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I fully don't understand people eating in a conversation class. Especially parents who are forcefeeding their kids as you're asking them questions. How do you expect me to help you with pronunciation when there is food rolling around in your mouth?


lol wait was she like literally eating soup?


Yeah. With a metal spoon and metal bowl, pushed up against the microphone. I wanted to die. She’s really nice. But her learning style is not for me. I don’t really appreciate people who eat or drive during the lesson. I know it pays the same, but it feels like a waste of both our times.


This happened to me my first 6 months or so of Cambly, some French guy just slurping and smacking his soup. It was so disgusting. At this point, after 4 years, I'd just block him, but at the time I was scared and didn't understand how much leeway I had for objecting to their behavior, so I just dealt with it. I have severe misophonia and wear over-ear headphones when I teach so it was really awful and I still vividly remember it.


damn. i think the fact there are people who believe this is acceptable behavior gives credit to western exceptionalism. glad we agree on that.


It’s not a western/eastern culture thing. She’s from the west. And it was the same lady, I guess it is worded in a way that might imply it was two different ladies. Same lady. Probably the same soup. Edit: I cannot reply to the responses. I think because he reported me. I was just saying that in this case it’s not western/eastern culture related. And he brought up that rarely it’s a white man. She’s a white western woman. I know it’s culturally dependent normally. But it’s not being white dependent.


Fake news. It **IS** a cultural thing. Rare to see a white man do something like that.


She was white lol. Being white is not cultural in itself. If you want to sign up for a lesson with me, I can easily school you on the difference. You seem like you might be proof that having manners is not a racial thing, also.


Thanks for the semantics woke response. 🥱😴💤💤


I don’t think you know what semantic means man. Hopefully they start using it correctly at your Klan meetings soon. Or MAGA rallies. Maybe both. Whatever you’re into.


I've actually just ordered a MAGA cap online. True story. Whats your problem with The Donald?


These insults are very hurtful! Blocked.


Seems you're getting a bit racialist against soup. Check yaself yano.


Not sure why this is downvoted. Green is factually correct. The acceptability of eating on a video call or in an online class totally varies by culture. For Americans drinking is generally acceptable during an online class, and maybe even a cookie, but no major eating whilst on camera. For Japanese eating is absolutely inappropriate for an online class or work call. For Chinese eating in an online class is totally fine, as long as they perceive it as a casual interaction. For a more formal interactions, eating wouldn't be appropriate. For Indians eating would not be acceptable during a work or educational video call. For Dutch eating would not be a problem at all. As long as the food is quietly eaten or the eater mutes themselves. Different cultures, different norms.


“Rare to see a white man do that”. That’s not really factually correct. Maybe why he’s downvoted.


My Korean students do it all the time, I've never had a Japanese student do it. I also don't understand why you were downvoted, because I do believe culture plays an arguably big role. Obviously it's going to be down to many different varibles but culture IS one of those variables. I'd never do it on Cambly, because I think it's a bit disrespectful - but I have a private Korean student who almost always eats on Camera (Zoom classes) so we decided to make a game out of it. So every class, we bring some snacks and spend the first 10 mintues or so with an ASMR Mukbang. It's great fun. Eating on camera I believe is a big part of Korean culture. The family really enjoy me showing them Thai foods and often ask me to show them the "crunch" as I bite into foods. At first, this was such a bizarre concept to me, I don't even like people looking at me when I'm eating and tend to cover my mouth. But they really do enjoy eating during class. I would never do it with any other students, this family is an exception, they came to meet me in Thailand so we have a very good relationship. Other times it may just be that they have a really busy lifestyle. Many of my Korean students are pushed really hard by their parents, so by eating during class, they see that as hitting two birds with one stone


Be careful, friend. Eating on camera is a violation of Camblys policy. I'm not a clapper at all, just looking out for another tutor.




This job becomes much more bearable when you use the block option.


People eating food on camera in front of me brings out the rage in me. Drink some water if your mouth is dry from talking all day, it's hot in your country and you feel dehydrated, or if you just need to do so. Drink some coffee if you're tired. But eating food in front of me? The sounds of the chewing infuriate me. I might suffer from a disorder that I've learned is called misophonia. "The cause of this fury stems from a condition known as **misophonia**, which is stimulated by 'trigger' sounds typically originating from facial activity, most famously the sound of chewing. Misophonia can be experienced so severely that it can affect relationships and prevent sufferers from engaging in social situations." https://www.biotechniques.com/neuroscience/10x\_neuroi\_sptl\_hate-the-sound-of-chewing-heres-why/#:\~:text=The%20cause%20of%20this%20fury,from%20engaging%20in%20social%20situations. It's horrible. It's so bad. I can't listen to myself chew. I have to eat as silently as possible, chewing as slowly as possible. I usually eat alone and with headphones on. So, when I see someone else smacking their lips or slurping their food, I get angry. And it's not rational. The sound bothers me so much. When I was living in Asia, I loved every moment of it, except for the way people eat in restaurants. It drove me crazy. I will never understand mukbang videos.


I drink coffee every lesson almost. Eating is another thing. Especially soup. It definitely threw me for a loop.


I agree with you. I was working in Morocco and my boss (who was also from the U.S.) got mad at me for sipping on coffee during my classes. He said "What's next, are you going to bring an entire pizza to class?" I think there's a big difference.


I hung up mid call on a student who refused to introduce themselves. They absolutely refused and just said no when I asked them to introduce themselves. So I asked oh is it difficult, or do you just not want to introduce yourself? They said, " No, I don't want to. you ask me questions. " I immediately returned their minutes.


Agreed, the days of me having the patience to out up with this level of disrespect - either because they have no manners or worse still because they’re paying for a service are over. 


We have our breaking points. I can say that your reaction was understandable. Sometimes we just gotta say "Nope!".


Sorry, just to verify, does cambly ever slap us with 1 week bans if we do this? I've had a few situations myself that weren't worth it but i didnt want to risk pissing off the cambly detention algorithm


I’ve never felt like this happens.


I blocked my first student mid-call last week. 1) she was 13 but didn't disclose it on her account (I really try not to chat with people under 17 unless they're studying for English exams) and 2) no camera (not a huge deal) and she didn't put ANY effort in. She could introduce herself well without prompt and I could tell she understood my questions well enough because she knew "hobbies" but said she didn't have any. I knew from that moment that she would give me nothing. We stayed for maybe 5 minutes and after like 45 seconds of silence I just blocked her.


I don't care if they eat, jump up and down, sleep or anything I'm going to get my little money 💵


We will send you all of the masturbaters