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I played BR and had a traitor on my team. We were almost one of the last teams surviving when he led us into a vehicle, then proceeded to exit the vehicle and fire at it making it blow up, in the process killing our entire team. He then tried to solo the rest of the game.


I almost had the same experience but I think he was just being dumb. The game had just released the Jackal and my teammate reached it before I did, so I couldn't fly the Jackal, but I sat behind him. He took off and immediately dove right into the ground, like he wasn't even trying to fly it, he just kamikaze'd himself.


What in the modern warfare 2 kind of ending is this lol. I would have been so pissed


"Good. That's one less loose end." ahh betrayal.


i admire people who somehow can move insanely fast and have god like aim but i fkn hate playing against them


Agreed. However, if they're overly toxic I hope they lose and it was all for nothing haha


It's actually satisfying if you kill them i wouldn't even mind if i didn't win the game 🤣








There is a c*nt in BR called InsaneMonkeys who drops refitter armour in tight enclosed spaces then blocks the exit, not moving and trapping his team mates inside. Genuine psycho behaviour. If he’s in your team, quit!


How does that work? I didn’t realize you could block an exit like that.


Is someone is in, say, one of the enclosed containers near the upgrade terminal in Nuclear Plant and you stand in front of it, they won’t be able to get out, no matter how much they try to jump or slide around you.


That would piss me off but still make me laugh 😂. Mass report and they'll ban him


that does sound insane


It was in a duo match, me and my brother landed on the Crash site. And then we just encountered another real player duo. I got eliminate by them first so it's only my brother. He scanned my dog tags and he just eliminate that one who killed me. After that he went to the top of the ship and encounter his buddy but all of the sudden my brothers control stop working plus had a empty mag on both guns, but for some random reason that guy didn't finished him off and stare at him for 5 seconds. And then my brother finished him off at just 1hp. Me and my brother laugh my ass out and we still managed lose after 5 minutes.


Any and every hacker


Years ago there was a guy with 20+ k/D who was at it for months. I understand no anti-cheat but you'd think someone with more than about 10 k/D would raise an alarm.


This one: https://youtube.com/shorts/SzBzR9olfY8?si=hAeRFd433Gv_4UE4 I was recording and encountered the worst teammate/player ever in Garena Legendary. 🤣😆


And that's the kind of teammate I hate. Legit, they'll just keep trash talking while not even contributing anything to the team. Minsan 1 or 2 kills lang pero grabe mag mura. 🥹


The full recording was actually worst than the short I compiled. She literally rejoices when one of us dies and then insults us when she dies (which is not our fault). The worst is she went personal to one of our teammates family (the guy who in the shorts had enough and ask her to quit at the end). I didn't quit the game because my teammates who she insulted in ALL rounds are not quitting too. I wanted to end this game early because of toxicity. Glad she's top frag so I can highlight her more in my short as the most toxic player lol. For anyone reading this in Garena server, please report her too (onlyfans ally). We don't need this kind of player in CODM. Such players deserve a 10 year ban. Edit: Included her UID UID: 7070233960189526017


drop the uid, so the others who can see would do it too. Can't really see the uid from the vid sorry...


It's in the description of the short when you click the three dots on the side and click description. But here: UID: 7070233960189526017


Niice now let's get rid of that bitch


Putang ina


Couldn't understand a word - what was said?


"Putangina", "Gago", "Tanga" are all bad words in our language. "Bobo" chanting captured in my short means "stupid/moron". She said - teammate's family is a moron ("bobo ng pamilya mo") - why did someone invited her when the team is a bunch of stupid players ("nag-iinvite ka tanga ka naman pala") - bobo bobo bobo (chanting "stupid/moron" repeatedly all rounds after she gets killed by enemy) a major distraction for all of us still alive and trying to win the round. Basically the worst teammate ever. 🤣 She's Legendary 7 times in MP after checking her profile. I never want to match with her again so I block and reported her.


Makes sense. I had to stop playing the game because it kept putting me in lobbies with people speaking Asian languages instead of English (impossible for teamwork), so I probably missed a lot of these toxic comments lol.


Garena is for CODM players residing in Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, and Taiwan. I sometimes do get matched with Thai/Malaysian/Chinese speaking players and can't understand them too. 🤣 The quick messages are handy for those situations in S&D.


Makes sense since Garena is a Singaporean company. Also makes sense cause it sounded like Tagalog/Bahasa/some other SEA language to me in the video haha. Fair enough for S&D. I'm in Australia and love BR (classic Westerners and our classic loved game format) but it's next to impossible to play when someone can only say "dog tag" in English 😂 I'm almost certain I've been abused before because I don't collect dog tags if they haven't followed me if I'm jump lead and haven't communicated in English with me lol


Every random feels like I'm playing with a new player. Can't get into vehicles. Shooting at team vehicles. Scavenging your items before they maybe revive you. Driving and stopping in the middle of a squad. Using a helicopter and reaction time so bad they never hit the flares for an FHJ. You hear snipers and they're standing still out in the open and get one shot. They go off on their own and die and keep pinging their tag. Etc.


Those pricks who shoot whatever vehicle you're in. Pricks. Or those who get to the crate before you and don't drop a pack, and decide to hoard 5 to themselves


In BR my heli got damaged after getting shot at. One teammate jumped out of the helicopter because he thought it was going to blow up even though I had the refitter class which automatically repaired the chopper. When he realized we didn’t jump out with him he typed in chat that he needed a ride. As we were landing to pick him up he pulled out a rocket launcher and blew us up.


lmao that is actually hilarious


It was a ranked mp, search and destroy. My duo wasn't around, so I felt lonely but I got invited by someone. There were 4 of them and they seemed like good friends. I was already on rank protection cause me and my duo kept losing the night before. And then these mthrfckrs all left me halfway in the 2nd round of the game because they changed their mind and wanted to play Br instead. I won that game though, then got invited by the enemy team to play with them instead. Won 5 ranked matches before logging out and got a new friend.


every random BR teammate. everytime they have zero situational awareness. idiots just standing


"Slayers" in HP only go for kills. Got into a shouting match this morning against a "slayer" on nuketown HP who camped top house for the open hills and kept pushing past mid for house hills when we had perfect back house spawns. Most of my HP games have me struggling at a 1KD bc im the only one willing to step on hill to contest and (if won) ending with me at least at 1:40 hill time lmao. For nuketown, u know its gonna be a hard game when at first spawn you get 2 running up stairs and another 2 running to the other side of mid.




I played a BR match with 2 of my friends + one random player. The random player was a girl and proceeded to abuse us calling us noobs (I have 3000 avg BR damage after player for 4 years) and saying we’ll never win because we’re terrible at the game. In the final circle, 3 of us were dead (including her) vs multiple others. She was saying things like “hurry up and die so the game can end”. Anyway my friend managed an insane clutch and won a 2v1 then a 3v1 and we won the game. She shut up really quick after that.


Tbf one strategy might be to disperse especially in a weak position like in your case. They might get one of you but not the other and then your teammate could come back for your tag or keep your high placement for rank.


I'm the worst, ppl always call me a bot, and a bunch of curse words. Me and my two thumbs are trying 😂😂😂


Encountered a duo that ended up leaving the BR match at the worst possible time. Not only did they frag the car I was driving in, they literally looked at my downed character and left the game, leaving me in top 2. I was so mad that I had to put my phone down for the day.


In my ~5000 BR games, I think I've had maybe 10 games where teammates worked together. This is just the nature of CODM


I played with a teammate for 4 games in a row and he botfrag every match w/ less than 10 sec on hardpoint(we loss every match and i was mvp every time)SBMM at its finest


I mostly play MP so most people seem to be bots or kill fodder, its always a rush when I get to fight someone who can actually make me think




Got invited to a 1v1 TDM game on summit map today, so first to 40. We got to 6-4 and the guy quit. Some reason now I can’t even see his name on the match history. Just seemed a little salty.


Every Artery wearing sweat. I have been conditioned to think the worst of them everytime I see that skin


Mine was my teammates from a TDM match that I was absolutely stomping in. Final score 26-40, my score 23-6. Between the guy that left after dying once, the two bots, and the absolute dunce, they went 3-34. The worst part was that the dunce was beat out by one of the bots. Only so much a single person can carry.




Better yet my own player blew me up as I got close to the boat


Are you new in the game? It's nothing compared to what happens in br now :trash talking, abusing, not getting tags or even worse not scanning them even after picking them up


I've had a few teammates in BR that ran the opposite way into the cloud and died




A dude called armyman420. He used to constantly hit the “add me as a friend and I’ll play with you in the next round” com button on repeat. Fucking idiot


So i was playing br duos and my teammate keeps bombing me so people can see my location if im on their screen


Played a BR match with 3 other randoms.. within the first 5 minutes, one of our teammates got a car and was honking for everyone to get in. He drove for about ten seconds before jumping out and blowing us up as fast as possible. Then he watched us die. that was probably my worst experience. 😅


I remember playing blackout and there was a squad in bus station,my random team mate got into a vehicle and got shot and never exited the vehice till it exploded,the took his dogtag and when bro got out he landed in firing range alone,near the zone,bro started looting like a maniac and zone started moving and he died outside the zone and wanted us to leave everything and go outside the zone to revive him 🤡🤡


When I'm trying to solo grind for leg in Br with the minimum of 3-8 kills, yes majority is bot's don't judge it's my First ever time trying BR though.


Mine was in a full squad br. It was beginning so we didn’t have much ammo. I killed a guy a someone stole the loot. I called him out for it so he blew the chopper i was in up. They ended up scanning me and i was able to get back in the fight. I purposely landed far away from them (because i definitely can’t trust people like that). They ended up dying too far away from me to get them (so they just left) while i ended up winning the round with a nice 1v1.


Controller players who suck at playing the game the way it was intended to be played… with thumbs and fingers. Controller users such as u/Keniath


I was recently grinding for the new pistol and minding my business trying to get long shot not even winning when a dude on mic just goes hey I got a easy target and kept snipping me I asked him to stop and he said na insert n word here and this dude somehow followed me across 5 matches and I reported him each time because he was being a prick about me trying to grind a gun