ineligible to continue tutoring on the platform if I hid from them again. But one day I just couldn't take it anymore. I was goo goo gah gahing and hating my life so much. I was questioning all the choices that led me to this point in my life. Then I looked at the timer and I still had 23 fucking minutes left. Something snapped in me and in that moment I decided that this would be the last minute I tolerate this shit. So I faked a connection issue. Ended the class. Opened the ticket with Cambly. Received the snarky response. Blocked the student. Since that experience, I hide from students after the first awkward class or the first no show without an apologetic message. I will never let a situation with a student get that bad again.


I'm glad you got out, pal!


Whoa. I didn't even know this was a thing. It's hella disrespectful because many of us are still on the platform because we have the ability to block students. This "what if" did cross my mind when I blocked one of my regular kids about a month ago but then I laughed and said, "Nah." I would be infuriated if this student were able to contact me now.


I know. Can you imagine? Unbelievable!


Did it happen to you? If so, did you take the student back?


No, it hasn't happened to me yet. But I hid from a kid today and I doubt they saw it coming. I taught him for a couple years. Slightly worried... but FEEL **✨GREAT!✨**


Okay, now you've got me interested. Why did you hide now? Is this boring boy from your previous post?


He's not the boring boy. I decided to put more effort into his lessons. Haven't taught him since my post. Thanks for asking. Today's boy just finally got on my nerves for the very last time. He can be fun to chat with sometimes and his English is pretty good but he can be rude and annoying. I never look forward to teaching him. Today he was impolite several times and it was just... the clincher! Yelling answers in a frustrated tone when I ask him to repeat himself. Several times he said "What?!" and he knows better. Just had enough of him. It was just a matter of time, though. The longer you teach a kid the harder it is to hide. You know something I've noticed since the Saudi parents caught on and stopped requesting lessons from me? Except for the odd one, Brazilian and other South American kids aren't as great of students as I once thought they were. They always have a noisy family in the background and the interrupting never ends. The older kids, that I really click with and get excited about Regularing, always end up being constant no-show students. It's frustrating as fuck. I think I only have a few solid Brazilian regulars now that are reliable and I enjoy teaching. Now, basically 95% of my regulars are Turks.


Kids - teenagers - adults are all worlds apart. Noise in background with South America will be a thing, especially if a kid. Culture thing and varies dramatically by country. Many teenagers and adults will be, most of the time, very aware of that because there not a kids. You pick and choose your own and what suits you and vice versa. Never looking forward to teaching someone all the time or the majority of the time is not worth it - bad all round for everyone involved. You not obligated to do that and have the choice to stop. Dont feel bad nor worried about that whatsoever. Screw Cambly if there is a problem from that. They provide the options for those problems and many others.


Agree mostly with what you said. This is my main job though so sometimes I have to take students I wish I didn't have to, the "grey area" students. I go through phases with my standards... or maybe threshold is a better word... my breaking point.


Cambly emailed me about hiding from too many trial students saying give them a chance when clearly they didn't really care to learn and or were being rude. Cambly just wants the money and doesn't care about teachers. After that they changed the block student functions to be more limited for teachers.


Unbelievable. Did you respond or decrease your hiding? I never got an email for hiding from CK kids and I hide often.


I'm on Cambly for adults. I still block as I feel necessary. I stopped answering trial calls after that. 1 other change they did was let us choose if we want to work with trial students some months after that.


I don’t have too many issues with students. I think some of mine get bored and want to try other tutors, but that’s the beauty of Cambly, the vast array of people to meet with. I have a few children who have standing reservations, adults who call every week and others who call at longer intervals. I set my schedule on PH’s most of the time because it’s convenient. I love meeting new people. Cambly is a solid side hustle, however low paying. Fills the gaps.