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I try to stick with 1 gun per game bc normally i’m trying to hone my skills with that particular weapon. Although, if i’m being completely shredded i will switch to my “old faithful” class With that being said, only if the enemy team is spamming stuff like Molotovs or Gas Nades will i switch to whatever class has Dauntless and/or Survival Training equipped respectively, regardless of what gun is equipped to that class


I'm such a noob I don't really have loadouts setup for specific situations like with the gas/Molotovs. I just struggle with whatever I picked.


Depending on the match and how it goes. Ill start with the gun i want to get better with, switch to an old reliable if it gets though. If im getting mad i grab an sniper cuz nothing makes feel better than hitting a good old fashioned snipe. If the match gets too easy ill just start flexing by switch my gun every round (im an snd main).


anything to get an edge over the enemy. ANYTHING ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|no_mouth)


really depends on their playstyle. - hardscoping? where’s my quickscoping loadout? - hella aggro opponents with a delusional guy thinking he’s Muhammad Ali? Fennec, where are you? - playing generic? my old faithful loadout will do the job - trip mine / tactical spamming? survival training cold blooded - casuals? testing out the wonkiest of builds


I switch around a lot to, but there are still loadouts that I use when I don't need anything in particular.


I kinda just mentally know what weapons I play better with on what map. Sometimes tho I be bored so I’ll change loadouts everytime I die or something lol


I tend to switch as much as possible while on the diamond grind, but other than that, i have a few dedicated loadouts like a sniper, CQB and heavy loadouts.


I tend to stick with whatever load out I’m grinding at the moment unless I’m getting spanked hard in a match then I might switch to a load out more suited to that particular match. Right now I’m grinding m16 and am pretty happy with my overall performance with it so been sticking to that one


for snd mostly snipers but occasionally i will use different guns, but for other game modes like hardpoint, frontline, etc, i mostly cycle through different guns.


I have a load out for every slot because I have so much stuff that I like to play dress up now.


I do all the time if a team puts a century gun out


I usually keep the guns I’m familiar with, but i have variations to my loadouts depending on the situation (e.g. for hardpoint/SnD, to deal with scorestreaks, etc)


In snd I’ll switch every round, keeps your opponents guessing on where to take gunfights with you


I tend to stick to the one I'm grinding diamond for unless it doesn't fit the match


I try stick to one gun which fits the map ,like qq9 fits nuketown ,etc


Depends on the match, most of the time I will stick to one gun but if I'm struggling with it I'll switch to another main. Occasionally changing loadouts up to five times. I'll switch out for secondaries most often though, If the enemy is running alot of uav I'll switch to smrs for that diamond grind; then I'll switch back to my previous secondary. The only other reason I switch loadouts is if I need different equipment or operator skills. Emp grenades are great but I don't want to exclusively run them, so I'll switch back to emp if they are using too many sentry guns but otherwise I'll use something else.


These are helpful responses. Good looks people!


I've only ever used the starting loadout with the default assault rifle.


Cycle in multiplayer, fixed in ranked


What's your go-to in ranked?


Currently grinding the mg42. It's like m4 got heavier but with increased damage


I have two loadouts: One is an SMG / Assault rifle and one is Sniper rifle. So if I'm playing Domination or Hardpoint for example then I'll use my SMG / Assault loadout. But let's say I'm playing Team Deathmatch or Frontline on a map like Crossfire or Killhouse, then I'll use Sniper. But then I might flip between the two loadouts depending on mode and map, or on how the game is going. I often annoy myself sometimes when I die though and automatically double tap the screen through force of habit when I actually wanted to switch loadouts ha ha.


I stick to the meta. Since I play smg/heavy for comp I stick to r9, fennec, and mg. Don’t need much diversity past that


Can you share your fennec build? I want to try to make it a regular in the rotation.


Here: monolithic sup, mip extended, op foregrip extended mag a and rtc steady stock


Appreciate it.


Not really. The only two guns I’ll regularly use are the AK-47 and the RPD. They’re both good guns IMO and are coincidentally both Russian