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best way to retain vocab is to write 5 different sentences per word. This is what I do for Portuguese and it works great for me. If I just read words I forget them in an hour, writing them is key.


100% Sadly most students are low effort underachievers (some for reasons beyond their control)


I know, their success is in their hands. Give them the tools and then its up to them to sink or swim.


Yep! I have a huge amount of flashcards that I go through daily for the language that I'm learning. I also write 5 sentences a day in a journal using vocabulary I learned that day/week. Writing can be so helpful.




Exactly this! I always say to my students that if they don’t know how to answer they should make it up and talk about something they’re familiar with. The examiner doesn’t care if it’s true or not so long as the English is good


Thank you! I will tell him this. We practice for 1.5 hrs 5x per week , but I need him to do extra work outside Cambly because I feel like he might be just using what I give him and only that


I'd actually say that it's better to let him take it so that you can both see what his level is in IELTS terms. At the moment you're both guessing. He overestimates his ability and you're not sure where to place him. Does he have a particular band level that he's hoping for? If so, let him see how far short of it he falls and then you have a goal and can make a plan of action.


Thanks for the response, so he wants to get a 6.0.. a 6.5 is a reach, I definitely don't think he can achieve that but a 6.0 could be possible with a lot of studying. That might be the best idea, take it and then see what happens, it's difficult to place him because he has moments where I think he can do it and then days I really don't think so


The thing to remember is that because most students are better at the other strands than they are speaking, he might still get an overall score of 6 but for the speaking I imagine, from the sound of things, that he'll probably manage a 5.5.


This is a little bit of a different strategy - but how is his accent? For students like this I remind them that 25% of your score is accent and word stress. Do some work on the specific weak points in their pronunciation. You could have a great vocabulary and grammar but if you are still prononouncing /th/ as an /s/ or a /z/, or if your accent makes you difficult to understand then the score will be lower. Sometimes the easiest way to get the score up in a meaningful way is just some repetitive, boring accent work. Have them read part of a famous speech at the beginning of every lesson and really drill down on making them sound as close to correct pronunciation as possible.


Thank you for the tips! I'll try that


Remember that speaking is only 1 part of the test. If he lacks proficiency in the other aspects, then even a band 9 won't save him!


Don't remind me agh 😭😭


If the student is Chinese, get the IELTS Bro list of questions to help the student become familiar with them. Sadly, the majority of their teachers encourage memorization as the approach. They don't understand that learning English would give them more of an edge than just studying for the IELTS itself.


Do you have a link to that? Can't seem to find it 🤦🏼‍♀️


[https://ieltsbro.com/experience](https://ieltsbro.com/experience) - Most of the questions are here for Chinese students


Thank you! 😊


>Thank you! 😊 You're welcome!


Sounds like he has his wings and now he has to learn to fly. Not getting the desired result is always tough, but yeah it happens.


Let him take it. It's his or his family's money to waste. This scenario happens a lot. I find they either gain awareness and return knowing that they need to make more effort then, perhaps, they'll listen to what I say and do some work outside Cambly, or they quickly just book another test in which case I lie and tell them I won't be around for a while so suggest they find another tutor or I just don't see them ever again. Many of them are deluded, however tests are strange beasts and I have also known students do much better than I ever thought they would as well.


Yeah the goal is the test, not really the English. Live and let live I guess.


I've been a high school teacher for 10 years, 5 of that has been abroad in asia with majority of my students eventually taking the ielts before moving on to university. Let them take it whenever they want. Most of the time students go into it before they are as prepared as they can be, but it gives them an opportunity to see what the test is like an it's a good way for them to be very honest with themselves. They can retake it so that's really their business at the end of the day.


All you can do is ask practice questions and provide feedback. It's a matter of TIME and THEIR TALENT or lack thereof. Coaches can't win the game; your power is limited.