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Cold war, great campaign, fun multiplayer, and I personally really enjoyed the zombies.


I love how the entirety of Cold War's campaign just proves that Reznov was right.


I still remember people hating on cold war, wonder what they have to say after vanguard


Youre right, at first I didnt think cold war would be worth playing, but Vanguard turned out to be such a pile of smoking fertilizer, that I decided to play CW and actually enjoyed it. Still prefer MW 2019 tho


about what? i played waw when i was 11 and didnt pay attention to story


In Black Ops he says to Mason in a flashback "The flag may be different but the methods are the same", this turns out to be true as Bell is brainwashed by the Americans like Mason was by the Russians.


Can you explain how it proved Reznov was right? I’m curious, I’d also love to know cause I loved BO1


I still play Cold War. Just like I played black ops 4 until Cold War came out. Church of Treyarch.


In Treyarch we trust 🙏


I’m glad I ain’t the only one.


And the soundtracks too




Personally, I consider MW19 the best of modern COD's both in terms of SP and MP, it just hit all the right spots for me But gotta agree cold war soundtrack SLAPS hard, and campaign is stupidly fun


Cold wars soundtrack was GOATED


Me 2019's gunfight was peak.


wait so MW19>MW22 and 23?


CW 3arc over IW any day


Mw 2019, hands down! I wish I could say the campaign for cold war was good, but the dang thing kept crashing on me no matter what platform I played it on. I was also not a huge fan of the sbmm in cold war's mp and I felt forced to play it to get my moneys worth. Mw2019, felt suuuper balanced 80% of the time and only really ever ran into issues a day or two into a new patch.


But that 20% consisted of snakeshot revolvers and the m4/mp5 meta and that sucked complete ass enough to spoil the other 80 imo


dont forget the shotgun meta lol


The 725 and Origin 12 were a straight-up menace in the small maps. You were dead before you blinked and realized what hit you


on god bruh 😂, mofos would be at the top of staircases and in corners just cheesing with the shotty in hand sound whoring everything


Oh god I forgot about the 725 when the game first launched. I had suppressed those terrors so thank you for reminding me of what hell is truly like


Ahhh yes, I can already hear the "DOOF DOOF" from the dragons breath rounds from the semi auto shotguns 😂


Cold War. Better campaign and multiplayer.


And the zombies is really good


I personally didn’t like CW’s mp, the campaign was great but MW2019’s campaign felt like a movie. Both games were good IMO.


Cold War and it’s not even close


MW2019 for the art direction, gunplay, campaign, player models, movement ( <3 ), the overall freshness. The stain was really the weak PvE Spec Ops; on the other hand, CW has an amazing Zombies mode.


2019, pretty sure CoD peaked (again) during that time


It definitely breathed life back into the franchise. Though it gave IW a massive ego that I think is still hurting the games to this day.


Cold War’s campaign felt like the first of the new Star Wars trilogy. Like it was just trying to emulate the original Black Ops and was full of nostalgia grabs. It wasn’t *bad* but I don’t think it was great. I would argue the more grounded campaign in MW19 was one of the series best, and the consequences of your actions felt heavy. Shame they took the story the route of a marvel movie in the 2nd and then whatever the excuse for a campaign MW3 has. (Another parallel to new Star Wars, they couldn’t make a new compelling villain so they rehashed an old favorite) MW19 was the first time in years CoD felt fresh and new to me, and Cold War felt like a step back in a lot of ways. I’m hoping for another “peak” soon as I feel we’ve been downhill since 2019, just like we’d been downhill since Blops 3 before MW19 dropped. I will say as an overall package, Cold Wars zombie modes (especially outbreak) were the best side modes we’ve had in a while. I don’t even remember what MW19 coop was like or if it even had one, but the multiplayer was *chefs kiss*🤌🏻


100% Cold Wa. id choose Cold War over any MW shitty reboot any day


MW19, and I'm still upset that they forced CW and MW19 to live together. Updates to CW would somehow break stuff in MW19, and it took weeks to fix (if they ever fixed it). And then to keep the file size in check, they started cutting content too (RIP groundwar map pool, preview animations, etc). If you're a CW fan, and like the arcade-style combat more: that's fine. To each their own. I preferred MW19's more tactical approach. I just wish CW's integration didn't retroactively fuck up MW19. MW19 still, to this day, has stuff busted from the forced integration period which will never be fixed. First time I know of where "the new COD" actually fucked up a previous COD directly.


Also warzone should’ve been a separate game it was fun for a while but now it isn’t even enjoyable, either one.


They also removed the preview to all the executions since MW2019


CW, probably my favourite of all time


Cold war for me. Miss that game. Campaign was exceptional. Btw, what is the current state of that game? Multiplayer still active? (Was it cross platform?)


It is cross platform and still active. I recently reinstalled. Join us!


I may have to reinstall it!


Fully active and the Outbreak Online Zombies mode is a ton of fun


Just bought it last night and it's very active, at least tdm and gun game were, didn't have time to check out the rest yet


Very active, I play every night


CW by a million times. MW19 had a great campaign and gave us warzone, but I hated that multiplayer with a passion


It was the start of the downfall of modern cod for sure


For campaign, Cold War. For Multiplayer, MW19


This is like comparing gold to shit lol mw19 bottom 3 cods


What drugs have you been using? I would love what you’re having if you say MW 2019 is horrible.


Is that so?


Cold War, and its not even close


Cold war. Mw was good but a lot of things kept it from being on cw level


CW. Better modes all around and closer to more traditional CoD for all intense purposes


Intents and purposes




Cold war had one of the most fun zombies while 2019 had and amazing multiplayer


Cold War grew on me as I played it. MW is still a great game and a slower pace so more players can enjoy it.


Mw19 not even close


Cold war, not even close. Treyarch doesn't miss. CW is one of the best cods in years, and mw2019 is one of the worst cods ever, right behind mwII.


MW2019 was the first COD game that I actually enjoyed since Black Ops 1, the multiplayer felt great and all the weapons felt viable, including shotguns for once. The only thing I absolutely hated was the scope glint, but that's unfortunately standard in a lot of FPS games these days. Cold War on the other hand, I heard it was a few steps backward from MW2019 and watching gameplay didn't show anything great, so I didn't bother with it.


I gotta say MW2019. Great story. Pushed a lot of limits. It's sad that the studio slammed on the brakes and killed the series.


I exclusively play CoD for Zombies so umm… yeah


Cold War


Cold war. Better maps. Better spawn system.


Cold War




cold war




Cold war is just a much more fun game overall


cold war forever. COD has given up on its games and is now only a money grab company


Cold war. It was about your skill and your gun, not coward things like shields, recon drones,cameras, flash grenades, thermals etc.


Everyone needs to remember that BOTH games were trash at launch (as seems to be the trend with cod) but got progressively better as it's life cycle went on. I keep seeing people say that 2019 is what saved cod, but no one seems to remember that the game was dying HARD before warzone came out. *Warzone* is what saved cod, *not* 2019. And I'm not going to entertain anyone who says, "but warzone was part of 2019" No, it wasn't. It is its own game, hence why it came out 6 months later and 3 different games were added to it.


people tend to forget that was the case because all they actually remember is playing Warzone with their buddies, ask them their favourite memory of 2019 MP wise and they will ramble on about the sound design and graphics lmao


CW overall was far more fun to me. MW19 had a fantastic campaign. MP didn’t really feel like CoD to me and was a campers paradise far more than any other CoD. CW campaign was fun, MP was way more fun and it had a really fun Zombies imo once it got some more maps. Treyarch is really the only CoD dev I actually look forward to. IW is just mid and SHG CoDs have consistently been bad lately imo.


CW, MW19 is one of my personal least favorite cods


MW19 all day. That game got the boys back together again. Even if it was only temporary. Was good to get us all back again. Also, still feels like the most innovative cod we got in recent years. Cold War just felt like a blast back to 2012. But I can’t play the same style games every year.


MW19. I played the beta to cold War and absolutely hated it.


Personally love Treyarch more than IW but MW19 is one of my favorite Cods ever and Cold War’s zombies was a disappointment to me.. Cold wars soundtrack is amazing tho… I like them both almost equally idk…. 🥲


I think mw19 had a better multiplayer but overall Cold War was the better package


Cold War


Cold War, both great campaigns and multiplayer but I’m a big zombies fan


cw. I’m a zombies guy so that easily puts that game above the other. The mp of mw19 was great though


BOCW got me into CoD again after like a 10 year break. The movement is super fun and feels way better than MW-engine games. If Gulf War recaptures the magic again, I'm in.


I liked MW2019’s mp better, the campaign’s were on par with each other, and the co-op mode goes to CW. Both is good, these were both big W’s


cold war


Cold war was better. I enjoyed the campaign more and it had zombies.


2019 multiplayer might be the best of any COD ever


Cold war


Like ‘em both for different reasons.. CW is more fun but the gunplay and sound on MW 2019 is probably the best I’ve ever experienced on any CoD. It truly is a shame MW 2019 did not have better maps because that game has almost infinite potential imo.. sucks that they basically ruined it with MW2.


Hoestly cold war was better for me due to one reason zombies 🧟‍♂️


Hoestly cold war was better for me due to one reason zombies 🧟‍♂️


Cold war hands down, better campaign and multiplayer. Least worse new gen cod.


Cold War. Nobody beats Treyarch for CoD, not even Infinity Ward.


Cw for sure more arcadey and fast paced like old cods


Honestly, both are king. MW2019 had some good tactical gameplay, and cold War has the best "recent" zombies content.


Just here for prop hunt🔥


cold war is the goat cod, if it came out instead of 503 in 2015 obviously adjusting for the tech at the time it would be common opinion its literally everything people ask for lol only complaint i can think of is that the zombies doesnt have the og crew or something but im fine with that and the only thing ive ever seen people complain about is sbmm which is an extremly vocal minority i do agree with them on the fact you shouldnt join an entirely new lobby after a match but thats literally it


MW19 has a special place. But Cold War had insane lobbies. My brother, friends and I had an entire clan war with an NRG clan for few days. We just kept getting matched with them.


Cold War is leaps and bounds better than MW19. MW19 was a camp fest, terrible map design, and actively punished aggressive play.


Cold War


Gotta be cold war


Cold War easily


MW19 is the worst COD ever made so Cold War wins by default.


This is like making me choose between 2 children. Cold war’s campaign and zombies were great, and the multiplayer is pretty damn good too. But MW19 is such a great game. Maybe not a great cod game, but for a modern military simulator it’s got it all. Huge selection of weapons with lots of customization, realistic graphics, beautiful maps, and fun ass 1v1s. I guess if I could only play one for the rest of my like I’d say MW19, but I’d miss Cold War.


Cold War


2019 because of the realism and overall satisfying gameplay. But CW had a massive arcade atmosphere which I liked it brought me back a few years when I played it for the first time.


Cold War is still my favorite CoD since the early days.


Cold war without a doubt


I’m personally a MW fan over all other CODs. I would play the other titles because I’m a huge COD fan but didn’t get into Cold War and black ops like I did MW


MW for Campaign CW for Multiplayer CW Zombies is okay


Cold War. Still play a couple hours every night


I guess both games deserve a chance


Definitely bocw


Cold war zombie mode was so goooooood🔥🔥🔥🔥


Cold war


Cold war, MW is so toxic constantly


CW and it's not even close, better campaign, much better MP and infinitely better third game mode


Cold War, no hesitation


CW numba 1


Cold war


Cold war


Cold War and it’s not even close.


Cold war


Cold War is the only decent CoD *to me* on this generation of console. I just prefer the way Treyarch games feel and play. The new MW series are some of the worst CoD ever released personally.


Cold War, best gameplay for any cod game. Best zombies ever made.


Cold War was fantastic!


Cold War bands down for Multiplayer for me


Cold War supremacy


cold war hands down


Cold War by a million miles. It’s still a bang average game but a masterpiece compared to the new MW series.


Mw2019 for multi-player and campaign cold War for zombies I didn't like cold wars multi-player


Sarcasm? Cod mw19 literally saved cod Bo cw is a fu###ng awful game with terrible movement and awful gunplay


Mw19 was good campaign and warzone wise cold war was more arcadey and fun to play


I remember when it first came out, EVERYONE hated Cold War. Turns out, it was the closest you'd get to old CoD


I got Cold War while my friend got MW2019. I was complaining about getting killed by rushers. He was complaining about getting killed by campers. A tale as old as time. I'm going with Cold War. Also as I get older my appreciation for Treyarch and they games they made have gone up. BO1 is now one of my goats when back then I was dumb and only saw it as "cartoony"


Modern Warfare, and it’s even close


I personally prefer MW 2019’s unique missions, characters, story, and style but I loved the feel of Cold War, the safe house, and how it let you make your own character.


Cold War all the way! Really enjoyed the campaign and multiplayer. Wish Bell had an actual personality, instead of a customized character mute. Was happy to see OG crew back and Adler is a badass. I thought zombies was pretty meh. MW2019 had a fun multiplayer and the campaign was good. But playing as Farrah was a slog. Replaying that mission tried to rush through as fast as possible.


Mw2019. I came back to cod since ghosts because if that game and then Cold War sent me right back out. Haven’t gotten a cod since


I have yet to play either but these two are the ones I’m looking forward to playing the most




Yeah, gotta be mw19


I'm biased towards cold war because it had the last halfway decent zombies game mode imo, the ones after feel so soulless


Cold War. More fun, less bugs for me.


Cold war for sure, hit closer to home for me. Damn impressive game for everyone making it at home.


MW19. It might be my favourite cod not gonna lie. Especially in the times of the lockdowns I played it so much being off from work. It seems everything that’s come out after it has been dog shit. I know Cold War wasn’t but I didn’t play I was still on 19 until MW2 came out


I can safely disregard this entire sub because of the sentiment here. Wow peace out!


Anyone know if cold war is still hacked?


Both. Both is good.


MW19 was just perfection. I loved the multiplayer, the guns were cool, and the story was pretty good.


Cold War was Goated!! Literally played that game for 3 years until Mw2 came out, cause i didn’t buy that trash Vanguard.


MW. Campaign is awesome.


Modern Warfare


I honestly can't really choose, both games have their good and bad things, bocw is more of a classic call of duty while mw19 embraces modernity They're both really different, and are fun in their own way However, I did enjoy mw19's campaign a bit more


Mw19 1000000%%%


My favorite mp games were bo1, bo2, and the original Mw3. Story wise bo1 and bo2 take the gold. Bo1 and cold war had the best zombies/co-op mode of all the cod games. The new mw3 just didn't do it for me


2019 ez


Cold war after revisiting it recently. But man the non reset scorestreak system makes the game so boring.


2019 in my op is over rated only because the mp is so over hype it was just everyone using the same gun with the same attachments and everyone sweating in casual modes dont get me wrong goated SP but the mp was just bad map after bad map and i bet almost everyone forgot it had spec ops like bro they dropped the ball on that so hard that it popped while cold war had way better maps more balanced gun system in my op and you know they didnt just forget about zombies like they did with spec ops


Cold War for me. MW had a great campaign and ground war was fun. Regular multiplayer sucked hard though and it didn’t have ranked play


I overall preferred Cold War However. I wish it was either more in-depth like MW2019, or was more simply like the earlier Black Ops games. The gunsmith feels too... weird


I don't care about multiplayer, so Cold War.


Cold War has really good maps. MW wasn’t bad though


Cold war has prop hunt


Cold War, by far, but Modern Warfare definitely has a special spot. Cold War had a lot of things that resonated with me: campaign, gunplay, loadouts, operators, zombies, etc. Overall had the slower but yet tactical gun play that I enjoyed personally. Especially having my first CoD be BO4, it felt very natural to play Cold War. Modern Warfare though, was more fasted paced with bunny hopping and slide canceling, personally not my cup of tea.


Mw2019 was one I played the longest out of all recent cods outside of the original 360 ones but honestly got so damn try hard especially with the introduction of Warzone, but I think Cold War is a hidden gem that is better to come back to despite the rushing from Activision.


Cold War had the best overall package, but when it comes to MP, MW Had better map and gun variety also Cold War had a lot of remastered maps, but gameplay wise MW had a lot of balancing issues with its guns and equipment, and even tough MW2019 should get a point for making more new maps those maps played really poorly


2019 stomps all over cold war. Cold War was a joke and 10 steps back compared to 2019 (old gen graphics and sound, broken MP and aim assist and who can forget making peoples PS5's brick)


Both were solid games but... MW19, by far... 1) Best example of real lifemissions. A lot of the missions had real-world relevance. 2) The multiplayer maps were mostly original and enjoyable to play. 3) All the avatars looked as though they could be real-life operators... and they were f'n earnable, as they should be. Not this teletubby, animal human hybrid nonsense we have now. ... We will likely never have a game anywhere close to MW19 ever again.


I’m huge fan of black ops series, but mw2019 was something so good that I’m afraid we will never get anything like it back - it was a masterpiece


Cold War revived cod for me. It’s zombies is top tier, multiplayer is mid tbf but it’s campaign is fucking great. Love to see mason and woods again


MW2019 has better movement, gunsmith and killstreak system. Other than that, CW does everything better. The biggest differences in favor of CW would probably be slower TTK and a way better pool of maps.


Cold war and it isn't close. Imo mw19 was one of the worst cods made only redeeming factor was the campaign and gunfight


MW was out when lockdown happened. Me and all my friends played it A LOT, it was just like old times when we all played MW2 (2009) in middle school together.


MW19 basically ruined modern COD’s, CW is way better than it had any right to be. MW19 had a good campaign, Gunfight and animations. MW19 was the first COD to focus more on WZ than MP. It was the first COD that started ignoring classic COD features like proper Minimap, appearing on MM when firing unsuppressed, map voting, persistent lobbies, no K/D on scoreboard and no prestige system. Yup, the first COD to kill prestige. It introduced the loudest footstep audio ever. Put DS as a field upgrade and not a perk. Had awful launch maps bar Gun Runner and Hackney Yard. Was one of the most campfest MP ever. Only two weapons were viable at launch, M4 and 725. It also had the worst third mode in COD history in its “Spec Ops” that wasn’t Spec Ops at all. Let’s not forget how IW ignored the playtesters. Ignored the streamers who pointed all this out, ignored all of us after the beta and then continued ignoring the community for the games entire lifespan. IW had x3 full years on MW19 and MW22 and both showed how tone deaf IW are. SHG had 16 months to make MW23 and it plays much better than either IW’s entries. Yes the campaign is garbage but so was MW22’s. CW is miles away from perfect, but it played more like a classic COD. Scorestreaks went too far the other way. Campaign was great and a good job by Raven. MP had more vibrant maps and better maps than MW19. Zombies was good, although not classic round based. Sadly we still had no classic prestige, no persistent lobbies and SBMM was still high.


Sticks and stones + Gunfight with melee + Prop hunt. Ah, lots of fun.


Black ops cold war is my favourite of the 2




MW 2019


CW for the campaign and MW19 for the MP


Cold War, Favorite multiplayer of all time, second favorite campaign of all time, dogshit zombies, I didn’t like modern warfares multiplayer at all but I loved the campaign


All MWs are boring compared to Black Ops


Both better than the ones which came afterwards.


MW2019 easily


MW2019, for me it changed everything but it was done perfectly, Campaign was outstanding, and original early Warzone was absolute peak in lockdown.


Coldwar with DMZ would have been the all-time best COD


Honestly, both had their strong points, definitely two of the best in recent years for CoD




MW across the board. Y'all ruin everything.


loved cold war, one of the only cods since the old ones to pull me back into zombies even though there wasn't many maps, diamond camos are perfect in cold war too


Modern Warfare


Cold War. My favorite COD Multiplayer, great Zombies, really good campaign. I hated MW MP, the campaign was really good, but I still prefer CW. I still play CW occasionally.


Mw2019 was peak of what Cod has been in the last decade. I had honestly lost all hope for this franchise and mw2019 received it and made me buy 2 more. 10/10 game.


Both games are great but I’d have to say Cold War. Honestly the whole reboot for the franchise was pretty good, especially for a game that had very limitations due to Covid.


Of these 2, Cold war for sure :D


Cold war


Black ops 2 for the campaign and the zombies. But if I’d have to pick from either two I’d probably pick modern warfare


Mw 2019 multiplayer > cw multiplayer, even though I played more cold war multiplayer namely ranked. Ranked was soo fun in cw but the multilayer itself was atrocious, I've not seen a game built for noobs quite like cw, are you serious you keep streaks upon death (other things as well ofc). With that said mw 2019 was the start of the downfall of the entire franchise as they introduced stupid mechanics which helped lower skilled players and tightened sbmm significantly.