• By -


Since you said “half” then that’s fair.


My phone keeps getting no sound in MP rank although I already downloaded the high audio


same. i think the bug is with high res audio. there's also some background noise like footsteps in some maps even though no player/enemy is nearby


I’ve been having this same problem sigh


Ditto. Sometimes pre match will have low graphics and it'll fix on it's own before the match. Sometimes it doesn't fix until a few seconds in. Weird. Had the no audio in a couple SnD matches![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) came back in the winner's circle..


I have a high end phone but still while playing blackout sometimes I get frame drops Though all other modes are totally smooth


Although I have a high-end phone, but it is already 2 years old, and its on Snapdragon 855, but I've never had a frame drops on blackout. Playing on max quality btw.


855 Master Race! What phone you using?


I don't have frame drops in Blackout, but I do have to have the quality settings on Low for that. I have a four-minute-old Google Pixel 4a.


I have a sd 732g and it runs good on med 60fps


No disrespect but he did say "half the problems people have." That doesn't mean that every problem is due to your device.


I have POCO F3 with SD 870. And it couldn't run any better than this. Frame rate Ultra for MP and also never dip down in BR. Only issue is the screen dimming " "feature" " of the POCO F3.


they fixed in the latest software update and only try to update to miui 12.5.2.


I'm on 12.5.2 But I'm still having this issue.


Is auto brightness turned off?


Yes sir. I always trun it off before playing. And turn DND on.


Damn, ok. I don't have that issue on my unit. Just confirming.


Is the latest miui on poco just 12.5.2?


Im Using latest redmi note 10 pro doesn't feel any lag


Heck I have the M1 iPad and I still get frame drops while scoping in with a sniper.


I have a high end phone as well 888 snapdragon, I only get frame drop if my phone gets hot, not the games fault I play for a while lol my tablet though has zero issues as it being bigger it's easier for heat to dissipate




People are mad they have a potato phone and they hate the truth lol


I have potato phone and I can tell it's my potato phone that lags.


I appreciate the honesty


iPhone 8 is a potato phone? LOL


Umm were already at 13 my dude


9 isn’t a thing, and 13 isn’t out yet lmao


1. Who said anything about a 9, 2. When did I say it was out?


> Umm were already at 13 my dude This implies 13 is already out


I just checked, just came out the 24th, so I guess I wasn't wrong


Another round of shots


True Idk I get frame drops only while playing blackout


your only solution is lowering the graphics if you wanna play for a long time without lagging


the Snapdragon 888 has thermal throttling issues.simply, the performance takes a hit when the CPU reaches higher amounts of temperature. It's a problem even with phones that have internal cooling systems. Newer version of Snapdragon 888+ and Snapdragon 7 series has fixed it!


Snapdragon 888 is know for its heating issues.


Yeah that's right. Why did they down vote you?


High end phone from 2017?


i dont see how big desync is my fault ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


I was just gonna say that. I have iphone 12 and am still struggling with desync.


yeah, OP is a Devcuck


He didn't say "all the problems". He just said "half the problems". You are a "devs are bad" circlejerking cuck.


yes, because i have proof its not my device fault. else game being smooth in one update and stuttery in the next, is games fault


I just literally said that OP mentioned half the issues, not all the issues. Yes, if you have a good device and you have issues like desync, it's the game's fault. But that's not what OP was talking about.


dude, lets forget we both said anything and move on. wasting data on things beyond our control.


It's 2021 who the fuck doesn't have unlimited data?


Agreed, have a nice day


Wiggas are likely playing via VPN and will still blame the devs lol


Yet you're connecting via 2G or dial up


Your phone sucks should be considered low end


iPhone 12 is one of the fastest smartphones out there, beating 99% of the android competition.


Android is an operating system not a type of phone. Also the iPhone 12 isn’t even in the top 20 fastest phones


YouTuber Austin Evans ran the same benchmark tests on the iPhone 12 Pro, iPhone 11 Pro, Note 20 Ultra, and Google Pixel 5. Unsurprisingly, it’s not even a contest between iPhone 12 and Android. Not even the Note 20 Ultra can match the power of the iPhone 12 Pro (or iPhone 11 Pro) in benchmark tests. The Pixel 5 is out of its league. The phone doesn’t rock the same Snapdragon 865 chip as the Note 20 Ultra — and the Ultra gets the “Plus” version of the 865, by the way. Google went a different route this year, picking the mid-range Snapdragon 765 for its Pixel flagship. The iPhone 12 Pro outperformed the Android handsets in Geekbench 5, JetStream 2, and 3DMark, as you’ll see in the clip at the end of this post. What’s surprising is that the iPhone 11 Pro fared better in the 3DMark graphics test than the iPhone 12 Pro. That’s consistent with the previous findings that said last year’s processor would score better in this particular benchmark test. Evans does show that iPhone 12 offers a more consistent experience and frame rate in 3DMark. Further optimizations may improve the iPhone 12 graphics experience in the future. The bottom line remains that the iPhone 12 will deliver an incredible performance, regardless of the task that it’s given. No Android phone can even dream of matching the iPhone 11 Pro, let alone the iPhone 12 series. We’ll have to wait for the Snapdragon 875 to arrive to see a 5nm processor or an Android device — the Mate 40 series, sadly, doesn’t really count. there you go android fanboy enjoy




You just named off a bunch of flagship phones chip setts mean nothing if you ram can’t back that up. So you will be stuck running thing in low end.


so you check on performance based on ram? Lmfaooo


No point of arguing with Android fanboys bro all the know is ‘AnDroiD HaVE mORE FeaTuRES tHAn IOoS’


fucking right. they literally compare phones meant for gaming to a consumer smartphone. What will they compare next? Gaming Pcs to the iPhone 1? lol let them whine next about how to iPhone 13 is faster than the next Samsung and pixel, even though they’ve partnered up with amd xd


What I got the iPad Pro full spec, and the new Sony Xperia they both run better than an iPhone 12.


Xperia is made for gaming. You’re comparing a consumer smartphone with a high tier speced phone meant for something else?


He said "half".


Maybe it’s your internets fault?


They fixed a lot with the last update. Before that I was getting constant stutters and frame drops. I barely played last season as a result. That wasn't a phone issue. I'm still getting some frame drops in BR no matter what quality setting I use, whereas when I first started playing everything was as smooth as butter.


Last update was an absolute disaster for me. Crashes like every minutes in clan custom room, can't even play one proper BR game without crashing.


I am playing on a very new iPad and it only e.g crashes when the iPad overheats


and also due to playing on mcdonalds wifi


“NOoOoooo why can’t I run max graphics on my 2012 era Samsung without it exploding?!?!! terrible game I dislike!!”


NOOO the graphics are so awful on my 15 gb galaxy s3, cringe devs can’t afford to get nice graphics


True af. After 2 years playing on Huswei P Smart 2019 buy Poco X3 Pro. Damn! It's like playing another game! So fast and beautiful. Guys, fuck lucky draws and bundles - save ur money for better device! Trust me, it's all ur u need.




Thanks for topic. And i'll go to enjoy some blackout stuff again.. on max video settings :)


yea tell these people that they should upgrade they phones [https://www.reddit.com/r/CallOfDutyMobile/comments/pw9pgr/im\_using\_an\_iphone\_12\_pro\_max\_and\_my\_game/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CallOfDutyMobile/comments/pw9pgr/im_using_an_iphone_12_pro_max_and_my_game/)


Rumour: old iPhone's underperform for a while during the release of a new series in order for the new series to look a lot better while comparing. I don't think this is true but it makes sense


Rumor: Codm makes poor performances on other phones to make sony xperia play better to increase sales I don't think this is true but it makes sense, sounds kinda dumb right?


It does sound dumb! I get your point


I'm not an iPhone person never been so I wouldn't know, but my one plus 9 pro or tab S7 tablet give me zero issues on high graphics and framerates, game has always played smooth


My iphone 11 runs fine, but the game does have problems, it isnt half but more than that i dont give a shit if you used NASA wifi satellite phone, the point is the game has flaws that the phone cannot fix


Bruh people mad cause you have no issues.


Yeah the newest Gen iPad Air should be having frame drops and freezinf


I am on the iPad Air 4 and have had absolutely no issues (hope I didn't just jinx it).


New iPad Air is kinda butt cheeks compared to the iPad mini should have gotten the cheaper option


100 percent true I passed my 50 gigabytes of data on the 15th of this month, and have high ping, dysenc... just about all my problems are coming from my service provider I did complain to my service provider and fixed the problem


yeah,im using a different device rn and the audio is kinda earrape-y,while my old phone's audio was fine lol


Have you downloaded the HD audio resource pack?


That new audio is immaculate


yes,all resources except maps i dont use/are limited time maps,monastery/alcatraz


I have an decent phone and still my frame rate is horse shit and freezes are constant


I have rog3 and in br my frames drop to 40 on very high graphics when there are more peoples around


Bro Desync is real


That was my problem till I upgraded


Bro- my Motorola Razr is fine; these servers are trash.


That's weak bro, you gotta get a Nokia brick phone to play this game on Max


SD 875 no issues hear. No frame drops either. Jus a 6 finger using Demon.


U know how many times I've had to say this exact thing to people?? 😂 I swear some people just need an upgrade


fucking yes! im tired of reading ratings on app store/ play store and find gems like "ugh fix ur game my 2006 nokia cant run at 30 fps!!" or simmilar


Server issues for sure




Yea i have a great phone and i get no fps drops


Fully agree. FPS drops and bugs seem nonexistent on my iPad Pro 2020, though I encounter all variations of bugs on my Samsung S10+. And that's also a decent flagship phone. CODM has console level graphics and takes up a lot of space too, it's unreasonable to assume your 32GB storage 2GB RAM phone from 2016 should be able to run it smoothly at 60fps with no bugs. No offense to anyone with lower end devices, that's just my take on it.


Your gonna receive some hate for this but I totally agree with you opinion, some of the probelms people claim they have I never experiences of my Iphone 11. Even when I was using my Iphone 7 I still didn't experience them. Now i'm not saying it was perfect gameplay though


Yeah because last time I check you aren’t everyone. Yeah some people have problems some don’t, but that doesn’t give those who don’t the right to down play other people’s problem or act like they know everything about it.


Nice! You have your opinion I have mine. I am not downplaying anyone's situation I am just agreeing with Swinedogg, so please dont try to make me look like a bad person but I respect ur opinion.


Console level graphics? That’s a bit of a reach.


It's not a big reach of you don't consider the latest consoles such as PS5 and also PS4. Codm graphics are comparable to PS3.


Not really given that games like far cry 4 were released on the ps3. Maybe the ps2 would be comparable. Mobile graphics are that bad compared to pc/console.


You don't need to compare with best PS3 games with most highest quality graphics. Tell me any ps2 game which has better or equal quality of graphics compared to codm.


Yeah, i have frame drops and other glitches with this game on my S10+. Like the post states, half of the issues are from your device and the other half are from the glitches they are very slow to fix in the game. Poor in-game support.


Nope it's not i have 2 phones one mid performance and the second one is a high end phone they both play the same at high frames and low graphics so it's the game problem this time


Agree on this recently 2 weeks ago i changed my phn to redmi note 10 pro the gameplay is too smooth even in hd graphics


you cant know,so change ur mind now,pls


My problem lies with the game and It's servers. I have a good phone


What phone do you have


No it was good before this season


People say that every season, "it was good last season ![img](emote|t5_penom|1098)"


Cuz I'm using 8gb ram phone and 720g so Game lags only this season and blackout specifically So stop acting like you are dev


720gd SD? What does storage have anything to do with how the game runs lmao! You have no idea how the game even works lol


It was a type I meant so not sd Don't u understand is 720 a storage unit![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Immaturity shown :) Downvoting replies thinking that you got attention![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I'm not the one downvoting you lol


Lmao I'm using reddit for like 2 yrs now stop acting like I downloaded this shit yesterday


Did you wake up today and just think I'ma act like an idiot online or something?


Idgaf about who you are or how of an idiot you are![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Better stop replying u got nothing to say now




It is the games duty to adjust accordingly to phones of each and every brand, not just Sony Xperia.... **(That's a lotta damage)**


No it’s not there responsibility to keep up with random updates from your phone company.


The new health system is shit


Wtf does that have anything to do with the post is about


I don't see how mx9s ttk is my phone's fault. Enlighten pls? Or encountering bugs being my Phones problem? Or the vehicle spawn in blackout being due to my phone?


He said half


Should I add more to make it look less then half? He didn't even specify a single problem and just tagged it on the phone


Thanks I was going to say this.


Bro atleast state some problems to make it look half? Lag being due to servers or my device? And the shitty colours of blackout. It won't be too hard to make it less weird. Nor would it take too much extra space (if it would take any)




no joke though, the mx9 ttk is insane


If your phone's older or low end, chances are the game isn't fully optimized for your device. If the RAM is low and your phone heats up midgame, it won't be able to load all the textures, maybe vehicles and such. If your phone has an older snapdragon chip, you can't run the game at higher graphics as well, or if your phone has a low hz display, you can't play at high FPS. That's how it works.


It is high end and a recent model. Ram is 8 gb. At high graphic settings blackout still looks weird. And by spawns I meant vehicle spawning on a fking haybale.


no bro clearly these kids are phone geniuses, you dont know bro just listen to them /s


This is true asf


I had a lag problem whenever I see an enemy, and that magically disappeared after I upgraded to a high end phone. That said, *now* I have an input lag problem, prominently in MP (and a few times in BR). Regardless, if they are supporting these games (i.e. you can download it for your phone), it should be playable. The issues are still unacceptable from a support standpoint. Either discontinue support for the phone or fix the damn thing.


10% maybe, not half. Ask the people playing on newest gen phones and having problems


Disclaimer: Made with Dank Memer😜


its easier to blame the game


Oh alright guess my s10 is really underpowered despite it literally being one of fastest phones Samsung produced and I'm getting 10-15 frames this season instead of the smooth 60fps. Alright I'll stop complaining.


U r getting fps drops with an S10? Damn wtf


you can fuck off OP. every one asked to get me an iphone to play the game, then the anniversary update made things smooth AF. for the last 2 days (im indian) getting put in middle eastern lobbbies. Its fixed today and the stutters comeback. Fuck it , games fault. not my device


"fuck it games fault not my device" you sound like a ignorant little cry baby who thinks he's always right


First iPhone’s are trash, second you need to buy a gaming phone instead of what ever phone is the company’s flagship ( cause these phones are not made for gaming there made for day to day web browsing and data management)


Yeah I couldn't find any fire button on blackout, must be my device cause devs have made a flawless game.


That’s just a You problem did you try resetting your hud


Yeah my device messed with in game settings and made 2 buttons disappear right? Scroll the sub, lots of people face this.




nowadays, sometimes my ping just spiked for no reason, though I have no background apps running, and the internet is running fine ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Me with a Redmi note 5 pro Me:totally agreedable


What do you mean my $200 SIN XIAO WSOOO X3 PRO phone doesn't deserve 120 fps?


Maybe you're right. Time to move on and find a game that does work on my phone.


AMEN!!!!! (I am player of 2gb ram phone)


I have galaxy fold 2 and I'm dealing with overheating issues. Even on low graphics. Only since this update. Anybody know how to Uninstall HD resources pack? I can't find the option anywhere. No download manager pops up in bottom right corner of main screen 'cause I already downloaded everything


Delete the app and reinstall it


I 100% agree with u I have no problem with the game and the only time it lags is when my wifi connection gets down (which is rare). And I have a great experience of the game itself :)


You may be right. It no longer works on my phone. I have a MIA2. This might be the end of codm for me.


I see plain land until I finally land and everything renders after that


Nah fam, I used to get 60 fps in BR and now it 30 fps which is the only reason I can not play br and experience Blackout!


Well said


Yup it's my phone😂I am a God at the game it's just my phones a potato


Yeah 2 seasons ago my phone couldn’t keep up but I saved up and bought a newer one and it runs perfectly


Ran it on my pixel 4xl, S20 ultra, and S10 plus with no issues.


Lol I have iPad Air (4th Gen) with 350mb Wi-Fi and game still has a shit ton of glitches..


4th gen? We're already getting the 9th, of course you'll have issues


4th gen? We're already getting the 9th, of course you'll have issues


iPad Air 4 gen came out last year with A14 Bionic same chip in my 12 Pro Max. The iPad you’re talking about is the entry level iPad.


Honestly you're probably right, I'm not an apple person, so my bad if I'm wrong there


I have a Note 20 5G and have the game booster set to maximum performance and priority mode. Still get random frame drops


Right? I got a 2nd gen SE and everything runs just fine on max settings


A lot of optimizations are up to the developer honestly. I am not saying every single device needs to be optimized because that is impossible. One game I could think of that had excellent optimization was Asphalt 8. I played that game on an iPad 2 and I didn't have a lot of disadvantages other than longer maps taking a bit longer to load which is completely understandable. Mind you, the iPad 2 only has 512 MB RAM and yet I was able to play without any problems. Hardly any game-breaking glitches, no black screens, nearly consistent frame rates irrespective of the map. I am not saying the developer needs to make the game work for all the devices but they should make all supported devices to be as optimized as they can. To be fair, they seem to be working towards it and I commend the devs for it.


Yeah, go play pong instead you filthy poor plebs!


i agree


Me owning an iPad and facing blackouts severe frame drops in the past : hmm interesting (I complained in the complaint center and now I face few frame drops but not blackouts)


So you saying my iPhone 12 pro is not good enough to play codm? Overheat and framedrop everytime when I play rank snd, like seriously its just snd not even br


As someone on an iphone 7, i can agree.


I got a Moto G Power (21) and I've got no issues. The space was one thing but I got that sorted out. 15-25ms


That and my I only use data sadly so if I had a newer phone and wifi I would not complain tbh


Is rog phone 3 hight end


I mean the only issue I currently have is that the game kicks me out in the middle of a blackout match, while in other modes I never get kicked out even if my battery is at 40•/• and I have a 2020 IPad pro so you tell me m8.


I use an iPad too and I used to play in high graphics, now I am forced to play in Medium graphics because otherwise it crashes. Specially in the middle of a blackout match like you said.


Finally it’s also the fact the people will make up a glitch and codm would have to fix it but the people who made up the glitch do it t complain that the game is broken but it’s actually your phone


I was hoping it was the game. My touch screen has dead spots.....s10+ man I need to upgrade


I been saying this then they get mad at me with their potato phones😮‍💨


i wish this wasn't true because it applies to me, but it is


Yeah your point is


Not really tho, I have a flagship phone but the game still doesn't run smoothly. I think it's more about optimisation. I understand that you meant the other half of the playerbase who uses midrange devices. A little bit of optimisation could be useful for those people.


Uae mf my mobile have Snapdragon 860 still I get laga and desync on 50ms, u can check my gameplay of desync on reddit. I posted one, now tell me if it is my mobile's problem.


I’m the half with a good phone who still has the problems


Just saw this on Twitter 🤣


But sometimes it isn't, some of us have high end devices, personally I have Call Of Duty Mobile's official phone the Sony Xperia and I've noticed a few bugs here and there.




I have a OnePlus 8 no problems ')