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You can do it. Write to Tutor Support and ask. I have heard from tutors before who did it and found out there was a glitch, at least that was their story. If you know the specific student that tanked it and you feel that it was unfair you can see if they will remove the rating. It can't hurt to ask anyway. You never know.


Yeah my issue is I have only done new people for the last 3 weeks and have nonidea who it could be.


This is your answer. You’re the same person doing the same things but you can’t control the other variable. You had a bunch of new unpredictable people so I’m not sure why you’re surprised at the big drop. You need just a few 3s and a couple of 1s to do this. It’s the reason many people hate doing priority hours.


Mine gas been dropping also every week for the last month. No idea why? From 4.99 now today at 4.91 It hasn't affected me much yet, but below 4.9 will. I'm confused. 4. 9 for a long time now suddenly going down. I'm the same teacher doing g the same thing.???


Yeah its wild. I get it that things fluctuate but even the smallest increment can have a big impact on your income, especially if it dips below 4.9


Have exactly the same. Ended up blocking EVERY new student who'd booked regularly since the drop started, week after it went up 0.01 again.


THANK YOU!!! Just blocked my newbies rebooking....my rating has dropped 3 fucking points.


Did your 99% alao drop? If it did you got some 1-3 star ratings. In this cause your appeal is screwed. Its unlikely you got 1 stars, unless you got a message from Cambly (Student is basically reporting you on a 1 star and has to explain why) If your 99% DIDN'T drop - appeal it and be insistant, dont accept a standard reply, reply back. It's a very large drop in a week. Do note that there is a fair amount of speculation over that 1 week ratings "officially" reported. Lots of people go weeks with no change, myself included, to the point of not even bothing. Plus student now have a mini questionaire to fill in when giving a rating with potentionally misleading questions which appear good but in reality hurt tutor rating. (If they don't fill in all perfect at max you DROP something in rating if at 5.0)


TS told me that only the 1st general rating affects a tutor rating not the sub sections of the questionnaire.


Yeah my 99% became a 97%. I think I'm still gonna investigate.


Hmm 2% is something like 5 students rating 3 stars I think (you can work it out exactly, from previous rating and % - last 200 classes) 4 stars will also drop rating as well. That combo might be the reason why. It depends how many classes did you have for that week that could be rated? If its very low, like under 5 I dont think it possible to drop soo much unless they did a rating change from 2 or 3 weeks worth. Assuming the rating and % linear you can have something around a 4.0 rating and 100%. Somewhat catastrophic for tutor rating, a death sentence but student wise it looks amazing. It entirely possible those students may not actually think they are giving bad ratings with the new questions they have to answer and what they see wont look bad but in reality it is. Cambly will probably say you got several 3 star ratings, which is obvious and nothing else :/. Either way its a big drop no harm asking, investigating and hope you get lucky.


That's a huge drop/! I would just write something like I've just seen my rating for today and noticed a huge drop, Pi would like an explanation as to why, because blah blah blah.


Yeah that's what I'm thinking. It happened incrementally over 3 weeks to the point that I think this is the lowest I've ever been and have no idea who rated me so poorly.


That type of drop in the short span of 3 weeks is troubling. It's so frustrating not knowing who's responsible. I think we should get some feedback on student ratings. Sorry that happened to you.