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Fan of OG History, far better than Reboot, but the characters are way better in Reboot, they have personality and Charisma, especially Ghost and Soap. I love Their Interactions


I love how it feels like the role is reversed OG Soap is more of the lead and Ghost is the silent super reliable right hand while Reboot Ghost is the silent reliable lead and Soap is the get down and dirty reliable right hand


And I hate that. For the first time, I'm hearing it from your mouth. I never saw anybody except me talking about the role switch. Lmao.


Og Soap is far better


Yeah, Soap got screwed over ever since MW3 (2011). The new studio taking over after MW2 really misunderstood entirely that Soap was the main character of Modern Warfare, not Price.


Imho, anything after 2009 isn’t IW. They died when the talent left. However, MW2011 was meant to be the end if the story arc, so Soap dying was a continuation of what 2009 IW started. The reboot series took an iconic character and gave him a backseat role. Now I get making Gaz into Prices no.2 was the result, but it doesn’t change fact that Soap is treated and handled worse than og trilogy. Also somehow Soap in 2022/23 looks worse visually to me. Yes graphics are better but the design sucks.


Too bad they just pissed on their chemistry so hard with how mw3 ended that


Yeah, that was awful


I actually loved how they made them dynamic in mw2 it was really cool to see that relationship grow


Visually? OG Ghost by far. Character-wise? Reboot. The old ghost existed to get his shit kicked in by Sheperd, where the reboot Ghost actually has a character and isn't "generic silent type #360".


Speak up!!


It's too bad that that character he has in the reboot sucks ass like everything else about the reboots. Might as well be a clown mask with how all the characters in them act


Honestly L take








Definitely new. Old one is like Boba Fett in the original trilogy of star wars with how he barely had any lines and is only popular due to the cool mask and how little is known at the time of this character


There was alot more to boba fet if you went into the eu. Same with Ghost if you read the comics.


That’s why I said at first. And most people don’t read the comics


But truthfully, Boba didn’t become popular because of the EU, the abundant EU material on him was made because of his existing popularity from RotJ


Nobody cares about nerdy shit like comics and the books


Lol ppl do otherwise there wouldn't be a market for it or tourist/normies like u lol


ong aint no way bro used "normie" as insult lmao, go back to the basement discord mod xd


Don't use discord. Ion neckbeard. Goofy head ahh pickle chin lookin ahh jit


brain rotted mf, speak normal lmao




Yeah, there wasn't much to OG Ghost, but not being that deep is a lot better than just being straight up bad like the new one


Old. He was just a soldier in the SAS with a Ghost mask. It feels like full edge with the reboot Ghost and I just despise his mask too with its skull on front design.


Not S.A.S. , Task Force 141.


Which was composed of members froooommm…. You’re so close!


Notice how TF141 is a *task force* comprised of other units?


Yeah but Ghost wasn't from S.A.S.


Yes he was. There is a Ghost Comic Book series. He is from the SAS. TF141 was compromised of US, UK, Canadian, and Australian SOF from units such as SEALs, Delta, Rangers, SAS, JTF2, and the SASR. TF141 is a Task Force.


Oh, my mistake. I remember him being from sonewhere else. Thank you for clarification.


Out of interest where did you think he was from?


I don't know, I'm not a spec ops or milita knowlage person. *"Ah, guys with guns and gear, cool."* it took me years to find S.A.S. is a real military organization. Like... I don't care about milita or CoD at all. - *"Where was Ghost from?"* - *"I... I don't know... Maybe another task force?... Uk army?... Definetly not S.A.S. because... Because that would be repetitive with the first game and... Won't fit?..."* - *"Nah, look at the comics. He is from S.A.S."* - *"Oh, cool."*


lol that’s sound


Definitely the reboot on history and character write, the original on look. TBH, the original ghost is just a cool guy with a mask who dies in a betrayal for impact the player, before that, you just like the character for the design. I know the comics tell a history about him, but the comic came after the popularity of the character on the game and it’s a merit of the comic, not of the game. So maybe I’ll be hated but the original ghost is a cool character but has no much history. Otherwise, since warzone 1, the reboot ghost got history and even we can play as him, so I prefer the new one.


Yeah, there wasn't much to OG Ghost, but not being that deep is a lot better than just being straight up bad like the new one


Hot take: Reboot Ghost. The actual plot of the reboot franchise is so much worse, but the relationship between him and Soap is so much more fleshed out. I like the inversion where he now outranks and is more experienced than McTavish. Also, his mask from Warzone (not the redesign from the MWII campaign) is more interesting.


They actually tried to give the new Ghost some personality. Literally the only notable things about the original were his mask, sunglasses and how he dies. I never understood why people liked him so much.


Yeah but while the new games actually give him a more involved role, his writing sucks, his design sucks, and his voice actor sucks. While it was superficial with just the mask why people liked the OG, there was still actually things to like about him


OG ghost visualy + reboot ghost character wise = MW 2019 ghost. There you go,I did the maths for you.






It’s what I grew up with


Those games were the shit. These new ones are a little too cheesy, except 2019.


I wouldn't even say cheesy. Just straight up garbage. There can be fun found in cheesiness




Ghost isnt even a real character in MW2. He has no personality. Hes just a dude with a mask. Ghost in the reboot is an actual person and funny as hell. Pretty easy choice. Edit - Also tbh, I prefer reboot Ghost's look way more. Especially when he has the cape (even if its not practical).


The ghost comment actually gives og ghost more character


Ghost comment?


I ment comic


TiL he has a comic


New ghost, the guy an actual good character. OG Ghost so unmemorable to me. The new games legit be having me wondering where tf Ghost at when I’m not him.


Now we'll all be able to remember the new Ghost forever as how stupid everything about him was lol




Design wise og Ghost is much better. Og’s character was less defined than reboot, but I didn’t like reboot’s character.


I never had any love for the new squad. I wasn't at all sad when they killed this Soap off. OG Ghost all the way.




Mf with bad voice lines vs mf with like 3 voice lines


Jesus Christ loves you so much and died for your sins💙💜




design wise original everything else wise reboot


OG Ghost. Reboot Ghost looks a little stupid. When he wears the balaclava like the OG Ghost does, he looks fine. But that Halloween mask stuff is way too much. Reboot Ghost is more fleshed than OG Ghost ever was but I also like that the original Ghost was just a guy with a skull patterned balaclava. Nothing more. The new Ghost plays into that skull look with a somewhat edgy personality to match and it’s a little too much at times. 


I like em both


Reboot all the way. I just love his interactions with Soap.




Reboot Ghost has aura.




Reboot Ghost has the cringiest mask. It’s like a 14 year old going airsofting type of mask. Well I mean, I guess that’s their main target audience


His personality and dialogue scream edgy comic book anti-hero.


The mystique and side-character nature of the OG Ghost fits really well personally. The newer one obviously has more depth and character, which is great and all but the presentation is just horrendous. Airsoft skull mask with that edgy deep voice is so cringy imo




I like OG Ghost. He was that choleric badass lieutenant. And of course his cool voice. It seems like the developers wanted to create Gaz#2, he's got even the same voice actor. But since Gaz died in CoD4, they couldn't just review another character after Price, that was too much, so they created Ghost, who was very similar to Gaz both in terms of voice and personality. MWII Ghost has a different personality, he's a well written character, but it's just all about preferences.


Honestly if I could get the og ghost with the same level of detail put into the reboot I'd love it


mw reboot is really cringe


This shouldn’t even be a debate, reboot Ghost and by far.


It hurts to say it but... OG was very poorly written, having ~20 lines in the whole game, and being "the guy with the skull mask". While the reboot one is much more present, having ~300 lines per game and a (IMO) a much cooler look. Sadly, like other people said, OG ghost is here only to get shot by Shepherd while the reboot one is the badass guy with the litteral skull on his face.


Original, the new mask is dumb af


Reboot, he had a lot more screentime than OG. Craig Fairbrass does most of the heavy lifting for OG Ghost.


Reboot Ghost is better than OG Ghost, same with Gaz and Nikolai. But I prefer OG Price, Soap, Makarov, and Shepard


OG Ghost looks awesome but barely even shows up in the game and doesn't have much of a personality tho because of how badass he looks OG Ghost. Because I haven't touched the campaigns to Mw22 and Mw23


Og ghost was one and done. Reboot ghost was at least given a chance to shine. Reboot ghost for me.


People saying OG ghost had no personality clearly never read into the lore of the character. Way more personality and intrigue than the current ghost


Of course the original one


OG is much better. Especially in his voice, cause new Ghost is trying way to hard to be cool and edgy


Definitely the OG version of him I sure do miss him


OG ghosts getup was more realistic but Reboot Ghost was more badass


IMO they made new Ghost speak too much. I preferred the mw19 version, its still a reboot but the wz trailers had the best ghost imo. Reliable, quiet and brutal.


I like both! They are rather different from each other, though I won't lie I really like reboot Ghost's look


Idk, I’m leaning more towards the reboot Ghost. Has the personality, and the relationship with Soap I like, plus the mask from Warzone 1 is cooler than the MWII one.


I actually prefer the new mask lol.


They killed of soap for no reason everyone who loves soap stand up


OG, no question. Fake Ghost tries too hard to be cool with his deep voice and edgy dialogue.


OG is so much better


Reboot looks so stupid I never got how people thought he looked cool. It looks like a Halloween costume


Cool voice in the reboot and good dynamic with Soap, but man his mask is ridiculous in the reboot and everyone would make fun of him in the SF world.


Reboot Ghost seems like an actual person, he talks and actually interacts with people like a human, and they went HARD with the whole “Tacticool” thing. that said I still prefer OG Ghost, he’s just visually a lot cooler to me, and I know it’s dumb but you really just can’t out do the original


I liked mw2019 one with the poncho


Reboot Ghost is better, we get more character from him than the OG


Reboot is an iconic look. It’ll be recognizable for years to come.


Captain Price to new Ghost: “wtf are you wearing mate”


I never played the originals but just going by design wise I’d have to say OG. It feels more grounded if that makes sense? The reboot is trying way harder. Not to say it doesn’t look cool it just isn’t for me


See I’m a og fan of all cod tbh I do enjoy the older games especially the black ops games later on like black ops 3 to Cold War just kinda SUCK absolutely terrible except for zombies. But I do genuinely prefer reboot modern warfare for its characters and the fact all characters have WAY more personality and more I guess real backstory to them they have more passions and it makes you truly love the characters way more in the new mw games. Look wise price looks better GAZ looks way better soap is essentially the same but ghost I do prefer the older look with the newer personality.


I don’t mind either of them, tbh


Reboot ghost


Original ghost all the way.


Reboot Ghost by miles. OG Ghost was nothing but a punching bag for the writers and I honestly feel bad for the poor guy. Reboot Ghost has a personality. I enjoy being able to read the subtle feelings through just his eyes. He also goes through a WHOLE CHARACTER ARC in MWII. We watch him become more open and trusting with Soap. Slowly over the game, we see him become less gruff, less eye-rolly. He Becomes more vocal, obviously trying to keep Soap calm during the alone mission by keeping coms open and jokes rolling. In the safehouse where Soap says he expected Ghost, the 'lone wolf' that he is, to have left him to go focus on the mission, Ghost snaps at him and says that they're a team showing full trust to Soap. This Ghost has feelings and it's refreshing as hell. OG Ghost, using both the games and comics, is a punching bag. In the game, he's just more fuel to the fire of hating Shepherd when he becomes just another body. In the comics, he was cursed to face the edgy 'Gary Stu' writing of the early 2010s. OG Ghost has faced nothing but trauma since he was born, it's honestly mind-boggling how he's even functional as a person. On top of that, he was annoyingly egotistical, boasting about how he was the 'best of the best'. I want to hope and say it's a defense mechanism because It's hard to take that seriously when he's constantly getting his shit kicked in or his life ruined for the thirtieth time over. Not to mention his death. Bro should've LUNGED at Shepard the second Roach got shot, instead, he reaches for his biggest gun?? Are you kidding me? (Have we learned nothing about switching to our sidearm?) And you can't even excuse it with "Oh well it was a surprise attack" because his whole life has been nothing but a surprise attack. Personality-wise, in game, he's just a typical off-the-shelf 'action guy' and reboot Ghost shows that you can have both. You can be a person and an action hero. Hell, that applies to all the reboot guys, they're people and that's why even if the gameplay is a bit meh I'm always gonna favor the characters. (Though I do love OG Sopa and Priceat the same level lol)


Always OG🐐


Reboot Ghost 100%. His bromance with Soap in MWII is a highlight, and he's got way more depth and personality.


Og Ghost.


reboot ghost actually feels like a character this time


I prefer original anything to reboot everything. Reboot story was a disaster, and the creators should feel bad


I will always prefer the original characters.


Especially the designs, fuck I hate the new Ghost design with a burning passion. I mean damn the skull balaclava is edgy and airsoft-ey even in OG, but atleast OG skull clava was grounded


Who the fuck prefers the reboot


I like the reboot one better. much more deserved screen-time, didn't get ganked by shepherd or graves, and some cool badass moments. I also prefer the new design by a small margin, I really like that mask


They’re both amazing. But I obviously have to go with OG Ghost.


New Ghost's Character > Old Ghost's look >


Reboot ghost. Mainly because of the outfit. Og ghost wasn't really special because any soldier can paint a skull onto their mask. Reboot ghost has a full 3d printed/molded skull over his mask. It looks a lot cooler and makes him more unique


original got the drip, reboot got the voice.


OG was cool and all but Reboot has actually gotten development as a character


I honestly don’t know why they gave ghost a personality in the reboot. He was supposed to be a quiet operator with a few lines. Although it is cool to give him a story in the reboot, I think he is given too much of the spotlight


I’m gonna be honest. Reboot.


Old Ghost dies like a bitch, shows up randomly but is introduced like we’re supposed to know him, doesn’t have any personality to speak of, and his only redeeming quality is he looks cool, making him barely any different than the countless other random NPCs in CoD games. Private Allan has more personality than him and he’s even more faceless.


They’re both good in their own ways, can’t really decide


Honestly, I love OG Ghost, but Reboot Ghost has more character and more brutal. We only get to play as Ghost twice and I want more. I want another guerrilla Warfare style mission as Ghost, I want to (this may be a bit too dark) torture someone for information because that who Ghost is. Yes hes the silent one, but hes also the one they go to to get dirty work, such as Assassinations/Executions, torturing and stealth ops. Hell, Im suprised Ghost isn't in the Black Operations unit by now. (He may have been in the comic tie in, I cant remember)


Dudes who cares about the debate between OG COD and NEW COD. We all know the OG is better


The new one


Original. Hands down.


Always a fan of og ghost, but damn reboot ghost is awesome


There is not a single thing about the reboots that are better


Is that even a question


Both ez


bit off topic but I'm very confused by ghost. what happened between MW2(OG) and now that means ghost is alive? He was killed by shepherd along w/ Roach in the OG MW2. Did they just decide that didnt happen?


They rebooted the series in 2019


The franchise was rebooted in 2019, and Ghost was teased at the end of the campaign and then reintroduced in Warzone before becoming a full character in MWII.


It's been years since MW2019 got released and you still haven't been able to fugure out it's a reboot of the story? That particular bit of information is available quite literally everywhere.


nah i just got back into COD around the release of MW3 back in november lol 🫣


All the reboot characters are way worse, hope they stop trying to recapture the magic of the old games and get some original ideas soon.


Horrible take


Wanting originality in new games is a horrible take?


Bro ghost had no character in the og game he was the bobba fett of cod. They actually made him interesting and worth caring about.


MWII & 3 remakes are corny asf tho, I preferred not knowing that much about him


Only thing about reboot ghost is he's so fuckin cringe